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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

Here's something I'm curious about.

I've lived in Utah for about 3 1/2 years out of the last 15. The state is, as most Americans know, mostly Mormon. Something like 50/50 in SLC and 80-90% for the rest of the state.

The gov't reflects that as well with 80-90% of the legislature etc. being Mormon.

The Mormons are COMPLETELY against alcohol, caffeine and a few other things. Why is it then that the liquor and beer is a state run organization ? The DABC, The Deseret Alcohol Beverage Commssion. Here's what it is....The government (translate MORMONS) don't condone the usage, but they're the ones running it and making the profits off of it. A bit hypocritical to me....

So why would they not embrace Marijuana legalization and regulate it too ?

I just find the hypocracy of such a way of dealing with a substance that is VERBOTEN within the Mormon populace hilarious.

So I see those in that government in particular....visibly corrupt.

Oh by the way...you can have coffeeshops and coca cola there too...I should see if those are also state controlled business/beverage. I'd guess there's not enough money in it to worry over.

Edited by Joelmon
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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

Your boy's speech about terrorism winning if the Democrats win is without a doubt one of the biggest political blunders in modern times. Nice going Mitt "The Twit"

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I was at work all day.. and was rocking out with


tonight! :thumbsup:

I'm just getting home and absorbing the news of yet another Obama win! :cheer:

^^ yeah,. what Hotplant said! :banana:


There you are!! Isn't it exciting!! And even after last night's "gotta win" debate for Hillary, well, let's face it. Obama still leads!! She is NOT blowing Texas away like she had hoped.

Her snide remark about his words are going to bite her in the ass.

Not to mention Mr. Stu...OReilly, coming out with his racist remark regarding Mrs. Obama and a "lynching"... <_<

Fire Bill OReilly :cheer::cheer:

And TUL, I suggest you come over to Obama's side. he will unite the parties.

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Here's something I'm curious about.

I've lived in Utah for about 3 1/2 years out of the last 15. The state is, as most Americans know, mostly Mormon. Something like 50/50 in SLC and 80-90% for the rest of the state.

The gov't reflects that as well with 80-90% of the legislature etc. being Mormon.

The Mormons are COMPLETELY against alcohol, caffeine and a few other things. Why is it then that the liquor and beer is a state run organization ? The DABC, The Deseret Alcohol Beverage Commssion. Here's what it is....The government (translate MORMONS) don't condone the usage, but they're the ones running it and making the profits off of it. A bit hypocritical to me....

So why would they not embrace Marijuana legalization and regulate it too ?

I just find the hypocracy of such a way of dealing with a substance that is VERBOTEN within the Mormon populace hilarious.

So I see those in that government in particular....visibly corrupt.

Oh by the way...you can have coffeeshops and coca cola there too...I should see if those are also state controlled business/beverage. I'd guess there's not enough money in it to worry over.

Ah, but if it was forbidden statewide, folks would bitch about the Mormon doctrines being forced upon them and screaming about the lack of separation of church and state, etc. (and rightly so IMO). I don't see it as being particularly hypocritical unless they decry it but consume it.

I would hope that the state govt. and the populace would be able to separate what is okay legally but frowned upon in terms of doctrine. I'm not a Mormon apologist, far from it, but I don't really see an issue there. As for the marijuana thing... from what I know, which isn't much, I don't see Utah's view on it as any different than other states who don't allow it, etc.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

You're not gonna do your civic duty, TULed? :blink:

Thats..uhh.. not very patriotic of you,.. is it? :unsure:

I don't understand why you'd sit the election out. The guy whom you apparently trust enough to be the leader of the free world has endorsed John McCain. Do you think Mitt is exercising poor judgment in endorsing McCain? If Mitt you can't trust with regard to his endorsement for the party presidential nominee, how can you trust him on other matters? huh.gif

Romney endorses McCain..


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fyi joel,.. this thread is specifically about the presidential campaign.

You'll find the thread for more generalized political discussion.. *HERE*



And LoS....

