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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Are we fogetting Florida? It shall count eventually!

Ok,..lets say we hypothetically give her that state with the results as they stand (Hillary got 50% of the vote), and we wont even worry for now whether or they not do a re-vote (if they do a re-vote Obama would actually campaign in FL, Hillary would be unlikely to win with the 60% of the vote that she needs. Remember she's only won ONE state by 60% or more.)

How does Hillary having won Florida (hypothetically) help her win

EACH AND EVERY of the remaining primaries by 60% or more?

..which she'll have to do to catch Obama in the pledged delegates race.


I predict you're gonna come back with your superdelgates theory in which for some reason the superdelegates will decide to go with Hillary.. just because.. even though Obama has won far more states, will have won more pledged delegates and will have won more popular votes. Well,.. I might point out to you that Hillary has been losing supers and Obama has been steadily gaining supers. ;)


(as of Friday 3/14/08)


Pledged Delegates: Obama leads 1,400 - 1,251

Superdelegates: Clinton leads 253 - 217

OVERALL TOTAL: Obama leads 1,617-1,504

Since Super Tuesday, Obama is +47, Clinton is -7.

Since March 4, Obama is +6, Clinton is -1 (Spitzer).



Ok ispatsquityoubabe,.. go ahead. Spin away, muh-man. :cheer:



[edited for typos]

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hello. Been busy wathching my Sabres pound Toronto. First I will say, if she does get her votes in Florida she DID win by more than 60% there my friend. And she can still win this thing called the popular vote.

Here are the Florida results:




Kucinich....9,537 1%...0%

That was with no campaigning in the state prior to the primary. If they re-vote, and both candidates campaign in the state,.. do you really think Hillary will get 60% of the vote? Remember, of all the primaries that have taken place so far, she's only won ONE while garnering 60% of the vote. She might get 60% in a re-vote, but if she thinks she can do better than 50%, why does she desperately want the result to stand as is? Answer: because she doesn't want to risk losing delegates to Obama in a re-vote. Obama will surely do better than 33% since he'll campaign and its just a two candidate contest this time. Even if Hillary should miraculously get 60%, that means Obama will get approx 40%. If Barack does better than 33% in a re-vote, he gets proportionally more delegates.. even if he doesn't win the primary. No matter how you slice it, a re-vote in Florida is likley going to yield Obama more delegates and Hillary less. See?

But anyway,. the point right now is that your claim is wrong.

Hillary did NOT get 60% in the FL primary,.. she got 50%.

Ok then,.. whats your next spin gonna be, icantquityoubro?



[edited to add]

Good to know they are safe. Im not such a bastard that I dont care about people's well being. But I still am quite a bastard when it comes to board discussions. :D

Unless they happen to be Muslim, that is.

..right? <_<



[edited again to add]

btw,. in case you missed it.. -->

In the interest of not continuing the hijacking of this thread,..

you'll find a response to your post.. *HERE*


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hey, hey!

More delegate good news for Obama today! :cheer:


Obama Expands Delegate Lead Over Clinton

March 15, 2008

DES MOINES, Iowa — Democrat Barack Obama expanded his fragile lead in delegates over rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday, picking up nine delegates as Iowa activists took the next step in picking delegates to the national convention.

More than half the 14 delegates allocated to John Edwards on the basis of caucus night projections switched Saturday to Obama.

Iowa Democratic Party officials said that with all of the delegates picked, Obama claimed 52 percent of the delegates elected at county conventions on Saturday, compared with 32 percent for Clinton. Some of the delegates picked at Saturday's conventions were sticking with Edwards, even though he's dropped from the race since Iowa held its caucuses in January.

Democratic Party projections said the results mean Obama increased by nine the number of delegates he collects from the state, getting a total of 25 compared with 14 for Clinton and six for Edwards.

"It means the Obama people are very organized," said Iowa Democratic Chairman Scott Brennan. "They have been working very hard for these conventions."



the original delegate divvy in Iowa was:

Obama: 16

Edwards: 15

Clinton: 14

Now it's..

Obama: 25

Clinton: 14

Edwards: 6


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My heart goes out to DRUNK for what I cant even imagine it was that he experienced, witnessed and did in Iraq, and for the struggles he's going through right now. I sincerely hope he's able to recover from his experience; that he's able to be healed so that his heart is not always filled with such anger and hatred; and that he finds a sense of inner peace. His generalized and irrational bigotry for all Muslims (including children, apparently) is evidence that he does not have inner peace right now.

In my experience, the degree to which people feel hate is proportional to the degree to which they feel hurt. Clearly you feel very hurt, and for that you have my sympathy and empathy. I am truly sorry that you've had the negative, frightening personal experiences that you've had. I hope that you find relief from your suffering and from your hatred. I sincerely hope that your heart and spirit will mend some day. It is possible. It can happen today.. it can even happen right now.. this very moment.. if you choose it.

