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New Zeppelin interviews in 'Uncut' Magazine

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Once again Mr. Plant is somewhat cryptic but that is how he speaks. Jimmy is very forthright if people would not try to look for the hidden meaning in his words and JPJ says what he means with no double meaning.

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Plant has never had to sing consistently with another. Plant has not liked doing multiple takes to find perfection like George Martin once had the Beatles doing.


George Martin never had them doing multiple takes to find perfection. John Lennon was famous for being a 2 or 3 takes guy, right from the first time they stepped in the door at EMI.

And, if you must know, when Burt Bacharach was recording Cilla Black singing "Alfie" (with George Martin producing) Burt was making her sing take after take, before George finally said "Burt, what exactly are you looking for?" and Burt replied "Well, George, I want that little bit of magic..." to which George replied "Well I think we got it in take 3..."

So, you know...

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To everyone that's offered thanks - glad to be of service! :)

The May edition has Page/Plant/Jones on the cover. I can't yet find a picture of it online, will post it when I can.

The cover-mounted CD is rather good too, plenty of music that influenced Zeppelin.

We shall see what comes out of all of this. But they really can't confirm anything until after Robert's tour with Alison finishes up, which I believe ends in July.

The Uncut cover with Zep is now on their website.


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While they were simple, straight to the point questions, I liked them as they seemed to be questions that a Zep fan would ask, i.e. the question regarding any frustration on Page's part concerning the "Raising Sand" tour.


These are the questions that have been asked for the last months by the fans on this forum.

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Yeah I know!

Yeah he was pushing the reunion issue, but i think he did it for a sound bite. Which is bad journalism. Especially when the subject cuts you off in the middle of your question to debunk you're question. Now you shold persue the question if they are doing a spin job, but they all answer the question to the best of thier ability. The interviewer seems like he was digging up shit on each other. But i think he had some very good questions tho.

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the day robert gives a straight answer to a question is the day i cut off my nut sack.

Robert Plant has his own version of straight answers; when he tells the audience he is coming back soon we think he means next week when what he really means is after he gets around to it following his latest trip. You never really know how long that trip will take once the magic of discovery beckons him; he does not run on automatic.

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Robert Plant has his own version of straight answers; when he tells the audience he is coming back soon we think he means next week when what he really means is after he gets around to it following his latest trip. You never really know how long that trip will take once the magic of discovery beckons him; he does not run on automatic.

That anti-climatic microphone toss at the end of the 02 gig seemed to be his way of saying he wouldn't be back with the other three for quite awhile...if ever.

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Once again Mr. Plant is somewhat cryptic but that is how he speaks. Jimmy is very forthright if people would not try to look for the hidden meaning in his words and JPJ says what he means with no double meaning.

I didn't really think his answers were cryptic. He seemed to basically state that he wouldn't rule working together with Jimmy and John Paul if the right reason came along. It's clear he really loves Jimmy like a brother, despite any ups and downs they have had but again, doing something like that needs to be for a specific reason as the 02 was.

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We shall see what comes out of all of this. But they really can't confirm anything until after Robert's tour with Alison finishes up, which I believe ends in July.

The Uncut cover with Zep is now on their website.


those are some bamfs right there

robert said he'd like to play again for a good reason

thats a nice thing to hear!

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I tried to look for this today, but the bookstore still had the March issue on the stands. Apparently there's an interview with Plant in the new issue of Q Magazine too (with Madonna on the cover). Didn't see that one either. <_<

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Jimmy does come off a ltad pissed at Robert. I think even brothers who love each other at some point have to draw a line. I think Robert has pushed Jimmy over that line this time around.

Enjoy singing reworked, watered down versions of Zeppelins music Robert. I have a feeling you may never step on stage with the real thing again.

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Jimmy does come off a ltad pissed at Robert. I think even brothers who love each other at some point have to draw a line. I think Robert has pushed Jimmy over that line this time around.

Enjoy singing reworked, watered down versions of Zeppelins music Robert. I have a feeling you may never step on stage with the real thing again.

Why do you think Robert has pushed Jimmy over the line? I don't see that as the case. I'm quite certain if Robert decided he'd tour or do some things with Jimmy, Jimmy would not turn him down.

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Why do you think Robert has pushed Jimmy over the line? I don't see that as the case. I'm quite certain if Robert decided he'd tour or do some things with Jimmy, Jimmy would not turn him down.

I do not think it's about the money so please do not bring that up. Like I said Robert, for whatever reason, will not make a commitment to work on a Led Zeppelin project of any kind when his tour is over. Jimmy clearly in this interview IMO is upset that Robert did not commit to doing something after Roberts tour is done in September. I think Jimmy was more then willing to wait for Robert after his tour. Robert, for whatever reason, has turned down making a commitment to a Zeppelin project. This is why I think Jimmy feels he no longer is willing to wait.

