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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Del,.. apparently you and Chuck [a political hack/shill if ever there was one. :rolleyes: ] didnt get the memo. -->


Chuck never has let the facts get in the way of his right wing hackery, has he? :rolleyes::P


Never mind, not getting involved

DailyKos sucks though...

Edited by wanna be drummer
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March 21, 2008

The Speech: A Brilliant Fraud

By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- The beauty of a speech is that you don't just give the answers, you provide your own questions. "Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes." So said Barack Obama, in his Philadelphia speech about his pastor, friend, mentor and spiritual adviser of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.

An interesting, if belated, admission. But the more important question is: which "controversial" remarks?

Wright's assertion from the pulpit that the U.S. government invented the HIV virus "as a means of genocide against people of color"? Wright's claim that America was morally responsible for 9/11 -- "chickens coming home to roost" -- because of, among other crimes, Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (Obama says he missed church that day. Had he never heard about it?)

[blah blah blah]

I wonder if Charles Krackpot will write an article about John McCain's spiritual

advisor Rod Parsley and his claims that the US govt enables the genocide of Blacks.


McCain Spiritual Guide Accused Gov't Of Enabling 'Black Genocide'

March 21, 2008

"Reverend Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church of Columbus, Ohio -- whom Sen. John McCain hails as a spiritual adviser -- has suggested on several occasions that the U.S. government was complicit in facilitating black genocide.

In speeches that have gone largely unnoticed, Parsley (who is white) compares Planned Parenthood, the reproductive care and family planning group, to the Klu Klux Klan and Nazis, and describes the American government as enablers of murder for supporting the organization.

"If I were call for the sterilization or the elimination of an entire segment of society, I'd be labeled a racists or a murderer, or at very best a Nazi," says Parsley. "That every single year, millions of our tax dollars are funding a national organization built upon that very goal -- their target: African Americans. That's right, the death toll: nearly fifteen hundred African Americans a day. The shocking truth of black genocide."

He goes on.

"Right now our own government is allowing organizations like Planned Parenthood to legally take the innocent lives of precious baby girls and baby boys and even footing the bill for it all with our tax dollars, turning every single one of us into accessories to murder," he says. "You know who their biggest fans must be, that must be the Klu Klux Klan, because the woman who founded this organization detested black people..."



More McPandering, you think?? :whistling: -->


"..Parsley, who refers to himself as a "Christocrat," is no stranger to controversy. In 2007, the grassroots organization he founded, the Center for Moral Clarity, called for prosecuting people who commit adultery. In January, he compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis. In the past Parsley's church has been accused of engaging in pro-Republican partisan activities in violation of its tax-exempt status.

Why would McCain court Parsley? He has long had trouble figuring out how to deal with Christian fundamentalists, an important bloc for the Republican Party. During his 2000 presidential bid, he referred to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as "agents of intolerance." But six years later, as he readied himself for another White House run, McCain repudiated that remark. More recently, his campaign hit a rough patch when he accepted the endorsement of the Reverend John Hagee, a Texas televangelist who has called the Catholic Church "the great whore" and a "false cult system." After the Catholic League protested and called on McCain to renounce Hagee's support, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee praised Hagee's spiritual leadership and support of Israel and said that "when [Hagee] endorses me, it does not mean that I embrace everything that he stands for or believes in." After being further criticized for his Hagee connection, McCain backed off slightly, saying, "I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee's, if they are anti-Catholic or offensive to Catholics." But McCain did not renounce Hagee's endorsement.

McCain's relationship with Parsley is politically significant. In 2004, Parsley's church was credited with driving Christian fundamentalist voters to the polls for George W. Bush. With Ohio expected to again be a decisive state in the presidential contest, Parsley's World Harvest Church and an affiliated entity called Reformation Ohio, which registers voters, could be important players within this battleground state. Considering that the Ohio Republican Party has been decimated by various political scandals and that a popular Democrat, Ted Strickland, is now the state's governor, McCain and the Republicans will need all the help they can get in the Buckeye State this fall.

It's a real question: Can McCain win the presidency without Parsley?

The McCain campaign did not respond to a request for comment regarding Parsley and his anti-Islam writings. Parsley did not return a call seeking comment.

