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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Romney Drops Out

14 minutes ago

BOSTON - Former Massachussetts Gov. Mitt Romney is suspending his presidential campaign, effectively ceding the Republican nomination to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington Thursday, Romney talked of Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama retreating in Iraq and declaring defeat.

He then told the crowd he disagrees with McCain on a number of issues, but that he'd given the matter a lot of thought and if he fought on all the way to the Republican convention, " I forestall the launch of a national campaign and frankly I'd be making it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win. Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror."

Romney added, "If this were only about me, I can go on. But its never been only about me. I entered this race... because I love America, and because I love America, in this time of war, I feel I now have to stand aside, for our party and for our country." *source*


buh-bye Mitt! :wave:

SteveAJones and TUled...

I'll take those cold ones now! :thumbsup:

Make mine Coors Banquet Brew, please. :D

So who ya gonna vote for now, TUled?.. John McCain? :blink:

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During the Super Tuesday coverage, they were talking a lot about the issue of "electability" and how Obama/Clinton compared to Romney/Huckabee would be an easy win for the Democrats, but compared to McCain, the Dems might have a hard time come November.

I just don't like the fact McCain said we might be stuck in the Middle East for the next 100 years. I want out of that shithole as fast as can be done.

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Now McCain has nine months to convince the Republican Party that conservatism is the 'father of his baby'.

How much you wanna bet that 'the baby' ends being adopted by caring liberals?

Democrats have two excellent dem candidates to choose from, Delberto, and

have been turning out in record numbers all across the country to vote for them.

What in the world makes you think that with an historic opportunity to elect the first woman POTUS or the first African American POTUS.. both of whom are democrats and are unquestionably qualified to hold that office.. dem voters would choose instead to vote for an old white-guy Bush-ass-kissing Iraq-war-supporting republican?


Keep dreamin the dream, bud. :P:D




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Democrats have two excellent dem candidates to choose from, Delberto, and

have been turning out in record numbers all across the country to vote for them.

What in the world makes you think that with an historic opportunity to elect the first woman POTUS or the first African American POTUS.. both of whom are democrats and are unquestionably qualified to hold that office.. dem voters would choose instead to vote for an old white-guy Bush-ass-kissing Iraq-war-supporting republican?


Keep dreamin the dream, bud. :P:D

Riddle me this Batman... when was the last time the country (not just the Democrats) have elected a distinctly far left liberal Democratic canidate?


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Riddle me this Batman... when was the last time the country (not just the Democrats) have elected a distinctly far left liberal Democratic candidate?

The times they are a CHANGIN', Del. B)

What amazes me is that for all their talk about how great they think America is, conservatives don't really want America to be on the cutting edge of human progress, instead conservatives seem to always be looking back to the Ozzie and Harriet "glory days" of the paternalistic '50's.. or the Reagan era.. as the pinnacle of American greatness. :rolleyes:

Its time to stop looking back and instead to start boldly looking forward, bud.

Its time to discard old, stale conservatism and to embrace American progressivism! :cheer:


Edited by Hermit
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John McCain owns


because John appeared on SNL with the White Stripes, The White Stripes are an awesome band, and Jack White like J. Page...and somehow Kevin Bacon is represented in this chain of awesomness that finally ends at Chuck Norris being kidnapped and cloned so that the evil clone could endorse Huckles Huckerbee

Anyways, McCain 2008

Peace out Wiggas.

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The times they are a CHANGIN', Del. B)

What amazes me is that for all your talk about how great you think America is, you don't really want America to be on the cutting edge of human development, instead you're always looking back to the Ozzie and Harriet "glory days" of the paternalistic '50's.. or the Reagan era.. as the standard of American greatness. :rolleyes:

Its time to stop looking back and instead to start boldly looking forward, bud.

Its time to discard old, stale conservatism and to embrace American progressivism! :cheer:


Sounds so much like Howard Dean, John Kerry, Al Gore and George McGovern. We've head the same "the times they are a changig" song many times. But then when it comes down to brass tacks the Dems step on their own dicks when they present to the American people canidates who do not share their core values. And I'm not talking about 'Ozzie & Harriet' style realities. I'm talking about the politics of the far left that do not sell to most Americans. The campaigns of Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were the exeption.

I don't think things change as much as you feel they do.


I just had to post that cartoon again. It always makes me laugh.


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buh-bye Mitt! :wave:

SteveAJones and TUled...

I'll take those cold ones now! :thumbsup:

Make mine Coors Banquet Brew, please. :D

So who ya gonna vote for now, TUled?.. John McCain? :blink:

I've noticed that TUledWho has been conspicuously absent lately in this thread that he started.

Could it be that he regrets a few of his bold predictions regarding "Multiple Choice Mitt"?

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John McCain owns


because John appeared on SNL with the White Stripes, The White Stripes are an awesome band, and Jack White like J. Page...and somehow Kevin Bacon is represented in this chain of awesomness....

Jimmy was/is on Atlantic Records

The Blues Brothers (with John Belushi) were on Atlantic Records

John Belushi was in National Lampoons' Animal House

...so was Kevin Bacon.


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Democrats have two excellent dem candidates to choose from, Delberto, and

have been turning out in record numbers all across the country to vote for them.

What in the world makes you think that with an historic opportunity to elect the first woman POTUS or the first African American POTUS.. both of whom are democrats and are unquestionably qualified to hold that office.. dem voters would choose instead to vote for an old white-guy Bush-ass-kissing Iraq-war-supporting republican?

Obama is qualified to be President, without ever even finishing a single term in Congress? :huh:
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it doesn't really matter anyway -- big business runs the country and the president is just a figure head.

Don't get me wrong I will vote because I feel if you do not exercise your right to vote, you have no right to complain about our government. I will vote for Hillary. My reason -- experience.

I like Obama but it's not his time -- he's too inexperienced and at this time in our country's history we need experience and proven leadership.

Best bet for the country is a Hillary/Obama ticket. Then in 8 years Obama and whoever.

Just my opinion

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it doesn't really matter anyway -- big business runs the country and the president is just a figure head.

In what aspect does big business run the country? :huh:

I'd rather they run it than some of the jokers in this so-called thing we calla government

I'd rather him than someone who cries on cue the day before big primaries.
I'd rather Ron Paul or McCain win it than someone who's just looking for power (Billary) or a guy who's barely been in office long enough to maybe get a "children crossing" sign put next to an elementary school. Edited by wanna be drummer
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Why do we need another pasty-faced white guy to lead our nation? Can't we find someone else for once?

Furthermore, I don't want Billary in the White House because if they're elected, this will be the Presidency of the last 20 years: Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton. Am I the only one sickened by the thought of this oligarchy?

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