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I do not think it's about the money so please do not bring that up. Like I said Robert, for whatever reason, will not make a commitment to work on a Led Zeppelin project of any kind when his tour is over. Jimmy clearly in this interview IMO is upset that Robert did not commit to doing something after Roberts tour is done in September. I think Jimmy was more then willing to wait for Robert after his tour. Robert, for whatever reason, has turned down making a commitment to a Zeppelin project. This is why I think Jimmy feels he no longer is willing to wait.

Thanks for clarifying what you meant. I didn't say anything about money as I don't think it's about that at all either. I was referring to my feeling that Jimmy seems keen to work with Robert and John Paul and that if down the line Robert chose to as well, Jimmy would not likely say no. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't get the feeling Jimmy is angry with Robert's commitment to Raising Sand as that's been in the works since they started rehearsing, so it's not as though Robert suddenly chose to tour with Alison. Jimmy might be frustrated wishing Robert didn't have other commitments (though I don't know if that would change things, again, just my opinion) but upset, I don't know.

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What memories and emotions from the night of December 10 stand out for you?

First of all, I think that what we intended to do, we accomplished. Judging by the feedback, it really moved a lot of people. It was a totally different show to the production rehearsal beforehand, but that was intended; we wanted to be able to move this way and that, musically, within the framework of the songs. So, yeah, on reflection, it was mission accomplished.

You walked onstage at the O2 wearing shades. What could you see in the faces of the front rows?

I wasn't concentrating on the audience. It was heads-down for the first three numbers, which we did as a medley, non-sop, and when I took my glasses off, I didn't see the audience then, either. I was just getting lost in the music. We'd paced ourselves for this concert, we'd given it our total commitment, and nothing was going to getin the way of it – not even broken fingers – forget it, nothing was going to get in the way of this.

What were the most stunning performances of that night?

From the feedback I've had, it all built towards 'Kashmir'. Everybody who remarked on it, whether it was the public or other musicians, said that 'Kashmir' was totally out of this world.

….But with Led Zeppelin, that music is probably going to go through to the DNA imprint of my children. It's so much a part of me. I just go into a sort of…For example, a number that we did in the rehearsals was 'The Rover'. Now, we hadn't played 'The Rover' before, not in a complete version…

I always think of 'The Rover' as a perfect illustration of Zeppelin at their most confident.

That sort of swagger? It's got a real swagger about it. An intentional swagger.



Edited by lajoie
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That's a lovely analogy. Of course children are on a different level, but, the idea is the same. Love them all equally, but in different ways. (Doesn't mean they won't drive you nuts sometimes, too... )

Thank you, SunChild. I had a feeling that you might understand my bad analogy. ;)

Yes, as you've clarified: “different level, but, the idea is the same”.

Kids. You’re right about how they will drive you nuts – and they will do things that make you cringe, get you do things you never thought you’d ever do and, sometimes, they will stumble in such a way that it tears at your heart.


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I'm amused that the N.M.E's version of the Uncut interviews has John Paul Jones commenting on the future of "his" band. I'm bound to ask :

And why shouldn't he? And why should that attribution be so wrong? Aren't Zep 'his' as much as anyone else's? A hint- try to avoid being critical of NME here. They seem to have put forward a quite interesting idea.

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Thanks for clarifying what you meant. I didn't say anything about money as I don't think it's about that at all either. I was referring to my feeling that Jimmy seems keen to work with Robert and John Paul and that if down the line Robert chose to as well, Jimmy would not likely say no. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't get the feeling Jimmy is angry with Robert's commitment to Raising Sand as that's been in the works since they started rehearsing, so it's not as though Robert suddenly chose to tour with Alison. Jimmy might be frustrated wishing Robert didn't have other commitments (though I don't know if that would change things, again, just my opinion) but upset, I don't know.

His comments in this article seem to be out of frustration IMO, knowing the fact that they have a wonderful open door come this September and Robert has closed it. It has nothing to do with Roberts commitment of the present. It has everything to do with Robert not giving a commitment to a future project (which has been leaked from "inside" sources) when he is done with Raising Sand.

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I'm amused that the N.M.E's version of the Uncut interviews has John Paul Jones commenting on the future of "his" band. I'm bound to ask :

And why shouldn't he? And why should that attribution be so wrong? Aren't Zep 'his' as much as anyone else's? A hint- try to avoid being critical of NME here. They seem to have put forward a quite interesting idea.

Led Zeppelin was Jimmy Page's band; the other three were members of it. Suggesting anything else is revisionist.

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Led Zeppelin was Jimmy Page's band; the other three were members of it. Suggesting anything else is revisionist.

He may have laid the groundwork for a new band post Yardbirds but Led Zeppelin would not be Led Zeppelin without the contributions of all four of them.

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Led Zeppelin was Jimmy Page's band; the other three were members of it. Suggesting anything else is revisionist.

I agree; originally Led Zeppelin evolved as the New Yardbirds. Of the four members of Led Zeppelin, only Jimmy Page was ever a member of the Yardbirds. Page was the one who auditioned people to join the band and organized the selection process.

Edited by eternal light
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