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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Ok, trust a comedian. :rolleyes::D


You don't like Bush because you have been brainwashed for the last 8 years by family, friends, or media to not like him. How can I expect you to have an objective opinion?

How do you know?

Oh, wait. You've heard it all before, right?

How many times have I said I can't stand Hillary Clinton? How many times have I said that I think (and do still), that Bush was a better choice then Kerry (as bad as Bush is, Kerry, IMO, would have been worse)?

I have aligned more Republican then Democrat on many issues. The first issue that ever made me get in to politics was the issue of "censorship" and "Political Correctness." I took the Republican stance:

Censorship and PC are bad things.

Bush is not a bad President. Once again, you have been brainwashed.

Right... so Iraq is good, the fact that we've had two, possibly more, recessions is good, the fact that we are in a recession right now is good, the fact that Bush and his entire administration are liars ("enhanced interrogation" my ass... waterboarding is torture... period) is good, the fact that the Bush administration has been forced to give up many of their people (Alberto Gonzales, Carl Rove, etc, etc, etc) is good, the severely delayed and haphazard response to Katrina was good (not that this is entirely Bush's fault... there was a lot of factors in this one, so maybe it's a bad example to use), Guantanamo is good, the lack of conviction to do anything about the gas prices or our economy in general is good, the horrible lack of public speaking talent is good, the tendency to act all kid-like and do stupid things like dnace like a buffoon on camera is good...

Does the fact that Bush has a 28% (possibly lower at this point) approval rating mean anything you?

Yes, I know, our Democratic Congress's approval rating is lower. That may be because this is the worst, or at least one of the worst, Congresses we have ever had in this country. They do absolutely nothing.

See this link:


81% think America is on the wrong track? That ain't just Dems, my friend, unless the Republican party really has lost that many supporters...

I will discriminate against you. First off, your opinions are the result of brainwashing and environmental influence. Secondly, even if you were to view things objectively from your point of view, without any sort of influence, then you wouldn't sound like you sound right now. Unfortunately, your age is evident, and it is a factor.

You see, this is why discriminating is bad. You don't know shit about me. You don't know shit about where I get my information from.

Brainwashed? I could very easily make the case that you are the brainwashed one. You watch Fox at all? You agree with those opinions?

I could very well say the same damn thing about you... that you have been brainwashed by the media (Fox), your family, your friends, etc, etc, etc.

And this:

Secondly, even if you were to view things objectively from your point of view, without any sort of influence, then you wouldn't sound like you sound right now.

How the fuck do you know? Are you psychic? Do you live in an alternate dimension? I think quite independantly because I form my own opinions before I go in to hear and see what others have to say.

And do you think I'm brainwashed because you've "heard the same mantra over and over from Bush-haters?"

Guess what. I've head the same mantra from you Bush-lovers over and over again, too.

Charging someone with being brainwashed is a double-edged sword. If I'm brainwashed, then you are doubly so. We both form our opinions in the same cultrue from the same sources, if different places.

Keep that in mind beofre you say anyone is "brainwashed." I can easily level the same charge at you and use all the exact same evidence your using to say I'm brainwashed against you.

Hell... every living person on this planet is brainwashed. I can even say we've both been brainwashed into liking Led Zeppelin. "Brainwash" is a fantasy... it is a bullshhit term and means absolutely nothing because nobody on this planet forms opinions independantly because we form our opinions based on the way we grew up and the people we live and interact with. It's the whole philosophy of nature vs. nurture.

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Hi all,

The debate was hysterical. Could you see the exhausting hours of work and effort that went into those questions? Shit, I like Charles Gibson. He can come over to my house and fuck my sister any day.

It won't be,....

Did you ask your -sister-,..... :blink:


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Right... so Iraq is good, the fact that we've had two, possibly more, recessions is good, the fact that we are in a recession right now is good,


Does the fact that Bush has a 28% (possibly lower at this point) approval rating mean anything you?

"Brainwash" is a fantasy...

1. You believe in a comedian. Enough said.

2. If you truly saw and understood what we are facing, you would probably see why we are in Iraq. No matter what arguments there are against Iraq, the bottomline is that the whole Muslim world must be dealt with in order to preserve the western world. If you want to disagree, then ok. If you can't imagine the result of the western world not defending itself against the Muslim world, then that's ok too. You obviously can't, bec ause if you could, then you'd be singing a different tune.

3. Recession shows you are brainwashed again. You only worry about recession because the media tells you to worry about recession. The US is in great shape, and the US economy has been nearly the best as it ever has in the last 8 years. The world is changing, as was predicted, and of course our economy will change also. You can blame the whole US greed for bringing on any sort of recession, because the entire US has not been able to resist trying to grow as fast and as much as possible, and when it gets shown that there isn't any sort of actual substance to what is going on, the bubble gets burst, and people want to blame everyone else. The bottom line is that the whole nation is living on a bubble of credit.

