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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Just gotta offer my latest...

I was one of the over 11,000 people who packed the Omaha Civic Auditorium on Thursday for the Obama rally, and one of tens of thousands of Nebraskans who participated in our first-ever Democratic caucus tonight. (And Obama got Nebraska, by the way... by A LOT)

I was also elected caucus chair for my precinct, and elected one of the two delegates from my precinct to go on to our county convention. ;)

I was on the fence for awhile between Hillary and Obama, leaning more toward Hillary until I researched a bit more. And I have been hands-down a vigorous Obama supporter since. I do believe, firmly, that he will be the next president of the United States.

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Here's a cell phone picture I took today at the Obama rally here in Seattle. :cheer:


18,000 supporters packed KeyArena and it was reported that

there were another 3,000 people outside who couldn't get in.

It was fun seeing/hearing Obama give his stump speech in person.

There was definitely a feeling of witnessing history in the making!

Before Barack Obama spoke, Matt Cameron (former Soundgarden and

Pearl Jam drummer) took the stage in a show of support for Obama.

[Yesterday Hillary drew a mere 5,000 for her rally. :whistling: ]

I'd caucus tomorrow.. but I'm working. icon2.gif

Thousands pack KeyArena to see Obama

February 8, 2008

SEATTLE- The fervor surrounding the candidacy or Barack Obama hit Seattle today as about 18,000 people jammed KeyArena to hear the presidential candidate say it was time to move beyond the Bush era and restore America's stature around the world.

Saying America was "hungry for a different kind of politics," Barack Obama addressed a capacity crowd at KeyArena Friday that had waited hours for the chance to hear the Democratic presidential candidate.

"This crowd is extraordinary," Obama told his cheering supporters when he took the stage just after 1 p.m. "As big as any crowd we've gotten anywhere in the country." :beer:


Is it not an amazingly uplifting experience to hear the man speak? You just don't get the full effect of his message by catching the clips on the news. I expected to come away from the rally excited and uplifted. I had no idea that I'd also walk away moved and inspired.

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wanna be,.. I ask you again..

why would you think the healthcare coverage package that is currently provided

to members of the US Congress wouldn't be good enough for other Americans?


fyi.. universal healthcare doesn't mean "the government will providing medical services". Just as it is now, it will still be private sector doctors and hospitals who will provide healthcare services. Those on medicare and medicaid right now receive services from private sector doctors and hospitals, but their choices among providers are limited.

I have excellent healthcare coverage and my choices among providers are also limited, so are your choices under your parents' current coverage. Unless people are paying out of their own pocket for their health care, their choices are always going to be limited. Under universal healthcare, you and I will have the same choices we have now, and people who can afford to pay out of their own pocket will still have as much open access to the providers of their choice as they do now. Universal healthcare will provide coverage for those who don't have healthcare coverage and those who can't afford healthcare coverage.

How is any of that a bad thing?


Primary news..


Barack Obama sweeps Washington, Louisiana,

Nebraska, and the US Virgin Islands today! :cheer:



(too close to call)












John McCain is gonna win the nomination, but conservatives are gonna

make him look weak (only marginally supported) in the process. :whistling:

Johnny need a hug??...


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Just gotta offer my latest...

I was one of the over 11,000 people who packed the Omaha Civic Auditorium on Thursday for the Obama rally, and one of tens of thousands of Nebraskans who participated in our first-ever Democratic caucus tonight. (And Obama got Nebraska, by the way... by A LOT)

I was also elected caucus chair for my precinct, and elected one of the two delegates from my precinct to go on to our county convention. ;)

I was on the fence for awhile between Hillary and Obama, leaning more toward Hillary until I researched a bit more. And I have been hands-down a vigorous Obama supporter since. I do believe, firmly, that he will be the next president of the United States.

Thats awesome, WW! :thumbsup:

Well done! :beer:

And yes,.. Barack is inspiring, isn't he! :)


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Thats awesome, WW! :thumbsup:

Well done! :beer:

And yes,.. Barack is inspiring, isn't he! :)

He's a Commie :mad: you fools, read his book. You only need to read excerpts to understand his ideology and whats with the cuban flag in his office with his face next to chi or whatever that terrorist name is?

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wanna be,.. I ask you again..

why would you think the healthcare coverage package that is currently provided

to members of the US Congress wouldn't be good enough for other Americans?


fyi.. universal healthcare doesn't mean "the government will providing medical services". Just as it is now, it will still be private sector doctors and hospitals who will provide healthcare services. Those on medicare and medicaid right now receive services from private sector doctors and hospitals, but their choices among providers are limited.

