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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Obama has this in the bag. All he has to do is not fuck up while giving a speech and he's got it. Hillary has no money left, isn't getting any more endorsements and is now upset because her egomaniacal personality can't accept defeat after being told by everyone around her she was the shoe-in nominee.

I agree that it looks like Obama has this, but I'd rather wait until after March 4th before I feel comfortable saying that Billary is out of it. If she wins either Texas or Ohio, she still has a fighting chance.

Don't want to jinx anything. ;)

lets not get too cocky...

barack still has to win EITHER Texas OR Ohio...

Hillary needs to win both... convincingly... in order to have a shot... shes not done for good, but she is close!


But see, zosodude, that's just it. Barack can win either or. Hillary has to win both, and by a serious landslide. I don't even think she's hopeful anymore.

Not that I'm counting my chickens before they hatch. Obviously Hillary very well could pull it off. I have NO idea how those states usually go and what polls are saying about them at the moment so I really can't make a prediction on who'll win March 4. I just think Obama has a bigger chance at this point, but, considering the race, I could be way off.

I still say Obama vs. McCain (and in my last post I WAS counting my chickens before they hatched, I admit it... but I did that on purpose, too... :D), but March 4 could prove me wrong.

My McCain vs Obama hope really is because I DON'T WANT to see a McCain vs. Hillary ticket. In that ticket, there's no good choice, and no lesser-of-two-evils choice, either. If that's the final ticket, well... the "end of the world" coming on December (20th or 21st?), 2012 won't seem so far-fetched...

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The people want Obama. Things that would normally kill a candidate, have slid by. The Kenyan clothing? Nobody cares. In most cases a democratic candidate with an Islamic name wearing that, would be destroyed.

He has it won. It's funny, and very unique. They can say almost anything about Obama, and still, nobody will care. He really can't e attacked. I think he has it won.

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But see, zosodude, that's just it. Barack can win either or. Hillary has to win both, and by a serious landslide. I don't even think she's hopeful anymore.

Not that I'm counting my chickens before they hatch. Obviously Hillary very well could pull it off. I have NO idea how those states usually go and what polls are saying about them at the moment so I really can't make a prediction on who'll win March 4. I just think Obama has a bigger chance at this point, but, considering the race, I could be way off.

I still say Obama vs. McCain (and in my last post I WAS counting my chickens before they hatched, I admit it... but I did that on purpose, too... :D), but March 4 could prove me wrong.

My McCain vs Obama hope really is because I DON'T WANT to see a McCain vs. Hillary ticket. In that ticket, there's no good choice, and no lesser-of-two-evils choice, either. If that's the final ticket, well... the "end of the world" coming on December (20th or 21st?), 2012 won't seem so far-fetched...

(I thinks he's got it locked up ;))

but... its just seeing how very few of us saw Barack in this position, I'm not taking any chances... besides, you never know what Hillary might do to pull it off in the end (see :'( in New Hampshire)

I would be excited about an Obama McCain battle... it may be a turning point in terms to campaigning, with the Barack picture and the McCain's lobbiest affair story... we could see a smear-free presidential race... im not gonna guarentee that, but both of them are decent people and I could see a "clean" (at least for a politician) campaign

Edited by zosodude13
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I have NO idea how those states usually go and what polls are saying about them at the moment so I really can't make a prediction on who'll win March 4.

Texas will probably write in Duh-bya for a 3rd term.

(It's the kind of thing I can easily envision Wavey doing- she was a poster on the old board... pretty and a living definition IMO of "vapid" but Del liked her).

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Hi all,

The people want Obama. Things that would normally kill a candidate, have slid by. The Kenyan clothing? Nobody cares. In most cases a democratic candidate with an Islamic name wearing that, would be destroyed.

He has it won. It's funny, and very unique. They can say almost anything about Obama, and still, nobody will care. He really can't e attacked. I think he has it won.

Be very careful what you wish for,it will come true.

I having been voting since 1976,I have not always voted for the -winner-,but I accept who ever wins,THAT is our president,and if you don't like it,try and change it,....

Carter?We gave him a go,....


Twice.He gave it a go too,...

Clinton,didn't vote for him,but as Tammy says,stand by your man.He was our President,...

Shite,head,or what ever most people call him,.......how many attacks since 9/11? and you can go on and on,Steve Perry about all the rest,when was a President, Jesus Christ? :blink:

Now?Only time will tell.Let's see who steps up,But, answer me this ,how the heck is electing anyone person going to change our goverment? As a whole???


Edited by zepyep
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Last debate tonight.

I am disgusted at Hillary's tactics of late, makes me really, really dislike her. OLD schoolmarm...YUK!

Go home and go to bed Hillary! <_<

Where's the vomit smilie when you need one.

You put into words what I couldn't: "Old schoolmarm." Right on the money. Unfortunately, I know more than one. They've accomplished so much, but just can't get that damn chip off the shoulder. Puke.

