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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I still would love to know how you think me talking about how I feel prostitution should be legal has absolutely anything to do with you. You read it wrong, you completely insulted and degraded me for no reason.....and you've yet to apologize for it.

"Other than that, fuck away. You're not hurting me." "Fuck away" means "fuck to your heart's content" not "fuck off". If I was telling you to fuck off, I would actually use those words. I would not use other words that could mean something else entirely. Ask anyone here.....I'm blunt.

I read it wrong. I thought you told me to fuck off. So I apologize. As for you Hermit, what say ye about the fact that Obama cant get the magic number either? And the Supers will pick Hillary becasue she has won the battleground states needed to beat McCain. NY, Cal, Ohio, Texas, and soon Penn.

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Obama is not going to get to the magic number either and you know it.

Right. But he is going to end up with more pledged delegates than Hillary.

And you know it. ;)

[edited to add]

and he's likely to end up with more states won and more popular votes garnered, too. B)


Hillary has won the big states like Cal, NY and Texas. That is what it will take to beat McCain and the Supers know it. That is why they will chose Hillary.

First of all, combining the primary and caucus results in Texas, Obama's gonna end

up with more Texas delegates than Hillary. In the end, Barack will have won Texas.

So, from your list of "big states", you're left with Hillary having won NY (the state she represents in the Senate, and therefore an expected outcome) and California. Cal wasn't a nail-biter but it was fairly closely contested, so much so that out of a total 370 delegates, Hillary got only 70 more than Obama. Hillary expected to win California by a much bigger margin (she expected Super Tuesday to wrap up her nomination, remember?), but it turned out to be a closer race than she expected. Bottom line: Obama did well.

California primary results:




Even in the states that Hillary has won, Obama has done consistently well. There's no reason to think he won't challenge McCain just as strongly as Hillary would in every one of those states. Dems in those states.. including those who voted for Hillary in the primaries.. will rally behind Obama. To suggest otherwise doesn't make much sense assuming that what matters most to dems in the upcoming general election is seeing the dem candidate become the next POTUS.

Right now the national polls (Barack vs McCain and Hillary vs McCain) show Barack defeating McCain by a larger margin than Hillary. And everyone knows that if Hillary is on the ticket (as either Pres or VP), every republican under the sun will come out to vote.. for no other reason than to vote against Hillary. They hate her that much. But if Barack is the nominee, many morale-wounded republicans will stay home on election day. Plus, Barack can draw independents and maybe even a few McCain-hating repubs. Hillary has no appeal to independents or to McCain-hating repubs.

For those all reasons the supers will line up behind Obama.

Just like you're going to do when he gets the nomination,.. right? B)



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hate to drag poor Elliot back into all this: he is a super delegate who has supported and will vote for Hillary Clinton

Barack "denounced" and then "rejected" the support of Lewis Farrakhan for his views...

Hillary hasnt done that with Elliot yet, even with the "apology" to his family, and the up-coming investigation... it may be in Hillary's best interest to not allow him to be associated with her...

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Right. But he is going to end up with more pledged delegates than Hillary.

And you know it. ;)

[edited to add]

and he's likely to end up with more states won and more popular votes garnered, too. B)


First of all, combining the primary and caucus results in Texas, Obama's gonna end

up with more Texas delegates than Hillary. In the end, Barack will have won Texas.

So, from your list of "big states", you're left with Hillary having won NY (the state she represents in the Senate, and therefore an expected outcome) and California. Cal wasn't a nail-biter but it was fairly closely contested, so much so that out of a total 370 delegates, Hillary got only 70 more than Obama. Hillary expected to win California by a much bigger margin (she expected Super Tuesday to wrap up her nomination, remember?), but it turned out to be a closer race than she expected. Bottom line: Obama did well.

California primary results:




Even in the states that Hillary has won, Obama has done consistently well. There's no reason to think he won't challenge McCain just as strongly as Hillary would in every one of those states. Dems in those states.. including those who voted for Hillary in the primaries.. will rally behind Obama. To suggest otherwise doesn't make much sense assuming that what matters most to dems in the upcoming general election is seeing the dem candidate become the next POTUS.

Right now the national polls (Barack vs McCain and Hillary vs McCain) show Barack defeating McCain by a larger margin than Hillary. And everyone knows that if Hillary is on the ticket (as either Pres or VP), every republican under the sun will come out to vote.. for no other reason than to vote against Hillary. They hate her that much. But if Barack is the nominee, many morale-wounded republicans will stay home on election day. Plus, Barack can draw independents and maybe even a few McCain-hating repubs. Hillary has no appeal to independents or to McCain-hating repubs.

