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The Grammar Police

PJ Slocum

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For me it's the misuse of the apostrophy, if you don't know how to use it just leave it out!

But I think ain't is the correct contraction for am not and I think we should use it correctly (not we ain't, they ain't or you ain't) until it is reaccepted into the language.

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The misuse of an apostrophe drive me crazy. That's definitely a written issue, not a spoken one.

It's the written issues that drive me crazy.

today alone I've seen the misuse of




their/they're and the non-existent theyre

ugh. I can handle spoken things that are different from how I say things, but written mistakes drive me crazy!!!!

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What about people saying "irregardless?" Is that even a word? I don't remember hearing it until recently.

It's not a word, at least it's not considered proper English....like the word "ain't". The right word to use is "regardless", as in "I am going to the movie, regardless of the weather."

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did you know that whelmed and overwhelmed mean the same thing?

My senior year English teacher taught us that. He was wondering what "whelmed" meant on its own.

Damn... there goes one of my pet sayings then... :'( <_<

Last month I was underwhelmed. Last week I was overwhelmed. Today I'm just whelmed.



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Nothing really "drives me crazy" if there are so many mistakes that make it unreadable, I just skip it.

There are too many things in life that could drive you crazy, grammer mistakes are not one of mine.

I do however sometimes delight in finding mistakes in published books. :lol:

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Jimmy Carter said it the same way and he worked on nuclear subs when he was in the Navy.

Wasnt former President Carter the guy on the subs who opened the portholes to let some fresh air in while the sub was underwater? :D

And the present President Bush didnt he send troops into Iraq after imaginary W.M.D.s like our own former Prime Minister Blair?

Bloody politicians, now if Pete Townshend was P.M. with Roger Daltrey as Chancellor, oh what fun there really would be 'fighting in the streets', LOL :D

Just joking


A Democratic Socialist (BUT NOT A COMMUNIST)

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