Hermit, I feel wonderful. I don't have hate, however I have opinions. Opinions based off life experience. I experienced a whole lot. No words for it, nor will I discuss it in detail because it's not worth my time, for it won't be understood, unless of course those that I try to explain it to actually walk in my boots and see for themselves.

I appreciate the thanks and praise which you appear to have based off of what you have written.

You are applying some basic psychology to my situation as well as others' situations, and as correct at it may sound to you, it is incorrect.

I am curious to know what you imagine me to be, of course based off what you know of me on an internet message board. I would like you to provide some sort of analysis of me, and then I can correct you through revealing the truth about me, whether you believe my words or not.

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Now that it's narrowed down to three possibility's I've started my investigation to find out which of these candidates is going to be the lesser of the evils when it comes voting time next fall. When searching Obama's name I keep reading story's like the following one about this Tony Rezko guy. This whole real estate thing sounds a lot like the Randal "Duke" Cunningham thing to me. Anyone care to comment? btw I'm not singling out Obama, I don't trust any of them, I just picked him because some earlier posters seem to think he is free of controversy. I'd like to see any posts concerning possible corruption problems with any of the three. This is an important factor to me. Thanks. B)

The Rezko Connection: Obama's Achilles Heel?

Obama's Connection With an Accused Political Fixer Raises Questions

In sharp contrast to his tough talk about ethics reform in government, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., approached a well-known Illinois political fixer under active federal investigation, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, for "advice" as he sought to find a way to buy a house shortly after being elected to the United States Senate.

The parcel included an adjacent lot which Obama told the Chicago Tribune he could not afford because "it was already a stretch to buy the house."

On the same day Obama closed on his house, Rezko's wife bought the adjacent empty lot, meeting the condition of the seller who wanted to sell both properties at the same time.

Rezko had been widely reported to be under investigation by the U.S. attorney and the FBI at the time Obama contacted him and has since been indicted on corruption charges by a federal grand jury in a case that prosecutors say involves bribes, kickbacks and "efforts to illegally obtain millions of dollars."

This week, a federal judge in Chicago ordered the Rezko trial to begin Feb. 25.

Obama maintains his relationship with Rezko was "above board and legal" but has admitted bad judgment, calling his decision to involve Rezko "a bone-headed mistake."

Rezko's behind-the-scenes connection in the Obama house deal became public as Rezko revealed personal financial details as he sought to post bail.

While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000.

Obama denies there was anything unusual about the price disparity. He says the price on the house was dropped because it had been on the market for some time but that the price for the adjacent land remained high because there was another offer.

Obama then expanded his property by buying a strip of the Rezko land for $104,5000, which the senator maintains was a fair market price.

Obama later told the Chicago Sun-Times, "It was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this or any other personal business dealing that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe he had done me a favor."

Obama had known Rezko long before the house deal, calling him a "friend."

An ABC News review of campaign records shows Rezko, and people connected to him, contributed more than $120,000 to Obama's 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate, much of it at a time when Rezko was the target of an FBI investigation.

"It surprised me that late in the game he [Obama] continued to take contributions from somebody who was under a rather dark cloud in the state," said Cynthia Canary of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, a group that has worked closely with Obama and supported his legislative efforts.

In the wake of the Rezko indictment, Obama says he has given $44,000 of the Rezko-connected money to charity.

There is no mention of Obama in the Rezko indictment. Federal authorities say the investigation is focused on Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, identified in court filings as Public Figure A.


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Now that it's narrowed down to three possibility's I've started my investigation to find out which of these candidates is going to be the lesser of the evils when it comes voting time next fall. When searching Obama's name I keep reading story's like the following one about this Tony Rezko guy. This whole real estate thing sounds a lot like the Randal "Duke" Cunningham thing to me. Anyone care to comment? btw I'm not singling out Obama, I don't trust any of them, I just picked him because some earlier posters seem to think he is free of controversy. I'd like to see any posts concerning possible corruption problems with any of the three. This is an important factor to me. Thanks. B)

There's been no implication of Obama wrongdoing with regard to Rezko.

Yes, Rezko has been indicted, but not for anything that Obama had anything to do with.

from the abc.com piece you quoted:

"In the wake of the Rezko indictment, Obama says he has given $44,000 of the Rezko-

connected money to charity. There is no mention of Obama in the Rezko indictment."

I think this is ultimately a non-story. Repubs will try to make an issue of it during the general election campaign, but it won't go anywhere. Clinton won't touch it during the primaries because the very mention of "shady land deal" and "indictment" will remind people of the Clinton Whitewater scandal, something Hillary does not want mentioned in the campaign.

Obama may not be a saint..


but he is the least tarnished of

the three remaining candidates.

[..he even quit smoking, btw. ;) ]

Obama's opponents and people in the media have been trying to dig up dirt on Obama and there's just not much there. His opponents have had to resort to fabricating issues (like the Muslim claim) and trying to make issues out of mere 'guilt-by-association' inferences, like the Farrakhan, Rezko, and reverend Wright "issues".


