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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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This is what I'm talking about, right here. This is why you get banned. Shut the hell up and mind you're own damn business. His pic is what he chooses to make it. Not you.

Jesus Christ, you're as bad as spats

Im not the one swearing and using the Lords name in vain or going ballistic. You are a piece of work just like your caveman buddy. But Im not surprised as you two live in the crime capital of the USA. Suck my left one you dick head.

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Did you all see McCain's latest gaff? Basically talking about how we will never have to go to war again for oil....his energy policy will "prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women in to conflict again in the middle east". :lol: OOPS! Oh, is that why we are there... don't tell Bush that. :lol: I hope they play that over and over again. He has screwed up so many times now, but I think that one is going to stick.

The guy's a bumbling buffoon. :rolleyes:

It's becoming apparent that it's not just with regard to foreign and domestic policies that he's More Of The Same. For most Americans he also represents More Of The Same cringe every time he opens his mouth. The guy's an embarrassment as a presidential candidate. Is he really the best the republicans have to offer? :blink:

McCain seems to dig himself into a hole hole every time he opens his McPandering mouth. Even as he stumbled and stammered his way through a lame-o-rama attempt at back-filling the hole he dug over his 'middle east war for oil' admission, he dug a new hole regarding his record as a flip-flopper.

"No, I was thinking about - it's not hard to - we will not," McCain stumbled. "By eliminating our dependency on foreign oil, we will not have to have our national security threatened by a cut off of that oil. Because we will be dependent, because we won't be dependent, we will no longer be dependent on foreign oil. That's what my remarks were."

He was sure to emphasize over and over again that the reason he supported the War in Iraq was because he "believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and he was going to use them."

McCain said "the congressional record is replete with that and for me to change my view, how many years later, I mean would, just wouldn't be logical."


"No, I was thinking about - it's not hard to - we will not,..". John, do yourself a favor, my friend, and just shut up.. before you go and something stupid again. "For me to change my view, how many years later, I mean would, just wouldn't be logical" Geezus, John! I tried to help you out, muh-man! But no, you had to go and say something stupid. For crying out loud, my friend, the record is replete with examples of you 'illogically changing your mind how many years later'! slapface.gif

Well, now that he's brought it up,..

...lets review a few of his many McFlip-flops, shall we? B)

1999 McFlip: In New Hampshire, campaigning for the GOP nomination as a moderate, McCain proclaimed himself a pro-life candidate, but told reporters that “in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade.” He explained that overturning Roe would force “women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations.”

2006 McFlop: STEPHANOPOULOS: "Let me ask one question about abortion. You’re for a constitutional amendment banning abortion, with some exceptions for life and rape and incest". MCCAIN: "Rape, incest and the life of the mother. Yes".

Seems McPanderer was for Roe v Wade before he was against it, eh? :whistling:

More McFlip-Flops:

* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)

* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy [saying the tax cuts offended his conscience] but he reversed course in February [2006].

* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.

* McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June [2006], he abandoned his own legislation, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.

* McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.

* McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands [and supported Bush policies condoning waterboarding and other 'enhanced interrogation techniques'].

* McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.

* McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.

* McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.

* And now he’s both for and against overturning Roe v. Wade.


There is some logic behind McCain's McFlip-floppery: the logic of pandering for votes. The fact that he's a former veteran, war hero, and POW notwithstanding,.. it's evident the man has no guiding principles whatsoever. The Straight Talk Express has been defunct for a long time now.

The remains of the Straight Talk Express:


^ That's what happens when John "Mr Magoo" McCain is at the wheel.


'Under my energy policy we'll never again have

to send our troops into conflict in the Middle East..'



For the record,. I don't think there's anything de facto wrong with someone changing their mind on issues. My ridicule of McCain is based on the fact that his flip-flops are clearly and obviously solely (and soullessly) for the purpose of political pandering. I'm also getting a kick out of the fact that in the upcoming general election the republican party chicken (making "flip-flopping" a campaign issue) will be coming home to roost.