People are so fucking spoiled...........you have no idea what a bad economy is...........

4. Waterboarding? Torture? Ok. How about when Muslims will cut the heads off of Americans and other westerners? Or what about Muslims' horrible treatment and killing of innocent women, children, and men also? We are dealing with sick and desperate lunatics. American must do what it has to do to protect itself. If you complain about recession now, watch what happens when the next terrorist attack happens. The US economy will be crippled.

5. Bush's approval rating doesn't mean shit to me because the media tells people what to think. Most people are idiots anyway. If you haven't realized that by now, you will when you actually go out into the country and experience other people, unless you are an idiot yourself. Approval ratings are nothing but political BS conducted by the media with an agenda to make people believe a certain thing. Doesn't help that mass media is liberal and has hated Bush from day one. The lengths that they have gone too is sickening.

6. Brainwashing is very real.

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Well one thing about Pres.Bush si that he had the highest approval of any president one time. I don't blame the Media as much as I blame the G.O.P for not sticking up for the president. Thats just a party issue.

Thats one thing i don't agree with McCain is the torture issue and Getmo Bay. We wants Getmo to be closed and he wants torture to stop. I want to be a country that won't resort to torture, but i don't want it stop our troops from doing want they can. It think the policy that the army handbook suggests and the fact if our ermines don't use torture, we shouldn't. But water boarding, IMHO, is alot better than beating the shit out of the guy or ripping his finger nails off. I understand wear John McCain is coming from. But as my Grandfather said to me, as a former Chicago police officer, you can solve alot of cases with a telephone book and a Typewriter cover. Telephone books don't leave bruises.

We may be in a recession, but people screaming it at the top of their lungs does not help. In fact the Dem's will love a recession until November. Both sides do it.

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1. You believe in a comedian. Enough said.

I do NOT believe IN a Comedian. I believe in God.

I believe what that comedian says as the least biased, most balanced view of our economic and political situation. Why? Because Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and ALL OTHER NEWS SOURCES are BIASED.

2. If you truly saw and understood what we are facing, you would probably see why we are in Iraq. No matter what arguments there are against Iraq, the bottomline is that the whole Muslim world must be dealt with in order to preserve the western world. If you want to disagree, then ok. If you can't imagine the result of the western world not defending itself against the Muslim world, then that's ok too. You obviously can't, bec ause if you could, then you'd be singing a different tune.

The whole Muslim world?

And I'm teh one whose brainwashed. I think it's the bigotted assfuck who blames all Muslims for the issues of the few fanatics.

I do NOT diagree that the Suni's and the Shi'Ites need to go. I HAVE seen the television shows where they teach their children to hate and kill Jews and Americans.

Quite honestly, I truly believe we need to secrety ship Israeli citizens out to an island for safety, bomb the Middle East out completely, and let the Israelis back in to remake the land into the paradise Israel is.

But let's not confuse the Middle Eastern Islamtic Fanatics with Muslims in the rest of the world who aren't FANATIC!

3. Recession shows you are brainwashed again. You only worry about recession because the media tells you to worry about recession. The US is in great shape, and the US economy has been nearly the best as it ever has in the last 8 years. The world is changing, as was predicted, and of course our economy will change also. You can blame the whole US greed for bringing on any sort of recession, because the entire US has not been able to resist trying to grow as fast and as much as possible, and when it gets shown that there isn't any sort of actual substance to what is going on, the bubble gets burst, and people want to blame everyone else. The bottom line is that the whole nation is living on a bubble of credit.

Right. That's why the American dollar has falled and continues to fall in value. That's why Bear Sterns crashed recently. That's why the DOW experienced a record rop not too long ago. That's why the price of gas is at a bullshit high level. That's why a 20 oz can of Arizona Iced Tea that used to be $0.99 is now $1.17 plus tax.

Thats why even President Bush himself SAID we were in a recession.

Because "the whole nation is living on a bubble of credit."

Yeah. Right. And who's getting credited? Congress?

People are so fucking spoiled...........you have no idea what a bad economy is...........

Look around. The signs of one are showing.

4. Waterboarding? Torture? Ok. How about when Muslims will cut the heads off of Americans and other westerners? Or what about Muslims' horrible treatment and killing of innocent women, children, and men also? We are dealing with sick and desperate lunatics. American must do what it has to do to protect itself. If you complain about recession now, watch what happens when the next terrorist attack happens. The US economy will be crippled.

Waterboarding? Torture.