For those all reasons the supers will line up behind Obama.

Just like you're going to do when he gets the nomination,.. right? B)



I do not agree that the super's will select him at all. And if he gets the nomination I will cross party lines and vote for McCain

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Try as I might, I fail to see the sense in that.

Care to explain your rationale?

Sorry. Been away from the computer. I dont believe this is even close to settled. Hillary is not done by any rationale. Neither one of them is a lock for the nomination. this is going to be a historic event again. thanks again to Florida. If they revote Florida and Michigan, that could also throw this thing int more of a tizzy than it already is.

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Sorry. Been away from the computer. I dont believe this is even close to settled. Hillary is not done by any rationale. Neither one of them is a lock for the nomination. this is going to be a historic event again. thanks again to Florida. If they revote Florida and Michigan, that could also throw this thing int more of a tizzy than it already is.

They're not going to revote in Michigan. It would cost us too much money as it is, and while Carl Levin would love to have another one, it ain't gonna happen.

Oh well, at least we voted for nothin..

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They're not going to revote in Michigan. It would cost us too much money as it is, and while Carl Levin would love to have another one, it ain't gonna happen.

Oh well, at least we voted for nothin..

Well then Maybe Florida will revote? But even if they dont, neither will get the magic number. So I dont know how in the world Hermit can be so sure of the outcome. The so called political experts dont know.

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Sorry. Been away from the computer. I dont believe this is even close to settled. Hillary is not done by any rationale. Neither one of them is a lock for the nomination. this is going to be a historic event again. thanks again to Florida. If they revote Florida and Michigan, that could also throw this thing int more of a tizzy than it already is.

My question was regarding your rationale for voting

for John McCain if Obama gets the dem nomination.

That makes no sense to me at all.

McCain is totally opposed to universal healthcare and to many of the other issues that dems consider a priority. ..issues about which both Clinton and Obama share common positions. Why on earth would you abandon the dem platform and vote for Bush III instead of Obama? :blink:

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Mississippi results (thus far)



Obama is already being projected as the winner. :cheer:



No surprize there. But the real surprize is that 91 percent of blacks voted for Obama there. What does that tell you if they are on the same page with issues???? It tells me one thing. The ones that cry racist all the time should look in the mirror.

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Texas two-step!!

March 11, 2008

HuffPo: OBAMA WINS TEXAS CAUCUS: CNN is reporting that Barack Obama has won the Texas Caucus, the second part of the so-called Texas Two-Step, giving him more delegates than Hillary Clinton from the Lone Star State:

*CNN*: Illinois Sen. Barack Obama has won the Texas Democratic caucuses and will get more delegates out of the state than his rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, who won the state's primary, according to CNN estimates.

Under the Texas Democratic Party's complex delegate selection plan, Texas voters participated in both a primary and caucuses on March 4. Two-thirds of the state's 193 delegates were at stake at the primary, while the remaining third were decided by the caucuses.

An additional 35 superdelegates were not tied to either contest. Clinton, of New York, defeated Obama in the primary by a 51-47 percent margin. But results of the caucuses were up in the air on election night and for several days afterward, due to state party rules that did not require local caucus officials to report their results to a centralized location.

Partial caucus results, representing 41 percent of all caucus precincts, showed Obama last week with 56 percent of the county-level delegates chosen at the caucuses to 44 percent for Clinton. The state party says it will not be able to provide a further breakdown of the caucus results from March 4.

After a comprehensive review of these results, CNN estimates that Obama won more support from Texas caucus-goers than Clinton. Based on the state party's tally, Obama's caucus victory translates into 38 national convention delegates, compared to 29 for Clinton.

And though Clinton won more delegates than Obama in the primary, 65 to 61, Obama's wider delegate margin in the caucuses gives him the overall statewide delegate lead, 99 to 94"

Its official..

OBAMA wins duel for Texas delegates!! :cheer:



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The Obama train keeps rolling.

dont count your chickens yet. long way to go. the Florida votes should count. and if and when Hillary takes Pennsylvania, well you figure it out. I am watching political talk shows at this moment and she can still make the case to the Supers in the end that the popular vote and big states should tip the scales in here favor. Neither candidate will get the magic number just on the raw count.

