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I've got a ticket.

It's like being given a place in a lifeboat on the Titanic.

I'm a huge Led Zep fan and this has been a dream since I first got into them when I was 15, which was a year after Bonzo died. I'm comfortable that I'm in no way a corporate hanger-on or someone who thinks they might as well go along and see what all the fuss is about this "Led Zeppelin" guy. But at the same time... I personally know people who are far more obsessed with Zep than me, have Black Dog as their phone ring tone, have a cellar full of bootlegs (I only have about ten), have t-shirts and posters, the works... and don't have a ticket.

I'll get over it I reckon, but I do feel pretty bad about it at the moment, and I keep trying not to mention it too often to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the bus, letters to the local newspaper, radio phone in shows... that sort of thing.

How do other ticket holders feel?

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I've got a ticket.

It's like being given a place in a lifeboat on the Titanic.

I'm a huge Led Zep fan and this has been a dream since I first got into them when I was 15, which was a year after Bonzo died. I'm comfortable that I'm in no way a corporate hanger-on or someone who thinks they might as well go along and see what all the fuss is about this "Led Zeppelin" guy. But at the same time... I personally know people who are far more obsessed with Zep than me, have Black Dog as their phone ring tone, have a cellar full of bootlegs (I only have about ten), have t-shirts and posters, the works... and don't have a ticket.

I'll get over it I reckon, but I do feel pretty bad about it at the moment, and I keep trying not to mention it too often to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the bus, letters to the local newspaper, radio phone in shows... that sort of thing.

How do other ticket holders feel?

AAARGGHHHH. Don't ya just hate smart arsed braggers, lol...... have a good time . .Tw*t.
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dont feel guilty, and if you do, perhaps you have other things in your life to feel guilty about and you have a gulity conscience.

look, there are going to be 20 thous led zepp fans in that arena, some will be hardcore fans, others inevitably may only have a one or 2 albums: led zep IV and "best of compilation" for example.

I've been a huge fan for 21 yrs, since i was 14, now 35, about 4 yrs ago. i bought a friend of mine led zep IV, slowly, but surely, the music started to bite, and seeped into his sub-conscience. about two yrs ago, after not getting in touch (just like friends do) for a while, he asked for a all my led zeppelins cds, so that he could burn them all.

i have all the records on vinyl, in the early 90's, updated to cd. my friend still checks his email to see if he has won tickets, but in a way, it's poetic justice, im a huge fan, im a guilty ?

get a grip....

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I've got a ticket.

It's like being given a place in a lifeboat on the Titanic.

I'm a huge Led Zep fan and this has been a dream since I first got into them when I was 15, which was a year after Bonzo died. I'm comfortable that I'm in no way a corporate hanger-on or someone who thinks they might as well go along and see what all the fuss is about this "Led Zeppelin" guy. But at the same time... I personally know people who are far more obsessed with Zep than me, have Black Dog as their phone ring tone, have a cellar full of bootlegs (I only have about ten), have t-shirts and posters, the works... and don't have a ticket.

I'll get over it I reckon, but I do feel pretty bad about it at the moment, and I keep trying not to mention it too often to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the bus, letters to the local newspaper, radio phone in shows... that sort of thing.

How do other ticket holders feel?

You poor thing.

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Sorry you feel that way. Sell it. Know why? Cause you either go and have

the time of your life or stay home. Jimmy wanna rock, Jimmy wanna roll.

Well, disregarding the fact that that post is complete gibberish, I will be going and will be having the time of my life. That doesn't mean that I can't put myself in the position of all those people that don't have a ticket though. I guess the thing all of us chosen ones have to do is to report back on every detail, try and get good pics and audio... and make sure the atmosphere is so warm and electric that the band have no alternative but to go out and do it again.

Sell it? Have a word with yourself, mate.

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Well, disregarding the fact that that post is complete gibberish, I will be going and will be having the time of my life. That doesn't mean that I can't put myself in the position of all those people that don't have a ticket though. I guess the thing all of us chosen ones have to do is to report back on every detail, try and get good pics and audio... and make sure the atmosphere is so warm and electric that the band have no alternative but to go out and do it again.