5. Bush's approval rating doesn't mean shit to me because the media tells people what to think. Most people are idiots anyway. If you haven't realized that by now, you will when you actually go out into the country and experience other people, unless you are an idiot yourself. Approval ratings are nothing but political BS conducted by the media with an agenda to make people believe a certain thing. Doesn't help that mass media is liberal and has hated Bush from day one. The lengths that they have gone too is sickening.

Fox is Conservative. Even they admit Bush's low approval rating.

And you spout the same conservative shit Fox does. Looks like I'm not the only one who's "brainwashed."

6. Brainwashing is very real.

And you're proof of it. Quit watching Fox and listening to Rush Limbaugh.

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I do NOT believe IN a Comedian. I believe in God.

I find it funny how a comedian like Bill Maher just continually makes fun of the pope. Maybe we should believe the pope is a Nazi who believes touching little boys is a good thing. Remeber, Bill Maher is just telling how he sees it, just like all comedians do.

It is funny how Pres. Bush was in the presence of the Pope when he said, "God Bless America"

While Barrack Obama was in the presence of his pastor when he said, "God Damn America"

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I do NOT diagree that the Suni's and the Shi'Ites need to go. I HAVE seen the television shows where they teach their children to hate and kill Jews and Americans.

Quite honestly, I truly believe we need to secrety ship Israeli citizens out to an island for safety, bomb the Middle East out completely, and let the Israelis back in to remake the land into the paradise Israel is.

But let's not confuse the Middle Eastern Islamtic Fanatics with Muslims in the rest of the world who aren't FANATIC!

Right. That's why the American dollar has falled and continues to fall in value.

Because "the whole nation is living on a bubble of credit."

Yeah. Right. And who's getting credited? Congress?

First off, I don't own a TV, and haven't watched TV in about 5 years. Prior to that, I was not a big TV watcher.

I expected you to make some Fox news reference or some BS like. That's what most people like you do: accuse the people that disagree with them of watching FOX etc.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims on earth, with probably 90% of them living in the middle east, and most of them are fanatics. It's not their fault. They are indoctrinated upon birth and don't know any better. But unfortunately, even the educated ones are like this also.

We are in a recession, but you are worrying about it because the media tells you to worry about it. Your quality of life will remain the same. Only in America will people bitch about things getting a little more expensive. You should be happy you have a home and something to eat.

We are living in a bubble of credit. Most people don't own their homes, don't own their cars, and have assorted other debts. It's all credit. People live paycheck to paycheck, and don't save a dime. What do you think happens when they get overwhelmed?

Once again, thank greed and people living beyond their means.

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I find it funny how a comedian like Bill Maher just continually makes fun of the pope. Maybe we should believe the pope is a Nazi who believes touching little boys is a good thing. Remeber, Bill Maher is just telling how he sees it, just like all comedians do.

Well, who can blame him? The Pope was a Nazi Youth in his childhood. I doubt he stills believes in those ideals (don't think he'd be Pope if he did, quite honestly), but still. Besides, Bill Maher is a comedian. What do comedians do? Make fun of people. No one, not even the Pope, is safe. And if it's Politically Correct to not make fun of the Pope, all the more reason to do so, because PC is BS.

Besides. He's apologized or is apologizing, so...

It is funny how Pres. Bush was in the presence of the Pope when he said, "God Bless America"

While Barrack Obama was in the presence of his pastor when he said, "God Damn America"

"The past is there to learn from, not live in."

Bush also then turns to the Pope and says "Thanks, your Holiness. Awesome speech."

That's what we call childish disrespect.

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I find it funny how a comedian like Bill Maher just continually makes fun of the pope. Maybe we should believe the pope is a Nazi who believes touching little boys is a good thing. Remeber, Bill Maher is just telling how he sees it, just like all comedians do.

It is funny how Pres. Bush was in the presence of the Pope when he said, "God Bless America"

While Barrack Obama was in the presence of his pastor when he said, "God Damn America"

Bill Mahers an idiot.

Screw him

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I believe what that comedian says as the least biased, most balanced view of our economic and political situation. Why? Because Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and ALL OTHER NEWS SOURCES are BIASED.

Besides, Bill Maher is a comedian. What do comedians do? Make fun of people.

Bush also then turns to the Pope and says "Thanks, your Holiness. Awesome speech."

That's what we call childish disrespect.

Whats about it is childish disrespect That he said "Thank you you're holiness, awesome speech"

If you paid attention, last time the Pres Bush met the pope, he called him "sir" which is completely disrespectful.

Another thing Mr. Obama just said he want's to raise my taxes becasue I and 40% of the nation makes over 90K a year, saying that they don't get taxed enough, when the same 40% pays 96% percent of the taxes.

