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Chuck Prophet "Dreaming Waylon's Dreams"


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By Chuck Prophet

Why We Did What We Did To Waylon Jennings (God Rest His Soul). No Shit.

On Friday, January 5th we were all at Closer Recording Studios on Howard Street in San Francisco. Mr. Chuck Prophet and Stephanie Finch were upstairs in their closet-sized office and Tim Mooney, Nate Cavalieri, David Manning and I (John Murry), were downstairs in the main studio control room. J.J. Wiesler was in his studio down the hall with Max Butler, Mark Pistel and Robbie on drums. Sean Coleman was there, too. He's got a room upstairs where he's constantly building strange electronic shit or tearing strange electronic shit apart. Figuring out which he's doing when is an impossibility. Sean and Tim own the studio. The studio, like every self-respecting establishment, has a high-falutin', fancy smancy alarm system to keep folks out. We didn't know it can keep people in, as well. Sean left, set the code, and went somewhere. We didn't know he'd left for some time. He's like that, all slinky and stuff; like a garden snake in tall grass.

You can read the rest of the article here:


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