Keep digging, dirt diggers; if there's something

real out there on Obama, I wanna know about it!


oops. I was wrong. :huh:


Apparently Obama IS a saint.




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While I am thankful for Norway's contribution in Afghanistan, the truth is that they are rather sheltered while there. They might not have the best idea of what is really going on.

I agree with on that.

but my officers have been serving with the kavaleriekvadronen.

They don't have a shelterd service down there at all.

telemarksbatlajonen that normaly do all of our dying for american imperalism

did have a VERY shelterd service down there.

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*Follow-up on the Obama-Rezko question..*

Last week Barack Obama had an hour-and-a-half long meeting with the Editors

of the Chicago Tribune. Here's what the paper said today about that meeting..

"March 16, 2008

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama waited 16 months to attempt the exorcism. But when he finally sat down with the Tribune editorial board Friday, Obama offered a lengthy and, to us, plausible explanation for the presence of now-indicted businessman Tony Rezko in his personal and political lives.

The most remarkable facet of Obama's 92-minute discussion was that, at the outset, he pledged to answer every question the three dozen Tribune journalists crammed into the room would put to him. And he did.

Along the way he confronted the starkest innuendo that has dogged him and his campaign for the presidency: the suggestion that the purchase of an adjacent lot by Rezko's wife subtly subsidized the Obamas' purchase of their home on Chicago's South Side. "This notion that somehow I got a discount and Rezko overpaid is simply not true ... simply, factually, incorrect," Obama said Friday, adding that he didn't need any intervention from Rezko to grease the purchase of the house.

Having said that, Obama also admitted, "You can back up and say the red light should have gone off."

No argument here. The red light would have warned Obama that Rezko might want to own property adjoining his in order to tighten their relationship -- or that Rezko might be prepping to ask Obama for a favor at some later date. Instead, Obama now acknowledges that he was drawing too close to a campaign contributor and political player whose name was cropping up in articles about the Illinois culture of political sleaze.


..we've been saying since Nov. 3, 2006 -- shortly after the Tribune broke the story of Obama's house purchase -- that Obama needed to fully explain his Rezko connection. He also needed to realize how susceptible he had been to someone who wanted a piece of him -- and how his skill at recognizing that covetousness needed to rise to the same stature as his popular appeal.

Friday's session evidently fulfills both obligations. Might we all be surprised by some future disclosure? Obama's critics have waited 16 months for some new and cataclysmic Rezko moment to implicate and doom Obama. It hasn't happened.

Obama said Friday that voters who don't know what to make of his Rezko connection should, in the wake of his discussion with the Tribune, "see somebody who is not engaged in any wrongdoing ... and who they can trust." Yes, he said, he comes from Chicago. But he has risen in this corrupt Illinois environment without getting entangled in it.

Obama tries to live by "high ethical standards," he said. Although "that doesn't excuse the mistake I made here."

Obama should have had Friday's discussion 16 months ago. Asked why he didn't, he spoke of learning, uncomfortably, what it's like to live in a fishbowl. That made him perhaps too eager to protect personal information -- too eager to "control the narrative."

Less protection, less control, would have meant less hassle for his campaign. That said, Barack Obama now has spoken about his ties to Tony Rezko in uncommon detail. That's a standard for candor by which other presidential candidates facing serious inquiries now can be judged."




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hermit> What do you disagree with? A. Rezko is a slimeball B. Obama has benefited from their relationship.

I disagree with neither.

What do you disagree with? A. Obama did nothing improper and/or illegal B. Obama is not responsible for every action of every person he's ever had dealings with C. the vetting done by the Chicago Tribune editors and staff on this issue was thorough and convincing.


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Just a word of advice here.....you guys oughta have a Plan B in mind just in case Obama doesn't get elected.....heck its not even a given that he has the Dem ticket yet.

You know, kinda like hide all the sharp pointy objects the Wednesday after election day.

That sorta thing.


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glad to see someone is still throwing out anti-Barack stuff :) I was afraid of the death of this thread from the "pro-hillary faction" having to leave us and the majority of us liking or being neutral on Barack Obama.

I'm glad we can have to sane, productive debate now, I'm looking forward to it...

and just to stir the pot... :whistling:


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I don't for one second believe anyone here who supports Obama will harm themselves or others if he is not nominated/elected. As much as we want him to be the nominee and want him to be elected President, no one here will turn violent in the event of an outcome we won't like.

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Just a word of advice here.....you guys oughta have a Plan B in mind just in case Obama doesn't get elected.....heck its not even a given that he has the Dem ticket yet.

You know, kinda like hide all the sharp pointy objects the Wednesday after election day.

That sorta thing.


In the unlikely event of a Barack Obama crash landing, John McCain can be used as a flotation device. :D

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I don't for one second believe anyone here who supports Obama will harm themselves or others if he is not nominated/elected. As much as we want him to be the nominee and want him to be elected President, no one here will turn violent in the event of an outcome we won't like.

I agree!

Alec your ticket is still waiting for you at will call LAX :lol:

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