"The last thing I want to be is another screaming voice moving people to extremes and provoking them to folly in the name of patriotism," Parsley writes in Silent No More. Provoking people to holy war is another matter. About that, McCain so far is silent.



John McPanderer and Rod Parsley


"I cannot tell you how important it is that we understand the true nature of Islam, that we see it for what it really is. In fact, I will tell you this: I do not believe our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand our historical conflict with Islam.

I know that this statement sounds extreme, but I do not shrink from its implications.

The fact is that America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed, and I believe September 11, 2001, was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore.

~ Rod Parsley

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Never mind, not getting involved

you pick your battles wisely, son. ;)

j/k :D

DailyKos sucks though...

I find some good stuff there.. and some :rolleyes: stuff too.

I've never heard anything reliable or worthwhile from

Charles K though. He's truly nothing but a hack/shill.

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If I have one complaint about this thread it's that some posters seem to be unable to tell the difference between facts and opinions.

Otherwise for an online political discussion it's remarkably civil :thumbsup: to all. That's the only reason I decided to join in as a matter of fact. B)

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I didn't blame it on anybody. I merely pointed out that it was simply going to be a matter of time anyway before the righties started ramping up their race-based smear campaign, that's all.

I don't recall "righties" making Jesse Jackson comparisons in South Carolina do you? If anyone has brought race into this it was Slick Willie, not the "righties".

I listened to some speculation on this on talk radio yesterday. One talking head accused Hannity of "leaking" the tape but the concensus was (and to which I agree) you can lay the blame on Billary for this one. Why would the "righties" or McCain in particular leak the "Rev." Wrights hate filled rhetoric? If McCain had it don't you think he would wait until Obama actually WON the nomination and wait until the Sept.-Oct. debates to lay this bomb on the voting public? I know you lefties think he's already wrapped it up (heck you even have him in the Oval office). Hillary is the one fighting Obama now...not McCain and the "righties".

BTW Hermit I know you and others are all up Obama's backside (to put it mildly) over this speech but face the reality - this hasn't yet hit the fan I don't think. The overall vast majority of the voting public does NOT take kindly to "Rev." Wright's hate-fllled rhetoric and laying the blame for 9/11 on us. He is in deep doo-doo. Keep telling yourself he's not.....think positive thoughts....think positive thoughts.

Heck even Geraldo (of all nutjobs) I overheard on Leno last night saying Obama is months late in trying to separate himself from "Rev." Wright. Why didn't he point out in his book when speaking of Wright that he had problems with some of his views? Nary a word. Obama waits until his actual hate-filled "sermons" are leaked that he denounces him.

You said earlier Obama's timing was irrelevant. You wanna bet? There's a lot of people who could care less about Obama's speech the other day (go ahead and compare it to Lincoln all you want) but what is going to speak much louder is "Rev." Wright's hate-filled, American bashing rhetoric...of which Obama sit silently through. Even if he wasn't physically present at those messages, you can't tell me that he wasn't aware of Wright's outlandish views. I don't need to be at my Pastor's every sermon but I can tell you his views on nearly any topic you would ask. A pastor's views aren't "one time" sermons but they echo in everything they preach. Obama knew about this and chose to continue having Wright as his spiritual advisor.

Let me ask you this Hermit, if you found out one of your guru's held similar hate-filled views, how would you react? Overlook them and continue having them advise you?

Obama did. And it's going to bite him. Big time.

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Cm'on Hermit. Most politicians and Presidents have the goal of becoming politicians and presidents from a very young age. They know the traditional things they have to do in order to get there. Onr of those things is religious involvement. Barak is no exception. Especially with a Muslim name and and Muslim father. Oh yeah, you bet he has been trying to seem religious. He had to, and I don't fault him for it.

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you pick your battles wisely, son. ;)

j/k :D

Well I saw you sourced DailyKos and I was gonna laugh at that because it's not really the greatest place but then I realized, I didn't want to have to go abck and read 10 pages to figure out what you guys are arguing about, so I dropped it :P

I find some good stuff there.. and some :rolleyes: stuff too.

I've never heard anything reliable or worthwhile from

Charles K though. He's truly nothing but a hack/shill.

