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The Political debate thread

The Bomber

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This is a thread for RATIONAL debate about politics,declare where you stand politically,if you are unsure,take this test:


This should give you some idea of your political standpoint,i'm a left-wing libertarian,not extremely left-wing,but quite extremely libertarian,i've gotten death-threats from the KKK because of my politics,i would call myself Democratic-Socialist (Which is NOT communism,democratic socialism is expressly against communism,i do admire the theory though) i spend a lot of my time pondering new political theories,in a utopia,we would either have communism (If done right it would work) or Anarcho-Socialism,but neither of those is truly practicable right now,i do think of a few crazy theories,such as what i like to call pure anarchism,anarchy often calls for massive changes in the world,the absence of law, for example,but in pure anarchy,nothing would change,the world would work the same way it does,but without government,law would still exist,the police,everything but government.

So that's me,what about everyone else?

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This is a thread for RATIONAL debate about politics,declare where you stand politically,if you are unsure,take this test:


This should give you some idea of your political standpoint,i'm a left-wing libertarian,not extremely left-wing,but quite extremely libertarian,i've gotten death-threats from the KKK because of my politics,i would call myself Democratic-Socialist (Which is NOT communism,democratic socialism is expressly against communism,i do admire the theory though) i spend a lot of my time pondering new political theories,in a utopia,we would either have communism (If done right it would work) or Anarcho-Socialism,but neither of those is truly practicable right now,i do think of a few crazy theories,such as what i like to call pure anarchism,anarchy often calls for massive changes in the world,the absence of law, for example,but in pure anarchy,nothing would change,the world would work the same way it does,but without government,law would still exist,the police,everything but government.

So that's me,what about everyone else?

I'm in the green square.

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Me too,that's the libertarian left,i'm pretty close to Gandhi actually. :huh:

I'm mostly liberal, but some things I am more libertarian about. One thing I know is that liberals (at least here) can be every bit as patronizing and condescending as right wingers (and I've probably been guilty of it myself). I try to stay balanced by paying attention to all points of view, but when it gets racist/sexist/homophobic I just don't have the energy, it's too toxic.

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Never mind it got me right, I just screwed up in the understanding of the box.

I got far right economically, and moderate socially. So again, I'm a Libertarian (extreme economic libertarian) with some moderate if conservative social leanings

huzza B)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Nice to see many greens,can anyone post a pic of where they are on it?:


Thats me.

I dont feel like taking the test agaion, but just so you picture it, I'm almost all the way to the right, and smack dab in the middle of up and down (blue square)

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I dont feel like taking the test agaion, but just so you picture it, I'm almost all the way to the right, and smack dab in the middle of up and down (blue square)

Well here I am! Up pops the lefty with the image of being a righty! Well that pic above reminds me of Saving private Ryan, one of my all time favs. But Im sure it was taken in beautiful downtown Bagdad. If we are to disuss the Muslim thing, lets do so here. If its Hillary/Omama we will go to the Pres thread as long as its ok with all??

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Well here I am! Up pops the lefty with the image of being a righty! Well that pic above reminds me of Saving private Ryan, one of my all time favs. But Im sure it was taken in beautiful downtown Bagdad. If we are to disuss the Muslim thing, lets do so here. If its Hillary/Omama we will go to the Pres thread as long as its ok with all??

This is a thread for ALL political debate,DEBATE,not name calling,freedom of speech,right?

So let's discuss the muslim thing,don't generalize,certain people blew up your towers,so you invade a country,this is not a mathematical war,the terrorists are not in Ieaq,they exist,but not in Iraq,they are in other countries now.

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Yeah. Just let him keep on killing the innocent. Fucking Nazi that you are.

And to clarify:

Any Nazis in this country are certainly hard-nosed Republican conservatives who completely support taking Saddam out. I'm sure they're upset we don't kill every single "towel head" in Iraq.

Sounds familiar...

Sounds..like you.

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Well Id say it was not just your average crime. Im sure that you have seen your share of bad things over there in Ireland. A place I would love to visit but would be afraid to visit. I didnt chose to invade Iraq. I voted against the Bush regime as many here did. In fact, Gore won the popular vote and got fucking robbed of the office. But the info was always in question. Who knew what and when did they know? To this day, unsolved totally. I really think Bush did think he was doing the right thing. And Sadaam did have to be somehow stopped as genocide is not something we can ignore. Perhaps the way we stopped him could have been done differantly. Could we have done it "james Bond" style? I dont know. But its all water over the dam as they say. But the majority of these damb Muslims are not on my friends list.

Ah,i see,your an American with a small misconception of Ireland,there are worse, though,i've heard of people being asked "Do you have electricity in Ireland?",well don't be afraid,the only dangerous place is the north and the IRA gave up some time ago,there are still a few jackasses,but otherwise it's all good.

The political side of Ireland is crap,we are a one-party state in all but name,now,Gore,won the popular vote,true,but Bush won via the constitution,America has (If you don't mind my saying) A rather fucked up election system,Bush won legally,through a not-so-very democratic scheme,he did,after all,win because Florida is governed by his brother,he won by removing many suspect 'felons' who might use their vote for Gore,but GWB couldn't really do that,he doesn't have the smart's.

He did believe he was doing the right thing,but he wasn't,now,Sadaam has been stopped,now is the perfect time to pull out,but the James Bond theory is interesting.

The 'war on terror' was kind of a flop,there haven't been any terrorist attacks since that one day.

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The 'war on terror' was kind of a flop,there haven't been any terrorist attacks since that one day.

The War on Terror is a misconception in its self. You can't fight an idea as lucrative as terrorism. The only way to win the war on terror is to change their way of thinking.

But good post, greetings from the other side of the pond!

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Well of course,this is after all,a thread forr debating,we can't really debate if we're all lefties,So Pb Derigable and Wanna Be Drummer,let's debate,thought's on good ol' George 'Dubya?

Four more years! I do believe in the Iraq war. I don't care about the towel heads out there, but i do care about the region of hate. Even if there is no link to bin laden, in Iraq. We could've killed Saddam 15 years ago but we let him off after we told him no to fuck around. Saddam decided to fuck around and not let the UN in to check on him. if let Saddam to continue, maybe not him, but somebody from that region was going to fuck with us, especially after seeing 9-11.

Past empires failed becasue they grew to big, we don't want to grow. we want to survive.

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