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Mississippi results (thus far)



Obama is already being projected as the winner. :cheer:



Good news! :beer:

Great pic, btw. I tried to save a pic earlier to post here. My husband and I found it very poignant. It was of an older African American couple, side-by-side, heads bent together getting ready to vote in the Mississippi primary. My husband said, "Can you imagine how they must feel?" :)

Nice to have you back here. Will you stick around for the rest of the primaries?

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dont count your chickens yet. long way to go. the Florida votes should count. and if and when Hillary takes Pennsylvania, well you figure it out. I am watching political talk shows at this moment and she can still make the case to the Supers in the end that the popular vote and big states should tip the scales in here favor. Neither candidate will get the magic number just on the raw count.

You know nothing about politics.

Just crawl back up her fat ass and wait for the reality show in a few years.

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hate to drag poor Elliot back into all this: he is a super delegate who has supported and will vote for Hillary Clinton

Barack "denounced" and then "rejected" the support of Lewis Farrakhan for his views...

Hillary hasnt done that with Elliot yet, even with the "apology" to his family, and the up-coming investigation... it may be in Hillary's best interest to not allow him to be associated with her...

Yeah,.. Hillary's gonna have to take a position pretty soon. As much as she needs his support, I dont see how she can do anything but call for his resignation. Anything less would be seen as a moral sellout for his superdelegate vote. If he resigns, I imagine he also loses his superdelegate status. The way Hillary's been acting lately, a moral sellout wouldn't surprise me. :rolleyes:

the latest on Spitzer:


Spitzer a repeat customer, investigators say.

N.Y. governor may have spent $80,000

ALBANY, N.Y. - With pressure mounting on Gov. Eliot Spitzer to resign over a call-girl scandal, investigators said Tuesday he was clearly a repeat customer who spent tens of thousands of dollars — perhaps as much as $80,000 — with the high-priced prostitution service over an extended period of time.



$80,000 on hookers?! :blink:

Ouch. That's gonna piss The Mrs off.


Good news! :beer:

Great pic, btw. I tried to save a pic earlier to post here. My husband and I found it very poignant. It was of an older African American couple, side-by-side, heads bent together getting ready to vote in the Mississippi primary. My husband said, "Can you imagine how they must feel?" :)

Nice to have you back here. Will you stick around for the rest of the primaries?

Thanks, MSG.. and HotPlant. :beer:

and btw.. yeah,.. I hope to be sticking around through the

primaries.. on through the general election.. and beyond. ;)

I'm really looking forward to *knock on wood* Obama's inauguration. B)



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Why is that? Because I dont want the same person as you you jackass.

I believe it's because you have this unshakable belief that Billary will win, despite the fact it is down by a significant amount late in the game, and she needs large majorities to win. Even if she takes Penns., she needs to do so with more then 60% or more of the vote (which may not happen) and then she has to miraculously do the same to other states.

It simply won't happen. She's fallen off the bandwagon, people do not like her, Obama has taken too many states that she simply expected would go for her, and she didn't win big in the places she thought would help her the most.

She simply lost most of her steam. Oh well, there's always 2012. :P

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Why is that? Because I dont want the same person as you you jackass.

Because you've yet to give an intelligent reason for any argument..

from what I've read, you're reasons for voting for her revolve around "lines" directly from her political ads and spiels.

And when asked why you'd vote for McCain over Obama, you skipped the question entirely multiple times.

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Because you've yet to give an intelligent reason for any argument..

from what I've read, you're reasons for voting for her revolve around "lines" directly from her political ads and spiels.

And when asked why you'd vote for McCain over Obama, you skipped the question entirely multiple times.

Well Im not saying the race isi over like you seem to think. It is far from over. I would consider McCain more experienced. Obama. What has he done? What does he know? why do you think he got 91 percent of the black vote in Mississippi?? Gee, I wonder? He is getting race votes and that is clear as day. Is that right? dont assume Florida wont count in the long run. And dont assume that the popular vote cannnot be made up. Look at Texas and Ohio. It isnt over. I think McCain wants Obama to win though because the numbers indicate if he does, the Clinton voters will either stay home or cross the line. If she wins, more Obama voters would rather have her than Mccain. that is what they are saying on television. Its not what Im coming up with out of thin air. If he wins, I may sit it out. I dont think him or Mccain are what I want. The Republicans in my opinion have thrown McCain to the wolves, and are counting on either Obama or Hillary to not be able to clean up this mess and then they come back with a stronger candidate in 4 yrs. They feel that this nominee will pay at the polls for Bush;s mistakes and they figure they are going to lose anyway so lets send out the ones that are expendable.

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