I have excellent healthcare coverage and my choices among providers are also limited, so are your choices under your parents' current coverage. Unless people are paying out of their own pocket for their health care, their choices are always going to be limited. Under universal healthcare, you and I will have the same choices we have now, and people who can afford to pay out of their own pocket will still have as much open access to the providers of their choice as they do now. Universal healthcare will provide coverage for those who don't have healthcare coverage and those who can't afford healthcare coverage.

How is any of that a bad thing?

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Because "somebody will have to pay for this" somebody = you and I

Universal health care is a joke, ever been to a charity hostpital? this is what you will get where ever you go. We are already getting a preview down here with the lack of doctors since so many left after katrina. I made an appointment in late december and couldn't get one until feb 21. Let that sink in real good before you welcome uni. health care with open arms. You will be in the same line with Lazy people ,drug addicts,illeagle immigrants and welfare queens. No thanks pal.

  • 1. We're already paying for the healthcare of those who dont have coverage.

    2. The shortage of doctors/providers due to a natural disaster is hardly an
    apt comparison to what would be available under universal health care.

    3. You can find help figuring out how to post quotes.. *



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.. :yay::yay::cheer::cheer:

Watched the last hour or so and watched his speech, exciting !

Widdle Hillary got none..... :boohoo:

Had to ad, after reading up more, that is so cool Hermit!! I was thinking of you when I knew he was there!

And WW, EXCELLENT!!!!!!!! you go girl!! :cheer:

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wanna be,.. I ask you again..

why would you think the healthcare coverage package that is currently provided

to members of the US Congress wouldn't be good enough for other Americans?


Dude...you didn't respond to my last post..what do you mean "ask me again"?

fyi.. universal healthcare doesn't mean "the government will providing medical services". Just as it is now, it will still be private sector doctors and hospitals who will provide healthcare services. Those on medicare and medicaid right now receive services from private sector doctors and hospitals, but their choices among providers are limited.
Most of the doctors I know (albeit I only know 7 or 8) don't want universal health care. But thats off-topic.

My problem with universal health care is the idea of taking from person A to give to person B. Instead, why can't we just make tax cuts in the medical field? For example, tax exempt/deductible medical expenses, allow everyone to create a tax deductible Health Savings Account for themselves. That way, nobodys getting their money taken away to give to strangers and eveybody is able to get fresh start in the way of health care, and become more self-reliant on the way. Give tax cuts to the poor and middle class as well as the rich. Everyones a little bit richer, everyones happy. Huzzah

I have excellent healthcare coverage and my choices among providers are also limited, so are your choices under your parents' current coverage. Unless people are paying out of their own pocket for their health care, their choices are always going to be limited. Under universal healthcare, you and I will have the same choices we have now, and people who can afford to pay out of their own pocket will still have as much open access to the providers of their choice as they do now. Universal healthcare will provide coverage for those who don't have healthcare coverage and those who can't afford healthcare coverage.
So let me get this straight...you want people who can afford to pay for themselves to do so...but still have to pay into a system in which they will get nothing out of...How is that a good thing for the majority of America? They have to pay for healthc are...twice. Interesting theory Hermit. Make the middle class less financially-able so the poor can get health care for free...something no one else gets.

How is any of that a bad thing?
It's not for those who would see the benefits. For the majority of America it sucks.

Must the liberals solutions always involve taxing everyone? :rolleyes:

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Today is the Maine Caucus... 24 delegates at stake... this should be a watershed moument in history if Barack Obama wins...

also, has anyone noticed that when Hillary wins, its by a slim margin... and when Barack wins, its a landslide... if the dems wanna win the white house, Obama should be their candidate, since Hillary is too polarizing...

also, you never hear dems say "ill vote for the GOP candidate before Obama!" you hear"ill vote for the GOP canddate before Hillary!"

besides... i dont think there has been a candidate who has had more mistique and who we can believe in since John Kennedy... I'm seeing alot of similarities in how people have this feeling about Barack...


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Because "somebody will have to pay for this[universal healthcare]" somebody = you and I

Universal health care is a joke, ever been to a charity hostpital? this is what you will get where ever you go. We are already getting a preview down here with the lack of doctors since so many left after katrina. I made an appointment in late december and couldn't get one until feb 21. Let that sink in real good before you welcome uni. health care with open arms. You will be in the same line with Lazy people ,drug addicts,illeagle immigrants and welfare queens. No thanks pal.

