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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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OMG, "Penn. is too close to call"?? Doesn't look good for Shrillary. :blink:

Yeah i was expecting at 7 o'clock that they will be calling it. I also think if they call it early, they will lose all the viewers, plus it's just dishonest to call somthing that big within a minute of closing. I would think 9 p.m. central time be the latest, any later, Hillary would be giving her concession speech.

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Yeah i was expecting at 7 o'clock that they will be calling it. I also think if they call it early, they will lose all the viewers, plus it's just dishonest to call somthing that big within a minute of closing. I would think 9 p.m. central time be the latest, any later, Hillary would be giving her concession speech.

Are you nuts? she is winning with only 3 percent in right now. Put you money where your mouth is. she will win dude.

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Are you nuts? she is winning with only 3 percent in right now. Put you money where your mouth is. she will win dude.

I throw no stones at you. if you look i posted it at 7:16pm I now see she is projected to win by at least 6%. my point is if it was too close to call by 9pm she may only won by 2% which is as good as a lost for her. I am not rooting for Hillary, but i am rooting for this thing to be strung out as long as it can possible go. There are no new shows on TV during the Dem convention. i would like to see that.

As long as she wins she'll stay, but she needs money. IF the delegate count was closer, i believe she would've kicked obama ass today, for the simple fact i believe some Clinton supporters just gave up or switched to preserve the party

Edited by Pb Derigable
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I throw no stones at you. if you look i posted it at 7:16pm I now see she is projected to win by at least 6%. my point is if it was too close to call by 9pm she may only won by 2% which is as good as a lost for her. I am not rooting for Hillary, but i am rooting for this thing to be strung out as long as it can possible go. There are no new shows on TV during the Dem convention. i would like to see that.

As long as she wins she'll stay, but she needs money. IF the delegate count was closer, i believe she would've kicked obama ass today, for the simple fact i believe some Clinton supporters just gave up or switched to preserve the party

Its official. HILLARY HAS WON PENNSYLVANIA!! eeeehaaa!!!

Now I am waiting for a 10 page speech from Hermit on how she has no chance once again. No offense intended PJ. I misunderstood you.

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Its official. HILLARY HAS WON PENNSYLVANIA!! eeeehaaa!!!

Now I am waiting for a 10 page speech from Hermit on how she has no chance once again. No offense intended PJ. I misunderstood you.

Well, Obama still has about a 130 delegate lead. She's only going to make up 10 or 20 delegates by winning Pennsylvania. Her strategy is going to be "see, I win all the big states", and try to get the superdelegates to switch sides. But if Obama does ultimately wind up with more votes and delegates, they're going to have a hard time handing the nomination to Hilary anyway. I dunno, tricky stuff...

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Its official. HILLARY HAS WON PENNSYLVANIA!! eeeehaaa!!!

Now I am waiting for a 10 page speech from Hermit on how she has no chance once again. No offense intended PJ. I misunderstood you.

They are calling her the winner, and I've no doubt she will win PA (to be honest I would have been surprised if she lost it), but only 36% of the precincts are reporting in, and she's only winning by an 7% to 8% margin, which really isn't much. Give it more time. By the time we have 50% of the precincts reporting, if she's still winning and her margin hasn't decreased (it may or it may not... I can't project this one like I can do sometimes), then I'd say it's fair to put all your eggs in one basket.

But for now, keep at least one, maybe two, eggs out of that basket.


42% precincts reporting, and her margin increased to 10%. Go ahead and put that second egg in the basket. Go ahead and put the other one in the basket, too, but keep your hand on it...

ETA 2:

44% and her margin has decresed by 2%. lift the egg out a little.

Oh, and if you're online but only here, click this link:


And watch. You'll have to refresh every once in a while.

ETA 3:

My last update. Watch the link above.

45% of Precincts reporting, Hillary has 54%, Barack has 46%.

I gotta log off. Later.

Edited by Nathan
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They are calling her the winner, and I've no doubt she will win PA (to be honest I would have been surprised if she lost it), but only 36% of the precincts are reporting in, and she's only winning by an 7% to 8% margin, which really isn't much. Give it more time. By the time we have 50% of the precincts reporting, if she's still winning and her margin hasn't decreased (it may or it may not... I can't project this one like I can do sometimes), then I'd say it's fair to put all your eggs in one basket.

But for now, keep at least one, maybe two, eggs out of that basket.

OK Mr I dont care who wins. If you dont care why are you watching and posting? Let the big Obama guns come out of the closet tonight. You may live another day, but tonight belongs to Hillary. GO HILLARY!!! YEAH!!!!!

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OK Mr I dont care who wins. If you dont care why are you watching and posting? Let the big Obama guns come out of the closet tonight. You may live another day, but tonight belongs to Hillary. GO HILLARY!!! YEAH!!!!!

You don't have to care to watch to see who will run your country for the next 4 years. Its curiosity, its interest in politics, its a hobby. I don't care who wins the Dem. nominee, but I'm still watching, its something to do, something that interests me

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OK Mr I dont care who wins. If you dont care why are you watching and posting? Let the big Obama guns come out of the closet tonight. You may live another day, but tonight belongs to Hillary. GO HILLARY!!! YEAH!!!!!

I think you're confusing me with DRUNK. I care who our next President is. Of all three I do think Obama is the lesser of all evils... however, the more I read about all three of them (McCain, Clinton, and Obama), the more angry I get that Ron Paul and John Edwards aren't still in the running.

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You don't have to care to watch to see who will run your country for the next 4 years. Its curiosity, its interest in politics, its a hobby. I don't care who wins the Dem. nominee, but I'm still watching, its something to do, something that interests me

Now I didnt pick a quarrel with you. But this young dude said fuck the election earler today. Just giving him some good medicine. and if Hillary had lost Hermit would already be on here rubbing my nose in it. the fight goes on. And the dream never dies.

