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Who is your favourite Beatle?

The Bomber

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I'm glad most people here love George!

They started out as this lightweight,kinda crappy band,but after a hell of a lot of acid,George busted out Sitar,some crazy guitar licks,and started experimenting,everyone goes for the Macca/Lennon songs,but George had quality over quantity,if it wasn't for him then they wouldn't be remembered,they be a crap bubblegum band instead of a psychedelic Revolution,also,has anyone here heard the legendary 13-minute epic Carnival Of Light?


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I really didn't like the Beatles,they were always far to light for me,but i had only heard the early stuff,i love the later Beatles!

I only ever purchase Beatles albums with vouchers because i don't want a penny of my money going to Ringo,he's not a good drummer,they dubbed over his drumming on Please Please me with George Martin,nice guy though.

I also think that after a certain someone,namely Linda died,Paul became cranky,he's not a nice guy to work with apparently,but i think he's alright and a great musician,i never wanted to buy their albums because they were goody two shoes until Rubber Soul,also they were just too big!I felt that if i got an album,and didn't like it,that i would have basically given my money away for no reason,so i took a chance with a voucher and got SPLHCB and loved it!

I like John 2nd best and prefer his songs to Paul's,he was a real asshole though (Once,Danny K's daughter came up to him and said "hi!I'm Danny KK's daughter",John thought she was being a brat and said "O yeah,i just heard on the radio... He's dead" as the other beatles looked on in horror as he reduced the girl to tears,he wanted Hitler on the cover of SPLHCB and when told by a fan that Ringo wasn't exactly the best drummer in the world" [That's a given] he said that Ringo wasn't even the best drummer in the beatles,still,great artist,doesn't change my opinion on his art)

But my favourite beatle is George,he was just so cool with his sitar and he did a lot of the experimenting,he was cool guy and really the bait for a young guitarist to get into the Beatles.

I know i talked alot about their personality,but that really doesn't influence my decision,i was just talking (Typing)

have you ever had your musical head examened? even to the experts, they are one of, if not the greatest, band ever. if you want to get into all the other stuff, name a band where they never had a fight, didn't talk shit.... no they weren't perfect together ,.. except musically.

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Nice post. Just want to add:

All The Beatles were humanitarians, not just John Lennon. George bringing Bangladesh to the attention of the world stands out among other efforts on his part. I can't point out any one thing Paul McCartney did, but he was married to a woman i admire deeply for her humanitarian work on the behalf of animal rights. Miss you Linda McCartney.

All the Beatles had beautiful melodies. My favorite from Paul "The Long and Winding Road", my favorite from John "Across The Universe", my favorite from George "Something" and well let me think Ringo did "Photograph", okay so that was a solo effort"!

All the Beatles were humorous, too. I won't get into faith, that's too personal.

Okay so sorry to mash up your post!!!

I'd say John was the biggest ball-buster and the funniest with Ringo,they were all funny,John's humor:

Q."So why did you move to Neww York?"

A.(Really thick Liverpool accent) "Because if i lived in Roman times i'd move to Rome"

Q."Y'know,Ringo isn't exactly the best drummer in the world."

A.(Really thick liverpool accent) "Best drummer in the world?Ringo's not even the best drummer in the Beatles!

(little girl) Hi!I'm Danny K's daughter!

(John,thinking she's a bitch for saying that she's Danny K's daughter) Oh yeah,i just heard on the radio,yeah he's dead.

(Danny K almost killed him!)


Q.So,Day Tripper is about a prostitute?


Q.And Norwegian Wood is about a lesbian?


Q.And why did you write them?

A.O i dunno,we were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians.

(Kids) When you play SPLHCB backwards it says dirty words!

(Paul) No it doesn't!

(Takes them to his house and plays it backwards)

*We'll fuck you like Supermen!*

(Paul) Oh my god!!!

And what about Revolution #9?i see why it drove Charlie Manson insane!

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Revolution #9 is the weirdest song EVER!I can't tell the difference between it and the backwards version!

