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The Spats Thread


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i just thought they were plain for the most part. And someone asked me what i found hot and i mentioned Sienna Miller and Eva Mendes. That's just the first names that came to my head.

That hooker that the politician hooked up with is really hot too. :D

:whistling: *Desperately trying not to be snarky. Must. Keep. It. In. Must. Be. Patient.* Paging electrophile.

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:whistling: *Desperately trying not to be snarky. Must. Keep. It. In. Must. Be. Patient.* Paging electrophile.

Paging Rock Action, Hermit or Matt. Deal with this kid, I am getting an ulcer.

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Ashley Alexandra Dupre (not her real name), the "lady" Elliot Spitzer hooked up with, is butt-fucking ugly. She's got a nice rack, but the rest of her is tore up from the floor up. Just slam your dick in a car door and then ask Paris Hilton to blow you. That's what would happen to your johnson if you stuck it in her. Bitch was a HOOKER. She FUCKED FOR MONEY. You whine about how you're handing your number out to women and they aren't calling you back......you think she would give you the time of day?

Besides, she was in Girls Gone Wild, which is like trailer-trash Playboy. Get a higher quality prostitute if that's really the direction you want to go in.

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OK Spats, I'm going to explain something to you. I know I'm wasting my breath, but try and follow what I'm saying here...

You the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"? The basic point is that men and women are different. What they want and need from each other is different. That means you do things for them that they think are important, and in return they do things for you that you think are important. But they don't necessarily have to be the same things.

Let's say it makes a girl happy when a guy is a gentleman. She likes a guy to open doors, pull out chairs, etc. Makes her feel good. And let's say she likes getting gifts. Again, makes her feel good and loved.

Now let's say you don't care about those things. But you do care about physical affection, making out, sex, etc. When a girl will do those things with you and for you, you feel good and loved.

Now let's establish that the things that she thinks are important and make her feel good are as important to her, as the things that you like are to you.

So let's say in your relationship that you put in the effort to do things for her that she thinks are important, like pulling out chairs and opening doors. That makes her happy, and in return she's more affectionate with you, and has sex more often with you.

Does that sound like an even exchange? You're both getting what you want, and you're doing things for each other that the other person thinks is important. That's a 50/50 exchange.

It doesn't mean you open a door for her, then she opens a door for you. Why? Because you don't care about doors being opened for you, so there's no point. But you open the door for her, and she then does something that's important to you.

Does this make sense? So remember this every time you ask Electrophile "so do you think girls should open doors for guys too?" The answer is yes, they should, if that's what's important to you. If you don't care about doors being opened for you, then no, they should do something else that you do care about.

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Spats could be the next Ed Geihn. I don't know if I spelled that right. He was the guy from Wisconsin who cut ladies up and wore their skin. "Psycho" and "Silence of the Lambs" were somewhat based on him. His mother was a crazy ass religious freak who taught him all women were evil. He lived with her until she died, and then went insane....out there in the middle of nowhere.......*SHIVER* God damn, I just creeped myself out.

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Ashley Alexandra Dupre (not her real name), the "lady" Elliot Spitzer hooked up with, is butt-fucking ugly. She's got a nice rack, but the rest of her is tore up from the floor up. Just slam your dick in a car door and then ask Paris Hilton to blow you. That's what would happen to your johnson if you stuck it in her. Bitch was a HOOKER. She FUCKED FOR MONEY. You whine about how you're handing your number out to women and they aren't calling you back......you think she would give you the time of day?

Besides, she was in Girls Gone Wild, which is like trailer-trash Playboy. Get a higher quality prostitute if that's really the direction you want to go in.

Well the picture in my local paper made her look good and she looked good on the Girls Gone Wild footage TMZ showed. I haven't see lots of pics. I didn't see i would watn to hook up with her. Just thought she was pretty from the pic and video i saw.

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Spats could be the next Ed Geihn. I don't know if I spelled that right. He was the guy from Wisconsin who cut ladies up and wore their skin. "Psycho" and "Silence of the Lambs" were somewhat based on him. His mother was a crazy ass religious freak who taught him all women were evil. He lived with her until she died, and then went insane....out there in the middle of nowhere.......*SHIVER* God damn, I just creeped myself out.

she puts the lotion in the basket.....

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Actually, Ashley Alexandra Dupre is pretty hot. Hooker, yes, but just based on looks, she's pretty hot...


She might be hot, but she's also seen more cock than the urinals at Madison Square Garden.

Better make those rubbers 8-ply AND steel belted.

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OK Spats, I'm going to explain something to you. I know I'm wasting my breath, but try and follow what I'm saying here...

You the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"? The basic point is that men and women are different. What they want and need from each other is different. That means you do things for them that they think are important, and in return they do things for you that you think are important. But they don't necessarily have to be the same things.

Let's say it makes a girl happy when a guy is a gentleman. She likes a guy to open doors, pull out chairs, etc. Makes her feel good. And let's say she likes getting gifts. Again, makes her feel good and loved.