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Now I didnt pick a quarrel with you. But this young dude said fuck the election earler today. Just giving him some good medicine. and if Hillary had lost Hermit would already be on here rubbing my nose in it. the fight goes on. And the dream never dies.

Hermits not one to do that, but in his defense, he said she'd lose the general election, which she will, indeed, do.

PS I aint pickin a quarrel with you either dude, just saying what Im thinkin

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Well, Obama still has about a 130 delegate lead. She's only going to make up 10 or 20 delegates by winning Pennsylvania. Her strategy is going to be "see, I win all the big states", and try to get the superdelegates to switch sides. But if Obama does ultimately wind up with more votes and delegates, they're going to have a hard time handing the nomination to Hilary anyway. I dunno, tricky stuff...

I don't think the percentage is the main thing. If she can beat him by 200,000 votes, which will be atleast 10%, thats big. I not sure if she will win the popular vote, but if she gets -1% in back of Obama. Thats somthing the super delegates can overlook. I would think there will be fallout if she "stole" the election, but if you make the head of the Dem part happy, they will make sure she gets the support to battle McCain.

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Did anybody else see the three Douche Bags wearing Abercrombie and Bitch shirts behide Obama during his speech now. I'm waiting for one of them to pull out a cell phone and call one of their fellow douche bags so it seems like both of them are too cool for the crowd.

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Did anybody else see the three Douche Bags wearing Abercrombie and Bitch shirts behide Obama during his speech now. I'm waiting for one of them to pull out a cell phone and call one of their fellow douche bags so it seems like both of them are too cool for the crowd.

Well lets face it. The ones that are right behind the candidates are hand picked. and the dumb blonde caught my eye. Didnt have a clue where she was or what she is living for. Right now Hillary is up by 10 percent and that seems to look like the way it will end here. This will go to the wire. But I listened to both speeches. And Obama does not impress me a bit with his beating a dead dog over and over. He isnt as thoughtfull as Hillary and isnt as widespread on issues. Just the old broken record idle promise type rhetoric. No real specifics on how he will accomplish his promises. He has brainwashed the young and the blacks. the blacks are voting for him for all the wrong reason. because he is black. that is a shame. and it is shamefull. the older and wiser voters who are educated can see through this. Go ahead. Make my day Hermit.

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I think Obama is going after the half-n-half crowd, the cream of the crop. He might only have 2% more votes than her, and skimming over the whole picture it shows he's really been milking the crowds.

His charm is his bread and butter. He'd just better hope he doesn't end up like burnt toast.

Edited by Audacity
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I think Obama is going after the half-n-half crowd, the cream of the crop. He might only have 2% more votes than her, and skimming over the whole picture it shows he's really been milking the crowds.

His charm is his bread and butter. He'd just better hope he doesn't end up like burnt toast.

His charm? He has the charm of a Cobra. He says the same thing over and over. Im not impressed at all. I just sent Hillary a donation. I wont be able to drink for 12 hrs.

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His charm? He has the charm of a Cobra. He says the same thing over and over. Im not impressed at all. I just sent Hillary a donation. I wont be able to drink for 12 hrs.

What did you donate...a kidney? Oh wait, it must've been your liver.

You getting a transplant that quick so you can go back to drinking? Man, you're a trooper! :lol:

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Clinton Keeps Presidential Campaign Alive with Pennsylvania Win

By VOA News

23 April 2008

U.S. Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has won the primary in the eastern state of Pennsylvania, keeping her campaign for the White House alive.

The state offers 158 delegates, all of whom will be allotted based on vote results.

Senator Clinton is to address her supporters in Pennsylvania, while her Democratic rival, Senator Barack Obama, has moved on to the midwest state of Indiana, which holds its primary May sixth.

Despite the win, Clinton is still behind Obama in delegates who will nominate the party's candidate. The Democratic nominee will face the Republican nominee-in-waiting, John McCain, in the November election.

Clinton could have faced pressure to quit the race had she not won Pennsylvania.

She told NBC's Today Show that a victory in Pennsylvania, along with her wins in California and New York, will prove that Obama cannot win in states with large numbers of delegates.

Obama told the same program that although he did not expect to win Pennsylvania, he had successfully cut into Clinton's once-commanding lead in the state.

Clinton had been 20 points ahead of Obama in polls of Pennsylvania Democrats, but the gap narrowed to single digits in recent weeks.

Separately, McCain, a veteran Arizona lawmaker, was in the midwestern U.S. state of Ohio Tuesday. He is taking part in a week-long tour of areas struggling economically, what his campaign calls the "forgotten" parts of the United States.

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What did you donate...a kidney? Oh wait, it must've been your liver.

You getting a transplant that quick so you can go back to drinking? Man, you're a trooper! :lol:

What liver? What kidney? whats that? Me no comprende. Im going on my 12th Honeymoon! Obama is going to Neverland. Michael jackson just invited him and Uncle Roy over.

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What liver? What kidney? whats that? Me no comprende. Im going on my 12th Honeymoon! Obama is going to Neverland. Michael jackson just invited him and Uncle Roy over.

You donated them to Hillarity remember ? And geez man, can't you keep a wife?

You think Michael will get them little boys to drag Uncle Roy out from under the bed? Never, never, neverland!

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So right now

MSNBC think Hillary should drop out because she only won by 10%

CNN has a story about Paris Hilton on now.

Fox News thinks Hillary has a chance.

Howard Dean just walked into his office with a noose.


and 210,000 more votes

Sombody on CNN just said Hillary is up by 10%, and the Obama supporter just said, no your wrong, it's 9 3/4%.

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