Universal healthcare would only work if you had 'universal contributing members of society.' I agree, why pull healthcare down to the lowest common denominator for the rest of us?

Some people don't get that "the pursuit of happiness" is not meant to be an entitlement.


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Dude...you didn't respond to my last post..what do you mean "ask me again"?

I ask you again because I'm hoping for a response that

digs a little deeper than the response you gave last time:

"Really Hermit...the government is going to treat 47 million poor

people the same as Congressmen...you really believe that? *rolleyes* "

Yes, wanna be, both Hillary and Barack are saying that every American will get the same healthcare coverage that members of Congress have. That's in their plans. It's not such an impossibility as you seem to think. Members of Congress don't have some panacea of healthcare coverage; their healthcare coverage is probably no better than what you or I already have, but it is better than what lower income Americans have and its certainly better than what those who have no healthcare coverage currently have.

So then,.. if Hillary or Barack's plan was to be put into place and all Americans get the

same healthcare coverage as members of Congress,.. why would that be a bad thing?


[sorry I didn't respond to your previous post, bud. my bad. slapface.gif ]

My problem with universal health care is the idea of taking from person A to give to person B. Instead, why can't we just make tax cuts in the medical field? For example, tax exempt/deductible medical expenses, allow everyone to create a tax deductible Health Savings Account for themselves. That way, nobodys getting their money taken away to give to strangers and eveybody is able to get fresh start in the way of health care, and become more self-reliant on the way. Give tax cuts to the poor and middle class as well as the rich. Everyones a little bit richer, everyones happy. Huzzah

  • 1. What's being taken from Person A (in the form of rolling back tax cuts on the wealthiest 1% of Americans) is not going into the pocket of Person B; that money goes into the universal healthcare program coffers and ends up in the pockets of doctors and other healthcare providers. And here's the beauty of it, bro,.. even after they give up that Bush tax cut, those 1% of America's wealthiest will still be.. well.. bloody rich! :thumbsup:

    2. Healthcare savings accounts require that people who are barely able to get by as it is (or who are not able to get by as it is) somehow find money every month to put into their health savings account. Tax deductible or not, that's simply not realistic (its no more realistic than the republican plan of "rounding up and deporting" 14 million illegal immigrants. :rolleyes:).

    3. Under universal healthcare every American has the chance to receive quality healthcare and the rich are still rich. Its win-win, bro! Huzzah! :cheer:

So let me get this straight...you want people who can afford to pay for themselves to do so...but still have to pay into a system in which they will get nothing out of...How is that a good thing for the majority of America? They have to pay for healthc are...twice. Interesting theory Hermit.

I'm saying that those who currently choose pay out of their own pockets (in certain situations) will still be free to do so under universal healthcare. Even rich people use their healthcare insurance to pay for routine healthcare costs, wanna be, but when it comes to major illness that requires specialized, or experimental, treatment.. sometimes the rich like to go outside their healthcare plan to get treatment from a specialist who may not be part of their insurance plan. They can afford to do that whereas you and I would be limited to whatever treatment we could get within our healthcare plans.

The point is that universal healthcare will not limit the choices for those who can afford to.. and who choose to.. pay out of their own pockets in certain situations; and those same people will ALSO be able to rely on their current coverage for their routine healthcare needs.. as they currently do. Universal healthcare will not limit the options available to those who can afford to get whatever they want.

See? ;)

Make the middle class less financially-able so the poor can get health care for free...something no one else gets.

God forbid the poor should get anything for free...

especially something as frivolous as healthcare, right? :rolleyes:

[newsflash: or rather,.. clueing in: the indigent are already

getting healthcare for free.. and you and I are paying for it.]

Furthermore,.. the burden won't fall on the middle class any more than it already is.

And yes, the rich will be contributing more to the system, because they can afford to.

..as it should be. ;)

It's not for those who would see the benefits. For the majority of America it sucks.

I appreciate your opinion. Care to say more about FACTS what your opinion is based on? :whistling:

Must the liberals solutions always involve taxing everyone? :rolleyes:

Nope, not always,.. but sometimes.. oftentimes.. taxes are necessary.

You've been brainwashed into thinking taxes are evil, but they're not.


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Universal healthcare would only work if you had 'universal contributing members of society.' I agree, why pull healthcare down to the lowest common denominator for the rest of us?

