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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Hi all,

Sweet jesus, zepyep is in one sorry need for a Rogets.


Iran should be left to the International community. We should do with Iran what we originally said we'd do with Iraq.

The international community?They are doing such a fine job in my places around the world,... <_< Iran will never build a nuke,Israel will never let them.

Teachers, next to police officers, firefighters and EMTS are probably the least paid people that deserve good salaries. You put enough money in education, it will get better; from all corners.

I hope so,put that is another 'system' that has to change.

I don't believe there will be anymore terrorist hijackings. What purpose would it serve? They've used that already. I doubt any American passenger is gonna sit back and assume all will be well because they say so. We know now they don't give a damn about their lives or ours.

I said terroists attacks.There are many ways for them to still attack us and they will try.

You question China. Next to us, they are the biggest polluters on the planet. And with their population continuing to multiply by the thousands every year, they will soon be past us. China is at where we were at in the 1970s with burning fossil fuels and polluting the ozone. By taking the first step toward a new direction, it would only be logical to invite them immediately.

So how would you stop them?We do pollute more than any other nation and at least have the EPA,does China?

KB (often mis-quoted)

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What America desperately needs is a National Comprehensive Energy Policy.

I don't see that really being solidly pushed by either the Dems of the Reps.

Yeah, there's a lot a talk, and some "baby" steps....

But, America needs this National Comprehensive Energy Policy... NOW !

I agree. Totally! :beer:

It sure as shit aint gonna happen under a republican administration. I at least

have some "hope" that it could happen under a Barack Obama administration.

John McCain:

"I want to improve and make permanent the research and development tax credit. I want to spend less money on government bureaucracies, and, where the private sector isn't moving out of regulatory fear, to form the partnerships necessary to build demonstration models of promising new technologies such as advanced nuclear power plants, coal gasification, carbon capture and storage, and renewable power so we can take maximum advantage of our most abundant resources. And I'll make it a national mission to develop a catalyst capable of breaking down carbon dioxide into useful chemical building blocks, and rendering it a new source of revenue and opportunity.


As it always does, the profit motive will attract the transformational power of venture capital, and unleash the market to move clean alternative fuels and advanced energy technologies from the margins into the mainstream.

Some urge we do nothing because we can't be certain how bad the problem might become or they presume the worst effects are most likely to occur in our grandchildren's lifetime. I'm a proud conservative, and I reject that kind of live-for-today, "me generation," attitude. It is unworthy of us and incompatible with our reputation as visionaries and problem solvers. Americans have never feared change. We make change work for us".



While conservatives/republicans do like nuclear power, someone needs to tell

John McCain that they don't like "visionaries" and they don't like.. "change". :whistling:

But hey, if John McCain wants to campaign for CHANGE, "more power" to him! B)


Reduce Carbon Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

Cap and Trade: Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Obama's cap-and-trade system will require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A 100 percent auction ensures that all polluters pay for every ton of emissions they release, rather than giving these emission rights away to coal and oil companies. Some of the revenue generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, to invest in energy efficiency improvements, and to address transition costs, including helping American workers affected by this economic transition.

Confront Deforestation and Promote Carbon Sequestration: Obama will develop domestic incentives that reward forest owners, farmers, and ranchers when they plant trees, restore grasslands, or undertake farming practices that capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Invest in a Clean Energy Future

Invest $150 Billion over 10 Years in Clean Energy: Obama will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of commercial-scale renewable energy, invest in low-emissions coal plants, and begin the transition to a new digital electricity grid. A principal focus of this fund will be devoted to ensuring that technologies that are developed in the U.S. are rapidly commercialized in the U.S. and deployed around the globe.

Double Energy Research and Development Funding: Obama will double science and research funding for clean energy projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind resources.

Invest in a Skilled Clean Technologies Workforce: Obama will use proceeds from the cap-and-trade auction program to invest in job training and transition programs to help workers and industries adapt to clean technology development and production. Obama will also create an energy-focused Green Jobs Corps to connect disconnected and disadvantaged youth with job skills for a high-growth industry.

Convert our Manufacturing Centers into Clean Technology Leaders: Obama will establish a federal investment program to help manufacturing centers modernize and Americans learn the new skills they need to produce green products.