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By any standards you have marginalized your opinion and clearly lost this debate. Personal attacks are not welcome and if you keep it up someone will undoubtedly report you to admin like they do with ICQYB/ LZ4/ overthehillsandfaraway/ absolutentonic on a regular basis.

Have a nice day. B)

This has nothing to do with you Uncle Roy, I mean Uncle Bill. Rat finks are rat finks. They are scumbags. Scumbags that cant take a good debate. Must go crying to mama. Babies.

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I believe Obama, Hillary and McCain will do what right for this country, but atleast McCain is not selling hopes of a fast return for the troops, when they know they will not pull the troops out of Iraq immediately and once they are out they are shipping them of to Afghanistan. But than again Pres, Carter went and talked to Hamas, so Im starting to wonder if Obama and Hillary is that dumb to pull us out when Iraq is not ready.

Pb,.. please tell me..

* By what specific set of standards or measures will you

know "Iraq is ready" for US troops to be withdrawn?

* By what specific standard will you be able to declare "victory" in Iraq?

* Is progress being made in Iraq, in your opinion, with regard to

any of the standards/measures you've identified? If so, how so?

* How many years, how many trillions of taxpayer dollars, and how

many American lives are you willing to commit to the effort in Iraq?


you might wanna consider this..


Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan

May 1, 2008

RAMONA – A Poway High School graduate who achieved his childhood dream of becoming an Army Ranger has been killed in Afghanistan, it was reported Thursday. Sgt. 1st Class David L. McDowell, 30, of Ramona died Tuesday in Bastion, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked using small arms fires, according to the Defense Department.

McDowell was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, Wash. McDowell's father was also an Army ranger and following in his father's footsteps was a childhood dream, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. “Down to the last bone in his body, the guy believed in what he did,” friend Jesse Carlson told the newspaper. Carlson played football with McDowell at Poway High School.

McDowell is the sixth person with ties to San Diego County to be killed in Afghanistan since the war there began in 2001. He had been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq seven times and was a recipient of two Bronze stars and a Purple Heart, according to the Union-Tribune.

He is survived by his wife, Joleen; son, Joshua, 11; daughter, Erin, 3; his parents; and two sisters.



SEVEN tours of duty?? :huh:


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Top Obama Flip-Flops

1. Special interests In January, the Obama campaign described union contributions to the campaigns of Clinton and John Edwards as "special interest" money. Obama changed his tune as he began gathering his own union endorsements. He now refers respectfully to unions as the representatives of "working people" and says he is "thrilled" by their support.

2. Public financing Obama replied "yes" in September 2007 when asked if he would agree to public financing of the presidential election if his GOP opponent did the same. Obama has now attached several conditions to such an agreement, including regulating spending by outside groups. His spokesman says the candidate never committed himself on the matter.

3. The Cuba embargo In January 2004, Obama said it was time "to end the embargo with Cuba" because it had "utterly failed in the effort to overthrow Castro." Speaking to a Cuban American audience in Miami in August 2007, he said he would not "take off the embargo" as president because it is "an important inducement for change."

4. Illegal immigration In a March 2004 questionnaire, Obama was asked if the government should "crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants." He replied "Oppose." In a Jan. 31, 2008, televised debate, he said that "we do have to crack down on those employers that are taking advantage of the situation."

5. Decriminalization of marijuana While running for the U.S. Senate in January 2004, Obama told Illinois college students that he supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use. In the Oct. 30, 2007, presidential debate, he joined other Democratic candidates in opposing the decriminalization of marijuana.


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This has nothing to do with you Uncle Roy, I mean Uncle Bill. Rat finks are rat finks. They are scumbags. Scumbags that cant take a good debate. Must go crying to mama. Babies.

Rat fink, eh? Now see here, you must have me mixed up with some gumshoe who's been chasing dames down at the gin mill. You must have taken a shine to some flapper with nice gams who was on the lam for makin' whoopee with the wrong sort of palooka. So quit beatin' your gums and just scram, eh drugstore cowboy?