If you're satisfied with your current healthcare coverage, it won't change Del. You'll keep your same doctor; your wife will keep her nephrologist; and your spawn will still get treatment from Dr Frankenstein. So in what way would universal healthcare "pull healthcare down to the lowest common denominator for the rest of us"?

Ok,.. scratch the Dr Frankenstein bit [ :D ],.. but the rest I'm serious about.

Some people don't get that "the pursuit of happiness" is not meant to be an entitlement.

You consider the pursuit of happiness a "God-granted right" but not an "entitlement", eh? :whistling:

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If you're satisfied with your current healthcare coverage, it won't change Del. You'll keep your same doctor; your wife will keep her nephrologist; and your spawn will still get treatment from Dr Frankenstein. So in what way would universal healthcare "pull healthcare down to the lowest common denominator for the rest of us"?

I believe that the Canadian healthcare system is a perfect example. Once the government steps in and attempts to socialize heathcare, then the entire sytem is pulled down. You would be suprised at how many people from Canada. I have met at U.C.L.A Medical Center (where my wife gets her excellent care) who have paid to come to this country for quality care in a timely manner. Sure, they are probably the wealthy from that country. But if 'universal healthcare' is better, then why is not better in Canada.

Making it available to all does not make it better for all. There are no free lunches in life. And either someone else pays for it, or by messing with the profit motive/free market of healthcare, it then becomes as screwed up as public education, social security or the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Ok,.. scratch the Dr Frankenstein bit [ :D ],.. but the rest I'm serious about.

Yeah, I got the joke. But the Frankenson might take it the wrong way. :lol:

You consider the pursuit of happiness a "God-granted right" but not an "entitlement", eh? :whistling:

It is a God given right to be permitted to pursue happiness. But that doesn't mean that it's up to the rest of us to provide it.

Some individuals need to do a bit more of their own 'pursuing' if you know what I mean? It's up to the individual if they are able bodied to take care of themsleves and their own... not the government/tax payers. If people have not made the correct personal choices in terms of their healthcare options, it's their own fault. Too many people don't seem to worry about this stuff until they are sick or have to start making co-payments that they 'feel' are too much. My wife and I both have very decent healtcare coverage... but it's not cheap. I'm even considering changing jobs right now because I am thinking of which career might offer better retirement healthcare than I will have available with my current employer. And that is a consideration that will not even affect me for at least another 20 years. However, in any event the choices people need to make may mean some sacrifices or compromises. But expecting the government to solve this is really a bad plan. When the politicians start calling the shots on this, it's bound to end up in a mess.


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I believe that the Canadian healthcare system is a perfect example. Once the government steps in and attempts to socialize heathcare, then the entire sytem is pulled down. You would be suprised at how many people from Canada. I have met at U.C.L.A Medical Center (where my wife gets her excellent care) who have paid to come to this country for quality care in a timely manner. Sure, they are probably the wealthy from that country. But if 'universal healthcare' is better, then why is not better in Canada.

Making it available to all does not make it better for all. There are no free lunches in life. And either someone else pays for it, or by messing with the profit motive/free market of healthcare, it then becomes as screwed up as public education, social security or the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Yeah, I got the joke. But the Frankenson might take it the wrong way. :lol:

It is a God given right to be permitted to pursue happiness. But that doesn't mean that it's up to the rest of us to provide it.

Some individuals need to do a bit more of their own 'pursuing' if you know what I mean? It's up to the individual if they are able bodied to take care of themsleves and their own... not the government/tax payers. If people have not made the correct personal choices in terms of their healthcare options, it's their own fault. Too many people don't seem to worry about this stuff until they are sick or have to start making co-payments that they 'feel' are too much. My wife and I both have very decent healtcare coverage... but it's not cheap. I'm even considering changing jobs right now because I am thinking of which career might offer better retirement healthcare than I will have available with my current employer. And that is a consideration that will not even affect me for at least another 20 years. However, in any event the choices people need to make may mean some sacrifices or compromises. But expecting the government to solve this is really a bad plan. When the politicians start calling the shots on this, it's bound to end up in a mess.


Amen! Del :thumbsup:

I was inline at a store the other day behind this hoochie momma, had what couldn't have been more than a 10 month old child in her buggy and she's comparing prices on pregnancy test kits :o Man I wanted to say so bad that she ought to be camparing prices on condoms :rant:

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Hi all,

We live in a civilzed country? :blink: Reading the news today,you coud have fooled me,but that's easy,...