I stay away from DailyKos. I just don't like the vibe of the place ya know?
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Del,.. apparently you and Chuck [a political hack/shill if ever there was one. :rolleyes: ] didnt get the memo. -->


Chuck never has let the facts get in the way of his right wing hackery, has he? :rolleyes::P


So then this is not the same Reverend Wright who admires Louis Farakhan, has traveled to Lybia and Cuba to congratulate their leaders and has called America "KKK-America?"

come on Hermit you know this is a problem for Obama now?

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So then this is not the same Reverend Wright who admires Louis Farakhan, has traveled to Lybia and Cuba to congratulate their leaders and has called America "KKK-America?"

come on Hermit you know this is a problem for Obama now?


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does the idea of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE hold creedence to any of you?

unless Barack comes out and starts talking like the pastor, then this is a non-issue for me... I could give a shit about ANY candidate's association with anything to do with religion


isnt it sad that this is all Hillary can attack Barack with? she has to go after Barack and religion... first the muslim thing and now this... PATHETIC

come on, Hill! you've been in politics for 35 years AND you are a fighter!!! Surely you could come up with something better then this!!! I expect more out of you, Hillary! this Barack guy is running circles around you! you should have left him behind in Iowa... and now you are on life-support!!!

face it Hill, you're getting--no! you ARE desparate. period.

you had this locked up even before the election started... and you've lot so much! if you REALLY care about the democratic party like you keep on suggesting, drop out and end the civil war in your party.

look at the math...

Barack Obama + Hillary Clinton = Split Dems

Split Dems = John McCain as the 44th president

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Hi all,

Last political post,...

does the idea of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE hold creedence to any of you?

Sure the last time I look on legal tender,....

unless Barack comes out and starts talking like the pastor, then this is a non-issue for me... I could give a shit about ANY candidate's association with anything to do with religion

They all go church,some church,the only one who was Catholic was,...????

But please I have heard enough BS in my lifetime.Racist Wright[,who has know for 20 years,married, him,baptised his children,but wasn't there???,bridge in London for sale


isnt it sad that this is all Hillary can attack Barack with? she has to go after Barack and religion... first the muslim thing and now this... PATHETIC

come on, Hill! you've been in politics for 35 years AND you are a fighter!!! Surely you could come up with something better then this!!! I expect more out of you, Hillary! this Barack guy is running circles around you! you should have left him behind in Iowa... and now you are on life-


Excuse me,but wasn't Hillary a lawyer,and never elected to public office until she was elected to the US senate,in the Emipre state??? :blink:

face it Hill, you're getting--no! you ARE desparate. period.

you had this locked up even before the election started... and you've lot so much! if you REALLY care about the democratic party like you keep on suggesting, drop out and end the civil war in your party.

look at the math...

Barack Obama + Hillary Clinton = Split Dems

Split Dems = John McCain as the 44th president

McCain?has served our country well,but he has his head up his,....

Get over it people,is one person,going to change the culture in DC? :blink:

KB (over and outside)

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does the idea of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE hold creedence to any of you?

unless Barack comes out and starts talking like the pastor, then this is a non-issue for me... I could give a shit about ANY candidate's association with anything to do with religion


isnt it sad that this is all Hillary can attack Barack with? she has to go after Barack and religion... first the muslim thing and now this... PATHETIC

come on, Hill! you've been in politics for 35 years AND you are a fighter!!! Surely you could come up with something better then this!!! I expect more out of you, Hillary! this Barack guy is running circles around you! you should have left him behind in Iowa... and now you are on life-support!!!

face it Hill, you're getting--no! you ARE desparate. period.

you had this locked up even before the election started... and you've lot so much! if you REALLY care about the democratic party like you keep on suggesting, drop out and end the civil war in your party.

look at the math...

Barack Obama + Hillary Clinton = Split Dems

Split Dems = John McCain as the 44th president

Mr Pastor has sealed Obama's fate.

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Hi all,

Last political post,...

McCain?has served our country well,but he has his head up his,....