Turn me on,dead man,turn me on,dead man... (Necrophilia?)

Anyway,Number 9 was the song that made me think if the Beatles can do commercial songs and still have a guy in the back going "number 9" then they're a cool band.

George forever,he was incredible.

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Great post.

Thanks :)

I think John said "Imagine there's no heaven" because it would be better not to have the whole world fighting each other over who gets to go there?


Some people don't like it if you challenge their religious beliefs.

the American Anglican Priest, Bishop Spong, he's great, but the Bible-bashers hate him. He was on TV once I remember him saying "Is your God so fragile that he cannot withstand my simple questioning?"

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George. The Underappreciated Beatle.

Here's a guy that was relatively quiet compared to John & Paul, that puts out something like All Things Must Pass and blows the doors off those two.

They all have their merits, but George gets my vote.

Exactly. Not that he wasn't already doing that in The Beatles--Something and Here Comes the Sun are two of their very best songs, imo. And I can't remember who said it earlier, but If I Needed Someone is stunning.

One of his most moving songs:

Beware of Darkness

Watch out now, take care

Beware of falling swingers

Dropping all around you

The pain that often mingles

In your fingertips

Beware of darkness

Watch out now, take care

Beware of the thoughts that linger

Winding up inside your head

The hopelessness around you

In the dead of night

Beware of sadness

It can hit you

It can hurt you

Make you sore and what is more

That is not what you are here for

Watch out now, take care

Beware of soft shoe shufflers

Dancing down the sidewalks

As each unconscious sufferer

Wanders aimlessly

Beware of maya

Watch out now, take care

Beware of greedy leaders

They take you where you should not go

While weeping atlas cedars

They just want to grow, grow and grow

Beware of darkness (beware of darkness)

This is an amazing one as well:

Isn't it a Pity

Isn't it a pity

Now, isn't it a shame

How we break each other's hearts

And cause each other pain

How we take each other's love

Without thinking anymore

Forgetting to give back

Isn't it a pity

Some things take so long

But how do I explain

When not too many people

Can see we're all the same

And because of all their tears

Their eyes can't hope to see

The beauty that surrounds them

Isn't it a pity

Isn't it a pity

Isn't is a shame

How we break each other's hearts

And cause each other pain

How we take each other's love

Without thinking anymore

Forgetting to give back

Isn't it a pity

Forgetting to give back

Isn't it a pity

Forgetting to give back

Now, isn't it a pity

What a pity

What a pity, pity, pity

What a pity

What a pity, pity, pity

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Paul has always been my favourite. What an amazing vocal range. On one hand he sings with such a pure and melodic voice on songs like The Long and Winding Road, Yesterday or My Love, but when you listen to something like Monkberry Moon Delight, or Oh Woman Oh Why it sounds like he's gonna bust a nut. I've never heard a singer use such a range of expresion in one song as Paul did in Hey Jude. Then a different voice again for songs like Lady Madonna. Amazing singer.

That said, All Things Must Pass contains some of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. And just real pretty guitar playing. Everything Harrison did seemed to come right from his soul and was very moving.

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john had a large range of terrific, brilliant ideas.

paul had a wonderful voice, and sang the majority of songs excellently.

george has always struck me as somewhat of a hidden talent within the beatles. he's only shown his full potential in very few songs, i'd of highly held it in upmost appreciation if he performed more although i'm well aware of his responsibility for writing a rather fair amount of their songs. some even that i thought paul had originally wrote.

now for ringo, ummm..... i've always sort of looked upon ringo as a joke. his songs were ridiculous. but he was an awesome drummer. so kudos for that.

octopus's garden is easily one of the worst beatles song in existence. ringos irrelevant donations to the bands musical career we're merely incoherent. and believe me there are minor amounts of beatles songs i could actually class and rate as mediocre.

then again, without ringo on the drums the beatles wouldn't of been the same.

thats just my opinion, though.

my personal conclusion is :

johns ideas, pauls voice, george's additional talent and ringo's humor.

not in the form of laughing with him though, just at him.

Edited by haze
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