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Led Zeppelin Won't Release Comeback Concert DVD

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I have it on DVD. It isn't official though, great performance. I can't see why Jimmy doesn't want to release it. To each his own I guess.

Hey Janice, I want to listen to it!! I don´t know where to find it and I´ll be glad if you can tell me :) BTW, you can check all my audio enhanced versions of the gig´s vids on YouTube:

Click here :rolleyes:

To me, Led Zep is the best rock band EVER!! :D

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Maybe the press over the concert for -ahmet ertegun show was enough for the -led zeppelin aura. I would like to see a cd release for us fans, but it most likely won't happen i guess.

Its just a bit frustrating with the whole thing of a "come back" when this could have happened years ago. But hey...-led zeppelin in 07!!! i am not complaining.

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I'm beginning to sound like a broken record- or cd for those of you born after 1985- but c'mon!! Haven't the fans been screwed enough already? NO ticket for O2, NO tour, NO dvd,- what's next? Is it just me, or am I the only one who feels slighted? Zeppelin USED to be about the fans. I don't know what happened, or why. Maybe if Robert Plant agreed to tour with them beyond his "must be for a really really good reason" conditions, then maybe the band might care about the fans again. If Peter Grant were alive, he'd kick some Percy butt back to Birgmingham PDQ, and remind ol' Perce where he came from and how lucky he was to get out of there... sorry, here I go again....


Zep doesn't owe anything to anyone unfortunately. They don't exist as an official band anymore and don't feel as you do!

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Ya know, some bands cater to their fans...and i am definately not expecting that as a led zeppelin fan... but i'm listening to the freaking bbc sessions, which i bought and was ripped off several times on bootleg vinyl. Again, i am not complaining, will be on cloud nine for years after this show...but i'm just saying. C'mon, more official releases please! forget about cd shelf life, give the real fans some stuff to listen to. :D

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I read as much of the thread as I had time for so I apologize if what I post is redundant.

After watching both the 3rd Eye and KatzEye DVD's I can't see this show ever being an official band endorsed release. It’s just not up to snuff. Now that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it or that the band should be ashamed just that the performance is very loose and it nearly derails and is full of misfires throughout. When all I had seen was the youtube clips I had a different opinion, it was difficult to see and hear the slip ups due to the horrid quality of the clips. The DVD's are much more revealing, good and bad, though I'm glad to have seen the raw footage unaltered because it doesn't hide anything. I'm not going to point out everything I think was off; if you have the DVD's and you are honest with yourself about the performance you know what I mean. Mistakes aside I get the feeling some band members weren't 100% into it or were going through the motions. Its obvious Jason played his heart out, but there are moments in during the show where the energy just wasn't there. No biggie, they reunited and had a successful show despite the speculation it would be another mess a-la 88 Atlantic. Honestly I don't need more than the bootleg DVD's, I'd buy an official release but I'd be disappointed if it was doctored and patched together to make it seem better than it really was. Zep goes out with class and grace; it’s a win as far as I'm concerned and it should be left at that.

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HMMM...I was at the show (front against the barricade) and I also have the Third Eye DVD. If you are talking about the minor miscues during say Roberts missing a vocal cue in "Whole Lotta Love", Jimmy a half step behind Jason in "BLack Dog" during the main riff once or Robert's missing the high note in "Stairway", sorry, but I can't share your opinion. Even things like the feedback issues during the first three songs or the infamous "Dazed" and REALLY CONFUSED section didn't bother me in the least. I have no doubt that Jimmy can work his studio magic and fix those for an offical DVD. And why not? To do otherwise would be like having an artist go into the studio and only keep the recording on the first take! No special studio enhancements, no second takes, just one shot and that's how it has to be? The show was phenominal and I pray they relesase it officially - with or without corrections!

I can't think of a single DVD or CD that I have of Zep that DOESN'T have a flaw or two (or dozen!) on them! Just because the show wasn't perfect, I couldn't care less! That was an awesome show, the boys should be proud and I know the majority of fans can't wait to see it on an official DVD.

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I read as much of the thread as I had time for so I apologize if what I post is redundant.

After watching both the 3rd Eye and KatzEye DVD's I can't see this show ever being an official band endorsed release. It’s just not up to snuff. Now that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it or that the band should be ashamed just that the performance is very loose and it nearly derails and is full of misfires throughout. When all I had seen was the youtube clips I had a different opinion, it was difficult to see and hear the slip ups due to the horrid quality of the clips. The DVD's are much more revealing, good and bad, though I'm glad to have seen the raw footage unaltered because it doesn't hide anything. I'm not going to point out everything I think was off; if you have the DVD's and you are honest with yourself about the performance you know what I mean. Mistakes aside I get the feeling some band members weren't 100% into it or were going through the motions. Its obvious Jason played his heart out, but there are moments in during the show where the energy just wasn't there. No biggie, they reunited and had a successful show despite the speculation it would be another mess a-la 88 Atlantic. Honestly I don't need more than the bootleg DVD's, I'd buy an official release but I'd be disappointed if it was doctored and patched together to make it seem better than it really was. Zep goes out with class and grace; it’s a win as far as I'm concerned and it should be left at that.

Yeah I'm sorry to all the naysayers who have to say nay about everything, but a sub-par performance has never stopped Jimmy whacking something into releasable format before, I don't see why it would now.