Get over it people,is one person,going to change the culture in DC? :blink:

KB (over and outside)

just to be clear.. I fully support Barack Obama and think he will win... but, as someone who opposes political parties and has a neutral look apon them... the dems have a history of dividing themselves while the GOP remains united under one guy

that exact situation is happening right now with Hill and Barack

im not saying I support McCain or think he can win, i just believe a split democratic party would lead to his victory in november

Edited by zosodude13
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just to be clear.. I fully support Barack Obama and think he will win... but, as someone who opposes political parties and has a neutral look apon them... the dems have a history of dividing themselves while the GOP remains united under one guy

that exact situation is happening right now with Hill and Barack

im not saying I support McCain or think he can win, i just believe a split democratic party would lead to his victory in november

Obama is toast. and so is McInsane

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StringBender! :wave:

Great to see you get back in the political debate action, buddy! :thumbsup:

I don't recall "righties" making Jesse Jackson comparisons in South Carolina do you? If anyone has brought race into this it was Slick Willie, not the "righties".

I listened to some speculation on this on talk radio yesterday. One talking head accused Hannity of "leaking" the tape but the concensus was (and to which I agree) you can lay the blame on Billary for this one. Why would the "righties" or McCain in particular leak the "Rev." Wrights hate filled rhetoric? If McCain had it don't you think he would wait until Obama actually WON the nomination and wait until the Sept.-Oct. debates to lay this bomb on the voting public? I know you lefties think he's already wrapped it up (heck you even have him in the Oval office). Hillary is the one fighting Obama now...not McCain and the "righties".

For your consideration, here's a couple different perspectives on that:

1. The longer the Obama-Clinton battle wages on.. and the more they beat up on each other.. and the uglier it gets.. the greater the benefit to the republican party and John McCain going into the general election.

2. The republicans want to run against Hillary. They think they can beat her. They know full well that nothing on God's green earth right now will mobilize republicans from coast-to-coast and border-to-border to come out and vote in the general election more than Hillary Clinton being the dem candidate. Republicans (even those who can barely stomach McCain and would otherwise stay home rather than vote for McCain) will come out of the woodworks to vote.. not to vote for McCain, but to vote against Hillary. Feeding into the demonization of Obama is the best way they can help their own cause: which is seeing Hillary get the dem nomination. If they can help defeat Obama in the dem primaries, they won't have to worry about defeating him in the general election.

So in those regards, it seems just as likely to me (if not moreso) that the

"leak" came from the "righties" as from someone in the Billary campaign.

That's not to say Billary didn't have motive aplenty too. Hillary's campaign has certainly benefitted from the Wright issue, that's for sure. But I'm not making any accusations in either direction about who may have compiled and leaked the Wright footage,.. nor did I make any accusations previously.

The point I was making when I said (paraphrased) "it was only a matter of time before the righties made race an issue in this campaign anyway" was that sooner or later in this campaign the right wing smear machine (you know who/what I'm referring to.. the swiftboaters.. the 527's..) was gonna kick into action and make race an issue. Undoubtedly that would've been part of their defeat-Obama strategy in the general election. That's so predictable that I'm sure you'll acknowledge the point, won't you?

What I said can be taken at face value: "It was only a matter of time.." ;)

BTW Hermit I know you and others are all up Obama's backside (to put it mildly) over this speech but face the reality - this hasn't yet hit the fan I don't think. The overall vast majority of the voting public does NOT take kindly to "Rev." Wright's hate-fllled rhetoric and laying the blame for 9/11 on us. He is in deep doo-doo. Keep telling yourself he's not.....think positive thoughts....think positive thoughts.

1. the 9/11 rhetoric was not "hate-filled", it was truth-filled.

2. those were not Rev Wright's words, they were the words of the

former US Ambassador to Iraq.. a White man named Edward Peck.

Sure,.. the fact that Rev Wright read Ambassador Peck's 9/11 comments during a sermon suggests to me that he agrees with Ambassador Peck's pov. Thats just fine with me. Just so happens that so do I. And it has nothing to do with "hate". It's simply a matter of being willing to face the truth that US middle east foreign policy is a reason why we were attacked on 9/11. Neither Amb Peck, Rev Wright, nor myself are saying the attack was justified or that we deserved it; we are simply citing one the reasons why it happened.

I'm ok with saying the US foreign policy was a reason why radical Islamic jihadists attacked

America on 9/11; it's true. And fwiw,.. I respect those who put truth before "patriotism".

Isn't facing the reality of the situation the mature and rational thing to do, rather believing some

US government lie that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11? I mean come on now,.. really.

