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United States Of America Thread


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hey, you got the grand prix on belle isle!!!! :thumbsup: shakes you to your bones!!!

Yes we do, I went to it last year. I love open-wheel racing. I'm an engineer and my senior project in college was Formula SAE, where we design build and test a formula-style racecar from the ground up. We compete against 130 teams from around the world, I know theres a team or two from Norway. Pretty sweet experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Greetings from DETROIT!!!

Don't worry... :shifty: ... I won't shoot you. lol

Just kidding.., Detroit isn't as bad as people think. Stupid motorcars.

Whats up, I'm from the Detroit area too (within 20 minutes or so).

And actually, Detroit can be quite bad, ask my mom, dad, or my teacher ;)

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I really like getting in the car for a long road trip. I like to drive to South Dakota and see the transition from midwest to west. I like the west coast alot, too, because the landscape is amazing. I feel very free when I'm out on the road in the middle of nowhere :D

I agree. I like road trips too. Last one was to Memphis for some blues clubbing- a real blast. I am glad that I'm an American. I think that I'm too (openly) opinionated to fare well in another country; but, why would we WANT to change? B)

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America, Fuck yea.

I like how sushi is mentioned and the very ending.


the movie this came from, Team America, World Police,


HAHA! :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: that's hilarious.... wonder if that little ditty is a Plant/Page original?

From Texas here... mom was a huge LZ fan in her teen days and it rubbed off on me.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Urge Board to Reconsider Clemency for Troy Davis

Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed on September 23 for the murder of Police Officer Mark MacPhail in Georgia, yet serious doubts of his guilt remain and compelling evidence of his innocence has not been heard in court. On Friday, September 12, the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles denied clemency to Davis -- we must urge them to reconsider their decision.


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Protests held downtown over Troy Davis execution

Lethal injection scheduled for Tuesday; 7 witnesses have recanted in murder case

Associated Press

Friday, September 19, 2008

More than 250 anti-death penalty protesters marched Thursday in downtown Atlanta to call for a new hearing for Troy Anthony Davis, who is condemned to die next week for the murder of a Savannah police officer 19 years ago. The group also held a prayer vigil at Ebenezer Baptist Church.

In addition, one protestor has taken up a vigil in a chair at Marietta and Fairlie streets to fast and protest the planned execution.

Steve Woodall said he will remain at the chair until Davis is pardoned, his sentence is commuted, or until Tuesday, when Davis is due to be killed.

“I’m not just protesting the death penalty, I’m protesting because he’s an innocent man,” Woodall said, wearing a blue and white T-shirt that reads “I am Troy Davis.”

On Thursday night, demonstrators carried signs proclaiming “Innocence Matters” as they walked 12 blocks from Woodruff Park in the heart of downtown Atlanta to new Ebenezer Baptist Church.

The church is across Auburn Avenue from the historic sanctuary where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached. Ebenezer’s pastor, the Rev. Raphael Warnock, said it was appropriate the march should end there because King opposed the death penalty.

“This is the house of God, but it is also the house of a great servant of God whose voice echoes from the crypt,” Warnock said to the crowd, swollen to about 350 by the time they assembled in the church.

Supporters of Davis, who is scheduled for lethal injection Tuesday, say he should get a new trial because several witnesses who testified against him recanted or contradicted their statements. The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied Davis clemency last Friday but did not give a reason.

“We’re quite shocked that the board turned him down,” said Peggy Hendrix, an anti-death penalty activist from Atlanta who took part in the march organized by Amnesty International and the NAACP. “We’re trying to get them to reconsider.”

The case has taken on racial overtones because Davis is black. The slain officer, Mark McPhail, was white.

Edward Lee, an Asian-American marcher, said it was a matter of social justice.

“Any of us could be in the same situation, with the wrong skin color or whatever,” Lee said.

Eleanor Hunter of Atlanta noted that the United States is one of the few nations with capital punishment.

“We should be following the universal human rights proscribed by the United Nations,” Hunter said. “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be punished, but each of us has the right to live.”

The Rev. Timothy McDonald, who spoke at the park to begin the march, noted that all types of people were present, “old, young, Asian, black and white.”

“This is what justice looks like,” McDonald proclaimed as he exhorted the throng to chant “justice matters” and “innocence matters” along the way.

At the church, Davis’ older sister, Martina Davis Correia, said she was gratified by the turnout.

“Everyone is here,” Correia told a reporter. “No matter what happens on the 23rd we win. People are getting involved. They’re not standing for executing people for no reason.”