It was just my way of contributing. It was mostly on topic though wasn't it ? :huh:

Sorta ?


*bends over and takes spankings !!

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Hi all,

Where and when?

Fire O'Reilly?How? :blink:


My daughter told me this AM, from one of her sites, that OReilly said ( regarding her comment on 'first time being proud' of America) that he isn't "ready for a lynching quite YET, until he hears all of what she said."

Fire him same way as

the squabble when the 'racist' comment about the basketball team was blurted out by the TalkJock was fired.

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There you are!! Isn't it exciting!! And even after last night's "gotta win" debate for Hillary, well, let's face it. Obama still leads!! She is NOT blowing Texas away like she had hoped. Her snide remark about his words are going to bite her in the ass.

Not to mention Mr. Stu...OReilly, coming out with his racist remark regarding Mrs. Obama and a "lynching"... <_<

Yeah,.. Hillary's Xerox comment came across as the lowbrow, petty cheapshot that it was. It highlights, I think, Hillary's growing sense of desperation. Why else would she try to make an issue out of something that obviously such a non-issue? :rolleyes:

She needed to win the debate last night, and she didn't. It was a draw at best. She needs to win Texas and Ohio by huge margins to stay in the race, but its looking more and more like those states are going to be very close.. which essentially amounts to wins (by way splitting delegate allocation) for Obama.

The O-Train just keeps rollin' along! :cheer:

and yeah,.. what an a-hole comment by O'Reilly. <_<

for those who havent seen what he said:

""That's wrong. And I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down."

~ Bill O'Reilly

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I disagree, bro. The close race is not in itself dividing the party. Barack is not warring with Hillary, though Hillary has certainly ratcheted up the negative rhetoric lately. If anything is smacking of divisiveness, its the lowbrow tactics being utilized by the Clinton campaign. Personally, my respect for the Clintons is diminishing day by day. How the Clintons run their campaign doesnt diminish Obama's reputation as a uniter, afaic.

Anyway,.. when Barack is nominated the dem party will support him with full solidarity. B)

One could hope. I'd sure as hell rather see him in office then Hillary. We'll see how things fan out

If John tortured-turned-torturer McCain gets elected, it might be

up to you to get us out of Iraq when you become POTUS, bud. :P


Are you gonna watch the Clinton-Obama debate tonight?

Went skiing instead B)

I could never vote for a "wanna be" drummer.
I play bass don't worry. That was just some stupid name I thought of way back when, and decided to keep it when the forum was moved here.
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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

then, seeing as you have no preference... you obviously wont care who gets elected and if things happen and life turn to shit, you have no right to complain, correct? and if everything is perfect and wonderful, you have no right to enjoy, correct?

seriously, if you dont care and wont vote... you obviosuly dont care about the freedoms (limited or not) that you have...

please care. please vote.

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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

I hope you know that The Onion is a gag newspaper. I love to read it, it's very funny. No offense if you already knew that. :)

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TUledhead can still write in Romney can't he ?

Would seem to be the right choice for him seeing as how he totes himself to be so patriotic and a contributing citizen to his country.

Just a suggestion....

apparently, Mitt's sons are SO patriotic and "love their country" so much... they didnt need to go to Iraq :rolleyes:

and lets not forget that Mitt quit the race to prevent terrorism from winning when a democrat came into office :huh:

Mitt "wax-man" Romney surely ranks up there with Washington! A TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!!!

give me a break.

Edited by zosodude13
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apparently, Mitt's sons are SO patriotic and "love their country" so much... they didnt need to go to Iraq :rolleyes:

TULedWho too.

Die-hard war supporter,.. but unwilling to risk life or limb for the cause. :rolleyes:

Hey,.. maybe TULed is one of Mitt's long lost sons.

Ya gotta admit, the family resemblance is rather creepy uncanny, aint it? :blink:

^^ Who's yer daddy, TULedWho? :unsure:




Just bustin ya balls, TULed. ;)

..about the family resemblance bit, anyway.

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