Well Manders,not to take anything away from your excellent work,but public schools are failing in some way,hence the result of private ,charter and home-based education.Even in public schools,one has too pay for a child to be in band,play sports,art classes and all the other supposed 'non-educational' activities that have been shown time and time again to produce well rounded students and citizens,...

Sorry for the rant.

KB (Obama or McCain?)

The issues with the public education system are part of the reason I decided to become a teacher. I've already taken several graduate courses taht are aimed on making a change in the way our country's education system works. I'm a crazy-ass liberal when it comes to making changes in our country's school system. I agree wholeheartedly that SOMETHING needs to be done with our public schools. I don't agree that money should be taken away from the public schools to allow parents to send their children to the private ones, however. Part of our biggest issue with public schools is that we don't have enough money to do what WE SHOULD do with them.

Did you know that a first year teacher in West Virginia makes only $20K a year? Most teachers have close to $30K in loans when they graduate...West Virginia wants to make sure their teachers are college educated and proud owners of a single-wide trailer! :o

Is it not an amazingly uplifting experience to hear the man speak? You just don't get the full effect of his message by catching the clips on the news. I expected to come away from the rally excited and uplifted. I had no idea that I'd also walk away moved and inspired.

Thats awesome, WW! :thumbsup:

Well done! :beer:

And yes,.. Barack is inspiring, isn't he! :)

I was in awe of him when I saw him speak. I thought he was both inspiring and entertaining!

My mom screamed at me on the phone, for supporting Obama instaed of Hilary. Apparently, I have "white guilt," and I'm letting down womankind. :rolleyes:

My mom freaked out on me because all the knew about him was in that stupid snopes.com article that talks about him being muslim and not saying the pledge, etc. :rolleyes: I ended up educating her though...

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I ask you again because I'm hoping for a response that

digs a little deeper than the response you gave last time:

"Really Hermit...the government is going to treat 47 million poor

people the same as Congressmen...you really believe that? *rolleyes* "

Yes, wanna be, both Hillary and Barack are saying that every American will get the same healthcare coverage that members of Congress have. That's in their plans. It's not such an impossibility as you seem to think. Members of Congress don't have some panacea of healthcare coverage; their healthcare coverage is probably no better than what you or I already have, but it is better than what lower income Americans have and its certainly better than what those who have no healthcare coverage currently have.

So then,.. if Hillary or Barack's plan was to be put into place and all Americans get the

same healthcare coverage as members of Congress,.. why would that be a bad thing?


[sorry I didn't respond to your previous post, bud. my bad. slapface.gif ]

I was getting worried Hermit. It's not like you to miss a post or something (me on the other hand :lol: )...or ignore it

  • 1. What's being taken from Person A (in the form of rolling back tax cuts on the wealthiest 1% of Americans) is not going into the pocket of Person B; that money goes into the universal healthcare program coffers and ends up in the pockets of doctors and other healthcare providers. And here's the beauty of it, bro,.. even after they give up that Bush tax cut, those 1% of America's wealthiest will still be.. well.. bloody rich! :thumbsup:
Hermit, how long can they take from the rich? Again, what happens when the government needs more money to continue paying for this health care? Are they just going to keep hammering the rich with taxes or will they move into the middle class? Can those specific tax rollbacks really pay for health care system long term?

Also, wouldn't free health care affect everyone else as well, and I'm not talking about taxes here. Would only the poor or uninsured be allowed to use this system or would any Joe Schmo who needs stitches be able to go down to the hospital for a free fix-me-up? Let's say everybody chooses the new-and-free Medicaid system. Wouldn't the waiting lists for...well everything...just shoot up like they do in Canada or those free health clinics already available? Not being a douche here, just curious as to what you think

2. Healthcare savings accounts require that people who are barely able to get by as it is (or who are not able to get by as it is) somehow find money every month to put into their health savings account. Tax deductible or not, that's simply not realistic (its no more realistic than the republican plan of "rounding up and deporting" 14 million illegal immigrants. :rolleyes:).
First of all, I'm against looking for every illegal and just throwing them back.

Secondly, it is realistic. If we were able to decrease the inflation on health insurance that has happened over the years, more and more people would be able to afford it. No not every single person would be able to afford it and no it wouldn't be free. But it would teach self-reliance, no one could abuse the system. There will always be homeless and poor people Hermit. Doesn't mean everything can just be redispersed to them

3. Under universal healthcare every American has the chance to receive quality healthcare and the rich are still rich. Its win-win, bro! Huzzah! :cheer:
Until the Democrats decide Health Care should only be run by the government and it decides to become a monopoly and increase taxes on everyone to pay for it :D

I'm saying that those who currently choose pay out of their own pockets (in certain situations) will still be free to do so under universal healthcare. Even rich people use their healthcare insurance to pay for routine healthcare costs, wanna be, but when it comes to major illness that requires specialized, or experimental, treatment.. sometimes the rich like to go outside their healthcare plan to get treatment from a specialist who may not be part of their insurance plan. They can afford to do that whereas you and I would be limited to whatever treatment we could get within our healthcare plans.

