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First Zep song to melt your brain

Peep Solero

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It was good old Stairway. I was 14 (this was 8 years ago) and was into punk and nothing but punk. I obviously hadn't listened to music acoustic guitar music, so from the moment those first arpeggios played through my headphones, I knew I was entering into a whole new plane of existence. Not only because it was acoustic, but because of the haunting, wistful sounds that were coming out of that guitar. That quiet little section said more than any amount of screaming and distortion could ever accomplish. And as the music kept building and building, my brain just kept melting away into a huger and huger puddle. I couldn't believe songs like that existed. I still listened to punk after I found Zep, but never with quite the same enthusiasm...no punk band could ever pierce my heart so thoroughly like they did.

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It's strange that nobody started loving Led Zep with songs like Hats Off To (Roy) Harper or Carouselambra. As for myself, it all began with a strange LP cover I found in an old shop. It was all orange and had naked girls on it, climbing some kind of mountain (I didn't know it was a Led Zeppelin album since there was no logo on it). Anyway, it was so cheap that I bought it. I always loved psychedelic things and strange pictures so I bought it. When I put the record on, the first thing I listened was Dancing Days. I fell in love.

Edited by S-P
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Whole lot a love. I remember thinking (about 19771 or 72) who are these guys?? Plants wailing, Pages guitar riff and theramin, J.P.J. there as always, and Bonzo going crazy on the drums. Found out it was LZ and have never liked much else since.

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Black Dog off the official BBC Sessions release absolutely MELTED MY FACE OFF. :o

I know BBC Sessions was quite recent in the grand scope of the band, but mind you, I'm only 23 now, so I was what, 12 then? I'd say thats a pretty good age to get started.

Anyways, for one reason or another, my mother, yes my mother, bought the BBC Sessions release back in 97. Needless to say, the very first time listening to that song, I stole it from her. B)

To tell you the truth, I don't even know why she bought it in the first place, she has never expressed particular interest in Zeppelin, nor any other type of music like that. I honestly think some higher power forced her to pick that release up for the sole purpose of exposing me to the band at a young age. :blink:

Been a fan ever since.

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Tangerine and SIBLY were the two songs that made me take notice of them. I could just really relate to those songs the first time I listened to them and went on to seek out their other songs.

Listening to the live version of the Song Remains The Same/Rain song sealed it for me, I love listening to those after a big night out.

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i remember when i was 8 i was looking through my brothers music and i came across Led Zeppelin II i remember putting on and Whole Lotta Love just blew me away especially during the theramin section i just thought WOW then i remember sometime later finding Black dog, The Lemon Song and Stairway to heaven i didnt think Stairway was that special until it started to speed up. then about 3 years ago i became obsessed and still am.

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The first time i heard them .........It was "You Shook Me"...... played really fuckin' loud on Vinyl ........That Intro .........WOW .........It sent a shiver down my spine ........my brain exploded ..........and i was instantly hooked !!

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"Immigrant Song"... it's one of those songs that's universally known... you're exposed to it someway or another, whether it be hearing it in an ad or a movie.. but those first guitar riffs from the beginning of the song, followed by Robert's jungle cry, are unmistakable. First REALLY heard it at the beach with my mom... had a boombox going and, no doubt, she was probably stoned... but I was small and I can remember trying my beach bandanna around my head and using my sand shovel as an air guitar... BLISS.

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I was always fond of Zep since I first heard Traveling Riverside Blues in the nineties. But the first to melt my mind was I Can't Quit You Baby from the Royal Albert Hall.

I was twelve I think and I was watching "Led Zeppelin Live" on VH1 Classic. I didn't really know anything about Zep, but when Page got into that solo it blew my frickin mind.

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well growing up in a time where the average teenager thats in high school listens to the crap u see on mtv, i found led zeppelin the summer of going in to my 6th grade year.The bands i listened too were the doors and creed.i picked up the early days cd and skipped around and really liked it. i decided to download more from limewire. it wasnt as much a song as it was an album that turned me on to zepelin.Prescence (not spelled right i know) amazed me.especially hots on for nowhere and nobodys fault but mine. the whole album just shook you up and made u realize that the band u oce listened to (creed in my case ) was bull$hit and made you appreciate real music. now, lz posters grace my walls,i have almost every song now on my ipod.when i was 5 or 6 the doors opened my eyes to the wonderfull world of 60's - 70's rock music.led zep showed me that appreciation for the muscianship of the band and how they all uniquely came together and became the supergroup that they were.everyone of them was unique and they were all the best of theyre kind.the only band to get tis kind of concept was the who, they had the worlds 2nd greatest drummer and probably the best bassist and very good guitarist and singers.they had the qualities that sabbath didnt have,which made zeppelin the most important.looking at music now we dont have many good acts.in my eyes we need more bands like wolfmother which bring back the essence of led zeppelin, sabbath and pink floyd.sorry for rambling on a bit also.wanted to make my first post meaningful lol.

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I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 1996 and I was about to turn 20. I had grown up listening to glam rock (Poison, Warrant, Motley Crue, etc), sleeze rock (L.A. Guns, Guns N' Roses, etc), and was just exploring alternative/grunge (Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, etc), when I was at a party one weekend during my university days, towards late at night when most people had left for the clubs, my buddy put on Led Zeppelin IV that someone had brought to the party and blasted Rock And Roll... and it blew my mind. I was astonished that something from the 70's was soooo refreshing to the ears and to my mind.

I have thousands of cds from hundreds of artists, and Led Zeppelin to this day is still timeless (unlike most of those glam/sleeze/grunge bands I was listening to at the time.... I still listen to them this day, but Zep is still number 1).

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"Livin' Lovin' Maid" was the first that I remember jammin' to but this is "The One" Baby


Ah, what a GREAT vid! Back in the day, that was one of our anthems; I remember dancing to that many, many times. All these years later, still one of my absolute favorite Zep songs! :D

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