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Rat finks are rat finks. They are scumbags. Scumbags that cant take a good debate. Must go crying to mama. Babies.

Good debate, huh? Like this? -

Suck my left one you dick head.

Yeah, you must've kicked ass on the debate team with moves like that. Brilliant.

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Rat fink, eh? Now see here, you must have me mixed up with some gumshoe who's been chasing dames down at the gin mill. You must have taken a shine to some flapper with nice gams who was on the lam for makin' whoopee with the wrong sort of palooka. So quit beatin' your gums and just scram, eh drugstore cowboy?

that's what all you rat finks say :P


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More bad news for nobama and the dem party. Damn, actual booing of the other side, how will they heal the rifts?

Democrats battle over dinner in N.C.

Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke late Friday at Dorton Arena before a crowd of 5,000 party activists who were charged up and chanting. Obama tried to hold his diminishing lead in North Carolina while Clinton mounted a late push to make the state "a game-changer."

The sharp divisions in the party were evident in the arena, which leaned toward Obama.

There were scattered boos from Obama backers when Clinton talked about her gas-tax plan. And there was almost certainly a first in the 78-year history of the dinner — lusty boos for a sitting Democratic governor. Gov. Mike Easley endorsed Clinton earlier in the week.

Obama's once-commanding lead in the polls has been melting to single digits. This has made Clinton increasingly competitive in the largest state left before the Democratic convention in Denver in August.

forgot: source

Edited by Uncle Bill
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Im not the one swearing and using the Lords name in vain or going ballistic. You are a piece of work just like your caveman buddy. But Im not surprised as you two live in the crime capital of the USA. Suck my left one you dick head.

Really? You're not swearing? I suggest you reread the last few pages. And again with the insults. You just don't get it do you?

And what does Detroit have to do with anything? We live right outside Detroit, Einstein.

Sterling Heights, Michigan. Money Magazines 37th best place to live in the country. 19th best small city

Yup, couldn't live in a crappier place

Edited by wanna be drummer
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By any standards you have marginalized your opinion and clearly lost this debate. Personal attacks are not welcome and if you keep it up someone will undoubtedly report you to admin like they do with ICQYB/ LZ4/ overthehillsandfaraway/ absolutentonic on a regular basis.

Have a nice day. B)

Bill...don't whine about Bigstick aight? He's been a mainstay here for a while. We've lost enough senior members, lets not lose another one because you don't like his word choice ok? Just ignore him if need be, but don't whine about his ability to post here. He's actually a good contributor whereas many banned members (half of whom, are a single person apparently) didn't deserve to be here.

Now, I don't really want people to be banned. If people don't like the way they post, ignore them and put them on your ignore list, or simply bitch right back. Simple enough.

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If he's going to stoop to personal attacks I will slap him down, that's the way it is. If someone reports him that's his problem not mine.

I'm not asking you to take insults up the butt, fight back by all means, but simply don't go to admins. Seriously, we've lost too many good people and gained wayy too many fucktards. I'd rather not let another one of us get booted

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I'm not asking you to take insults up the butt, fight back by all means, but simply don't go to admins. Seriously, we've lost too many good people and gained wayy too many fucktards. I'd rather not let another one of us get booted

In all the years I've spent on countless forums/ news groups/ chat rooms etc I've never felt the need to report anyone to the mods or even put anyone on ignore for that matter. I'm not about to start now. I was referring to whoever it is that always reports our clinton supporting friend for similar attacks. Sorry for any misunderstanding. B)

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In all the years I've spent on countless forums/ news groups/ chat rooms etc I've never felt the need to report anyone to the mods or even put anyone on ignore for that matter. I'm not about to start now. I was referring to whoever it is that always reports our clinton supporting friend for similar attacks. Sorry for any misunderstanding. B)

Actually, I'm the one who must apologize. I misread your post. My bad

But seriously everyone...this whole "bitch to the admins. every time someone says something a little out of line" thing has got to stop. It's ruining the forum I remem...actually it has ruined the forum I remember. We've lost so many people, you can't even compare it to the old board. Oh well, whats done is done.

