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1 in 4 Amercian Teenage Girls are Diseased

The Rover

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Maybe it's just me...but leaving condoms for your 15-16 year old, and restocking for him makes him feel extremely uncomfortable, and I simply don't think a parent should do that, sorry. If he wants to have sex, then it's his own responsibility to go get them himself. They aren't expensive.

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Well, sorry but I know grown men who don't carry them.

I'm not saying just for boys, females who may be inclined to do something should carry them too, due to the cheap ass dudes who don't buy them.

Many younger kids are too embarassed to go buy them. Having them is protecting them, just like a band-aid would.

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Well, sorry but I know grown men who don't carry them.

I'm not saying just for boys, females who may be inclined to do something should carry them too, due to the cheap ass dudes who don't buy them.

Many younger kids are too embarassed to go buy them. Having them is protecting them, just like a band-aid would.

Agreed and abided by!

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I read a study last year that suggests 1 in 4 women have herpes while 1 in 5 men have the disease.

Showing symptoms of the disease however can be tricky. Its estimated over 60% of people who are infected never show symptoms and simply are unaware they have it and ultimately are unaware when they pass it on to someone.

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Well, sorry but I know grown men who don't carry them.

I'm not saying just for boys, females who may be inclined to do something should carry them too, due to the cheap ass dudes who don't buy them.

Many younger kids are too embarassed to go buy them. Having them is protecting them, just like a band-aid would.

Those grown men probably don't care about getting chicks pregnant (no offense, I simply work with multiple guys who try to get women pregnant).

Seriously though, thats why parents need to teach kids. How many teenagers know that theirs clinics who will give them condoms for free, no questions asked?

Even if they do have to pay for some themselves, they only cost a few bucks for a pack. Simply put, having any kind of a job, allows the male to protect himself and his girl (or guy I guess...) from disease or pregnancy. It's not hard.

Anywho, I think most guys can agree in that buying condoms from strangers is a lot less embarassing then getting them from their parents :lol:

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But just having them along side the band-aids, no one is going to know who took what when.

And I hate to say it, well no I don't :D but if you had sex as often as my ex bf and I did, one pack doesn't take you past half the night!

I have three grown kids btw.

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But just having them along side the band-aids, no one is going to know who took what when.

And I hate to say it, well no I don't :D but if you had sex as often as my ex bf and I did, one pack doesn't take you past half the night!

I have three grown kids btw.

Glad to hear it.

I get what you're saying, but I still think it's extremely awkward to know that my parents are supplying the means of which I can have sex. :P

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Glad to hear it.

I get what you're saying, but I still think it's extremely awkward to know that my parents are supplying the means of which I can have sex. :P

The means are already there; the protection is for if it actually happens. I've just never been of the crowd who thinks supplying condoms makes kids have sex, or more sex. It's a part of the whole package (so to speak) of sex education. Believe it or not, this has not been an awkward subject between me and my teenaged daughter. It's been a subject for open discussion from the beginning. It seems to me that the teen pregnancies and stds occur most where the subject is closed.

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You smarty-pants wannabe!! My children were planned. VERY planned.

And very wanted. :wub:

Thank-you Suz, as a mother you understand. :lol:

Communication was always open with my kids.

And wannabe......I swear I won't tell if a few condoms are missing. Won't even ask. :D

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The means are already there; the protection is for if it actually happens. I've just never been of the crowd who thinks supplying condoms makes kids have sex, or more sex. It's a part of the whole package (so to speak) of sex education. Believe it or not, this has not been an awkward subject between me and my teenaged daughter. It's been a subject for open discussion from the beginning. It seems to me that the teen pregnancies and stds occur most where the subject is closed.


Now, I know the argument can go both ways, but among teenagers, I know a LOT of guys who could have a lot more sex than they have now if they carried a supply of condoms (including me). So, saying that giving a kid condoms won't make him have more sex doesn't make since to me. I'd have to see some studies or something, but even then, I'm not sure

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Now, I know the argument can go both ways, but among teenagers, I know a LOT of guys who could have a lot more sex than they have now if they carried a supply of condoms (including me). So, saying that giving a kid condoms won't make him have more sex doesn't make sex to me. I'd have to see some studies or something, but even then, I'm not sure

Well I know I saw a news story about the abstinence only programs failing. And all you have to do is look at a map of the US to see where the pregancies and stds are occuring most. I saw that on tv, too, and read an article about it.

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Now, I know the argument can go both ways, but among teenagers, I know a LOT of guys who could have a lot more sex than they have now if they carried a supply of condoms (including me). So, saying that giving a kid condoms won't make him have more sex doesn't make since to me. I'd have to see some studies or something, but even then, I'm not sure

A lot more sex? A lot more sex with condoms is better than a little without.

