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The Spats Thread


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Do you think he's really like this with women outside of the forums? :lol: It's obvious that the persona that he is here, has been sculpted. I'm sure he's not as picky as you'd think.

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If she wants me to do the asking then she is gonna want me to ask for the date, and the next thing ya know she will be expecting me to pull out the chair, make sure her glass is full, yadda, yadda. I will be doing everything and she will just be sitting back and enjoying it. If she has that attitude when it comes to getting the number then she will have it in other things in her life. The list will go on. I want to get everything that i give. And you won't see women doing those things. What i am gonna be getting in return?

Well, let me post this AGAIN, maybe it'll sink in someday. But it won't...

Actually, you DO get stuff in return for being a gentleman. But it might not be an immediate quid pro quo (look it up Spats). You're cultivating something for the future. If you're nice and do all the gentlemanly things, the woman will think you're a great guy, and it will pay dividends. But Spats wants to keep score, and thinks that for every nice thing he does, she should immediately turn around and do the same, so it's always equal. Heaven forbid he does a few nice things, and the score becomes uneven. That's why he holds back, because he doesn't want to put himself too much out there, even once he's on the date. Doing a few nice things which aren't immediately reciprocated would mean he's a chump (to him), and so he doesn't bother. He can't let the "score" get too uneven, or he feels like he's "losing" on the date. He's not able to see the big picture, where doing nice things will pay off in the long run.
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I agree that it's hard to look good getting it on. I remember once being in "the moment" with an ex girlfriend and she was enjoying the hell out of herself and we were having a good time but She was squeezing the stuffings out of me and making funny ass faces, and swearing and while it felt good ( except for her python grip on me. I was sore afterwards) it just looked really bad. It's really not possible to look good doing it.

Close your eyes ya silly bastard.You worry to much.Your making sex to serious.Christ,have some fun.There is no rule that says you can't laugh while your having sex.With all the shit going on in your head, I'm amazed that you can even get it up.Lighten up my friend. You only live once.

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Close your eyes ya silly bastard.You worry to much.Your making sex to serious.Christ,have some fun.There is no rule that says you can't laugh while your having sex.With all the shit going on in your head, I'm amazed that you can even get it up.Lighten up my friend. You only live once.

Read this a thousand times, Spats. It just might be too simple and effective for you.

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:hysterical: I know. The thing is, when there's trust it's okay to say, "Ease up a little!" When I'm with the guy I see, we have no problem saying that. One time he squeezed my ass too hard and I yelled at him and he said sorry and we continued! No problem. Another time I accidentally smushed his boys and he yelled at me and I said sorry and we continued! Trust, Spats. Trust makes all things possible :P


It's always fun when you yelp "ouch!"

(not really fun--I was being sarcastic)

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So, Spats...out of curiousity, what exactly do you find attractive in the opposite sex? What constitutes a Spats-approved "hottie"?

Do you like 'em slender, average, curvy?

Blondes, brunettes, redheads?

Short, medium, tall?

Are you a leg man, a butt man, a boob man?

If you believe some of his posts in the man thread, there are many young women who don't qualify. He goes for some movie star types. There were a lot of very pretty women in that thread that did not meet his standards. He mentioned a couple actresses he thought were hot but that's about it.

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Ahhhh..OK. ;)

He's really gotta understand that a hoo-hoo is for much more than making wee-wee or getting poked with a po-po. And a po-po is for much more than making wee-wee or sticking in a hoo-hoo.

I knew there was a reason I visited this thread before I turned in for the night.


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spats, spats, spats.. :rolleyes:

No one ever said that looks don't matter at all or don't play a role in attraction.

They do. That's a no-brainer (which may explain why that's the one thing you get).

The more pertinent points that seem to be eluding you are:

1. if your primary criteria in looking for a girlfriend is that she must be

a "hottie",.. that is clearly a sign of your shallowness and immaturity.

2. there are more important qualities than looks that go into making someone truly "attractive".

Someone who is a "hottie" might be dumb as a fucking doornail; might be stuck up, boring, vapid, self-centered, selfish, superficial, etc. How truly attractive is that person? Not very, imho. Sure, you might wanna bang her a few times, but would you want her as a girlfriend or life partner? I wouldn't. Conversely, a woman who might be considered plain looking, or even homely perhaps, might also be very caring, thoughtful, intelligent, humble, generous, funny, charming, adventurous, a great lover, might have similar interests as you, etc. To me, the latter woman would be far more attractive.. as a prospective girlfriend.. than the "hottie".

Now you may get lucky and come across a physically beautiful woman who is also caring, thoughtful, intelligent, generous, funny, charming, humble, adventurous, a great lover, have similar interests as you, etc. Well hey, then you've gone and hit the jackpot, haven't you?! But the point being that if your primary criteria in a girlfriend is that she must be a "hottie",.. then obviously you aren't really considering, in a mature and thoughtful manner, what it is that makes people truly attractive.

You're probably not computing any of the above, but there it is anyway, bud. ;)

cheers. :beer:


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If you believe some of his posts in the man thread, there are many young women who don't qualify. He goes for some movie star types. There were a lot of very pretty women in that thread that did not meet his standards. He mentioned a couple actresses he thought were hot but that's about it.

