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I only got into two real fights, when I was a kid. The first one was when I was in 2nd grade, and these two dudes were picking on me when I was leaving the school. One boy knocked my books out of my hands, and I tried to let it go. But then the other one said something pretty messed up to me, and I turned around and slugged him, knocking him to the ground, where I proceeded to kick him, jump on him, and hit him.--Until I heard my mom yell my name. I had forgotten I had a Dr. Appt. that day, and mom was there to pick me up! I thought she was going to beat me, but luckily she saw the whole thing, and wasn't mad.

The 2nd one was in 6th grade. This boy kept pulling my hair, and I kept asking him to stop, but he didn't. So I turned around and slugged him. He grabbed my ponytail and tried to keep me as far away from him as possible, but I got in some digs. I did manage to leave a perfect set of claw marks across his cheek before my classmates pulled me away. I had to go talk to the Superintendent for that one, but I explained exactly what happened, so I didn't get in trouble.

After that, no one really messed with me, until I switched schools as a Senior. Then, at the Senior kegger, this chick who had already graduated decided to start something. She kept trying to say that I said she was a bitch, which I didn't even do. I think someone told her that just so we'd fight, I dunno. We were in this dude's bedroom, and she pushed me down onto the bed, and I stood up, looked her right in the eye, and said loudly " I DIDN'T FUCK-ING SAY THAT" and she got scared and backed off.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Recent story around here, two groups of kids go to the back of a high school to settle some score. One kid has a bat and takes a home run swing against another kid's head and kills him. Babe Ruth is now in jail. they were both about 18.

I just noticed this.

I am not going to defend myself for taking a bat to the son of a bitch. Y'all don't know the whole story. I kept the real story out of it on purpose.

You don't know what that girl went through for almost 5 months. You don't know that she actually broke up with him by the end of the first week of them dating because he punched her, and in response, he threw her on the ground, stuck a gun in her mouth, and told her it was over when he said it was over. You don't know that she defended him and kept him out of trouble because she was terrified of him. You don't know that I had loved this girl for a long time before we started dating, and it hurt me to see her every day with a new bruise on her body.

Before she started dating this ass, she never cried, always laughed, and had the quickest wit in the school... you didn't want to get into a dissing contest with her, because no matter how good you think you are, you would have lost.

During those 5 months, she never laughed, she was always crying, and she had no wit.

You don't know the whole story. The whole story is a story you hear rarely, but when you do, it makes you lose hope in the race of men (and I mean men specifically, not as a general word to describe the human race).

And I didn't say how I came out of that fight. I didn't say that it wasn't as easy as I made it sound, and, again, I did that on purpose.

There's a thousand times more to the story then you or anyone else could ever know. And I guarantee you, if you knew, you would agree that someone needed to take a bat to the son of a bitch's head. To this day I'm sorry I didn't kill him. To this day I regret the fact. But before you condemn me for it, realize that you don't know the whole story.

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I've been in some fights, and I wish I had been in more. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that fighting probably wasn't going to be the best thing for a few reasons, such as getting arrested, possibly killing somebody, or possibly getting your face fucked up etc.

However if I could go back and do it again, I would have fought more. Absolutely.

Nowadays, I have no interest in it, and will completely avoid that sort of situation. I don't need any drama in my life. And if someone deserves an ass beating, I will seek revenge in other ways before I get physical.

There are a lot of people out there that deserve an ass beating. My hope is that they get theirs one way or another. Karma is the real deal, so I'm sure they have it coming to them.

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I just noticed this.

I am not going to defend myself for taking a bat to the son of a bitch. Y'all don't know the whole story. I kept the real story out of it on purpose.

You don't know what that girl went through for almost 5 months. You don't know that she actually broke up with him by the end of the first week of them dating because he punched her, and in response, he threw her on the ground, stuck a gun in her mouth, and told her it was over when he said it was over. You don't know that she defended him and kept him out of trouble because she was terrified of him. You don't know that I had loved this girl for a long time before we started dating, and it hurt me to see her every day with a new bruise on her body.

Before she started dating this ass, she never cried, always laughed, and had the quickest wit in the school... you didn't want to get into a dissing contest with her, because no matter how good you think you are, you would have lost.

During those 5 months, she never laughed, she was always crying, and she had no wit.

You don't know the whole story. The whole story is a story you hear rarely, but when you do, it makes you lose hope in the race of men (and I mean men specifically, not as a general word to describe the human race).