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Actually, I'm the one who must apologize. I misread your post. My bad

But seriously everyone...this whole "bitch to the admins. every time someone says something a little out of line" thing has got to stop. It's ruining the forum I remem...actually it has ruined the forum I remember. We've lost so many people, you can't even compare it to the old board. Oh well, whats done is done.

No problem, reading back maybe it did sound like a threat, it wasn't meant to.

I wasn't on the "old board" but I agree with the rest.

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Peace man. :hippy:

Hug whoever is near you. :D

OBAMA Will be the next POTU. .


I wouldn't go quite that far. I think that the Reverend came too late to stop him from getting the nomination, but Novembers a long ways away and all that baggage is gonna weigh him down.

I have a feeling McCain will win, but who knows?

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Pb,.. please tell me..

* By what specific set of standards or measures will you

know "Iraq is ready" for US troops to be withdrawn?

When the Iraq army have enough troops to defend itself from Iran, and to keep the country under control, even though it will settle once we leave.

* By what specific standard will you be able to declare "victory" in Iraq?

We already won,Saddam is gone, now were cleaning up the aftermath, but still When the Iraq have enough man power in place to handle it on their own

* Is progress being made in Iraq, in your opinion, with regard to

any of the standards/measures you've identified? If so, how so?

Yes, Saddam is gone, the Iraq government is settling in, The Iraqi army is building up, talk about repaying us back has begun. When Iraq becomes a stable country, thats when we could leave, but i still like troops there for support and training

* How many years, how many trillions of taxpayer dollars, and how

many American lives are you willing to commit to the effort in Iraq?

As many as it takes, unlike you, i don't put a price on human life, everybody deserves to live, but it's a soldiers duty to protect the unprotected.

you might wanna consider this..


Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan

May 1, 2008

RAMONA – A Poway High School graduate who achieved his childhood dream of becoming an Army Ranger has been killed in Afghanistan, it was reported Thursday. Sgt. 1st Class David L. McDowell, 30, of Ramona died Tuesday in Bastion, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked using small arms fires, according to the Defense Department.

McDowell was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, Wash. McDowell's father was also an Army ranger and following in his father's footsteps was a childhood dream, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. “Down to the last bone in his body, the guy believed in what he did,” friend Jesse Carlson told the newspaper. Carlson played football with McDowell at Poway High School.

McDowell is the sixth person with ties to San Diego County to be killed in Afghanistan since the war there began in 2001. He had been deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq seven times and was a recipient of two Bronze stars and a Purple Heart, according to the Union-Tribune.

He is survived by his wife, Joleen; son, Joshua, 11; daughter, Erin, 3; his parents; and two sisters.



SEVEN tours of duty?? :huh:


Seven tours, maybe if he didn't reenlists, he would only had 4 tours. So he knew what was going on, so he can't complain about the seven tours. If he was against the war in Iraq, he would've quit. SO thats a stupid argument you have on the Iraq war, put a story about a person who died in Afghanistan and say seven tours is too much when he could of not enlisted the second time. He stated he thought what he was doing was good.

Of course it's sad that an American solider dies in combat, At least his children didn't die by an illegal immigrant who was just let out of jail, but because L.A. is sanctuary city. The police couldn't see if he was legal in this country, which spits in the face of federal law. Maybe if the Dem's. weren't so desperate for votes and didn't come up with the Sanctuary city policy, maybe that mother who is also station in Afghanistan wouldn't have to go to her star High School football player son funeral.

But of course you rather have people sit on thier ass and get paid. which is what you are saying about the seven tours is too much.


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I wouldn't go quite that far. I think that the Reverend came too late to stop him from getting the nomination, but Novembers a long ways away and all that baggage is gonna weigh him down.

