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The Spats Thread


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Let me just post this again, since you either didn't read, or it didn't sink in (happens a lot, I know)

Well i guess it goes back to what experiences a person has had. It directs their behavior and attitude. I am just going by my experiences. You have obviously had better experiences than I have if you are all for that stuff.

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Yes i do. But if you are not getting anything in return then it's wrong.

Have you ever given anyone a present and not cared whether you got anything from them in return? You know, just gave someone a gift out of the kindness of your heart and didn't think for 1 nanosecond about getting anything back.

Answer this question. That doesn't mean skip it.

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Well i guess it goes back to what experiences a person has had. It directs their behavior and attitude. I am just going by my experiences. You have obviously had better experiences than I have if you are all for that stuff.

You are not real.You sir are an imposter.

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But why should you do those things for a woman? Why should you open her car door for her? It just seems the guy is doing everything. A guy should get something in return ( i don't mean that in a sexual way) or else he is just be used and taken advantage of.

You are so wrong it makes me cry. You are so incorrect it's painful. And you are so stubborn it's almost deadly.

Why should you do those things for a woman? How's about... BECAUSE YOU CARE!

Why aren't girls falling for you? Why are your ways working "less and less?" Because NO girl wants a guy who isn't a gentleman.

What is a gentleman, spats? The gentleman is the man who holds open a door and let's the lady in first. The gentleman is the man who opens her car door for her and takes her hand as she gets out of the car. The gentleman is the man who pulls her chair out for her so she can sit down. If one of you made dinner, the gentleman is the man who let's the woman sit first and have her food and drink first, unless she insists on serving you (my last girlfriend did that sometimes... both of us cook, and many of our dates were at eachother's house... whenever she cooked for me, she insisted on serving me, letting me sit first, etc... In return, I did exactly the same, and a lot of times more, when I cooked for her... this was, of course, when our parents were out of town, which, at the time, was often... enough). The gentleman is the man who gives her gifts, such as flowers and jewelery and such (belive me, the easiest hint to decipher from a woman is what kinds of gifts she likes to get... she'll tell you by pointing out the items at stores and saying things like "I love that" or "I've always wanted one of those" or "I've always wanted to try that" which almost always means "will you get it for me?"). Basically, the gentleman is the man who does every single thing you seem to be against.

I don't know why you are so focused on the short-term. You seem quite selfish, and no, it's not reasonable to think what you think, so don't even try and ask that question. What do you get by acting the above? Well, the obvious one is sex, but you also get happiness.

Now does all this mean you have to do this on EVERY date? Well, be courteous, kind, and chivalrous on every date, yes. But cater to her every date? Make every date about her? HELL NO! The best part about making the first date about her is the guarantee that one of the dates coming up is gonna be all about you. It may not be the second, or the third, or the fourth date... but if you just have some patience, you'll start finding that she's asking you out on dates, and more of them slowly become about you. Yes, there's a give-and-take. You want her to be a lady towards you, then you need to act the gentleman. For every one date that's about you, there needs to be two dates about her. And the first date is always, always, always about her. Period. End of subject.

And while doing all that, the only reason you wouldn't be having fun on the first date is because you aren't attracted to her. If you're attracted to her... if you like her... then while the first date is all about her, you'll still have fun. You'll enjoy talking to her, getting to know her, laughing with her... you WILL have fun if there's a real attraction there. But if the first date isn't about her, then there simply won't be any more dates.

Why does the first date have to be about her? Because, in reality, it's all about you... about testing you. On that first date, she's is trying to figure out who YOU are. Are you a kind person? Are you a mean person? Would you protect her if someone tried to hurt her? Would YOU hurt her? Would you buy her gifts? Would you ignore her? Are you romantic? Are you just looking for "a hot piece of ass?" On the entire date, the girl, in her head, is answering all these questions and more about you. You're goal is to give the RIGHT answers:

Are you a kind person?


Are you a mean person?


Would you protect her if someone tried to hurt her?


Would YOU hurt her?


Would you buy her gifts?


Would you ignore her?


Are you romantic?


Are you just looking for "a hot piece of ass?"


These are the answers you want her to have. So you HAVE to make the date all about her in order to form a good first impression. Is it wrong for girls to ask these questions? To test you like that? No! If no girls did this, the rate of girls getting beat by men they liked would be high. Girls protect themselves this way. You have to make sure the girl knows you aren't abusive or just looking to get your hand down her pants. That's what she's trying to avoid by testing you.