And I didn't say how I came out of that fight. I didn't say that it wasn't as easy as I made it sound, and, again, I did that on purpose.

There's a thousand times more to the story then you or anyone else could ever know. And I guarantee you, if you knew, you would agree that someone needed to take a bat to the son of a bitch's head. To this day I'm sorry I didn't kill him. To this day I regret the fact. But before you condemn me for it, realize that you don't know the whole story.

I understand this sentiment completely. I didn't deal with it in the same manner you did, but my dearest friend....I mean, she's practically a sister to me, was involved in a very abusive relationship a few years back. This is someone I've known 20 years of my life. I would see her daily with bruises, scrapes, cuts, broken bones.....it killed me. I went to the cops, I saw a lawyer, I dragged her into court to file a restraining order and none of it worked. She was terrified for her life and I didn't care much if he came after me for getting involved.....knowing she was safe would have been worth it in my eyes. If someone had handed me a gun and told me to shoot the bastard and I'd walk away from it scot free, I would have done it in a New York minute. There are some abhorrent strains of humanity on this planet that the rest of us shouldn't have to deal with. I'm not saying I would have killed him, but I would have made it so he couldn't do much of anything for a very long time.

One day she called me from the hospital and told me to come pick her up. So I drive over there and as I'm getting her into the car, she looks at me and asks me if it would better off if he did kill her. The day you hear your best friend of (at that time) 18 years say something like that to you is a day I hope none of you ever have to deal with.

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You know, it is really sad to say, but I have analyzed this, and it really seems that a lot of women are subconsciously attracted to these sort of abusive partners.

That's why these women continue to stick around and take the punishment.

And, when they get out of one relationship like this, they will be instantly attracted to someone the same way, even if they know nothing about them.

A lot of these attractions originate from abuse in childhood.

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You know, it is really sad to say, but I have analyzed this, and it really seems that a lot of women are subconsciously attracted to these sort of abusive partners.

That's why these women continue to stick around and take the punishment.

And, when they get out of one relationship like this, they will be instantly attracted to someone the same way, even if they know nothing about them.

A lot of these attractions originate from abuse in childhood.

Speaking only for my friend, she was not abused as a child. I spent more time at her house than I did my own (she was an only child and my younger sister was a pain in the ass) and if she was being beaten by her parents, I would have known. We lived in the kind of neighborhood where if you sneezed, five mothers were on your doorstep with Kleenex and chicken soup. Again, I'm speaking only for her.....I don't doubt that a lot of abused spouses/girlfriends are the victims of childhood trauma. Her boyfriends before this guy and after this guy haven't and didn't lay a hand on her. Thankfully. I don't think either of us could have gone through that a second time without one of us dying or being committed.

As for why they stay, studies have shown that fear is the motivating factor. A true belief that the abuser will kill them or harm other members of their family (like the children) if they try and leave. A lot of abused wives stay with their husbands out of fear that he'll take it out on the kids if the wife is not around. I don't know what that kind of fear is and I pray I never do, but it's not always as easy as saying "just leave". I told her numerous times to stay with me and my family but she was terrified he might do something to me or my parents if he found her there.

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You know, it is really sad to say, but I have analyzed this, and it really seems that a lot of women are subconsciously attracted to these sort of abusive partners.

That's why these women continue to stick around and take the punishment.

And, when they get out of one relationship like this, they will be instantly attracted to someone the same way, even if they know nothing about them.

A lot of these attractions originate from abuse in childhood.

I can tell you right now she was not attracted to him. At least, not by the end of the first week. It was fear, pure and simple. And I can tell you, from what I know of her parents and their relationship, they definitely never abused her. She had a very happy relationship amongst her family, and was thrilled when relatives came in to visit.

This was all in the guy. And her parents never found out. During that 5 months, she lost touch with them. She was so afraid of what might happen to them and to her if they intervened...

Her and I actually talked about all of this last night over AIM. She's very, very careful with guys, now. True, she hasn't dated any British boys, yet (neither of us have dated anyone since she left for Oxford... and the last thing we did before she left was kiss...), but she even scrutinizes her male friends just to be sure.

Of course, many of the friends she's made over there know about what happened, or at least some of it, and they are quite protective of her, which makes me feel better...