I have a feeling McCain will win, but who knows?

If McCain wins, the American population is dumber that Ive given it credit for. slapface.gif

The economy is in shambles, and yet Magoo McCain thinks "There’s been great progress economically" since Bush took office, and his plan for shoring up the economy is to make GWB's tax cuts for the wealthy permanent (ie, more of the same) and a summer long gas tax holiday that economic experts unanimously agree is a horrible policy idea. *Experts: Clinton/McCain Gas Tax 'Holiday' a Joke*

The war in Iraq is a quagmire that is costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars and is not making us any safer, and yet Magoo McCain's plan is more of the same "stay the course" George Bush Iraq war policies; he wants to keep US troops in Iraq for 100 years; and he admits that the war in Iraq is being fought for oil.

The torture (and extraordinary rendition) practices implemented by George Bush have tarnished America's reputation around the globe, and yet More Of The Same McCain supports Bush's torture policies and "enhanced interrogation" techniques that undermine America's credibility as an advocate/role model of human rights advocacy.

Our health care system is crumbling, and millions of Ameerican's have no health care coverage at all, and yet Magoo McCain's plan is to "to make it even worse by eliminating the existing tax break for employers who provide their workers with health insurance. This will discourage employers from providing coverage and leave workers to fend for themselves on the individual market. M.I.T. economist Jonathon Gruber estimates that 1.2 million people would lose coverage if their employer stopped providing it, because they couldn't afford to purchase it themselves. The only people Senator McCain's plan would help are the "fat cat" insurance company CEOs.." *source*

Our education system is failing our young students, and GWB's No Child Left Behind policy is an abject failure, and yet Magoo McCain's plan is essentially nothing but more of the same No Child Left Behind policies. He has, at times, advocated a "voucher" program that would allow parents to send their children to private schools using federal funds that would have gone to that child's public school. In other words "F you, public schools!".

If Americans are dumb enough to elect John McCain as the next POTUS, then we deserve what we're gonna get: More Of The Same Bush failed policies, and a continuation of our country "heading in the wrong direction". :rolleyes:

*April 3, 2008: CBS Poll: 81% Say U.S. On Wrong Track*

*April 30, 2008: NBC/WSJ Poll: Bush a liability for McCain*



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the American population is dumber that Ive given it credit for.

The economy is in shambles, and yet Magoo McCain thinks "There’s been great progress economically" since Bush took office,

and his plan for shoring up the economy is to make GWB's tax cuts for the wealthy permanent (ie, more of the same)

The war in Iraq is a quagmire that is costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars and is not making us any safer, and yet Magoo McCain's plan is more of the same "stay the course"

George Bush Iraq war policies; he wants to keep US troops in Iraq for 100 years; and he admits that the war in Iraq is being fought for oil.

The torture (and extraordinary rendition) practices implemented by George Bush have tarnished America's reputation around the globe, and yet More Of The Same McCain supports Bush's torture policies and "enhanced interrogation" techniques that undermine America's credibility as an advocate/role model of human rights advocacy.

Our education system is failing our young students, and GWB's No Child Left Behind policy is an abject failure, and yet Magoo McCain's plan is essentially nothing but more of the same No Child Left Behind policies. He has, at times, advocated a "voucher" program that would allow parents to send their children to private schools using federal funds that would have gone to that child's public school. In other words "F you, public schools!".

1. The only person being dumb is you, who thinks that the next President is going to be "the savior". What age are you Hermit? Why are you getting sucked into this nonsense? Do you really expect significant changes to education, health care, social security and all the other classic political issues which every candidate has talked about for the last however many years? Cm'on man, don't you see this is a big fucking game. The only thing you can complain about is the war, because that will likely change a little bit if a democrat gets elected, but that is one issue. And please, don't waste your time with links, stats, and other propaganda, cause I've seen it all, and it means nothing. Let's just save ourselves some time here.

