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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11


Remeber, we wanted to Pearl Harbor to happen.

We rich white men decided to invent H.I.V. to kill all the blacks in the world.

We murderd people when we droped the bomb on japan. even thought they started it.

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and if they are such evil and vile people... how come we didnt hate them BEFORE 9/11?

Well i didn't hate my best buddy before he fucked my drunk girlfiend back in high school. It doesn't mean i can't hate him now, but i let that go after i punched him in the face.

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Hiroshima was a big mistake. An act of vengeance. Should not have happened and I condem Truman to this day. But I also condemn the Muslim hate mashine. they are bastards. Goodnight.

It was a mistake but i still think it ws the right thing to do. I wish there was another way, but i wouldn't have one more american die, just to save a million Asians.

The mistake was attacking us.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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To be honest, I have never heard a Hillary phone call or read a pro add. I know her and Bill and I know that the blacks are voting on impulse for a black man for that reason only. so how dare either of you condemn me for my views when they are voting for a man based simply on the color of his skin. I am sick of the slavery pitch. I didnt have anything to do with the 1800s and I never put a chain on a black man or whipped one. They whipped me though. I worked for 15 yrs for the local government and when I was injured on the job,they fired me. I was a foreman. And do you know what my lawyer told me? Said if I were black I woudl have them on their knees and would have grounds for a lawsuit under the American Disabilities Act. But being a white male, I have no rights. So who is getting screwed now? Did I put the chains on them two hundred yrs ago? No. But I am paying the price and so is Hillary and they will never stop with this fucking raciscm shit. They are getting everything handed to them and now if this Obama wins they will get even more. My life is shit because of what the Republicans did to me. I am disabled. You all dont know what the fuck you are talking about. Go ahead and vote for someone based on his skin color and no experience. Call me a racist. They are the racists. I have had several black "friends" in my life. The last one, I told him I was going to Canada for the weekend to see my relatives 12 yrs ago and while I was gone he robbed my house, pissed on my bed, trashed the place and later got caught doing another burglery. Dont tell me shit because Ive lived it. Vote for this guy. Maybe he is sincere. I will give him the benefit of the doubt like I did 3 other times in my liife. I am zero for 3. The night before I saw Led Zeppelin I was robbed at knife point by 4 blacks that said "give me the money white boy or die". How would you feel? Im sick of it all. Call me a racist. Im a victim too. I still have black friends to this day. And I can forgive. But Ill be damned if Ill vote for anyone with Muslim background after 9/11


Sir...you missed my whole point. If you don't want a black guy as president, fine then. But it won't be the end of the world if he is elected, nor will black people rule white people. You had an unfortunate incident where you were fired. I'm sorry for you. However, it is in no way the Republicans fault. Also, my father was robbed by a black guy at a gas station at gun point, and he holds no grudge. I understand where your coming, I really do. Still, voting because of anything but merit and policy is wrong (IMO anyways).

I'd like to point out that I know personally, that many black people are either racist or simply beng fed propoganda by Al Sharpton and the likes. However, that will never determine my vote.

And just so we're clear again (I don't know if I was being referred to), I am not voting Democrat in '08, and I will not vote for Obama if he gets the ticket. I'm here simply to express my view that OPbama will get the nomination, not Mr. Hillary Clinton. So calm down, take a breath, and relax brother

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.. Unlike us Christians,we never openly show our hatred of Muslims,right?I mean,the crusades happened for a reason,right?

While I agree with you that this hatred of Islam is extreme...in Christianity's defense, the Crusades were hundreds of years ago. We've been able to let go of the past and move on. We aren't committing acts of war and terrorism on the scale of Muslims.

I wish Scratch was here...he's like this thread

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Ok. Go visit an Islamic country. You are a female, right? Have fun.

What if she visits Turkey? Turkey is mainly Islamic, but it isn't a theocratic one.

I have multiple Muslims friends in school, some of my best friends, and I'm sorry, but I can't take anyone, who would call them evil or whatever because of the faith they were born, seriously.

Let's not generalize people

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What if she visits Turkey? Turkey is mainly Islamic, but it isn't a theocratic one.

I have multiple Muslims friends in school, some of my best friends, and I'm sorry, but I can't take anyone, who would call them evil or whatever because of the faith they were born, seriously.

Let's not generalize people

Oh God. The classic "Muslims are great!" example. Yeah, ok, you know some Muslins who aren't terrorists. All Muslims are great!

Man, all Muslims silently support the cause, whether they are westernized or not.

Turkey is horrible. I have spent a considerable amount of time in Europe, where unfortunately Turks have immigrated in big numbers. They are terrible.