I posted a quote a few posts back from MLK, Jr in which he absolutely lambasted the US government over Vietnam. He spoke truth to power. Speaking truth to power takes extraordinary courage. It took even more courage for a Black man in the 1960's to do it. And wouldn't ya know it.. through the prism of history, people universally respect MLK for it.

I'm not suggesting Rev Wright is any MLK,.. I'm merely saying that I respect people

who speak truth to power more than I do those who lie under the guise of patriotism.

I respect those who speak the truth even when that truth is politically incorrect.

Wright seems to be all too adept, perhaps, at speaking politically incorrect truths, eh? :P:D

Heck even Geraldo (of all nutjobs) I overheard on Leno last night saying Obama is months late in trying to separate himself from "Rev." Wright. Why didn't he point out in his book when speaking of Wright that he had problems with some of his views? Nary a word. Obama waits until his actual hate-filled "sermons" are leaked that he denounces him.

Obviously I haven't seen or heard every Rev Wright sermon ever spoken, but I'm not convinced that his sermons are "hate-filled". They're certainly anger-filled at times, but "hate-filled"? He certainly has a lot of anger regarding racial and social inequities and injustices, and he definitely goes over-the-top melodramatic at times, but who is it that you think he actually "hates"? White people? America? Come on. He is certainly angry about "the White power structure" in America, but that's not hate directed at White people, it's anger directed at a system in which social injustice and inequality are prevalent. It's not "hate-filled" any more that its "hate-filled" to rail against oppression of any kind.

You see I don't take Rev Wright's comments as a personal attack on me; nor do I think he hates me. I hear what he's talking about, and I recognize the kernal of truth in his angry rants. I absorb the ugliness and the pain of that truth. It just is what it is. Social injustice and racial inequality does exist in America. I'm not afraid to face that truth, however ugly it might be; and I'm not gonna avoid facing that truth by mislabeling righteous anger as "hatred" and condemning the messenger.

There is a kernel of truth to every thing I've heard Rev Wright say. I don't always feel

comfortable about how he says things, but I do recognize the kernel of truth in it.

I don't consider angry preaching about social injustice to be "hate-filled" rhetoric.

A minister who preaches that gays are second class citizens and they're

gonna burn in hell..now that's what I call "hate-filled" rhetoric, my friend.

A minister who preaches that natural disaters are God's wrath upon gays..

and upon society for tolerating gays..that's what I call "hate-filled" rhetoric.

A minister who preaches that all Muslims are evil and that we should nuke every last

man, woman, and child Muslim into oblivion,.. that's what I call "hate-filled" rhetoric.

You said earlier Obama's timing was irrelevant. You wanna bet? There's a lot of people who could care less about Obama's speech the other day (go ahead and compare it to Lincoln all you want) but what is going to speak much louder is "Rev." Wright's hate-filled, American bashing rhetoric...of which Obama sit silently through. Even if he wasn't physically present at those messages, you can't tell me that he wasn't aware of Wright's outlandish views. I don't need to be at my Pastor's every sermon but I can tell you his views on nearly any topic you would ask. A pastor's views aren't "one time" sermons but they echo in everything they preach. Obama knew about this and chose to continue having Wright as his spiritual advisor.

First of all,.. I don't consider America off limits from being bashed. One can love America, as i do, and still bash America when America deserves to be bashed. I think its rather immature to take the position that America is sacrosanct. America is not a perfect nation. When America deserves to be bashed, it should be bashed. I don't doubt for a minute that Rev Wright loves America every bit as much as any other American. But he also has the courage to speak the truth about America. I respect that.

Sercondly,.. afaict, Barack Obama seems to be a very decent man. If he chose to keep Rev Wright as his spiritual guide, so be it. You're judging Rev Wright based on snippets of sermons without knowing the context of those snippets. I've watched some videos of his sermons and, like I said, I recognize the kernels of truth in what he preaches about. I've also seen/heard him preach some ideals that seem to me to represent the very best of what I think it means to be a follower of Christ. The sum of the man (Wright) is bigger than the flawed parts. Barack Obama recognizes that, he spoke about it, and afaic.. that's good enough for me.