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Yeah I'm sorry to all the naysayers who have to say nay about everything, but a sub-par performance has never stopped Jimmy whacking something into releasable format before, I don't see why it would now.


Except I think Jimmy never released anything "substandard" by choice,but was only using the best available to him.

And if you are like me, you realise that the o2 preformance not only lived up to most fans expectations, but exceeded them!.

The o2 concert was not a new begining, but rather a new Coda,one that will become more important with time,and for its historical importance alone, should be released to the general public to enjoy/criticise.

Or maybe the band members have simply vetoed its release, because they think they can improve on it in the future?

Now theirs a thought! :)

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I like that thought!

I, too was front row and the show was exceptional considering how long it's been since they played. Did they play every note perfect. Definitely not, nor was timing perfect. Overall absolutely fabulous.

I'm glad I have the boots so I can see and remember the real thing. It's also awesome to see the view from the back of the arena instead of the front row. Although you're close you don't see the entire show from there.

I'd love to see an official dvd.

Just like a tour, we can only hope.

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If you're NOT going to tour...release the DVD; if you ARE going to tour, film a few shows, and release the best one!! Please!

But the fact remains; the O2 show was a very special occasion...RELEASE IT!!!

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I'm not sure where the idea that it would never be released came from. Again, here is what Jimmy had to say:

But guitarist Jimmy Page said: "It was recorded - but we didn't go in with the express purpose of making a DVD to come out at Christmas, or whatever." Page said a future release "at some distant point" was remotely possible.

That still sounds pretty promising to me!

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Page said that the amount of work that went into this one show was equal to preparing for a full fledged tour. The show and a full-production rehearsal were both recorded to video and audio on state of the art equipment. They were ready and totally delivered.

If I were Page, I'd have Kevin Shirley working on the O2 DVD with me 5 nights a week,

I'd give him the weekends off.

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I was just reading a Jimi Hendrix bio, and in it they talked about the filming of the Monterey Pop Festival. They said something to the effect of: "We had to wait a WHOLE six months for the video to be released." :blink:

So.....with all the fancy smancy equipment that was at the 02, why can't a DVD be put out sooner?????


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dont hold your breath.. If you have the third eye dvd enjoy it cause thats all were gonna get...If it ever sees the light of day it will only be the best of............Knebworth took forever to come out and it was only a few songs, same with Earls Court........The Song Remains The Same..........

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Maybe I'm swept up in the romanticism of the event but when I re-live the experience through the Third Eye video, I'm always blown away. First off, the experience is not objective (nothing entirely is). So, when I tune-in, my mind-set has a lot to do with the overall effect. So I save it for special occasions...when I'm really in the mood. Under these circumstances, it's freakin' amazing regardless of any imperfections that I may detect. Hell, any performance/bootleg that I've heard has its ups and downs. In this context, the O2 show is extremely worthy of an official release. I'll take it raw of course but if Pagey wants to add a little polish, then fine. Just get it out there so we can all experience a professional recording in our own personal way.

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  • 1 year later...

I wonder if there is any possibility that while they rehearsed for the big reunion if they may have recorded something new that they are keeping on ice for the future? Maybe they planned to play it if there was a tour? Which never occurred. But if they did write a new song or two, Jimmy could have it tucked away? Longshot I suppose. But it would be a heck of a surprise.

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Perhaps Jimmy feels that if people buy a DVD of the 02 Arena show, they won't be as likely to go see them if they tour???

aged as page is,he is still probably somewhat vain,and some crucial mistakes by plant may be holding up the DVD release:who knows????
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  • 2 weeks later...

aged as page is,he is still probably somewhat vain,and some crucial mistakes by plant may be holding up the DVD release:who knows????

:rolleyes: There is no tour and, as far as anyone else knows, no plans for a DVD release anyway - irrespective of vanity issues and/or individual mistakes.

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 Boy, the wait has been frustrating hasn't it?!

 After seeing so many angles and hearing the point of view of so many microphones, my main complaint is the timing of the mix. The closer you are to the stage, the more punctuality the musicians seem to be showing towards each other and the music. In the high bleachers, the mix seems to delay Bonham and Page, making them seem slightly disconnected. Also there is a mid range drop out in Page's tone that is in the house. You can hear everything he plays at the stage level, but in the bleachers, as Page runs his solos onto the D string, he just disappears in the mix. 

I'd like to call attention to copyright law as it pertains to the internet. Seems American copyright law is going international in the near future. I'm wondering if Page is going to wait until the O2 rights can be re-secured world wide, have all the O2 removed from youtube (as well as the rest of Zep) and then publish the DVD

 The reputation of the show itself suffers with all of the inadequacies of the house mix. Page played better than the far away microphones would have you believe. So did Bonham.

I hate waiting. When I think about what Led Zeppelin has taught me, 2 things come to mind.

1) preservering. 2) waiting.

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Page played better than the far away microphones would have you believe. So did Bonham.

Well, the two of them did botch the ending of Dazed, coming out of the guitar solo with the drum triplets, going back into the slow tempo. I don't see how that can be repaired without going into the studio and re-recording some stuff. That's the only heinous error that I've found in the whole show, though, which is pretty good for 27 years off....

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Nobody expects or wants perfection from a live show, though--otherwise the band might as well just mime to the album versions. It's the unexpected, including the screw-ups, that make the live experience so exciting. (And I can't say I noticed this error at all at the time, and I'm sure I wouldn't have cared if I had. :D )

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