But it was a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. And it felt good to finally go at the fuck with a bat. he deserved every hit. Electrophile nailed it here:

If someone had handed me a gun and told me to shoot the bastard and I'd walk away from it scot free, I would have done it in a New York minute. There are some abhorrent strains of humanity on this planet that the rest of us shouldn't have to deal with.

Though I would have killed him, even if I wouldn't be allowed to walk away from it scot free. But she didn't give me a chance, and she finished wacking him only when he was out cold. Then we just left him there.

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I have been in many fights in my life. My father taught us to stand up for ourselves, our family and our friends. I can't say that violence is always an easy cure for dealing with bullies and thugs. But I also believe that in many circumstances it may be the only thing a bully will understand. Growing up in a tough area of Los Angeles (which was by far not the worst place in L.A.) we often had to fight on the way to school, at school, and on the way home. I kicked lots of ass... and had my ass kicked many times too. I don't believe it when some guys say they never lost a fight, because in my experience no matter how tough you think you are, there is always somebody out there who is either tougher... or just more crazy/violent then you are. So for anyone who claims to have been a real "scrapper".... well, they have lost some fights too. And besides, today there are too many people out there who will just shoot you rather than punch it out... so I try to keep that in mind.

.... but there are still times when a guy comes pretty close to getting a smack in the mouth.

Gotta keep all 'options' available as the military guys will say. ;)

my best fight:

knocked a guy out cold who had thown a beer on my girlfriend at a football game.

worst fight:

had the rear quarter panel of my 66 oldsmobile dented in with my own skull by a guy who I should have known better than to call his bluff. :lol: live and learn

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I have been in many fights in my life. My father taught us to stand up for ourselves, our family and our friends. I can't say that violence is always an easy cure for dealing with bullies and thugs. But I also believe that in many circumstances it may be the only thing a bully will understand. Growing up in a tough area of Los Angeles (which was by far not the worst place in L.A.) we often had to fight on the way to school, at school, and on the way home. I kicked lots of ass... and had my ass kicked many times too. I don't believe it when some guys say they never lost a fight, because in my experience no matter how tough you think you are, there is always somebody out there who is either tougher... or just more crazy/violent then you are. So for anyone who claims to have been a real "scrapper".... well, they have lost some fights too. And besides, today there are too many people out there who will just shoot you rather than punch it out... so I try to keep that in mind.

.... but there are still times when a guy comes pretty close to getting a smack in the mouth.

Gotta keep all 'options' available as the military guys will say. ;)

my best fight:

knocked a guy out cold who had thown a beer on my girlfriend at a football game.

worst fight:

had the rear quarter panel of my 66 oldsmobile dented in with my own skull by a guy who I should have known better than to call his bluff. :lol: live and learn

Right on Del! If you cannot defend your feelings or your people your a worthless piece of shit.

See other threads for further explanations.

Even though you got your head dented? Someone wound up with a better understanding of what happens with dirt bags.


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Good morning,

Just sipping me joe (_)0

Have a little nephew, well now 18 years old, works for the fam biz and just out of high school. Kept having issues with this gang of kids going on at him, and following him and teasing him all the time. One kid was the instigator and this was bugging the crap out of him.


This one day this gang of kids just happened to show up and start going on at him. I say kids but kids would be 18-20 year old little punks. There were 6 of them.

Oddly enough we happened to pull up just as they were going on and him and berating him. This had been going on for what was months already. So the boss looked at him and said "Is he still doing this shit, kick his ass, he looked at these other kids and said now it appears this has been going on for a long time and it's time this comes to an end." We step out to watch. One other kid starts to step into it while Daniel is on him like white on rice. Boss said to all of them "I wouldnt do that if I was any of you." I nod my head at them.

My little nephew, and I say this because he is thin just wiped up the parking lot with this kid. This had been building up for some time and what the little punkk had no idea of knowing was that Daniel owns green belt in Karate :D


He was taught to respect his art. But not be a fool :D


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When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take your

frustration out on someone,

don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't

know. I was sitting at my desk

when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number

and dialed it. A man answered,

saying "Hello. "I politely said, "This is Chris. Could I please speak with

Robyn Carter?" Suddenly a manic

voice yelled out in my ear "Get the right f***ing number!" and the phone was

slammed down on me. I couldn't

believe that anyone could be so rude. When I tracked down Robyn's correct

number to call her, I found that

I had accidentally transposed the last two digits. After hanging up with

her, I decided to call the 'wrong'

number again. When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled "You're an

asshole!" and hung up.

