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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Do not allow those evil thoughts to even enter your brain, Mad!!

There is NO way Billary can pull it off by the needed margin.

Keep the faith baby!!!!!

I'm trying desperately to keep the evil thoughts at bay. Needed margin or not, I don't think she will pull out until Bill tells her to.

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I'm trying desperately to keep the evil thoughts at bay. Needed margin or not, I don't think she will pull out until Bill tells her to.

He did say she needed both or......so perhaps he will tell her to bail. :shifty: " I hope!

It's the right thing to do.

Edited by Hotplant
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I am already feeling jittery about the primaries tomorrow. The most recent polls predicted a dead heat in TX and OH.

well... to keep things positive... Barack was trailing by %15 - %20 at the end of the potomic primaries... and he has managed to tie her...

so... Barack still has the moumentum!!!

Citizens of these states:





Please consider everything this country needs, and everything we need is in one candidate... and that candidate is BARACK OBAMA!!! Please Vote and when you Vote...


Change We Can Believe In

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good for John McCain too... glad to see a man like him get the republican nomination

well... 12 straight for Barack... but, texas is a primary AND a caucus... and Barack usualy does good in caucuses (except Nevada) and Texas caucus counts for 1/3rd of the delegates...

things are looking up right now... :)

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I'm gonna guess that texas goes Obama and Ohio goes Clinton.

Either way, Clinton needs to win both states and by a decent share to stand any kind of a chance. It's over for her.

Good for Obama


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Hillary now up by 8,000 in TX and 17 % in Oh. Go Hillary!!!!!!!
Hillary won in Ohio and Rhode Island whereas Obama took Vermont.

However, it's too close to call in Texas at the moment.

I think you're the first person I've ever met who legitimatelt wanted Billary to win the nomination over Obama... :blink:

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Not good news for folks who thought Obama already had this thing sewn up..

Suspenseful Clinton and Obama fight to drag on

Wins in Ohio and Texas have given Hillary Clinton new hope and ensured that the suspense of her riveting battle with rival Barack Obama for the U.S. Democratic presidential nomination will stretch on for weeks.



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Not good news for folks who thought Obama already had this thing sewn up..

Suspenseful Clinton and Obama fight to drag on

Wins in Ohio and Texas have given Hillary Clinton new hope and ensured that the suspense of her riveting battle with rival Barack Obama for the U.S. Democratic presidential nomination will stretch on for weeks.



Hail Hillary!! Go Hillary!!! Love ya Hillary!!!

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The Texas Democratic Party Rules for the Caucauses state that the Precincts have until Thursday, March 6th, to file their Causus reports.

And so, it might be until after then, that the delegate split between HC and BO are known for Texas.

I want this to go the National Convention floor.... :D


The Democratic Party's "SuperDelegates" number is 796.

So, besides what "The People" Vote for in the "Democratic Party"...

The SuperDelegate input is really like having an Exclusive Primary with Delegates equallying the amounts in:

The SuperDelegate Primary - It Equals =

Texas (193)

New York (232)

California (370)

That's really like a whole nuther "Country within a country", deciding who is the Democratic Nominee.


Oh, and BTY, Hillary is hinting that she would accept Obama as a Running Mate....

As long as She ... "is on Top" :)

That's My Girl ! ! ! Ridin' On Top ! ! B):D

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The Texas Democratic Party Rules for the Caucauses state that the Precincts have until Thursday, March 6th, to file their Causus reports.

And so, it might be until after then, that the delegate split between HC and BO are known for Texas.

I want this to go the National Convention floor.... :D


Unless they decide to share the ticket, at this point it's looking like it will go to the floor...

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I doubt either will take the other for a VP. HIllary's made it clear recently that she will do anything to win, and in doing so, she's alienated herself from Barack. She's made it seem that they are as different as George Bush and Ralph Nader. Barack has had to attempt to fight back, but not go to the extreme that she has.

Simply put, I don't think they like each other's company enough to be President and VP.

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I doubt either will take the other for a VP. HIllary's made it clear recently that she will do anything to win, and in doing so, she's alienated herself from Barack. She's made it seem that they are as different as George Bush and Ralph Nader. Barack has had to attempt to fight back, but not go to the extreme that she has.

Simply put, I don't think they like each other's company enough to be President and VP.

I understand what you're saying. I think that's always been the motto of the Clintons: "win at any cost." I read tonight that she is counting on a win in PA and will use that as leverage to take the superdelegates. At the same time, Pelosi has said that the nominee should be determined by the voters, not the party leaders. It seems that Clinton is going to have to battle the Dem. establishment as well as Obama.

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So then, lets say for the sake of argument that Hillary wins Penn. And she is the favorite there. What does that do to the count? I am for Hillary all the way, just to be on the record. But I certainly dont understand how it will play out. This Obama guy scares me. I agree with the Republican analysts. He has no business being this close with his lack of experience and the mystery around him. Be carefull what you wish for you Obama supporters, be you black or white or christian or musliim or whatever. If you want what is best for this country and yourself, Hillary is the safe choice and the smart choice.

Hillary is a corrupt bureaucrat who has resorted taunting and flat out insulting her opponent so she can make it to the White House. She has no business being this close with her lack of control and her aggressive cheap shots

She is the stupid choice for America and the worst choice for America

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Well I strongly disagree. This Obama guy knows nothnig and he is trouble. But you didnt answer the question as to how it will play out. Regardless of who you or I want to win, and I want Hillary, how do you think iti will unfold? Do you think they may actually go on the same ticket as has been mentioned???

I have no idea. It's up for grabs at this point. And I do not think they will be on the same ticket...as I said before

Obama may not have experience, but at least he's not corrupt and at least he's making his campaign honorable

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Obama may not experience, but at least he's not corrupt and at least he's making his campaign honorable

Could you give us some examples of her supposed underhandedness ?

I've never thought Obama had a chance. Republicans aren't saying a word, because they would love to face Obama in November. Hillary has a major plus in her corner....the dirt has already been spilled. There's not much left in her closet to expose. This will go to the convention, and Hillary will win out because it's the best choice. When it comes to crunch time, Democrats know that she is the best candidate to win in November. Republicans know that too. She scares the death out of 'em.

Support for Obama is a protest vote against both parties. He's the new kid on the block, and I think people support him to show their disgust with the entire election process. History shows that when it comes to election time, most young people don't vote.

I find these stats that white men would rather vote for Obama than Hillary to be interesting in a twisted way.....makes me think of something Lennon once sang about. :unsure:

Meanwhile, the Democatic party of Michigan continues to show what clueless truly means. If they would have left well enough alone, we could have saved a lot of money, and the primary itself would have meant much more if held on the original date. MORONS !!

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For one thing, we do know Hillary rides the NAFTA pony like it was her purple barbed dildo from college.

And she doesn't stand a chance with independent voters. Mark my words, if she gets the nomination w/o Obama on the ticket (which I cringe at altogether), expect a repeat of 2004 with very little independent voter turnouts.

She's a black hole of the succubus moronus kind.

Christ, where's the Jerry...

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