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That's amazing that you are from Austria. I envy you so much. It was the best trip of my life so far, but it was the only time I have ever been out of the UK. :lol: I wouldn't hesitate to go again.

Hi redeydrichard!

I'm not from Austria - I'm from the very southern part of Germany (Bavaria) and live very close to the Austrian border. But of course there are certain similarities in our language dialects, behaviour and so on. We use to tramp and hike there a lot in the mountains around Kufstein and Salzburg. Also very special sites are the areas around Berchtesgaden, Bad Reichenhall, Königssee and Chiemsee. They are on the German site but only a fiew kilometers away from our Austrian neighbours. Some mountains like the Untersberg are shared from both countries and you cross the border high up Over The Hills And Far Away from every civilization. We only have two hours by car to go there and do this quite often from the early summer months until autumn.

Feel free to make a contact if you intend to go there again - we will provide you with tips where to go and maybe there is a chance to do a hike together!



Great pics of London!!

I did only post the New Zealand pics!

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OK here are the last of my London pics.

Houses of Parliament; love how the light plays off the two towers


Some views of Hyde Park. Was a misty rainy day, but perfect weather for walking there. The place was virtually deserted. A nice way to spend my last few hours in London.



Here's me atop St. Pauls. Sorry for the shock. :) The grimace is because it was cold and rainy and windy up there.


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The grimace is because it was cold and rainy and windy up there.

I envy you for having seen London in rain, clouds and all of this stuff!!! I was there for many times now and sometimes I stayed there even for two weeks - but I always just had blue skies, nearly no clouds, T-shirt-weather...... And never no fog at all......

Oh England My Lionheart,

I'm in your garden fading fast in your arms

The soldiers soften, the war is over

The air-raid shelters are blooming clover,

Flapping umbrellas fill the lanes

My London Bridge in rain again <_<

Oh England My Lionheart

Peter Pan steals the kids in Kensington Park

You read me Shakespeare on the rolling Thames,

That old river poet that never, ever ends

Our thumping hearts hold the ravens in,

And keep the tower from tumbling

Oh England My Lionheart

I don't want to go

Oh England My Lionheart

Dropped from my black spitfire

to my funeral barge,

Give me one kiss in the appleblossom,

Give me one wish and I'd be wassailing

In the orchard my English Rose,

Or with my shepherd who'll bring me home

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I would sooo love to visit Bavaria, my ancestors on my Mothers side came form that region.....

Those mountains.....and BEER....oh yeah, some day!

Just come around here! And bring your beer jacket! I have special connections to the world's most famous wheatbeer brewery SCHNEIDER WEISSE where I made several pics for sales promotion!

This for example is a huuuuuge kettle where young wheatbear is waiting for its ripe .... spoooooky!!!!


I shot this one in the ancient cellar where the SCHNEIDER WEISSE Vintage Aventinus (dangerously strong!!!) is stored (which is mostly sold in single bottles to rich Americans...).


Interested in SCHNEIDER WEISSE? So go for Most famous wheatbeer of the world

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Those are beautiful pics Leddy, and Tinkerbell!

Thanks Hotplant !! its a nice place even if the shopkeepers try and sell big time !!

Do it!!! It's more than worth while!

If you need a little push visit my New Zealand galleries!

NEW ZEALAND seen by Tinkerbell

There wonderful pics, One day I will go, my partner has dual nationality with Britain. I know that sometime we are going to visit her old friends in Aus and I know we will tie it in with going to New Zealand !!

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Grüß Gott, Tinkerbell, beautiful pics.

Ich liebe Bayern. :wub:

Leddy, the shopkeepers in Morocco didn't bother me at all...my husband gave them a hard time. Some of them really asked him: hey, man you're Berber, right? :lol:

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Grüß Gott, Tinkerbell, beautiful pics.

Ich liebe Bayern. :wub:

Leddy, the shopkeepers in Morocco didn't bother me at all...my husband gave them a hard time. Some of them really asked him: hey, man you're Berber, right? :lol:

Thats good (the shopkeepers not bothering) !! In Tunisia they hassled big time !!, but it was a great trip !!

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Thats good (the shopkeepers not bothering) !! In Tunisia they hassled big time !!, but it was a great trip !!

They tried, Leddy, but we are somewhat used to bargain here and my husband can deal with ANY shopkeepers in the world, I tell you. And I'm also good at this bargain thing. ;)

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They tried, Leddy, but we are somewhat used to bargain here and my husband can deal with ANY shopkeepers in the world, I tell you. And I'm also good at this bargain thing. ;)

ah ok thats cool, I remember when I lived out in Oman that I use to haggle alot with the shop keepers in the Souk, it was great fun as it wasn't hard sell but you new if you kept going you would get a bargin !!! :)

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Hi redeydrichard!