But what about you? Shouldn't you have to form a good first impression about her? Well... you've asked her out... doesn't that mean she's already made a good first impression on you?

I don't care how much you want to deny it, Spats, but us men are simple creatures. We don't need to answer all these questions. We can try to, like you are, but it only serves to make us confused, just like you are, wondering why we can't seem to get a date. When we first see her, we see that she's attractive. Most guys will talk her up before asking her out, so we'll get to know a bit about her then (even I'll talk up a prospect, and you have no idea just how introverted I am... ever heard of the uncomfortable silence?... I'm the reigning champion at it :'( ). We'll get to know who she is. THEN we decide if we're gonna ask her out. When we do, it's our turn to make a good impression. So the first date is all about her.

Do you think a woman should do all those same things for a guy?

Not those exact same things, no, but they should be just as ladylike and chivalrous. However, they aren't going to be if we men aren't, and we should not expect them to. "Treat others as you wish to be treated." If you really want her to treat you like that, then you need to treat HER like that. It's a two-way street. Give-and-take. Only when you give are you allowed to take.

My concrete reason is that those things that people have mentioned have not worked for me. If they did i would be doing them.

Okay, here's a question I'm sure has been asked and answered. I ask with all due respect, and whatever your answer I'm not trying to make an example out of it. I would simply like to determine something. I hope you will answer, though. I will say this... anyone else who wishes to make a derogatory comment based on his answer, please don't. Thank you.

spats... how old are you?

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Have you ever given anyone a present and not cared whether you got anything from them in return? You know, just gave someone a gift out of the kindness of your heart and didn't think for 1 nanosecond about getting anything back.

Answer this question. That doesn't mean skip it.

Yes. But wouldn't you question it if they didn't give you a present. You wouldn't think they were ungrateful or had no manners?

There i answered your question. Now answer the one i asked of you.

Do you think a woman should be doing those type things for the guy?

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Yes. But wouldn't you question it if they didn't give you a present. You wouldn't think they were ungrateful or had no manners?

OH MY FUCKING JESUS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Do you even understand what it means to give something to someone and not want anything in return other than gratitude? I don't give people gifts or say kind things to them under the expectation of getting something equal in return. What the fuck is the point of giving if all you're interested in is getting?

I hate you more than I hate President Bush.

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OH MY FUCKING JESUS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

If someone gave you a gift you wouldn't give them one?

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Part of me's starting to wonder if spats really isn't real. That it's just someone getting his kicks making the rest of us pissed at him...

No offense at all to you spats if I'm way off mark on that one, but sometimes it comes across that way. I don't think I've ever known anyone as clueless as you are.

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Part of me's starting to wonder if spats really isn't real. That it's just someone getting his kicks making the rest of us pissed at him...

No offense at all to you spats if I'm way off mark on that one, but sometimes it comes across that way. I don't think I've ever known anyone as clueless as you are.

It's not clueless. I am just going by my experiences. I do my best to avoid past mistakes.

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Part of me's starting to wonder if spats really isn't real. That it's just someone getting his kicks making the rest of us pissed at him...

No offense at all to you spats if I'm way off mark on that one, but sometimes it comes across that way. I don't think I've ever known anyone as clueless as you are.

Yep, everyone comes around to this line of thinking eventually. You think "no one could be this huge of an idiot. NO ONE." You figure he can't be real, because nobody could be as stubborn, childish, and obtuse as Spats. That's the question for the ages, my friend...is Spats real?

He's either the greatest internet scam artist/troll the world has ever known, or simply the biggest idiot the world has ever known. We may never know...

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If someone gave you a gift you wouldn't give them one?

So on my birthday, when people give me gifts.....I'm supposed to give gifts back? That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. The only time I give gifts to people who gave them to me is Christmas. Other than that, if you give me a gift, I say thank you and then send you a thank you note/card (because that's what I was raised to do) and that's it. Most people give gifts to people simply for gratitude. They just like seeing people happy and smiling. They don't do it to get something back.

That's why you're supposed to open a door for your date, or pull out her chair. Not to get something back, but to see her smile and say "thank you". Because sometimes that can mean the world to a person.