The point is that universal healthcare will not limit the choices for those who can afford to.. and who choose to.. pay out of their own pockets in certain situations; and those same people will ALSO be able to rely on their current coverage for their routine healthcare needs.. as they currently do. Universal healthcare will not limit the options available to those who can afford to get whatever they want.

So you say. But this would drive prices of private health insurance way up to help pay for the loss of customers who decide they'd rather pay nothing for a system they put into rather than pay for themselves as well as others

God forbid the poor should get anything for free...

especially something as frivolous as healthcare, right? :rolleyes:

Nothing in life is free Hermit, except those samples in K-Marts

[newsflash: or rather,.. clueing in: the indigent are already

getting healthcare for free.. and you and I are paying for it.]

And how much more can the economy take? Again, how long until its decided that this free system needs more money put into it tor un and the middle class becomes burdened with more taxes? We'd be paying for more yes?

Furthermore,.. the burden won't fall on the middle class any more than it already is.

And yes, the rich will be contributing more to the system, because they can afford to.

..as it should be. ;)

People should be able to take care of themselves. Thats how it should be

I appreciate your opinion. Care to say more about FACTS what your opinion is based on? :whistling:

Nope, not always,.. but sometimes.. oftentimes.. taxes are necessary.

You've been brainwashed into thinking taxes are evil, but they're not.


A tax on a car wash is evil. A tax for a ski ticket is evil. Not all taxes are evil, but they're starting to get out of hand. Why should the government just keep dipping its hand into your hard earned dollars when you yourself are very capable of doing with your own money what you wish?
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Gotta love what Jon Stewart said about Mitt Romney last nite...




Beautiful... isn't it?


My mom screamed at me on the phone, for supporting Obama instaed of Hilary. Apparently, I have "white guilt," and I'm letting down womankind. :rolleyes:


Almost sounds like your mom doesn't want you supporting a black president...

The issues with the public education system are part of the reason I decided to become a teacher. I've already taken several graduate courses taht are aimed on making a change in the way our country's education system works. I'm a crazy-ass liberal when it comes to making changes in our country's school system. I agree wholeheartedly that SOMETHING needs to be done with our public schools. I don't agree that money should be taken away from the public schools to allow parents to send their children to the private ones, however. Part of our biggest issue with public schools is that we don't have enough money to do what WE SHOULD do with them.

Did you know that a first year teacher in West Virginia makes only $20K a year? Most teachers have close to $30K in loans when they graduate...West Virginia wants to make sure their teachers are college educated and proud owners of a single-wide trailer! :o

It is screwed up. Part of my education is teaching because I'm still considering being a music teacher. Money is a major issue for public schools, and no doubt they need more of it.

I was in awe of him when I saw him speak. I thought he was both inspiring and entertaining!

I want to see him speak. I've seen Paul speak and I have to say it was uplifting and inspiring... amazing.

From all accounts Obama is the same... he just needs to come to Georgia because I just don't have the money to travel... :D

My mom freaked out on me because all the knew about him was in that stupid snopes.com article that talks about him being muslim and not saying the pledge, etc. :rolleyes: I ended up educating her though...

If it's on Snopes, doesn't that mean it isn't true? I thought that was Snopes' purpose? They take a story and find out whether or not it's an urban legend, and if it is, they say so.

So why would your mom believe a story on Snopes is true?

Or am I misunderstanding? :D

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My mom freaked out on me because all the knew about him was in that stupid snopes.com article that talks about him being muslim and not saying the pledge, etc. :rolleyes: I ended up educating her though...

I had to do some "educating" for my sister as well... as soon as she popped off with a "I don't think I want a Muslim running our country." Thankfully, both of my parents and my other 2 siblings are big Obama supporters (my brother was also elected as a delegate from his precinct to go to our county convention) and there is very little political dissent in our family.

Having Barack run for president, though, has certainly opened my eyes on how prevalent prejudices in this country still are. One woman at our caucus openly said she supported Hillary instead of him because "she's the color of my skin." :huh:

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