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For the sake of educating the public about health and communicable diseases, maybe they should start teaching medicine in high school instead of having students wait until they are in college; then they can explain the issue to their parents.

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I'll toss in a reminder that was mentioned in the articles posted by The Rover.

One of the most common STDs is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). There are several strains (40+, I think...) and some are known to "venereal warts" and several strains have been shown to cause cervical cancer.

Symptoms of HPV are often missed ('flu-like symptoms... like everything else) and many folks have no symptoms at all.

Something like 70% of cervical cancer is caused by HPV.

There is now a vaccine for 4 or 5 strains of HPV that are known to cause cervical cancer.

The vaccine is most effective when given to girls when they're younger, and also hopefully, before they're sexually active.

Yes, guys... get condoms, use condoms, etc. (Hotplant... yay for you).

Parents... howzabout getting your girls vaccinated. It's a series of 3 shots, much like other vaccinations.

By all means, talk about who should/shouldn't teach the kids about sex, birth control, STDs and how to avoid them, etc. It would be wonderful if every kid knew all that stuff, took proper precautions, and didn't start having sex until they were emotionally ready, etc.

Meanwhile, there is a vaccine.

Lemme repeat that... There Is A Vaccine

Please get your girls vaccinated!!!



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Parents are reluctant to get their daughters vaccinated for the same reasons why nothing but abstinence is taught in our school's health programs--a lot of parents think that with the vaccination, it will be a ticket to be promiscuous.

wannabe, I don't know ANY men who try to get "girls" pregnant. If they're trying to get someone pregnant, it's their wife, and they're "planning" on having chilren. Actually, it seems that more girls are less worried about getting pregnant than men, in my experience. It just seems that girls don't take the initiative to tell a guy "no," if they KNOW they're not on a hormonal BC and there are no condoms.

I'm in my late 20's, and a LOT of my friends have kids. I don't know of ANY of them who waited until they were married, out of college, had a good job and owned a house, etc. They just happened to "accidentally" get PG.

Not that hormonal BC will do ANYTHING for herpes, HPV, chlamydia, syphillis, HIV, etc...

BTW I think I read somewhere that the reason women tend to be the core study of statistical research on STDs is because since women's reproductive organs and MOST sexual organs are in the interior parts of the body viruses and bacteria have a better environment to thrive than a man's genitals. It makes sense if you think about the biological differences in men's and women's genitals and the environments that bacteria LOVE...

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I'm in my late 20's, and a LOT of my friends have kids. I don't know of ANY of them who waited until they were married, out of college, had a good job and owned a house, etc. They just happened to "accidentally" get PG.

Same with me. When I was in high school, it seemed every other girl was pregnant. And that, sadly, isn't a gross exhaggeration. Not just high school, I remember in the 7th grade a girl had a baby. TWELVE years old! I didn't even know where babies came from at 12!

My cousin grew up in Pakistan and always went to all girl schools. She came here for a year and talk about culture shock! That girl came home from school the first day horrified telling me stories about how half the kids in her class had kids of their own. Sad that it was normal for me.

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Parents are reluctant to get their daughters vaccinated for the same reasons why nothing but abstinence is taught in our school's health programs--a lot of parents think that with the vaccination, it will be a ticket to be promiscuous.

wannabe, I don't know ANY men who try to get "girls" pregnant. If they're trying to get someone pregnant, it's their wife, and they're "planning" on having children. Actually, it seems that more girls are less worried about getting pregnant than men, in my experience. It just seems that girls don't take the initiative to tell a guy "no," if they KNOW they're not on a hormonal BC and there are no condoms.

I'm in my late 20's, and a LOT of my friends have kids. I don't know of ANY of them who waited until they were married, out of college, had a good job and owned a house, etc. They just happened to "accidentally" get PG.

Not that hormonal BC will do ANYTHING for herpes, HPV, chlamydia, syphillis, HIV, etc...

BTW I think I read somewhere that the reason women tend to be the core study of statistical research on STDs is because since women's reproductive organs and MOST sexual organs are in the interior parts of the body viruses and bacteria have a better environment to thrive than a man's genitals. It makes sense if you think about the biological differences in men's and women's genitals and the environments that bacteria LOVE...

It's obvious to me you don't know anybody who plays in the NBA. Calvin Murphy has 14 illegitimate kids by 9 women. Shawn Kemp has 13 illegitimate children by 9 women but some claim that the figure could be higher.

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I mean "real life" men. Most "men" I know are obsessed with NOT getting a woman they aren't commited to pregnant. (Hell--even men that ARE committed don't always want babies...)

NBA men don't have to drop out of college or get a second job to pay child support.

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In his rookie year, Ron Artest of the chicago bulls, actually applied and got accepted for a job at Circuit City, becasue he stated he didn't want to pay full price for PS2 for him and his kids and was looking for the employee dicount.

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