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Are Page and Plant members of this Forum?


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I think you two are quite right, no matter how funny we all think it is. I really do think that the biggest threat for any band member (or simply a famous person in general) posting on an internet message board is not that he or she will be revealed, but rather that he or she will be treated as a troll.

Yknow, I've been on a forum where that happened. It was pretty crazy, NOBODY liked this poster because he always bitched about how nobody cared about the band and all most members wanted to do was criticize. Eventually he left. There was a sister forum, too, which was a lot smaller. I joined there and still post fairly often, but I remember seeing the screenname before realizing it was a member of the band and was paranoid that it was another member. To be fair, this band member was is the epitome of paranoia; he thought (thinks?) everyone was out to get him and then applauded anyone who said nice things about the band.

So I guess my point is that I have very little doubt that they post here. It's completely plausible. And it's also completely plausible that they could act like the poster on the other forum, etc...

Edited by Day Tripper
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As much as I want to believe that my favourite group is surfing the net, who knows if they even have computers!

We like to think that they're just like us, because we listen to their music.

But these guys are from an older crowd. That's not to say that they never bothered with computers because I know a lot of people their age that have.

But the people I know of the same age certainly don't even know what a online forum is, much less google.

But if I am wrong and there is a Robin Hood among this crowd of archers, then shame on me!

They did an online live interview several years back....they probebly had computers before any of us did.

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^ No way! You want to get me that number? Just kidding, unless of course your serious. And yes Scarlett, they are. They have threads about hating Robert. I couldn't do that, I asked someone on there why they made fun of Robert and he told me to shut up and it was for the same reason they were about to make fun of me. They weren't nice like the people here.

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On one of the U2 forums a few years back (a big one, but not the official one) there was a guy who had many people convinced he was The Edge. I don't remember the details, but eventually he was unmasked as an imposter. He has been known ever since in forum mythology as Fake Edge, as in "when Fake Edge was here he said..."

Anyway, my point is, if they were here, no one would be able to know for sure, unless an official announcement were made.

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Would any of you be on this site if you had their money?? Id be too busy sipping umbrella drinks on a raft in Hawaii and have a harem of women feeding me grapes. Not really, but Id have to much to do. Like deciding which Les Paul to buy this week.

Hear ya... some thing like that...

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I don't know if they're here or not. If they are, I doubt they post a lot. That's OK, though. It would be awesome if they were on here and we were talking to them without knowing it, but I don't know why they would post here a lot. They're probably way too busy for that. I think out of all of them, Jimmy would probably be the most likely to pop in, but I can't really see him posting.

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Hey guys, it's me, Robert! Seriously! I only pretend to be a 22-year-old female because, well, why not? I've got the lovely hair for it! ;)

She's lying. I'm Robert. I just took the name of the Norse goddess, Idunn , because....well... the hair. ;)

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If you knew how boring it can get in England or how introverted you can become in England (in a good way) you'd know for sure how easily Page, Plant or Jones would be browsing this site. When they're not entertaining friends/aquaintances, enjoying a drink, dreaming up more songs/music or running out of satisfying hobbies then you better believe this site is amusing to Page, Plant and Jones.

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She's lying. I'm Robert. I just took the name of the Norse goddess, Idunn , because....well... the hair. ;)

I admit it...I'm Jonesy. There isn't any use in hiding anymore, is there? Mona doesn't really exist...the pictures I post of her in the Post a Picture of Yourself Thread are actually my 2nd cousin, Lynne. I knew nobody would catch on if I pretended to be a 20 year old American girl. Had you all fooled, didn't I? B)

That's the thing, though...if they do post, we could be friends with them and not even know it. I don't think they would post here much, though. More then likely, if they ever come on here, it's just to see what the fans think, you know?

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