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I Am Jealous of the lot of You.

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Most of the people on this board have been to a Zeppelin concert, words cannot describe my jealousy. I seriously wish I was a teen in the seventies so I could experience what you guys have. Maybe more shows will come up in the future, but only people willing to take out a second mortgage on their house could get to one (aka not me).

Well, I guess if I watch the RAH 1970 enough I'll think I'm there. B)

*watches for 6 hours*

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Most of the people on this board have been to a Zeppelin concert, words cannot describe my jealousy. I seriously wish I was a teen in the seventies so I could experience what you guys have. Maybe more shows will come up in the future, but only people willing to take out a second mortgage on their house could get to one (aka not me).

Well, I guess if I watch the RAH 1970 enough I'll think I'm there. B)

*watches for 6 hours*

I felt the same way when I was a teen in the 80's. Some guy in his 30's heard my friend and I talking about it. He came over and said, "I couldn't help overhearing you girls, and I just wanted to say that THIS is your time. Don't miss any of it!"

Now I have a daughter the same age as you and it's fun to see her discovering old bands while enjoying the new ones. But don't be jealous- it might make you miss the things that the kids will be jealous of when YOU'RE in your 30's! :)

I DID get to see The Firm and THe Honeydrippers, so that was cool. Very good concerts.

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times change. music changes.

Its just sad to think that whenever i have kids there gonna say "You could've had the chance to see my chemical romance live and you didn't ?!?! your nuts pop !"

I'd just tell them MCR were horrid and only wrist cutters liked them. :rolleyes: Just like my mum says she hated AC/DC.

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im conflicted. it would have been amazing to see led (and many other bands) in their day of course, but ive had some pretty good experiences at modern rock shows. muse for one puts on a spectacular performance. flogging molly is a rollicking good time too.

ps: my mom says she saw led zeppelin and pink floyd when she was young, but doesnt really remember the shows and doesnt really care to. wtf?!

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Umm, some progress has made us worse off than we were before. Look at all the pollution we have today and some modern products which are jokes compared to their older counter parts eg. Michigan made cars.

What I am saying is, if you sit around thinking about how great old cars were, but not doing anything to change modern cars, then you have achieved nothing. Use the past to learn from our mistakes, and to know what was good and what was not, but don't look back so much into the past that you forget to do something about the future.

I think others had hit onto an important point too - nostalgia makes things seem really important now, when at the time they may not have seemed so important. That is why I am saying, great, enjoy the past, study it, but don't do it at the expense of the present and the future. Because you won't necessarily know right away that something important is happening now, you will only know in hindsight. And by that time you will either be sad that you weren't paying attention because you were listening to Zep all day, or you will be glad that you were paying some attention to the present too.

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im conflicted. it would have been amazing to see led (and many other bands) in their day of course, but ive had some pretty good experiences at modern rock shows. muse for one puts on a spectacular performance. flogging molly is a rollicking good time too.

ps: my mom says she saw led zeppelin and pink floyd when she was young, but doesnt really remember the shows and doesnt really care to. wtf?!

:lol: Maybe one day she will. Sometimes memories can pop up out of nowhere.

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What I am saying is, if you sit around thinking about how great old cars were, but not doing anything to change modern cars, then you have achieved nothing. Use the past to learn from our mistakes, and to know what was good and what was not, but don't look back so much into the past that you forget to do something about the future.

I think others had hit onto an important point too - nostalgia makes things seem really important now, when at the time they may not have seemed so important. That is why I am saying, great, enjoy the past, study it, but don't do it at the expense of the present and the future. Because you won't necessarily know right away that something important is happening now, you will only know in hindsight. And by that time you will either be sad that you weren't paying attention because you were listening to Zep all day, or you will be glad that you were paying some attention to the present too.

Yes true, you have to be the change you want to see in the world. Sometimes it means doing things that are not seen as being popular by many people. For me it is ignoring pop culture I don't want to be a part of because I don't like it and embracing what I do like. There are some things best left untouched and ignored, eg, emo music, the come back of horrid 80's fashions, disposable and wasteful products so much a part of modern life at the moment. Change can start as something as simple as that, it only takes one person to start a revolution. Why do something you don't like and don't want to be a part of? Being to focused on the future can have deadly effects- would you like to see another mass extermination of people like what happened during Holocust, just because some people became to jaded and dismissed it all?

Just a though- there are many trends today I don't want to be a part of just because I don't like them and don't believe in them.

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I got the strange feeling that if thepeople who complain that today's music is shit and how they would have loved to live in the 60s/70s had lived in the 60s/70s, they would have moaned about how terrible all that "new" 60s/70s music was and how much they'd loved to have been around in the 1950s. :rolleyes:

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Most of the people on this board have been to a Zeppelin concert, words cannot describe my jealousy. I seriously wish I was a teen in the seventies so I could experience what you guys have. Maybe more shows will come up in the future, but only people willing to take out a second mortgage on their house could get to one (aka not me).

Well, I guess if I watch the RAH 1970 enough I'll think I'm there. B)

*watches for 6 hours*

Well, for starters I wouldn't say that "most people" on the board have seen Zep at all. It's more likely to be the minority than the majority.

And as other people have said, you should live in the now! Embrace your own generation...there's no point on just dwelling on a fantasy like that.

Well, of course some fantasies are great fun when dwelled on for a few minutes ( ;) ), but don't get too bogged down with a silly idea that will never happen!

There's plenty of great stuff that's going on now - enjoy it!

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