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You wouldn't question it if you were giving and getting nothing from them?


You wouldn't wonder why?


If someone you gave you a gift you wouldn't give them one?

Well, at the very least I'd find a way to say thank you.

spats, giving isn't about getting back. Giving is about just that... giving.

I do, BTW, expect a response to my last post... the entirety of it.

A quick lesson to help you. In order to split a post up so you can answer each section here's what you have to do:

1. Once you've found the first section of a post you want to respond to, put [ /quote ] (without the spaces) at the end of it and write your response underneath that.

2. Then put [ quote ] (without the spaces) at the start of the next section. When you get to end of the next section you wish to respond to to, put [ /quote ] (without the spaces) at the end of it and write your response underneath that.

3. Repeat step 2 until you get to the last section.

4. At the last section, all you have to put is [ quote ] (without the spaces) at the beginning of it because the [ /quote ] (without the spaces) is already there.

And that's how you split a post up to respond to the different sections. Remember, no spaces in those codes.

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Yes i do. But if you are not getting anything in return then it's wrong.


You have no understanding of love.


Nor of consideration.

Nor of generosity of spirit or heart.

Nor of relationships.

You need counseling in the worst way.

But hey,.. through you and your incredible vapidity and relationship ineptitude, the rest of are being reminded on a daily basis of what a blessing love is, and.. through trying to guide you along.. we remind ourselves and eachother how we should treat those we love and cherish.

Thanks, spats!


If you are real, your ineptitude is proving to serve us all (except you*).

If you are a fake and a sham, I'd say your teaching style is ingenious.

Fwiw,.. my money says you're inept.. and vapid.,. and immature. :P



*and Liz,.. in whom you seem to arouse a great deal of hatred. :unsure:

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So on my birthday, when people give me gifts.....I'm supposed to give gifts back? That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. The only time I give gifts to people who gave them to me is Christmas. Other than that, if you give me a gift, I say thank you and then send you a thank you note/card (because that's what I was raised to do) and that's it. Most people give gifts to people simply for gratitude. They just like seeing people happy and smiling. They don't do it to get something back.

That's why you're supposed to open a door for your date, or pull out her chair. Not to get something back, but to see her smile and say "thank you". Because sometimes that can mean the world to a person.

Birthday is different. But i have never got any gifts other than on my birthday or Xmas or Valentines day. I have never got a gift from someone just for the hell of it.

Do you think the woman should do those things for the man as well?

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Well, at the very least I'd find a way to say thank you.

spats, giving isn't about getting back. Giving is about just that... giving.

I do, BTW, expect a response to my last post... the entirety of it.

A quick lesson to help you. In order to split a post up so you can answer each section here's what you have to do:

1. Once you've found the first section of a post you want to respond to, put [ /quote ] (without the spaces) at the end of it and write your response underneath that.

2. Then put [ quote ] (without the spaces) at the start of the next section. When you get to end of the next section you wish to respond to to, put [ /quote ] (without the spaces) at the end of it and write your response underneath that.

3. Repeat step 2 until you get to the last section.

4. At the last section, all you have to put is [ quote ] (without the spaces) at the beginning of it because the [ /quote ] (without the spaces) is already there.

And that's how you split a post up to respond to the different sections. Remember, no spaces in those codes.

Thanks. I's tried to do it and it didn't work. The post came out looking stupid.

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Spats is being especially obtuse and a pain the ass today, isn't he?

It's our lucky day. I'm happy I have to go to work soon.

And spats dear......I've answered that question probably 5 times in the various threads you've overtaken in your tenure here and on the old board. The answer is "it depends". If the guy has his arms full of shit, yes....open the door. If he has a broken arm, and can't pull out the chair or something, yes.....pull out the chair.

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Thanks. I's tried to do it and it didn't work. The post came out looking stupid.

The only reason it'd come out looking stupid is because you messed up the tags. Can you find the post it screwed up on? Maybe I can show you what you did wrong (concerning the post and the qhole quote thing, everyone else... :D) and show you how to set those codes right. Especially if a it's a long post you're responding to, catching a mistake can be next to impossible, and then figuring out why it looks bad can be evern harder. Retrieve that post for me and I'll see if I can't show you how to fix it.

Now, I await your response on my long post to you, involving what a gentlemen is and such. I hope you don't ignore it.

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