2. The economy has been extremely strong for most of the last 8 years. It can't be perfect all the time.

3. The tax cuts for the wealthy are appropriate. The wealthy spends their money on more important things. A corporation might develop some new technology in which they can use to profit from in the future. Most of these tax breaks are used for investments in something better. As far as rich people go, they tend to buy more significant things.

Now, give those tax breaks to "people" of the middle and lower class, and they might temporarily drive up the sales of Doritos, Budweiser, clothing, or some other superficial bullshit, but that's about it. That sort of spending doesn't make a significant impact on the economy and certainly doesn't contribute anything towards long term growth. Giving tax breaks to the wealthy makes more sense to me, and I am not wealthy.

4. So you just want to pull everyone out of Iraq, and waste the contributions of everyone who has served, and those that have died? For what? To grant a supreme Islamic victory, fueling further Jihad? To show America is weak?

McCain envisions a scenario like what we did in Korea or Germany. That doesn't sound so bad to me, and is likely to happen NO matter who gets elected. Hate to burst your bubble.

And of course we know the war isn't being fought for oil. Give me a break and stop blatantly using lies. Explain to me why we are "fighting this war for oil" if you want to throw those claims around.

5. Torture is 100% necessary. When dealing with people that only know how to respond to violence, there is nothing else that will do that job.

6. The education system is worthless in America and needs to be completely overhauled. Of course, that's not going to happen no matter who gets elected. The democrats will do like they have always done, throw a ton of money into the education system, supporting a broken and ineffective system, with no positive results whatsoever. None of the money that has been thrown into the system has ever significantly improved it.

Edited by DRUNK
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When the Iraq army have enough troops to defend itself from Iran, and to

keep the country under control, even though it will settle once we leave.

How is that being measured?

How many Iraqi troops will it take for Iraq to be able to

defend itself from Iran and keep the country under control?

We already won, Saddam is gone, now were cleaning up the aftermath, but

still When the Iraq have enough man power in place to handle it on their own

Yes, Saddam is gone, the Iraq government is settling in, The Iraqi army is building up, talk about repaying us back has begun. When Iraq becomes a stable country, thats when we could leave, but i still like troops there for support and training

Oh, I see,.. we're just "mopping up" in Iraq,.. is that it? :rolleyes:


What exactly is your evidence that the Iraqi gov't is "settling in", that

the Iraqi army is "building up", that "talk is beginning of paying us back"?

*April 16, 2008: Iraqi unit flees battle, endangering U.S. troops*

*May 1, 2008: Measuring Iraq's Security Forces*

*May 1, 2008: Five Years On, The Mission Is Not Accomplished*

*May 1, 2008: Iraq: U.S. has no claim to oil boom; 'America has hardly even begun to repay its debt to Iraq,' Baghdad official says* "America has hardly even begun to repay its debt to Iraq," said Abdul Basit, the head of Iraq's Supreme Board of Audit, an independent body that oversees Iraqi government spending. "This is an immoral request because we didn't ask them to come to Iraq, and before they came in 2003 we didn't have all these needs."


Are you really that oblivious to the reality in Iraq,

or are you simply content in your self-delusion, Pb? :rolleyes:

As many as it takes, unlike you, i don't put a price on human life, everybody

deserves to live, but it's a soldiers duty to protect the unprotected.

Who are the US troops protecting in Iraq?

And whom are they protecting them from?


Do you think it's "the duty" of US troops to die refereeing a civil war?

But of course you rather have people sit on thier ass and get paid. which is what you are saying about the seven tours is too much.

Actually, Pipeboy, I was pointing out that the war in Iraq has put an enormous strain on the military,.. so much so that troops are routinely doing 4 tours of duty and some, like the fallen hero from San Diego, have done seven tours.

Just because you've got an axe to grind with your Black co-workers, Pipeboy, don't presume that my concern about troops doing 7 tours has anything to do with your personal work problems. I assure you, your problems motivating your crew are of no concern whatsoever to me. ;)


Go Obama!! :hippy:

btw.. are you ever gonna learn how to use the quote tags?


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