Now let's say you don't care about those things. But you do care about physical affection, making out, sex, etc. When a girl will do those things with you and for you, you feel good and loved.

Now let's establish that the things that she thinks are important and make her feel good are as important to her, as the things that you like are to you.

So let's say in your relationship that you put in the effort to do things for her that she thinks are important, like pulling out chairs and opening doors. That makes her happy, and in return she's more affectionate with you, and has sex more often with you.

Does that sound like an even exchange? You're both getting what you want, and you're doing things for each other that the other person thinks is important. That's a 50/50 exchange.

It doesn't mean you open a door for her, then she opens a door for you. Why? Because you don't care about doors being opened for you, so there's no point. But you open the door for her, and she then does something that's important to you.

Does this make sense? So remember this every time you ask Electrophile "so do you think girls should open doors for guys too?" The answer is yes, they should, if that's what's important to you. If you don't care about doors being opened for you, then no, they should do something else that you do care about.

Yeah, Elizabeth hasn't answered my question about that.

I understand what you mean Matt. I would love that in return. I could use a lot of physical affection from a female right now. It's just that stuff that they like is really lame and degrading to the guy if you ask me. And wanting gifts from the guy is very materialistic.

Why do women like men to wait on them like that and do that servant like behavior? Isn't that shallow?

What if i wanted a woman to open the car door for me and pull out my chair when we are out to dinner,etc, Do you think the woman should do that if a guy liked that?

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Spats, we've been through this. Of course a woman's going to repay the man for the gifts he gives.

Trust me, it's not always a material repayment, LOL.

I mean the fact that she wants the gifts in the first place. Not how she is gonna pay you back.

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And you want sex don't you? How is that different?

You have the same selfishness you're trying to hide from

Yes i want some and i would hope she did too. But why the gifts? I just am saying that isn't wanting gifts shallow and materialistic?

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If that's all you want, I guess wanting gifts is shallow and materialistic.

BUT, a gift can be something small--it doesn't always need to be something major.

The meaning of a gift is simply that someone was thinking enough of you to get something to give you, no matter what. Sometimes, a "present" is my getting Dave a case of Coke or a 6-pack of beer while I'm at the grocery store.

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If that's all you want, I guess wanting gifts is shallow and materialistic.

BUT, a gift can be something small--it doesn't always need to be something major.

The meaning of a gift is simply that someone was thinking enough of you to get something to give you, no matter what. Sometimes, a "present" is my getting Dave a case of Coke or a 6-pack of beer while I'm at the grocery store.

Well gifts like that are okay. I though they were talking about jewlery, etc,. As long as the girl isn't expecting them.

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The main thing to remember is that males and females really were created differently. They just don't think alike. You might wish they thought alike but that is just not going to make it so. You just don't seem to "get" this. They are going to expect different things from you than they would from their female friends.

Would you really want your girlfriend or potential girlfriend treating you like one of the guys would?

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Alright Spats, I think you sort of heard me, but don't quite get it. Like I said, what's important to you, might not be important to her, and vice versa. The problem is, you're not capable of putting yourself in anyone's shoes but your own, and only able to see things the way you see them. YOU think pulling out a woman's chair and opening doors is degrading (totally bizarre point of view), and you think women wanting gifts is materialistic. So while my lesson states "do the things that she likes, and she'll do the things you like", your response is "I can't because I think the things women like are degrading and materialistic". So I guess you're screwed.

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Is wanting a chick based on physical attractiveness not shallow and lustful (materialism of the flesh)?

I have been told it is. I am just asking if you all think a woman wanting gifts is?

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I have been told it is. I am just asking if you all think a woman wanting gifts is?

No it's not. We all want things spats. It's a sign that the significant other cares about us. If my girlfriend showed up on our one-year anniversary with ntohing after I bought her a diamond ring (not engagement mind you) I'd be pissed off, as would she, as would you, as would everyone on this rock.

It's a sign of appreciation. Of Gratitude for being with us.

And you never answered my question, Is it shallow and lustful to care about physical attraction above and beyond every other quality out there? I don't care what people tell you, I want what you think.

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The main thing to remember is that males and females really were created differently. They just don't think alike. You might wish they thought alike but that is just not going to make it so. You just don't seem to "get" this. They are going to expect different things from you than they would from their female friends.

Would you really want your girlfriend or potential girlfriend treating you like one of the guys would?

I realize that. But i don't see how a woman can be cool and still want some of the things they want. Because some of the things they are want just are not cool at all. And puts a guy in silly position and servant like position. I don't want anyone waiting on me.

I don't really want the woman to treat me like my buddies treat me. But i want a woman that can be a Buddie and not expect all sorts of things. Just be cool and easygoing.

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I realize that. But i don't see how a woman can be cool and still want some of the things they want. Because some of the things they are want just are not cool at all. And puts a guy in silly position and servant like position. I don't want anyone waiting on me.

There is absolutely no getting through to you. What YOU think is cool is not what many girls think is cool. MEN AND WOMAN ARE DIFFERENT. They don't think like you (THANK GOD).

God you're a fucktard.

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