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Personal ending to go down in city's racially tense history

"He got passionate. He got mad. And got racial like no public figure in racially anguished metro Detroit has in memory -- including the late Mayor Coleman Young, who never shied away from taking on the issue of race.

"In the past 30 days, I've been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life," Kilpatrick said, his voice rising and his finger wagging at the suddenly electrified audience, which stood and applauded.

"In the past three days, I've received more death threats than I have in my entire administration," he continued. "I've heard these words, but I've never heard people say them about my wife and children. I have to say this, because it's very personal to me."

And then, in a swipe at the media, he said, "I don't believe that a Nielsen rating is worth the life of my children or your children. This unethical, illegal lynch-mob mentality has to stop."

You frickin' black mafia dirtbag !! Step down you loser ! You're an embarrassment to the human race. You f*cked around on your wife....got caught by two black police command officers that you stripped of a job....they sued a broke city for $9 million...you perjured yourself....you obstructed justice...and now you're playing the frickin race card because you were caught ???

GRRRRR ! :angry::angry::angry:

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Yeah, that's some mayor you folks have in Motor City..

Mystery of who killed stripper thickens


Detroit police and Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick have combated persistent rumors and lawsuit allegations that Tamara Greene was killed because she danced at a wild party at the Manoogian Mansion.

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Yeah, the ending to his speech last night was un-fucking-believable. He took no responsibility for what he's done, and how his actions have brought on his woes. Instead he pointed fingers, skirted the issue, and used enough smoke and mirrors that his supporters will forget what he's done. It's the media's fault, there's a "lynchmob" after him, etc. Incredible.

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name='Bong-Man' post='140829' date='Mar 12 2008, 12:29 PM']http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article...COL27/803120436

Personal ending to go down in city's racially tense history

"He got passionate. He got mad. And got racial like no public figure in racially anguished metro Detroit has in memory -- including the late Mayor Coleman Young, who never shied away from taking on the issue of race.

"In the past 30 days, I've been called a nigger more than any time in my entire life," Kilpatrick said, his voice rising and his finger wagging at the suddenly electrified audience, which stood and applauded.


Were they applauding because they thought he was?

Edited by Pb Derigable
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The crowd at the State of the City address is invite-only, so it's all his supporters.

I was talking to a coworker of mine this morning who sits in the next cube. She's black and lives in the city, and she HATES Kwame. She is so disappointed in him, thinks he's a disgrace, and didn't even watch the address last night because she doesn't want to hear his lies. And she says a LOT of people she knows feel the same way as her. So there's hope...

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He was re-elected not long ago so Detroit is now getting the "leadership" it deserves.

Why is my state (well Detroit..) so fucking stupid? He attacks everybody and their brother for his own problems, says there's a lynch mob atmosphere around him, and says nigger on liv television.

Kwame is the absolute stupidest politician I've ever heard of! And yet, I gurantee you this much, if he stays alive and kickin until election time, he'll get reelected. He'll play the race card (again), ignore the Manoogian Mansion killing and the text messages and the $9 million of the city's money he spent, and he will talk about how well he is leading the city and how Detroit is doing better than ever...and he will get reelected.

The citizens of Detroit tend to hate anybody the suburbs like (Hendricks from the last election for example) and vote for the opposite of what the burbs want. No matter what this man does, Detroit doesn't seem to care. He's done a shit-job, he's spending the city's money illegally, he may have killed a woman indirectly, and he cheated on wife multiple times.

How much more can Detroit take?

Edited by wanna be drummer
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  • 1 month later...
Yeah, it's horribly embarrassing. Total losers running this city, and it shows.

Dorthy Tillman tried to past a resolution in chicago that states no city contract can be given to companies with slave ties. It would mean if you had an employee whose family can be proven to own slaves, the contract was not awarded. she also tried to get the city to pay reparation's to all the black folks out there.

That girl in detriot acted like a fucking 10 year old.

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Yep, and she is defiant about it, and states she will not apologize to the President of the City Counsel.

And as far as embarrassing situations, nothing beats the Mayor's situation right now, being charged with 8 felony counts, and more daming text messages between him and his Chief of State/mistress being released all the time. And he and his attorneys are actually trying to sell this defense: the text messages aren't genuine, some rogue employees/enemies of the Mayor must have gotten a hold of his and his Chief of Staff's text messaging devices and sent all the messages back and forth, over the course of MONTHS, to frame him. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting.

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As much i don't like the democratic machine in Chicago, Mayor Daley will never allow shit like this to happen. I remember when he called out a reporter when the reporter did a story about his wife. The reporter ask Daley a question about something else and Daley did not answer it. The reporter ask why is he not answering his question. and Mayor Daley replied, "My Wife" and everybody in Chicago was waiting for the story of the reporters accidental death or firing. It's been three years since somebody even mentioned Mrs. Daley in a story, even the kid got in to big trouble and it was hardly a story.

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  • 3 months later...
Detroit doesn't seem to care. He's done a shit-job, he's spending the city's money illegally.......

Detroit still has money? :huh:

Maybe they should have went after Bret Favre then? B)

Maybe you guys up there oughta vote The Motor City Madman in to office,he would take care of bidness!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Detroit still has money? :huh:

We're set back about a decade in terms of economics thanks to this clown.

He won't do 4 months I don't think, but thank God he's out of office. If he had survived until November he would've gotten a lifetime pension.

Fuck Kwame Kilpatrick, thank the Lord he's out of his position :cheer:

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