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Whats about it is childish disrespect That he said "Thank you you're holiness, awesome speech"

If you paid attention, last time the Pres Bush met the pope, he called him "sir" which is completely disrespectful.


Watch the last 20 seconds (6:00 to 6:20).

It may not be as disrespectful as "sir," but it's still disrespectful when you're talking to the Pope. The difference is, "sir" is just plain disrespectful whereas this is just childish.

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So you're reason for it being disrespectful is because a comedian, whom you say purposely makes fun of any situation even though he was making fun of the popes accent in a childish manner, said so.

No. That was to prove my point. I decided it was disrespectful before that show even aired. It was a childish statement... something Bush seems good at.

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ahhh, to be young again B)

Agreed! I turned 58 yesterday.


imo, Carter was far and away the worst pres in my life, not even close

First president I voted AGAINST! And I still can't believe they named a submarine after him.



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Well, who can blame him? The Pope was a Nazi Youth in his childhood. I doubt he stills believes in those ideals (don't think he'd be Pope if he did, quite honestly), but still. Besides, Bill Maher is a comedian. What do comedians do? Make fun of people. No one, not even the Pope, is safe. And if it's Politically Correct to not make fun of the Pope, all the more reason to do so, because PC is BS.

Besides. He's apologized or is apologizing, so...


Nice apologies, he was rocking back and forth in his chair like a two year old. He didn't even regret what he said about the leader of 1 billion, who has made great strides to ease the suffering of child abuse.

What Bill was saying, If you're too stupid to realize i was making a joke about a man you look up too, I'm sorry. I like how after is apology, he backed his joke up with facts.

Bill was the same guy who defended Obama and his pastor. Maybe i should go around joking Rev. Wright hates white people, but Rev. Wright already said that. So maybe it wouldn't be funny.

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Alright,i'm back,on strictly political terms.

I will outline my political opinions and will (Very infrequently) pop in on the site for matters up to the election of your new pres.

My ideology is socio-capitalist liberal-libertarian,a system that me and my Gibraltarian friend invented whereby a very balanced market of socialism and capitalism is used,capitalism will ALWAYS have more money making potential than socialism,but largely forsakes workers,so government businesses will exist to create jobs,we often use this example:

A man works at a factory,he makes a fair bit of money,but one day,the company closes down and leaves to another country leaving our man without a job and facing destitution,so,what does he do?In a purely capitalist society,he waits for death,in a purely socialist society he still has a job,but makes no money and is in a similar situation anyway,so he goes to a socialist business,possibly Healthcare (Universal will exist because,while less efficient,it gives hope to those without money or kidneys,you should have the chance to survive,Private of course will still be the predominant service) and gets a job,he gets a wage that should support him and stays in the job until he can get another,better job,but until then he is helped to stay on his feet,that is the sole purpose.

And capitalist businesses will exist to make the real money.

The only restrictions on the market are EXTREMELY strict laws on slave and child labour,but that's it.

As for the social side of things,the government barely exists,people live their lives however they want as long as they do nothing to take away the same freedom from others,no drugs though,because they often are grown and produced illegally and too many people are killed over them,however,the punishment on users would be heavily reduced and the punishment on suppliers heavily increased.Other than that,it's pro-life,anti gun control (But there should be an upper limit to the guns you can have and background checks should be stricter) OPTIONAL universal healthcare,pro gay marriage (There is a schism on whether or not they can adopt) and very pro free speech,even if it is abusive,ie racism,free speech is for everyone as long as you don't restrict anyone elses free speech,it's a complicated ideology that is just starting out,but has made great progress.

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I just keep laughing my ass off everytime I think about how stupid the Democratic Party is. First of all the Dems couldn't even beat George W - TWICE! And now the Dems are stepping all over their own dicks again with these two unsavory and completly un-electable canidates. The whole thing is just hysterical.

If people think the 'Swift Boat' adds for Kerry were damaging - just wait and see the ads for Obama (if he gets the nomination) and this racist anti-American preacher that he seemed to have no problem with for the last 20 years. If Obama is the Dem's guy; then expect a LANDSLIDE VICTORY for McCain like the Reagan victory in 1984.

And Hillary... or should I say "Annie Oakley" :lol: Does anyone like this horrible wretched nagging woman?

:lol: McCain will win, and we Republicans don't even really like this idiot.


That's not going to happen, dream on...

McCain is a puppet at this point, doing what he is told. Sad really, because I like John McCain and voted for him when I lived in AZ. I always liked that he was an independent thinker, he's not anymore!

I think the Dem's have this one in the bag. And come Tuesday, I pray we are a little closer to having Barack as the nominee. It might take her a few days to bow out, but she needs to go.

I know one thing, Hillary and McCain don't have the people behind them like Barack does. His campaign has an amazing grassroots base that is making this happen.

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