Sell it? Have a word with yourself, mate.

I've got a ticket but I don't think I'll bother going. Clashes with a Take That gig I'm going to.


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Hey, I can feel it from both sides, I applied and didnt get lucky, I was gutted but hey I didnt expect to be that lucky so I thought oh well I'll just dine out on the time I saw them at the Eissporthalle in Berlin.

THEN on 21 November I got the call 'hey Vic, wanna couple of tickets love Harv' like you I felt guilty and wandered if I should say 'no thanks Harv give it to someone who loves the band more than I do' or maybe 'hey Harv thats great man but could I change it for a Boyz one ticket? but I dug deep and thought F**k it I may as well go I need a good guilt trip, I havent had one since I saw Floyd at Alberts place.

I got friends who will give me their shoulder event I should happen to fall......

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I've got a ticket but I don't think I'll bother going. Clashes with a Take That gig I'm going to.


Now, there's a band that don't let injuries get in their way. Jimmy breaks his little finger and they postpone the gig.

Howard Donald punctures his lung but Take That still carry on....and then there were three.

You might want to weigh up the odds though, maybe another member of TT might sprain an ankle during one of their dance routines. Could free up Lulu, though. she could duet with Robert on Battle of Evermore.

N.B. Howard Donald is apparently a member of Take That. I had to look this up.

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Now, there's a band that don't let injuries get in their way. Jimmy breaks his little finger and they postpone the gig.

Howard Donald punctures his lung but Take That still carry on....and then there were three.

You might want to weigh up the odds though, maybe another member of TT might sprain an ankle during one of their dance routines. Could free up Lulu, though. she could duet with Robert on Battle of Evermore.

N.B. Howard Donald is apparently a member of Take That. I had to look this up.

Yeah right!!!

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Who said I was going? I don't have the money and I don't fly. It doesn't change the fact that it's a rock concert. Again, WTF are you guilty about?

Well, I don't feel guilty about you, if that helps. ;)

I was thinking more of the kind of people that would say, "This gig isn't a matter of Life and Death... It's far more important than that." People like me. I feel for them, that's all.

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I've got a ticket.

It's like being given a place in a lifeboat on the Titanic.

I'm a huge Led Zep fan and this has been a dream since I first got into them when I was 15, which was a year after Bonzo died. I'm comfortable that I'm in no way a corporate hanger-on or someone who thinks they might as well go along and see what all the fuss is about this "Led Zeppelin" guy. But at the same time... I personally know people who are far more obsessed with Zep than me, have Black Dog as their phone ring tone, have a cellar full of bootlegs (I only have about ten), have t-shirts and posters, the works... and don't have a ticket.

I'll get over it I reckon, but I do feel pretty bad about it at the moment, and I keep trying not to mention it too often to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the bus, letters to the local newspaper, radio phone in shows... that sort of thing.

How do other ticket holders feel?

Feel the same as yourself, trying hard not to piss people off but at the same time living for the 10th.

Looking forward to reading all the reviews when we get back.


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I've got a ticket.

It's like being given a place in a lifeboat on the Titanic.

I'm a huge Led Zep fan and this has been a dream since I first got into them when I was 15, which was a year after Bonzo died. I'm comfortable that I'm in no way a corporate hanger-on or someone who thinks they might as well go along and see what all the fuss is about this "Led Zeppelin" guy. But at the same time... I personally know people who are far more obsessed with Zep than me, have Black Dog as their phone ring tone, have a cellar full of bootlegs (I only have about ten), have t-shirts and posters, the works... and don't have a ticket.

I'll get over it I reckon, but I do feel pretty bad about it at the moment, and I keep trying not to mention it too often to friends, family, colleagues, strangers on the bus, letters to the local newspaper, radio phone in shows... that sort of thing.

Thanks for not mentioning it on message boards either... :(:P

Hey - enjoy the feeling! I'm sure most Zep fans are happy for you...

...they can't be all as bitter and jealous as I am! :D

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