You people will never fucking understand these people until you live among them and see what the real deal is.

You think the Muslims you know or the Muslim friends you have are going to actually let you on to what they really believe?

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Oh God. The classic "Muslims are great!" example. Yeah, ok, you know some Muslins who aren't terrorists. All Muslims are great!

Man, all Muslims silently support the cause, whether they are westernized or not.

Turkey is horrible. I have spent a considerable amount of time in Europe, where unfortunately Turks have immigrated in big numbers. They are terrible.

You people will never fucking understand these people until you live among them and see what the real deal is.

You think the Muslims you know or the Muslim friends you have are going to actually let you on to what they really believe?

People wouldn't think this way if there were no religions. But because there are, this makes you very ignorant.

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Your argument is not valid. Tell that to the people who lost their loved ones in 9/11! Tell that to the Muslim bitch who cheered on television when our firefighters and police lost their lives. Tell me that you fool. And when blacks vote black just for the sake of a candidate being black they are racists. 91% -the numbers dont lie. Take a statistics class and you will know what that says. If they can constantly use the race card when they shouldnt, then why cant I when the facts are clear as day. The muslims hate us. Why dont you fucking realize that. 9/11 guy!!

Hmm, you never really disproved my argument. Mine is based in logic, while yours is based in fallacy.

As far as I'm concerned, any racists (against muslims, blacks, whatever), that's their problem. No matter what their reason, 9/11 related or not, I don't want to deal with it, as I disagree with it. Here, let me ask you something. That 91% black vote for Obama - Isn't it possible that there are just as many whites shying away from him because he's black? It just may be. You're ridiculous man, I give you one small comment and you give me a reply littered with disrespect not only for me, but for many others. And I'm not even Muslim! :rolleyes:

Seriously! You've established that you wouldn't vote for someone who is Muslim - so why do you care if anyone votes based on color? It's the same deal. I can assure you that I am well aware of 9/11, so don't bother preaching about it.

now if this Obama wins they [blacks] will get even more.

Ill be damned if Ill vote for anyone with Muslim background after 9/11

1. Calling Obama racist now? Awesome.

2. I'm pretty sure it was established that Obama isn't Muslim just two pages before this post. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the goal here to make progress?

I dont like to be considered a racist. In fact my own religion forbids it.

Strictly policy, unless they are Musliim. After 9/11 it made a differance to me. They showed openly their hatred for christians and jews. fuck them. I cant stand them bastards.


Edited by Matthew!
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Oh God. The classic "Muslims are great!" example. Yeah, ok, you know some Muslins who aren't terrorists. All Muslims are great!
I'm not saying Islam is great. I know bad Muslims too (Albanian Muslims, go figure). My point is, your a very generalizing person ya know that DRUNK?

Man, all Muslims silently support the cause, whether they are westernized or not.

Then all Christians support abortion clinic bombing

Turkey is horrible. I have spent a considerable amount of time in Europe, where unfortunately Turks have immigrated in big numbers. They are terrible.
My point was, it's a non-theocratic country, but it's majority is Muslim. Women aren't treated as bad there

You people will never fucking understand these people until you live among them and see what the real deal is.

Your right DRUNK, you went to war, now you know everything. You went there an ignorant soldier, and came back as a man who's reached a new level on the intelligence spectrum. Hooray

You think the Muslims you know or the Muslim friends you have are going to actually let you on to what they really believe?
You really think I give a shit that you've been to the Middle East? Congratz dude, all Muslims in the Middle East are bad! Sweet!

Question: Why in the hell are so many Iraqi/Iranian, etc. citizens leaving their countries to come to America? I have a friend who is from Egypt, nicest guy in the world (smart too). I know a girl from Iraq, smartest girl I've ever met. I know another Iraqi who's the hardest-working kid I've ever known. These are teenage kids DRUNK. They (nor their families, who I'm close with) do not support terrorist activities in any kind of way. They all left their respected countries, and extended families back in the old country for the purpose of having the great life in America, they knew they could have.

Oh but wait, they're probably hiding their feelings :rolleyes:

What a desperate argument.

DRUNK, I'm a devout Catholic aight? I don't like sticking up for Muslims, but I do. Yes it's a screwed up place over there. But it's the few making the majority look bad. The Ayatollah of Iran does not speak for Iran, he merely rules it absolutely, no matter what the people say. Don't blame the innocents for the crimes of the few

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I have been speaking to a lot of my officers that have served in afghanistan.

thay have a totaly different story to tel than you DRUNK.

I wonder why?

maybe becouse they are muture and reflected people that know that you can't

judge a people by a minority.

it's just like me judging all americans on the basis of George W. Bush.