She said she would not give up even if her brother is put to death on Tuesday. Rejection of his appeals so far has been on procedural grounds, she said.

“I’m taking this fight to the White House,” Correia said. “This is about a system of injustice that we have to expose.”

— AJC staff writer Marcus Garner contributed to this article.


Edited by eternal light
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I just thought with all the American bashing going on this was due. I think most will agree.


edit: Childs peace flag added...we have kids too 1145hr 03.19.008.

Don't worry us English have had and still do get plenty of bashing resentment from all quarters and angles !!

I have been to , Washington,Florida,Nevada,Utah,Arizona,New Jersey and New York States and enjoyed them all, But really love Washington state ..lovely place :)

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Jimmy Carter Urges Georgia to Stay Execution of Troy Davis

Former President Jimmy Carter has called on the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles to reverse its decision to deny clemency to Troy Davis who is scheduled to be executed on Tuesday. Since Davis was convicted of allegedly killing a police officer in 1991, seven of the nine non-police witnesses have recanted. No physical or DNA evidence ties Davis to the crime. Jimmy Carter said, "This case illustrates the deep flaws in the application of the death penalty in this country. Executing Troy Davis without a real examination of potentially exonerating evidence risks taking the life of an innocent man and would be a grave miscarriage of justice.” In Atlanta, Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and the NAACP are planning to hold a rally today in front of the State Capitol.

Georgia is planning to execute Davis on Tuesday, even though the US Supreme Court is scheduled to decide next week on whether to hear a last-minute appeal in his case.


Troy Davis' fate now in the hands of the US Supreme Court

Troy Davis, who's scheduled to be executed tomorrow night, should get a new trial. An overwhelming majority of those who testified against him when he was convicted of murdering a Savannah police officer in 1989 have since recanted or admitted they lied. To carry out an execution based on such faulty testimony places the much-maligned death penalty on even more morally wobbly footing. If you support the death penalty, the Troy Davis case should appear to you as a threat to its future.

Now, Davis' fate now rests with the US Supreme Court. This just in from the Georgia Supreme Court:

In a 6-to-1 decision, the Georgia Supreme Court today denied Troy Anthony Davis’ motion for a stay of execution. All the Justices concurred, except Justice Robert Benham, who dissented. Attorneys for Davis had asked this Court to delay his execution while they attempted to appeal his case to the U.S. Supreme Court. But in today’s order, the Georgia Supreme Court found that proper jurisdiction for that request lies with the U.S. Supreme Court, where two matters are pending.

Davis’s attorneys filed a petition for certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on July 14, asking it to consider his appeal of this Court’s 4-to-3 decision last March denying his bid for a new trial. On Sept. 16, Davis’s attorneys also filed in the U.S. Supreme Court a motion for stay of execution.

“Because the Supreme Court of the United States rather than this Court properly has jurisdiction over Davis’s pending petition for a writ of certiorari and because it appears that Davis has already filed in that Court a motion for a stay of execution, his motion for a stay of execution filed in this Court is denied,” the order says.

In a concurrence, Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears writes that she agrees with today’s decision to deny the motion. She wrote the dissent in the decision last March, joined by Presiding Justice Carol Hunstein and Justice Robert Benham, and arguing in favor of a new hearing on the evidence. “I still believe that Davis is entitled to that hearing,” Chief Justice Sears writes in today’s concurrence. “Nevertheless, this case is currently pending before the United States Supreme Court on Davis’s petition for certiorari, and jurisdiction is properly in the Supreme Court, not this Court.”

Davis is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection tomorrow – Tuesday, Sept. 23 – at 7:00 P.M. at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, GA. He was convicted of the 1989 murder of Savannah Police Officer Mark Allen MacPhail.

Although the U.S. Supreme Court had scheduled a conference for Sept. 29 to discuss whether it would consider Davis’ appeal, that Court is expected to rule on the pending proceedings before tomorrow night.


Edited by eternal light
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  • 2 weeks later...
been away for 2 years now and here are a few things i miss about living in america...

going to the drive-in...

grocery stores open on a sunday...

understanding the conversations going on around me...

I've been away for a while myself and one from me would be going in to a bar you have never been to and people start talking to you, out of the blue! And smile. :D

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I've been away for a while myself and one from me would be going in to a bar you have never been to and people start talking to you, out of the blue! And smile. :D

i'll be going back in december for a visit and am really looking forward to it!!!

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