Clean Technologies Deployment Venture Capital Fund: Obama will create a Clean Technologies Venture Capital Fund to fill a critical gap in U.S. technology development. Obama will invest $10 billion per year into this fund for five years. The fund will partner with existing investment funds and our National Laboratories to ensure that promising technologies move beyond the lab and are commercialized in the U.S

Require 25 Percent of Renewable Electricity by 2025: Obama will establish a 25 percent federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to require that 25 percent of electricity consumed in the U.S. is derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind and geothermal by 2025.

Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology: Obama will significantly increase the resources devoted to the commercialization and deployment of low-carbon coal technologies. Obama will consider whatever policy tools are necessary, including standards that ban new traditional coal facilities, to ensure that we move quickly to commercialize and deploy low carbon coal technology.

Support Next Generation Biofuels

Deploy Cellulosic Ethanol: Obama will invest federal resources, including tax incentives, cash prizes and government contracts into developing the most promising technologies with the goal of getting the first two billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol into the system by 2013.

Expand Locally-Owned Biofuel Refineries: Less than 10 percent of new ethanol production today is from farmer-owned refineries. New ethanol refineries help jumpstart rural economies. Obama will create a number of incentives for local communities to invest in their biofuels refineries.

Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard: Barack Obama will establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard to speed the introduction of low-carbon non-petroleum fuels. The standard requires fuels suppliers to reduce the carbon their fuel emits by ten percent by 2020.

Increase Renewable Fuel Standard: Obama will require 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be included in the fuel supply by 2022 and will increase that to at least 60 billion gallons of advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol by 2030.

Set America on Path to Oil Independence

Obama's plan will reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or 10 million barrels per day, by 2030. This will more than offset the equivalent of the oil we would import from OPEC nations in 2030.

Increase Fuel Economy Standards: Obama will double fuel economy standards within 18 years. His plan will provide retooling tax credits and loan guarantees for domestic auto plants and parts manufacturers, so that they can build new fuel-efficient cars rather than overseas companies. Obama will also invest in advanced vehicle technology such as advanced lightweight materials and new engines.

Improve Energy Efficiency 50 Percent by 2030

Set National Building Efficiency Goals: Barack Obama will establish a goal of making all new buildings carbon neutral, or produce zero emissions, by 2030. He'll also establish a national goal of improving new building efficiency by 50 percent and existing building efficiency by 25 percent over the next decade to help us meet the 2030 goal.

Establish a Grant Program for Early Adopters: Obama will create a competitive grant program to award those states and localities that take the first steps to implement new building codes that prioritize energy efficiency.

Invest in a Digital Smart Grid: Obama will pursue a major investment in our utility grid to enable a tremendous increase in renewable generation and accommodate modern energy requirements, such as reliability, smart metering, and distributed storage

Restore U.S. Leadership on Climate Change

Create New Forum of Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitters: Obama will create a Global Energy Forum — that includes all G-8 members plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa –the largest energy consuming nations from both the developed and developing world. The forum would focus exclusively on global energy and environmental issues.

Re-Engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change: The UNFCCC process is the main international forum dedicated to addressing the climate problem and an Obama administration will work constructively within it.



^^ that sounds like a good start to me. :beer:

and remember what John McCain says:

"Americans have never feared change. We make change work for us."




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Hermit please. shorten the posts. Im getting a headache. I know who you are for. The whole world knows. It aint over til the fat lady sings.

ledzeppbabe, please quit your whining. :P

Read what you want to read; don't read what you don't want to read. B)


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It's Iraq, greed? Explain that one.

It's a little more complicated than that. :rolleyes:

DRUNK, what did you think of the Frontline two-part series *Bush's War*?

Its not a Bush-bash; its a very objective report of the run-up to the war and the way the

war has been executed. Watch it (its available online) and let me know what you think.



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You just stated we need a president who is going to drop the price. That sounds like blame to me. I say they have limited power on the matter. And what choice do we have but to pay to get where we need to go? The poster before had some good ideas (I think bigstickbonzo).

