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Just received book "Stairway to Heaven" written by Richard Cole


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I happened to read an article somewhere John Paul Jones read the book and was upset with Cole on how he potrayed Bonzo as in the book and needless to say, the two are are no longer on speaking terms. Jimmy also wasn't pleased with the book as well.

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I happened to read an article somewhere John Paul Jones read the book and was upset with Cole on how he potrayed Bonzo as in the book and needless to say, the two are are no longer on speaking terms. Jimmy also wasn't pleased with the book as well.

Jimmy read a few bits and threw it out his Plumpton Place window into the river - so the story goes.

Cole, a heroin addict at the time, originally received payment for his contribution to the Stephen Davis book, Hammer of the Gods.

Afterwards, he admitted to JPJ that he had done it only for the money.

Then the Cole book, Stairway to Heaven came out, and JPJ was upset because Cole was again cashing in by telling a sensationalist story.

Reports were that Cole was present at the 02 Arena show, however, and I assume that as he is sober for 20 years now, he has probably made his apologies and the band have forgiven him. His book has done good things for their image, if you subscribe to the view that any publicity is good publicity.

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It's a fun read anyway. Despite some exaggerations, some of which may even be fantasy, there are many things that went on that he exposes.

It's not all outlandish soap-opera drama, there's information about tours, locations and business dealings too. Take it with a grain of salt and have fun reading it.

Just remember, even though some stories are outrageous/made up, there was even MORE that went on that isn't written about. And that is just as fantastic as the imagined fantasies.

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It is a good read, and not at all a waste of money!.

However it is a bit dubious in it's historical truth.

As has been mentioned, Richard was desperate for money to feed his habit when he helped write the book, and he did seemingly confuse Zeppelin at times with other bands of the era.

I am not in the least a bleeding heart hippy anymore, but find it to be rather bad form that other fans still can't find a place in their hearts to forgive Mr Cole.He did, rightly or wrongly, add quite a bit of all important "mystique" to the legend!.I even have an idea that the band themselves may have forgiven him!.

Edited by Gervox
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He has been known to Exaggerate in his "books", not one man I would rely on telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. :D

My dear do i sense a scorned woman.You little cheeky one. :D



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