I wrote his number down with the word 'asshole' next to it, and put it in my

desk drawer. Every couple of

weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up and

yell, "You're an asshole!" It always

cheered me up.

When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic 'asshole' calling

would have to stop. So, I called his

number and said, "Hi, this is John Smith from the telephone company. I'm

calling to see if you're familiar with

our Caller ID Program?" He yelled "NO!" and slammed down the phone. I

quickly called him back and said,

"That's because you're an asshole!" and hung up.

One day I was at the store, getting ready to pull into a parking spot.

Some guy in a black BMW cut me off

and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and

yelled that I'd been waiting for that spot,

but the idiot ignored me. I noticed a "For Sale" sign in his back window,

so I wrote down his number. A

couple of days later, right after calling the first asshole (I had his

number on speed dial,) I thought that I'd better

call the BMW asshole too. I said, "Is this the man with the black BMW for

sale?" He said, "Yes, it is." I

asked, "Can you tell me where I can see it?" He said, "Yes, I live at 34

Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax . It's a yellow

ranch, and the car's parked right out in front." I asked, "What's your

name?" He said, "My name is Don

Hansen," I asked, "When's a good time to catch you, Don?" He said, "I'm

home every evening after five." I

said, "Listen, Don, can I tell you something?" He said, "Yes? I said,

"Don, you're an asshole!" Then I hung

up, and added his number to my speed dial, too.

Now, when I had a problem, I had two assholes to call.

Then I came up with an idea. I called asshole #1. He said, "Hello." I

said, "You're an asshole!" (But I didn't

hang up.) He asked, "Are you still there?" I said, "Yeah,"! He

screamed, "Stop calling me," I said, "Make

me," He asked, "Who are you?" I said, "My name is Don Hansen." He

said, "Yeah? Where do you live?"

I said, "Asshole, I live at 34 Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax , a yellow ranch,

I have a black Beamer parked in front." He

said, "I'm coming over right now Don, and you had better start saying your

prayers." I said, "Yeah, like I'm

really scared, asshole," and hung up.

Then I called Asshole #2. He said, "Hello?" I said, "Hello, asshole,"

He yelled, "If I ever find out who you are...

" I said, "You'll what?" He exclaimed, "I'll kick your ass," I

answered, "Well, asshole, here's your chance. I'm

coming over right now."

Then I hung up and immediately called the police, saying that I lived at 34

Oaktree Blvd , in Fairfax , and that I was

on my way over there to kill my gay lover.

Then I called Channel 9 News about the gang war going down in Oaktree Blvd.

in Fairfax . I quickly got into my

car and headed over to Fairfax . I got there just in time to watch two

assholes beating the crap out of each other

in front of six cop cars, an overhead news helicopter and surrounded by a

news crew.

NOW ....... I feel much better. Anger management really does work.

Dude, you just made my week! ROTFLSHIASM :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

this is a great thread :D I am only on page 2 right now, and I have already spit my coffee on the computer 4 times......lol

you guy's and gal's on this site are great! I really mean it.....much better then the old board.

Edited by Fresh Garbage
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I just noticed this.

I am not going to defend myself for taking a bat to the son of a bitch. Y'all don't know the whole story. I kept the real story out of it on purpose.

You don't know what that girl went through for almost 5 months. You don't know that she actually broke up with him by the end of the first week of them dating because he punched her, and in response, he threw her on the ground, stuck a gun in her mouth, and told her it was over when he said it was over. You don't know that she defended him and kept him out of trouble because she was terrified of him. You don't know that I had loved this girl for a long time before we started dating, and it hurt me to see her every day with a new bruise on her body.

Before she started dating this ass, she never cried, always laughed, and had the quickest wit in the school... you didn't want to get into a dissing contest with her, because no matter how good you think you are, you would have lost.

During those 5 months, she never laughed, she was always crying, and she had no wit.

You don't know the whole story. The whole story is a story you hear rarely, but when you do, it makes you lose hope in the race of men (and I mean men specifically, not as a general word to describe the human race).

And I didn't say how I came out of that fight. I didn't say that it wasn't as easy as I made it sound, and, again, I did that on purpose.

There's a thousand times more to the story then you or anyone else could ever know. And I guarantee you, if you knew, you would agree that someone needed to take a bat to the son of a bitch's head. To this day I'm sorry I didn't kill him. To this day I regret the fact. But before you condemn me for it, realize that you don't know the whole story.