I'm not from Austria - I'm from the very southern part of Germany (Bavaria) and live very close to the Austrian border. But of course there are certain similarities in our language dialects, behaviour and so on. We use to tramp and hike there a lot in the mountains around Kufstein and Salzburg. Also very special sites are the areas around Berchtesgaden, Bad Reichenhall, Königssee and Chiemsee. They are on the German site but only a fiew kilometers away from our Austrian neighbours. Some mountains like the Untersberg are shared from both countries and you cross the border high up Over The Hills And Far Away from every civilization. We only have two hours by car to go there and do this quite often from the early summer months until autumn.

Feel free to make a contact if you intend to go there again - we will provide you with tips where to go and maybe there is a chance to do a hike together!



Ah yes, sorry about that, you did say that you were near the Austrian border. My fault for not reading it correctly. Sorry. But still, that is a great place to live. And thanks for the offer regarding going for a walk or suggesting a hike or two. The UK is a great place to live...you are never more than 70 miles from a coast so it is very easy to visit the seaside in a day. There are some great sights in the UK. Scotland and Wales are beautiful and the countryside in England is breathtaking. These are some pictures of the Lake District in England:





I try and visit the Lake District as often as possible and you can see why!!! :o

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Your mountain shots are great redeyerichard ! So many good pics from all here !!

Each time I'd go skiing I'd feel it was a vacation. I lived nearby, so would go quite frequently...at least 2 -3 times per week. This is at the top of peak 8 in Breckenridge Colorado winter of '06.

We'd hike to this spot from the top of the lift chair then ski down the 'bowl' pictured 2nd and 3rd...




Nice snow pics !!! how cool to live near by to do that !! I only ever went skiing once and I was rubbish !! on my backside every time

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....... Ah yes, sorry about that, you did say that you were near the Austrian border. My fault for not reading it correctly. Sorry...........

Nevermind, redeyedrichard! Unlike to our German brothers and sisters from the northern parts of our country we in Bavaria do not mind at all being compared or even mixed up with our neighbours! Austrians and Bavarians are indeed very similar! We all are alpine southerners and more drawn to Switzerland, Austria, South Italy, Elsaß. Same roots!

..................The UK is a great place to live...you are never more than 70 miles from a coast so it is very easy to visit the seaside in a day. There are some great sights in the UK. Scotland and Wales are beautiful and the countryside in England is breathtaking. These are some pictures of the Lake District in England:

I try and visit the Lake District as often as possible and you can see why!!!

Wow, redeyedrichard, these are amazing sights and wonderful pics!!! I've never been at the Lake District (.... in this life.... ;-). A big mistake, so far! We travelled a lot and to many places on our wonderful planet but since some years my longing for the northern parts of Europe is inclining more and more. I'm simply fond of mountains, deep valleys, dramatic skies, heavy clouds and mist rolling out from the forests..... And this conditions are to find best here at home right in front of my doorsteps or at least only some hours away in the neighbourhood!

Hopefully we'll go to Great Britain by the motorbikes next year - working our way through England, Wales and up to Scotland. I hope the plan will succeed!

Congratulations to all the other beautiful pics here on this board!!!! Stay in tune!



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Wow, redeyedrichard, these are amazing sights and wonderful pics!!! I've never been at the Lake District (.... in this life.... ;-). A big mistake, so far! We travelled a lot and to many places on our wonderful planet but since some years my longing for the northern parts of Europe is inclining more and more. I'm simply fond of mountains, deep valleys, dramatic skies, heavy clouds and mist rolling out from the forests..... And this conditions are to find best here at home right in front of my doorsteps or at least only some hours away in the neighbourhood!

Hopefully we'll go to Great Britain by the motorbikes next year - working our way through England, Wales and up to Scotland. I hope the plan will succeed!

The Lake District is literally about an hour and a half away from us. I need to get out there more. It is such a great place to sit and think. The Lakes there are amazing, absolutely amazing. I think people can get too obsessed looking in travel brochures at other countries that they forget their own. We have spent many a holiday in this country seeing the sights and I am never disappointed. There's just place after place that takes your breath away.

Check out this video of the Yorkshire Dales, literally an hours drive from my house:

And this video of the Lake District:

The Lake District

I think it is such a priveledge to have such beauty right on my doorstep. In fact a couple of friends of mine are moving out to the Yorkshire Dales so hopefully I will be able to get out there a bit more now. :yay:

Great pictures everyone!! :thumbsup:

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^^^ You can do sometime soon brother! Vacation doesn't necessarily mean jumping on a plane and going somewhere, or even going for a week or two weeks. Simply going away for two days at the weekend can be a vacation. Just to get away from your normal day to day routine. :thumbsup: Something will present itself...I haven't been away since July last year, but something will present itself.

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