I think the people who will hold onto this issue are people who already oppose Obama, people who harbor race-based fears and biases in their hearts, and people who simply want to further exploit it for political purposes.

Let me ask you this Hermit, if you found out one of your guru's held similar hate-filled views, how would you react? Overlook them and continue having them advise you?

Obama did. And it's going to bite him. Big time.

My most beloved gurus are Buddhists, so of course they don't preach hate. *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5yPh8trI9k* (who I will be going to visit in the Himalayas of northern India next week!) has had his land stolen, has seen thousands of Buddhist monasteries and everything in them burned to the ground; has seen thousands upon thousands of his fellow monks imprisoned and killed; and has been chased out of his own country by an occupying government. In short, you'd think he'd have every reason to hate. And yet he doesn't hate. At all. He is an emanation of Love and Compassion.

I'm not sure how I'd react if he started preaching hate. I'd be shocked. I'd wonder what it was he was trying to teach me. I'd pay attention to and examine the feelings and impulses his behavior evokes in me. In short, would I necessarily immediately disavow and abandon him? No, I wouldn't. I'd ask him questions. I'd try to learn from whatever he was presenting. Fyi: there are stories of Buddhist masters directing their students to do things that we'd be arrested for in our culture. Buddhists strive to see through the dualistic perception of reality. Good-Evil is a duality. Make of that what you will for now; to pursue that discussion would be getting way off topic here. :D

You already know that I stood by one of my "spiritual advisors"/gurus even though he engaged in some inexcusably deplorable behavior, right? I condemned the behavior but not the man, remember? I tried to learn from his failings, while also recognizing that his failing was not the sum of who he is, and that his personal failings did not undermine the truth of the teachings he'd imparted to me.. teachings from his teacher and his teacher's teacher. I faced the pain of the betrayal and anger and sadness that I felt. And in facing the pain of that betrayal and anger and sadness I discovered something deeper.. something much more profound and meaningful than personal judgments and condemnations.. I discovered compassion and love.. for him, for myself, and for everyone who was harmed by his indiscretions. Disavowing is one thing; abandoning is another. Sometimes there are great discoveries to be made from experiencing and facing trying times rather than running from them. Ya know?

But I digress. :blush:

Back to Obama:

You've come to the conclusion.. rightly or wrongly.. fairly or unfairly.. that Rev Wright's sermons are "hate-filled". Apparently Barack Obama doesn't hold that same ultimate conclusion about Wright. Although he did say that Wright has said some things that are "not only wrong but divisive", he also said "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community."

You are free to judge/condemn Obama for taking this position. And you may be right that it will bite him in the ass. Personally, I respect him for it. I think its the courageous and politically risky position to take. It shows me a little something.. nay, a big something.. about the kind of man Barack Obama is. And I like what I see.

I don't think this Rev Wright issue will spell the demise of the Obama for POTUS train ride by any means. I think it's those on the right.. those who were not likely to vote for him anyway.. who will hold onto this issue and continue to try to make political hay with it. Those who dare to look deeper into the issue and deeper into themselves (a characteristic more common of people on the left and middle-left than those on the right,.. right?) will see this as an opportunity for America to squarely face the issues underlying the racial divide in our country and maybe.. just maybe.. make some progress toward bridging that divide. In that light, for courageously taking the position he's taken on this issue, the potential for Obama's greatness as a leader.. as a POTUS.. can be glimpsed.

Like our friend Pb predicted.. (paraphrased).. those who support Obama will see his speech (and this whole incident) in the best possible light; those who oppose him will see it in the most negative light; and those who are still undecided will continue to scratch their asses while they try to figure out who to vote for. ^_^

Again,.. its good to see you, String!

cheers, bro. :beer:


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[not the thread,.. Obama's poll ratings. :thumbsup: ]


Gallup Daily: Obama Edges Ahead of Clinton

March 22, 2008

Democratic nomination preference:

Obama 48%

Clinton 45%

PRINCETON, NJ -- Barack Obama has quickly made up the deficit he faced with Hillary Clinton earlier this week, with the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update on Democratic presidential nomination preferences showing 48% of Democratic voters favoring Obama and 45% Clinton.




The post-speech/post-Richardson endorsement

bump happened even quicker than I expected. B)

..and this may just be the beginning of a bigger bump. :cheer:


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