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Where has the time gone?

A timeless record.

The first ever "Quadrophonic" album.

I know what I'll be listening to on the way to work tomorrow!


Yes, i've heard of it. Is it a good record?

Seriously, an epic masterpiece that stands the test of time...at least in MY household. And driving by schoolyards and seeing 13-14 year old kids wearing DSOTM tee shirts makes me feel that there is hope for this world after all.

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DSOTM was also my first CD i bought. I listen to it constantly until i put LZI in the CD player, i didn't get back to it for 4 months. I just got the DTS version and used my very nice home theater system with it's stand alone super-audio CD player to good use the other day. Thats one thing about Floyd albums that many never got close to. Every song is a continuation of the previous song, but each song can stand on it's own, but gets better when played in order.

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Ahh, a truly superb album. And the album cover is one of the all time best covers of all time. Very simple and instantly recognisable.

I will say this however about "The Wall". It really is very overrated. It wafts an awful lot into all this arty farty mood and melodrama. I would have much preferred they cut out all the endless long self indulgent songs and compressed this album into one album. But again, DSOTM, what an album!!! It is to Floyd what Zeppelin's fourth album is to Zeppelin, or Machine Head is to Purple or Paranoid is to Sabbath. A true classic.

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I will say this however about "The Wall". It really is very overrated. It wafts an awful lot into all this arty farty mood and melodrama. I would have much preferred they cut out all the endless long self indulgent songs and compressed this album into one album.

Yeah but that's because obviously what Roger is singing about has no relevance to you, maybe you've had a happy life!

But there are moments in The Wall that are just so special, I mean, come on, Comfortably Numb is incredible.

Roger speaks for a lot of people's pain on that record, and if you don't feel the pain, then it's nothing to you. But for a lot of people, they're so relieved that Roger is out there singing about it. I know I am.

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Seriously, an epic masterpiece that stands the test of time...at least in MY household. And driving by schoolyards and seeing 13-14 year old kids wearing DSOTM tee shirts makes me feel that there is hope for this world after all.

In some cases it may be a good sign but considering you can also get Hendrix, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Stones, Skynyrd, etc. shirts at the likes of Target, JC Penny, etc. these days it's more likely a "fashion statement" by a lot of young kids who haven't even heard those artists.

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While many see The Wall is solely Waters' album, I don't think it's any coincidence that arguably three of the best tracks on the album- Comfortably Numb, Run Like Hell, Young Lust- are co-written by David Gilmour.

Yeah, Gilmour did bring a stronger melodic interest to those tracks, thats for sure. However songs like "One of my turns", man, let me tell you, that's a very important song to me, and also other people because aspects of that song have gotten us through some bleak moments.

A friend of mine, and myself, we've gotten through some terrible manic moments and stood by each other because of that song, and especially because of the lyric "Don't look so frightened

This is just a passing phase, One of my bad days." Knowing that lyric and because that song chrystalizes breakdown situations, it sound stupid, I know, but that song helps you to get through it.

So I mean, yeah David brought some great melodic moments to the record, and maybe some of Roger's music is a bit duff, but what makes it so incredible is what he's singing about and how he's singing it. For me, anyway.

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In some cases it may be a good sign but considering you can also get Hendrix, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Stones, Skynyrd, etc. shirts at the likes of Target, JC Penny, etc. these days it's more likely a "fashion statement" by a lot of young kids who haven't even heard those artists.

Any fashion statement that doesn't include "bling bling" is something i can relate to. Let them be fashionable and hopefully they'll listen to what they wear.

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I still get made fun of wearing zep shirt's in high school. I had about 7 and wore them 7 days a week. Last party i went to, My best friend from grammer school, whom i haven't seen in 5 years, first thing he say's "Is that the same led zeppelin shirt you wore in high school." anyway. I just officaily retired my DSOTM t-shirt, i am looking for an Animals one tho.

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Dark Side of the Moon got me into painting under black lights with flourescent paints! Fantastic album.

As far as "The Wall", I coudn't care less about what they were singing, I plainly don't like the music itself. Lyrics are always secondary at best for me, regardless of their pitiful story.

DSOTM was their peak to me. Afterwards, WYWH and Animals were good, but not as good as those previous to Dark Side. But from The Wall onward they didn't register on my radar screen.

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As far as "The Wall", I coudn't care less about what they were singing, I plainly don't like the music itself. Lyrics are always secondary at best for me, regardless of their pitiful story.

For those that aren't into The Wall I suggest Rebuild the Wall by Luther Wright and the Wrongs, it's much more uplifting with a banjo.


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Where has the time gone?

A timeless record.

The first ever "Quadrophonic" album.

I know what I'll be listening to on the way to work tomorrow!

And then one day you find ten thirty-five years have got behind you...

A masterpiece. And, you're right - it is timeless. As kids of the seventies we spent many hours in hazy, smoke-filled rooms, listening to DSOTM, under the influence of one substance or another, pondering profound questions, inspired as much by DSOTM as the chemicals we were smoking or ingesting. :hippy:

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I will say this however about "The Wall". It really is very overrated. It wafts an awful lot into all this arty farty mood and melodrama. I would have much preferred they cut out all the endless long self indulgent songs and compressed this album into one album

A - PPROVED MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh man, this sounds like I have to get it. They actually do versions of every song on the Wall - with different lyrics? I want to build a bluegrass collection anyway, as long as the instrumental parts are worthwhile...

The lyrics are the same but the instrumentation runs the gamut from bluegrass to country. It's actually very well done and as I said, much more uplifting than the original.

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As far as "The Wall", I coudn't care less about what they were singing, I plainly don't like the music itself. Lyrics are always secondary at best for me, regardless of their pitiful story.

In that case, you might like buy some Luther Vandros albums...

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Pink Floyd is my second favorite band after Zeppelin. I love the Syd stuff so much but I realized I

like Dave better because that's the Floyd stuff I discovered first. After coming to a conclusion, Dark

Side Of The Moon is my favorite Floyd album(Piper is second). I will never forget hearing Dark Side

Of The Moon for the first time. It was the summer of 2003 before I was going to be in seventh grade.

I had just discovered "real" music in Zeppelin and the Floyd. I started reading about Pink Floyd and I

decided I wanted to buy Dark Side Of The Moon. I had never listened to Pink Floyd before so it was

a first for me. I remember me and my mom went to Meijer and I bought it. I remember next coming

home and sitting down and putting it in the stereo in our living room. The front door was open and

the wind was blowing the warmth outside in through the screen door. I just sat back with my eyes

closed and couldn't believe what I was hearing. They immediately became my second favorite band

and always will be. Hearing Dark Side Of The Moon for the first time is still indescribible.

Edited by Kashmir330
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