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I voted for Barack Obama in the poll, and I intend to vote for him in the general election. Barack Obama is throwing the burning spear of hope and change and he has sparked a fire that is spreading across the nation. :cheer:

I'm really glad to see there are a lot of Obama supporters here. A wise and insightful lot you are, Imho. :D


Please do not read any derogatory racial inference into my post with regard to the spear throwing imagery. My post is made with the utmost respect to, and admiration of, Barack Obama. My point is entirely with regard to this incredible man's ability to inspire an entire nation with his message of hope and change.. a message that is spreading like wildfire.

MLK, Jr.. Malcolm X.. Marcus Garvey.. Medgar Evers.. Abe Lincoln.. Thurgood Marshall.. Bob Marley.. and many other civil rights advocates.. would be very proud of Barack Obama. I've no doubt that Winston Rodney is proud of him too. It will not only be an historic moment for America, it will be an extremely proud moment for the democratic party.. the party of civl and human rights.. when either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton become the party nominee to be POTUS. It will be especially so when Obama is nominated because he's such a charismatic and inspirational figure.

..Imho. ;)

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I voted for Barack Obama in the poll, and I intend to vote for him in the general election. Barack Obama is throwing the burning spear of hope and change and he has sparked a fire that is spreading across the nation. :cheer:

I'm really glad to see there are a lot of Obama supporters here. A wise and insightful lot you are, Imho. :D


Please do not read any derogatory racial inference into my post with regard to the spear throwing imagery. My post is made with the utmost respect to, and admiration of, Barack Obama. My point is entirely with regard to this incredible man's ability to inspire an entire nation with his message of hope and change.. a message that is spreading like wildfire.

MLK, Jr.. Malcolm X.. Marcus Garvey.. Medgar Evers.. Abe Lincoln.. Thurgood Marshall.. Bob Marley.. and many other civil rights advocates.. would be very proud of Barack Obama. I've no doubt that Winston Rodney is proud of him too. It will not only be an historic moment for America, it will be an extremely proud moment for the democratic party.. the party of civl and human rights.. when either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton become the party nominee to be POTUS. It will be especially so when Obama is nominated because he's such a charismatic and inspirational figure.

..Imho. ;)

Don't forget Strom Thurmond.

I am a great advocate of civil rights .... particularly for coloured people.

Like me!

Rock on, my friend!


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Don't forget Strom Thurmond.

I am a great advocate of civil rights .... particularly for coloured people.

Like me!

Rock on, my friend!


Strom Thurmond? ..an advocate of civil rights? ..for "coloured people". :blink:

I think you must be confused, I Am.

Or maybe you're just not very enlightened.


Yes indeed.. rock on!

and vote for Obama!

Edited by Mr Burning Spear
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She scored zilch in the debate tonight.

I think ya gotta give Hillary her due credit: she did solidify her status as the more prolific whiner, and she did finally admit that she wishes she'd never voted to authorize George Bush to drive the bus into the ditch.



Seriously though.. Hillary accomplished nothing tonight as far as salvaging her crumbling campaign goes. She needs to win Ohio and Texas by large margins to stay competitive, but it looks more and more like that just isn't gonna happen,.. and she did nothing tonight to help herself in that cause. ..imho.

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I think ya gotta give Hillary her due credit: she did solidify her status as the more prolific whiner, and she did finally admit that she wishes she'd never voted to authorize George Bush to drive the bus into the ditch.



Seriously though.. Hillary accomplished nothing tonight as far as salvaging her crumbling campaign goes. She needs to win Ohio and Texas by large margins to stay competitive, but it looks more and more like that just isn't gonna happen,.. and she did nothing tonight to help herself in that cause. ..imho.

Doesn't matter. Now that Nader is in the ring, no way Dems are going pull this one off.

Republicans will win this one too.

And there will be much rejoicing across the land.


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I think Obama might have trouble in Ohio, but the PrimaCaucus set-up in Texas might benefit. Hillary needs to win both states handily to seriously have a shot at this, and I don't think she can do that.....it's just a matter of how he keeps the momentum going on his side regardless.

But yeah, I'm a little nervous too. I really want him to get this.

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I am already feeling jittery about the primaries tomorrow. The most recent polls predicted a dead heat in TX and OH.

Do not allow those evil thoughts to even enter your brain, Mad!!

There is NO way Billary can pull it off by the needed margin.

Keep the faith baby!!!!!

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I think Obama might have trouble in Ohio, but the PrimaCaucus set-up in Texas might benefit. Hillary needs to win both states handily to seriously have a shot at this, and I don't think she can do that.....it's just a matter of how he keeps the momentum going on his side regardless.

But yeah, I'm a little nervous too. I really want him to get this.

Same here. She needs double-digit wins in both states but her people have also noted that there are still 16 states left after tomorrow. She was quoted on NPR as saying something like, "I'm just getting going..." I wonder if we can look forward to a floor fight at the convention. :blink:

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