So, really....he's more attracted to FAME than actual LOOKS? Hmmmm.

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I don't know about that------maybe............I don't really get it.......You might want to check out the posts if you are not offended by guys discussing scantily clad women.

What posts?

The ones in the man thread?

I've seen those.

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What posts?

The ones in the man thread?

I've seen those.

I'm pretty sure it was the man thread, but maybe it was in the beautiful women thread. Anyways, there were a few posts where everyone thought he was too picky, let me put it that way.

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Ahhhh..OK. ;)

He's really gotta understand that a hoo-hoo is for much more than making wee-wee or getting poked with a po-po. And a po-po is for much more than making wee-wee or sticking in a hoo-hoo.

This is the greatest post ever typed and submitted to this site.


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I couldn't even begin to get a hard-on if she was ugly!

Looks ARE the first, most important thing in attraction. I don't care how attracted I'd be to her mind, if she doesn't have the looks the pants stay on. Then again, if she were to pull up her shirt and it got hung up on her head, there might be a chance for some faceless romance.

Do you think that might work for you too spats?

Same here. I have female friends who i get along great with and who a nice girls,etc,. As great as the personalities are i still don't find them phyiscally attractive for the most part. That makes me shallow?

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Spats, I cannot believe it, but I am actually losing patience :blink:

If you do not show manners, you won't get the woman past point A. If you only care about yourself, the women would most likely ditch you and you won't get past point A

. [point A]____________________________.[point B- an unreachable point if you only care for yourself]

When you show the woman you care, she will most likely show you that she cares as well.

and then you might get to .[point B]

And if you care for her and she only cares for herself, then that's her problem, not yours, si?

Now enough with complaining about "ohhhh, I'm too good to pull out a chair" or "ohhhh, lending her a hand will show sexism"

This is what Matt and Hermit and Nathan were trying to say

I couldn't believe I got pulled into this thread because I lost patience. :thumbdown:

I agree everyone should show manners. But manners do not have to include waiting on her and lifting and opening everything for her or making sure all of "her needs are met". I just don't want to act like they are better than me or something by doing all that stuff. If she is doing that stuff for me then at least things would be equal.

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So, Spats...out of curiousity, what exactly do you find attractive in the opposite sex? What constitutes a Spats-approved "hottie"?

Do you like 'em slender, average, curvy?

Blondes, brunettes, redheads?

Short, medium, tall?

Are you a leg man, a butt man, a boob man?

I like them to be in good shape. But I don't want them boney thin . Or to look like they are starving themselves. That's not hot. There is nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones. But in a healthy way. Some curves are nice.

I used to be only into blondes for the most part but i am not picky about hair color anymore. Last couple girlfriends had dark hair.

I like them to be in my height range. A little shorter or my height. If there is too big a height difference it can be uncomfortable for obvious reasons. I wouldn't mind hooking up with a girl who was a little taller than me. I have always had the fantasy for getting it on with a woman taller than me for some reason.

I am a boobie man for the most part. Not too big but not too small either. In between i guess. But i my last girlfriend didn't have the size boobs that i like but i still hooked up with her. Tehy were a little smalller than i like. But i am not really strict on that.

I prfer long hair but again not really strict on that. Full lips are really hot too. :P

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Do you think he's really like this with women outside of the forums? :lol: It's obvious that the persona that he is here, has been sculpted. I'm sure he's not as picky as you'd think.

They don't have to look like super models but i do like pretty. But i will settle for cute like the New years girl. I am like this is in my everyday life. Just a little less outspoken and open with my opinions. With women in particular. Once i get to know them and trust them then i can open up somewhat more. Not totally but more.

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Well, let me post this AGAIN, maybe it'll sink in someday. But it won't...

That's true. If i don't get the nice things done in return very soon then i feel like i am being used or taken advantage of. I don't want to be getting it returned weeks later. It should be back and forth. Not one sided.

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Close your eyes ya silly bastard.You worry to much.Your making sex to serious.Christ,have some fun.There is no rule that says you can't laugh while your having sex.With all the shit going on in your head, I'm amazed that you can even get it up.Lighten up my friend. You only live once.

You are right i need to be less self concious. It's not easy though. I have been that way for awhile.

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:hysterical: I know. The thing is, when there's trust it's okay to say, "Ease up a little!" When I'm with the guy I see, we have no problem saying that. One time he squeezed my ass too hard and I yelled at him and he said sorry and we continued! No problem. Another time I accidentally smushed his boys and he yelled at me and I said sorry and we continued! Trust, Spats. Trust makes all things possible :P

Well we had not been together that long and i didn't want to kill the mood. I was caught off guard by how strong she was. Wow. I told her that afterwards. She asked if she hurt me at all and of course i didn't want to admit that i was a little sore so i said no.

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If you believe some of his posts in the man thread, there are many young women who don't qualify. He goes for some movie star types. There were a lot of very pretty women in that thread that did not meet his standards. He mentioned a couple actresses he thought were hot but that's about it.

i just thought they were plain for the most part. And someone asked me what i found hot and i mentioned Sienna Miller and Eva Mendes. That's just the first names that came to my head.

That hooker that the politician hooked up with is really hot too. :D

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