I worded it wrong. When I said we need a President who... I didn't mean it to say that it was our current President's fault. I'm just saying I wish our current President had done more to lower the prices and our next President should do more.

Stop whining.

People are paying it, and will continue to pay it, no matter how high the price goes. They will just have to make some lifestyle adjustments if it goes to some crazy number.

The the rest of the world, especially the Europeans, pay a hell of a lot more than we do.

Our gas is cheap.

So when it goes to $4 a gallon, I'm sure you'll be paying. And when it goes to $10, you'll be paying also. And when it goes higher than, you'll be paying. You might want to invest in a bicycle if the cost of gas is so much of a concern to you.

I will NOT be paying it. I'm already researching alternative-fuel cars, including researching using left-over grease and such to fuel my car.

I've also been closely following projects to make cars that run on water, hydrogen, etc, and have been supporting the idea of "Going Yellow" and using ethanol harvested from corn to fuel my car.

I'm also pricing hybrids.

In other words, by the time it gets up to and past $4, I'll be driving with an alternate means of fuel. Period.

It's Iraq, greed? Explain that one.

It's a little more complicated than that. :rolleyes:

We get much of our oil from Iraq. Partly because of the Iraq war, the price of that oil has gone up.

Another factor is greed. The people selling that oil want more money because they are greedy. In response, the people running our gas stations want more money for themselves. So, our gas prices skyrocket so we can pay all these greedy people who just want money.

Are these the only two reasons? Fuck no. Of course it's more complicated then that. It always is. In fact, those two reasons I highlighted above may be two of the smallest reasons for why the prices are so high. But cut those two things out and I guarantee we're back down to $2.50 to $2.75, and work on cutting the rest of problems out, and we may be seeing gas prices under $1. I'm 20 years old. The first time I filled up a car, while on my permit, it was $0.75 a gallon. That was only once. The second time it was $1.04, and it's been nothing but uphill from there. So it wasn't that long ago gas was cheap, and it can't be that hard to bring it back down to were it belongs.

One small reason our economy's in the shit? Gas prices.

Edited by Nathan
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I worded it wrong. When I said we need a President who... I didn't mean it to say that it was our current President's fault. I'm just saying I wish our current President had done more to lower the prices and our next President should do more.

I will NOT be paying it. I'm already researching alternative-fuel cars, including researching using left-over grease and such to fuel my car. I've been

I've also been closely following projects to make cars that run on water, hydrogen, etc, and have been supporting the idea of "Going Yellow" and using ethanol harvested from corn to fuel my car.

I'm also pricing hybrids.

In other words, by the time it gets up to and past $4, I'll be driving with an alternate means of fuel. Period.

We get much of our oil from Iraq. Partly because of the Iraq war, the price of that oil has gone up.

Another factor is greed. The people selling that oil want more money because they are greedy. In response, the people running our gas stations want more money for themselves. So, our gas prices skyrocket so we can pay all these greedy people who just want money.

Are these the only two reasons? Fuck no. Of course it's more complicated then that. It always is. In fact, those two reasons I highlighted above may be two of the smallest reasons for why the prices are so high. But cut those two things out and I guarantee we're back down to $2.50 to $2.75, and work on cutting the rest of problems out, and we may be seeing gas prices under $1. I'm 20 years old. The first time I filled up a car, while on my permit, it was $0.75 a gallon. That was only once. The second time it was $1.04, and it's been nothing but uphill from there. So it wasn't that long ago gas was cheap, and it can't be that hard to bring it back down to were it belongs.

One small reason our economy's in the shit? Gas prices.

Im going to Ocala in a few weeks. Ill send you some prices on horses

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Are you kidding. Trying to get a large group of people to fight the establishement here is a pipedream. If you could pull that off-wow. Imposssible. Unless you hit the mega milliions and are willing to part with all of it by offering x amount of dollars for people to do things.

Believe me, I know. It'd be nice, but... you're absolutely right. Not gonna happen, especially in today's day and age when the establishment rules so much here.

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Im going to Ocala in a few weeks. Ill send you some prices on horses

No need. If I want to ride a horse, I'll just go visit my aunt and uncle and ask them. They'll give me a horse for free.

But I need a car. It'll just be a car that runs on something other than gas.

