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The Spats Thread


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Mine too;but I have no problem "admitting" it.

It's my favorite fuckin' word.

As a matter of fact;I hate it when people say "the F-word",but this isn't the pet peeves thread,so I'll leave it at that.

I can watch my language when I have to;but fortunately, that doesn't happen often.

In order to bring this back on topic:

Spats,if you don't take some of the advice offered in this thread,you're going to be miserable and alone for your whole fucking life.

I'm beginning to think that is what you really want.

That's the last thing i want. :o I have taken some of the advice. I have been giving out my number. It's hard sometimes to take advice if it goes against what you believe in and who you are as a person. Or if it is something you are not good at.

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That's the last thing i want. :o I have taken some of the advice. I have been giving out my number. It's hard sometimes to take advice if it goes against what you believe in and who you are as a person. Or if it is something you are not good at.

It's amazing (but not surprising), that after 56 pages in this thread, and hundreds of pages in other threads, that the only thing you've learned or taken to heart is the idea of handing out your number. People have been consistently telling you that your attitudes, ideas, and who you are is fundamentally fucked up, and your response is "yeah, but your advice is against who I am and what I believe". Exactly, that's the point.

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It's amazing (but not surprising), that after 56 pages in this thread, and hundreds of pages in other threads, that the only thing you've learned or taken to heart is the idea of handing out your number. People have been consistently telling you that your attitudes, ideas, and who you are is fundamentally fucked up, and your response is "yeah, but your advice is against who I am and what I believe". Exactly, that's the point.

Handing out my number was a big deal for me. And it bombed. I don't know what the next tip i should try is. I am willing to try some of it. But there is some that is just too out there for me. I don't want to take some advice that is gonna fall flat for me. I have been told to be aggressive, but i am not an aggressive person. Ya know what i mean? How do you do stuff that is the opposite of what you normally do?

If i do the "Mr.Gentlemen" routine i will feel silly and a fake because i think doing that is sill. I would be a hypocrite wouldn't i? And i never see it work.

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So what if they do? Again, they do because they can. Men will come to them. Not you, but plenty will. What's your point?

What about the women that don't get approached. Not all women do. And not all women get approached by the guys they want to approach.

I was just wondering what her opinion is on women who sit around and feel it's the guys's job?

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Handing out my number was a big deal for me. And it bombed. I don't know what the next tip i should try is. I am willing to try some of it. But there is some that is just too out there for me. I don't want to take some advice that is gonna fall flat for me. I have been told to be aggressive, but i am not an aggressive person. Ya know what i mean? How do you do stuff that is the opposite of what you normally do?

If i do the "Mr.Gentlemen" routine i will feel silly and a fake because i think doing that is sill. I would be a hypocrite wouldn't i? And i never see it work.

And i have decided to eliminate the waiting a while before calling her back. I probably can't afford to do that right now.

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This reminds me of a Pink Floyd song: "How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, what have we found?---the same old fears----wish you were here."

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"backside" hehehe....

It's cute how you don't swear or use bad words and phrases.

I would rather be found cute by women for other reasons, Lately it's never the reasons i want. But thanks anyway. :D

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No, looks are still the first thing i notice and want. But while the girl from New Years wasn't Beautiful, she was cute. And she seemed like a nice, cool girl up until the hinting routine. So i still would have gone out with her. 5 years ago i would not have been open to that. I think that's something. :D

Why would you not have gone out with a cute, nice, cool girl?

Because she hinted that she wanted you to call her?? :blink:

[take your pick] -->




What do i want in girlfriend?

1.- I want her to be pretty.

2.- I want her to be nice.

3.- I want to her be fun and hopefully make me laugh. (it's hard to find a woman that can make me laugh)

4.- I want her to be very independant

5.- i want her to be assertive

6.- I want her to be intelligent

How's that?

I think its kinda sad that "intelligent" is last on your list. :rolleyes:

If you swapped pretty and intelligent, I'd have been much more impressed. Had you done that, you would have actually succeeded at the very simple task you were assigned (which was to come up with a list in which physical appearance was not in your top 5 qualities that you seek in a woman). Had you put pretty at #6, you would have shown a sign of maturity,.. but alas you kept pretty at #1 and thus have shown your shallowness and immaturity.

It seems you have not actually matured over the last five years like you'd convinced yourself you had.

Think about this, spats: "pretty" is the only quality on your list that is guaranteed to deteriorate over time. All the other qualities can continue to blossom and deepen; but looks do not last. This is an absolute fact. So what are you gonna do when your woman's looks start to deteriorate? Are you simply gonna dump her and go find another woman who meets your #1 criteria: "pretty"? Or might you recognize.. right here and right now.. that "attractiveness" and "beauty" are ultimately not about being a "hottie"?


Can you grasp the concept that "attractiveness" and "beauty" are ultimately not about being a "hottie"?

Can you, spats? Huh?.. Can you?!

FYI.. You better say yes, or you're gonna be hearing *THIS* from Liz..

or *THIS* from someone else.

or maybe even *THIS*. covereyes.gif


oh,.. but if you get it right,.. then you might hear *THIS*

..or better yet,.. maybe even *CLICK* :cheer:

Come on,.. bud,.. the pressure's on.. answer correctly! :thumbsup:


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Why would you not have gone out with a cute, nice, cool girl?


So what are you gonna do when your woman's looks start to deteriorate? Are you simply gonna dump her and go find another woman who meets your #1 criteria: "pretty"? Or might you recognize.. right here and right now.. that "attractiveness" and "beauty" are ultimately not about being a "hottie"?


Can you grasp the concept that "attractiveness" and "beauty" are ultimately not about being a "hottie"?

Can you, spats? Huh?.. Can you?!

.. the pressure's on.. answer correctly! :thumbsup:


Hey Hermit, I really admire your effort and tenacity, but you are trying way too hard at this. I hope it pays off, but don't hold your breath.

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Being a hottie is about looks and physical appearances in a small way.

I repeat SMALL way.

I have dated some smoking hot men---and I don't stay with them because they end up being complete assholes or they're just plain stupid. I'm not saying every single "total hottie" is a complete asshole, but in my experience, if I date someone based on almost nothing but physical apperance, I find I've wasted too much of my valuable time.

Now, I've learned that a man that's got a great sense of humor; has respect for other people, let alone women; takes care of himself physically; and shares interests with me is much, much more the definition of a "hottie" than the ones that are just nice too look at.

Call me crazy, but I'd much rather spend my life with a person I could have could conversations with and connect with on an interpersonal level instead of thinking about how good he looks while he's performing in the sack. LOL

Edited by manderlyh
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Hey Spats.....say the word "fuck" many times to yourself. Throw in a "shit", "ass" and "dick". It'll make you feel better. You're an adult now.....you can use adult words.

Try this one, Spatty-poo.


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Everybody looks stupid as hell when they have sex. There wouldn't be any people on earth if we were stopping to check the mirror. Spats is so disconnected, I feel bad for him. There's no balance there, no flow, no natural appreciation for just being in the moment. The moment makes it beautiful, not some idea of what it should look like. God, I'm so frustrated for Spats! And the women he sees!

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Handing out my number was a big deal for me. And it bombed. I don't know what the next tip i should try is. I am willing to try some of it. But there is some that is just too out there for me. I don't want to take some advice that is gonna fall flat for me. I have been told to be aggressive, but i am not an aggressive person. Ya know what i mean? How do you do stuff that is the opposite of what you normally do?

If i do the "Mr.Gentlemen" routine i will feel silly and a fake because i think doing that is sill. I would be a hypocrite wouldn't i? And i never see it work.

Nothing is going to help you but counseling.

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