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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Make sure to post after he gets drubbed in Pennsylvania now. Hillary will get 65% plus!

As the Gallup pol shows,.. Obama's ahead today. :P

Remember,.. to win the nomination, Hillary's gotta win Penn

and every other remaining primary by hefty margins. ;)


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As the Gallup pol shows,.. Obama's ahead today. :P

Remember,.. to win the nomination, Hillary's gotta win Penn

and every other remaining primary by hefty margins. ;)


I have heard Hillary is ahead of him in Penn and always has been, I guess we shall know soon.

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I have heard Hillary is ahead of him in Penn and always has been, I guess we shall know soon.

That Gallup poll is a national poll, not a Penn poll.

Yes, Hillary is ahead in Penn; and she's going to win Penn; we all know that.

But the bigger point.. a point which you seem rather reluctant to acknowledge.. is that in order to win more pledged delegates than Obama, Hillary must win the Penn primary and every other remaining primary as well.. all by large margins.

I guess we shall if she can accomplish that feat, eh?

If she does, she'll have earned the nomination and she'll have my full support. B)

If Obama wins the party nomation,.. will he have earned your support? :whistling:


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That Gallup poll is a national poll, not a Penn poll.

Yes, Hillary is ahead in Penn; and she's going to win Penn; we all know that.

But the bigger point.. a point which you seem rather reluctant to acknowledge.. is that in order to win more pledged delegates than Obama, Hillary must win the Penn primary and every other remaining primary as well.. all by large margins.

I guess we shall if she can accomplish that feat, eh?

If she does, she'll have earned the nomination and she'll have my full support. B)

If Obama wins the party nomation,.. will he have earned your support? :whistling:


Well Hermit there is certainly no quit in you. You are as spirited a debater Ive met next to my right wing mother who used to be a Dem. Nice big argument at the dinner table yesterday. My aunt is for Hillary. Her boyfriend is righty. But keeps his mouth shut. some wont say. First, I am not giving up on Hillary. But if she goes down, Im on the fence but leaning towards your guy over McCain.

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Hermit, ever since i clicked on the Daily Kos and Huffington post links, I had to run my Adware scanner non stop because i can't find the Trojan that was injected into my computer.

Might I sugggest you get a Mac? :whistling:


[seriously though.. that sucks, man. <_< ]

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I liek mac, but i understand PC programs and hardware better. but i do use firefox and its still attacking me. I don't get hardly any popups, but with 34 adwares running in the background and the computer tring to block it, causes it to run real slow. Ill just start deleting shit. that would cure it.

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FYI my political junkie friends,..

..as of 3/27 I'll be absent from this thread for a few weeks.

You can read about where I'll be.. in this post *HERE*. B)

Fret not,.. I'll be back in time for the Penn primary. :P:D

cheers all. :beer:



btw.. Del,..

I'm getting in ever-more of a time crunch before I leave on my trip, but if I can at all find some time I will respond in more depth to your last post, bud. In case I don't get to it though, I'll make the quick comment now that what constitutes "hate" and "intolerance" seems to be in the eye (or ear, as it may be) of the beholder, eh? ;)^_^

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FYI my political junkie friends,..

..as of 3/27 I'll be absent from this thread for a few weeks.

You can read about where I'll be.. in this post *HERE*. B)

Fret not,.. I'll be back in time for the Penn primary. :P:D

cheers all. :beer:


Stay safe with this trip my man. I have an Indian eye surgeon who used to go there every year. He has been talked out of it in recent years. Be carefull.


btw.. Del,..

I'm getting in ever-more of a time crunch before I leave on my trip, but if I can at all find some time I will respond in more depth to your last post, bud. In case I don't get to it though, I'll make the quick comment now that what constitutes "hate" and "intolerance" seems to be in the eye (or ear, as it may be) of the beholder, eh? ;)^_^

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Stay safe with this trip my man. I have an Indian eye surgeon who used to go there every year. He has been talked out of it in recent years. Be carefull.

I'll do my best to stay safe, bud. Thanks. ;)

While I'm away I want you to earn how to quote properly, ok? :whistling:



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Hillary is a horrible liar. I mean.......I can do better than that.

I realize you don't like Hillary (thats an understatement, I know) on a personal level, but you might consider the consequences of a John McCain/Bush III presidency. If you like Obama,.. which I know you do,.. then you ought to be able to accept Hillary as a second choice; policy-wise she and Obama are not all that different. Your Hillary bashing does a disservice to the democratic party cause.

Think about it. ;)


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Hillary is a horrible liar. I mean.......I can do better than that.

A Clinton lying? Who would have thought it? Remember when she said Chelsey was in danger during the 9/11 attacks because she was jogging in the area. Turns out she was sleeping at home.

Awhile back I heard one of their supporters say it was scary how easy they lie.

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I realize you don't like Hillary (thats an understatement, I know) on a personal level, but you might consider the consequences of a John McCain/Bush III presidency. If you like Obama,.. which I know you do,.. then you ought to be able to accept Hillary as a second choice; policy-wise she and Obama are not all that different. Your Hillary bashing does a disservice to the democratic party cause.

I know the consequences of a McCain presidency. If for some godforsaken reason she does become President, I'm not going to do something stupid like leave the country, but I'm not going to turn around and pretend she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'd be happy it's not McCain, because quite frankly the corpse of FDR would be better than John McCain (and slightly younger).

Some people don't care who becomes President, so long as they're a Democrat. Those people are more than entitled to feel that way, and in a convoluted way.....I partially agree. I don't want John McCain running this country. That being said, I don't want Clinton running it either. She's a very distant second choice in my mind. And by distant, I mean the average distance from here to the moon.

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The consequences of a Mccain presidency.... I cant really think of any bad ones... all I can think of are good ones... Im confused... what does age have to with it? If you take age into consideration....why dont you take sex and race into consideration also?

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Age has nothing to do with it. I think he's old, but I don't think that is what should keep him from being President. What should keep him from being President is the fact that he feels no compunction about saying we should stay in Iraq another 100 fucking years.

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