You did the right thing Nathan!.....the hell with that asshole! he deserved what he had coming to him! good job :D

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Not exactly a fight but was attacked by a complete psycho and his iron bar 14 months ago, broken jaw, eyeball popped out and brain haemorrhage, was going to post a picture, but decided that they were a bit too grim. Woke up on a life support machine and the Doctor proclaimed 'oh good, we thought you were dead'........have had better mornings.

The person responsible had developed serious mental problems over the previous two years (since I had seen him), people tried to warn me but I was too busy partying to heed the warnings. The knock on effects of something like this are quite catastrophic (believe me!), court cases, depression, memory loss, lack of concentration etc................almost developed a drink problem, thank christ for the mountains thats all I can say.

I bet that has brightened up your Tuesday :D

I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to you...there is no need to go that far. I'ts a shame that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. and it sucks that the other guy was sick.

my best friend who I still love to this day, has to take a heldol shot every month.... and one day he came after me. and he had me down and was hurting me bad .and you know what? there was nothing I could do!...when people are sick they has this amazing power....I had to reason with him. and he finaly came back to earth and when he realized what he had done, I walked him home. and we sat with his mother and got him some help...( it had turned out, acouple days before he attacked me. he stole a car that was running outside a store and crashed it while the cops were chasing him. the cops asked him why he did it and he told them:"I took a ride with Santa" )..

it took over 8 years to get him righ.t he ended up doing 3 stints in jail, mental hospitals on a yearly basis. man it sucked! I could write a book about him

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Recent story around here, two groups of kids go to the back of a high school to settle some score. One kid has a bat and takes a home run swing against another kid's head and kills him. Babe Ruth is now in jail. they were both about 18.

I just noticed this.

I am not going to defend myself for taking a bat to the son of a bitch. Y'all don't know the whole story. I kept the real story out of it on purpose.

You don't know what that girl went through for almost 5 months. You don't know that she actually broke up with him by the end of the first week of them dating because he punched her, and in response, he threw her on the ground, stuck a gun in her mouth, and told her it was over when he said it was over. You don't know that she defended him and kept him out of trouble because she was terrified of him. You don't know that I had loved this girl for a long time before we started dating, and it hurt me to see her every day with a new bruise on her body.

Before she started dating this ass, she never cried, always laughed, and had the quickest wit in the school... you didn't want to get into a dissing contest with her, because no matter how good you think you are, you would have lost.

During those 5 months, she never laughed, she was always crying, and she had no wit.

You don't know the whole story. The whole story is a story you hear rarely, but when you do, it makes you lose hope in the race of men (and I mean men specifically, not as a general word to describe the human race).

And I didn't say how I came out of that fight. I didn't say that it wasn't as easy as I made it sound, and, again, I did that on purpose.

There's a thousand times more to the story then you or anyone else could ever know. And I guarantee you, if you knew, you would agree that someone needed to take a bat to the son of a bitch's head. To this day I'm sorry I didn't kill him. To this day I regret the fact. But before you condemn me for it, realize that you don't know the whole story.

I think you missed the point in my original post. You kill him, you are probably going to jail and deservedly so.

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I think you missed the point in my original post. You kill him, you are probably going to jail and deservedly so.

No, you missed my point. He had been severely abusing someone I loved for 5 months. The son-of-a-bitch deserved to die. Unfortunately, he's still alive and going strong. To his good luck, however, I haven't seen him, since...

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No, you missed my point. He had been severely abusing someone I loved for 5 months. The son-of-a-bitch deserved to die. Unfortunately, he's still alive and going strong. To his good luck, however, I haven't seen him, since...

Look what can I tell you. Go kill the fucker and during your murder trial claim the guy deserved to die and lets see what the jury says.

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Look what can I tell you. Go kill the fucker and during your murder trial claim the guy deserved to die and lets see what the jury says.

I don't know where he is, now. For all I know he lives in (*insert random country name here*). But at the time, if we had killed him, I guarantee you we would have gotten off on self-defense. Especially with how the two of us looked coming out of it.

Like I said, I made the whole thing seem a lot easier then it was. But here's a little more of what I didn't tell you.

She was bruised, bleeding, and crying. When I took the bat to him, I already had a broken nose, a black eye, a bloody lip, bruises all over my body, a massive headache, and he managed at least two low-blows on me. Like I said... I would have lost if not for the bat.

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