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low blow dude

alright then.. allow me to re-word my comments:

I'm sorry you're getting a headache, friend; you have my sympathy and I hope you're feeling better soon. However, while participating in this thread I will continue to post what I want to post. You, of course, are free to read what you want to read and to not read what you don't want to read. Fwiw, if anything, I fully support you in exercising your freedom in the manner which suits you best.




that better? ;)

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alright then.. allow me to re-word my comments:

I'm sorry you're getting a headache, friend; you have my sympathy and I hope you're feeling better soon. However, while participating in this thread I will continue to post what I want to post. You, of course, are free to read what you want to read and to not read what you don't want to read. Fwiw, if anything, I fully support you in exercising your freedom in the manner which suits you best.




that better? ;)

Of course you know I was just kidding. But people are more willing to read shorter posts. Three page posts many will skim but you are better off posting a bit at a time. Are you going to read more than two sentences of anything I post? Proabably not. Especially after you see who posted. haha

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I see HC is trying to change to subject from "snipergate" back to the Rev Wright thing, I wonder how thats going to work out? I see Wright is canceling speaking engagements, trying to drop off the radar I suppose.

He is a fucking racist pig. Just like Ive been called injustly by Electrophile. why? Because I condemn the 9/11 attacks?? Wake up you fucking idiots and know who the enemy is. I dont mean you Uncle Bill. the ones that want to kill us many just dont remember what an awfull day that was.

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DRUNK, what did you think of the Frontline two-part series *Bush's War*?

Its not a Bush-bash; its a very objective report of the run-up to the war and the way the

war has been executed. Watch it (its available online) and let me know what you think.



Yeah it's very objective, LOL it's called Bushs War, I watched it and it was mostly bush bashing, hence the title "Bush's War" Why not do another docu about why we are there and call it "The War for Oil" or do an objective piece on Obama and call it "Obama, America's favorite son".

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Just a thought ICQYB, calm down a bit before you get vaporized again. I agree 9/11 sucked, and people have forgotten, some seem to think that was never any danger of further attacks. This is inexplicable to me.

I think if Chealsea Clinton is going to campaign for her mom she should expect any questions and not act all indignant when someone asks an obvious question. I'm not saying she has to answer, but saying "it's none of your business" is the wrong approach. Maybe say "I don't talk about that".

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Just a thought ICQYB, calm down a bit before you get vaporized again. I agree 9/11 sucked, and people have forgotten, some seem to think that was never any danger of further attacks. This is inexplicable to me.

I think if Chealsea Clinton is going to campaign for her mom she should expect any questions and not act all indignant when someone asks an obvious question. I'm not saying she has to answer, but saying "it's none of your business" is the wrong approach. Maybe say "I don't talk about that".

9/11 is not so easy to calm down over. And if Im vaporized over it so be it. I thought there was something called "freedom of speech"? But I guess it doesnt exist everywhere. And especially with 24 yr old know it alls that havent seen half or lived half of what I have. And I do have a college degree just for the record.

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And if Im vaporized over it so be it. I thought there was something called "freedom of speech"? But I guess it doesnt exist everywhere.

personally I don't want to see you banned again, w/o you it's pretty much all obama all the time, with only an occasional mccain drive by poster for contrast.

Freedom of speech on a message board is what admin decides it is, after many years on many boards I've found it to be pointless to buck this fact.

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Yeah it's very objective, LOL it's called Bushs War, I watched it and it was mostly bush bashing, hence the title "Bush's War" Why not do another docu about why we are there and call it "The War for Oil" or do an objective piece on Obama and call it "Obama, America's favorite son".

Your dismissiveness of this throughly detailed and thoroughly

objective account of Bush's War is what's laughable, friend. ^_^

"Fahrenheit 911" was Bush bashing. "Bush's War" was about as objective as you can possibly get. It was based on objective reports, and on comments from insiders... you know, people who were actually involved and/or present in the inner most circles. We heard from top civilian personnel (State Department); top military personnel (Pentagon); CIA personal, including counter-terrorism experts; we heard from Paul Bremmer, Ahmed Chalabi, Colin Powell; we heard from David Kaye (weapons inspector). We heard what Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, Pearle, and Tenet had to say.. in their own words, as spoken by them. And we saw the footage of what was actually happening, in contrast to what Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were saying was happening. We got to see the full arch of the war.. from pre-9/11 to Afghanistan.. and Iraq.. and right on through to very recently. We saw the details and we were presented with the big picture. ..and the ultimate outcome was left yet to be determined.