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People wouldn't think this way if there were no religions. But because there are, this makes you very ignorant.

Well, statement one is obvious, but unfortunately religions do exist.

I'm not ignorant, unfortunately. I know what's really going on, and I wish I didn't sometimes.

Your country is already a lost cause. It's too bad the Europeans are trying to be nice, allowing these people to immigrate to their countries, only to have nothing but problems caused.

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The religious rule of Arabic countries is loosening,i see your screen name,DRUNK eh?Go to an Arab country then,tell us how you like it.

I've been to Muslim countries. I have also closely observed Muslims in Europe. I can also look at statistics. Europeans having to construct brand new prisons to house all of these people. It's a damn shame, especially the northern European countries, where crime used to be nearly nonexistent.

I feel bad for your country. I have spent much time there in my life, and the last few years it has become unrecognizable due to your new relaxed immigration policy. And from what I hear, things aren't going so well.

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I'm not saying Islam is great. I know bad Muslims too (Albanian Muslims, go figure). My point is, your a very generalizing person ya know that DRUNK?

Then all Christians support abortion clinic bombing

My point was, it's a non-theocratic country, but it's majority is Muslim. Women aren't treated as bad there

Your right DRUNK, you went to war, now you know everything. You went there an ignorant soldier, and came back as a man who's reached a new level on the intelligence spectrum. Hooray

You really think I give a shit that you've been to the Middle East? Congratz dude, all Muslims in the Middle East are bad! Sweet!

Question: Why in the hell are so many Iraqi/Iranian, etc. citizens leaving their countries to come to America? I have a friend who is from Egypt, nicest guy in the world (smart too). I know a girl from Iraq, smartest girl I've ever met. I know another Iraqi who's the hardest-working kid I've ever known. These are teenage kids DRUNK. They (nor their families, who I'm close with) do not support terrorist activities in any kind of way. They all left their respected countries, and extended families back in the old country for the purpose of having the great life in America, they knew they could have.

Oh but wait, they're probably hiding their feelings :rolleyes:

What a desperate argument.

DRUNK, I'm a devout Catholic aight? I don't like sticking up for Muslims, but I do. Yes it's a screwed up place over there. But it's the few making the majority look bad. The Ayatollah of Iran does not speak for Iran, he merely rules it absolutely, no matter what the people say. Don't blame the innocents for the crimes of the few

I'm not generalizing. It's actually the truth. yes, hard to believe I guess, but you better open your eyes.

You can't compare Christians with Muslims. Doesn't really work. Sorry.

Turkey is just like any other Muslim country. I've spent quite a bit of time in Europe, and have witnessed the Turks. They commit crime in countries where crime is very low or nonexistent. They treat their women horribly also. They try to protest and sue governments and people because they feel discriminated against. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Unfortunately, you go to war and learn a lot of things. After being to war, I have realized that it is the only way to truly see things the way they really are. It will open your mind.

You wouldn't know whether these people or their families support what is going on because they will never ever tell you what they are actually thinking.

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I have been speaking to a lot of my officers that have served in afghanistan.

thay have a totaly different story to tel than you DRUNK.

I wonder why?

maybe becouse they are muture and reflected people that know that you can't

judge a people by a minority.

it's just like me judging all americans on the basis of George W. Bush.

While I am thankful for Norway's contribution in Afghanistan, the truth is that they are rather sheltered while there. They might not have the best idea of what is really going on.

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Only knew one. He happened to be the prick that my ex wife cheated on me with. And she is a jew-go figure that one out. But that has nothinng to do with my views. Its their views and hatred of us. Burning american flags in the street. Be carefull dude. Ive trusted before and been burned big time.
So...You hate all of them, because of few hate us and a few burn flags (thousands of non-Muslims have done that two Einstein, maybe we should hate all of them too)...

Can you see the hypocrisy? The stupidity? Hell it's like looking in a mirror isn't it ICQYB? Your scared of them, they're scared of you. You both hate each other. Neither of you is calm and reserved, rather you take rash actions of hatred.

I daresay your the same type of person you hate..a Muslim

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Give us a break. The entire Muslim world was celebrating after 9/11.

Really? 1 Billion Muslims were celebrating after 9/11? You know this for a fact? I wasn't aware the News stations had that kind of radius

In comparison, thats like saying the entire West was celebrating when we bombed the hell out of Bagdhad and everyone in it

Edit: dont worry bigstick, if he wants to insult a teenager then let him.

Sad day when I'm the mature one talking :rolleyes:

Edited by wanna be drummer
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