This was was not a spin job.

Pray tell, what FACTS presented in the documentary do you dispute? :whistling:

*not holding my breath. ;) *



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I see HC is trying to change to subject from "snipergate" back to the Rev Wright thing, I wonder how thats going to work out? I see Wright is canceling speaking engagements, trying to drop off the radar I suppose.

I like how she made the comment about how if it were her, he wouldn't have been her Pastor after that.... Hmmmmm I wonder what she would have done if Spitzer were her husband? hehe, oh I think we know the answer there.

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He is a fucking racist pig. Just like Ive been called injustly by Electrophile. why? Because I condemn the 9/11 attacks?? Wake up you fucking idiots and know who the enemy is. I dont mean you Uncle Bill. the ones that want to kill us many just dont remember what an awfull day that was.

"you fucking idiots", you say? Is that kind of vitriol really necessary?

Who is it that you think doesn't remember what a horrible day 9/11 was? Puh-lease. :rolleyes:

Of course we remember. And of course we condemn the attacks. And guess what,.. we even know who the enemy is. It's just that we're not left with an irrational hatred for all Muslims, like you apparently are. We recognize that not every Muslim in the world is a radical extremist hellbent on the destruction of America.

Radical extremist militant Islamists.. specifically, al Qaeda

jihadists.. want to kill us. They are the immediate enemy.

There,.. do I pass the "know who the enemy is" test? :P

Turn down the heat of your hatred.. lest it consume you, brother.


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"you fucking idiots", you say? Is that kind of vitriol really necessary?

Who is it that you think doesn't remember what a horrible day 9/11 was? Puh-lease. :rolleyes:

Of course we remember. And of course we condemn the attacks. And guess what,.. we even know who the enemy is. It's just that we're not left with an irrational hatred for all Muslims, like you apparently are. We recognize that not every Muslim in the world is a radical extremist hellbent on the destruction of America.

Radical extremist militant Islamists.. specifically, al Qaeda

jihadists.. want to kill us. They are the immediate enemy.

There,.. do I pass the "know who the enemy is" test? :P

Turn down the heat of your hatred.. lest it consume you, brother.


Only time can heal. think of what us americans thought of the Japanese months and even years after the infamous attack on Pearl Harbour. December 7th 1941 I believe. Think about that. And who would have thought opening day in the major leagues would be held in Japan just 67 yrs later as friends? Do you think the same will come of us and these Muslim extremists. At this time in history I think not. they have shown their hatred for us. and for what? For being Christians and Jews? Or what? If 7 out of 10 of them want to kill us, how am I to feel? If I had the strength of Jesus i would forgive them all. But I dont have his strength. He is the son of God in my eyes.

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Only time can heal. think of what us americans thought of the Japanese months and even years after the infamous attack on Pearl Harbour. December 7th 1941 I believe. Think about that. And who would have thought opening day in the major leagues would be held in Japan just 67 yrs later as friends? Do you think the same will come of us and these Muslim extremists. At this time in history I think not. they have shown their hatred for us. and for what? For being Christians and Jews? Or what? If 7 out of 10 of them want to kill us, how am I to feel? If I had the strength of Jesus i would forgive them all. But I dont have his strength. He is the son of God in my eyes.

Time will heal; but wisdom doesn't require time; wisdom is available right now.

If you insist in harboring hatred and anger in your heart, then at least be somewhat

wise about it and limit your anger and hatred to those who are actually responsible.

Condemn those who are responsible, rather than condemning all Muslims.

* Not all Germans were responsible for the Holocaust.

* Not all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor.

* Not all Muslims are responsible for 9/11.


* Not all Americans are responsible for the invasion/occupation of Iraq.

(85,000 civilian deaths; 4 million displaced Iraqis; 2.2 million refugees)

..ya know?


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