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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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My only hatred is for extremists. In either direction. And the sad part is, this country is starting to fall into both those categories these days. Either too far on the left OR too far on the right. Now all we do is fight amongst each other, and I fucking HATE it.

Why can't people learn to meet in the middle? AND USE LOGIC INSTEAD OF HYSTERIA?

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With what mentality? Because I dont support your unproven new idol? You are typical of the people on this board.


Funny you should mention that, considering Hillary has done about as much to deserve the presidency as I have.

Maybe you should be saying "Steve Wanna Be "08"

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:cheer:OBAMA wins NC!! :cheer:


(a 'small margin' win is as good as a loss for Hill)

Good nite, Irene,. the race is (as good as) over,

...regardless of what happens in Indiana. :)

Obama will end the night still ahead in pledged

delegates, states won, and popular votes.

The game has not changed. The math is even

more insurmountable for Hillary to catch OBAMA.

The nomination is (all but) out of reach for Hillary, folks.

OBAMA has (all but) won the nomination. :thumbsup:


Your holiday is over More Of The Same McCain.

We (the democratic party) are comin' to get you! aggressive.gif



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^^ you're rigth; she wont quit.

But the supers will now start falling in behind Obama.

The campaign goes behind closed doors now. *cough*its over*cough* ;)

haha! ..look behind Obama during his victory speech..

buh-bye A&Fitch boys.. hello middle aged white women. :wave:


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:cheer:OBAMA wins NC!! :cheer:


(a 'small margin' win is as good as a loss for Hill)

Good nite, Irene,. the race is (as good as) over,

...regardless of what happens in Indiana. :)

Obama will end the night still ahead in pledged

delegates, states won, and popular votes.

The game has not changed. The math is even

more insurmountable for Hillary to catch OBAMA.

The nomination is (all but) out of reach for Hillary, folks.

OBAMA has (all but) won the nomination. :thumbsup:


Your holiday is over More Of The Same McCain.

We (the democratic party) are comin' to get you! aggressive.gif



OH SHIT. <_<

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She won't quit.


No, unfortunately, she (and Bill) won't. That's such a great cartoon, I had to quote it - I just shared it with my husband because he can't stand Hillary - especially her demeanor and her voice - so we can imagine what that cartoon would be like if accompanied by audio of her voice. :lol:

^^ you're rigth; she wont quit.

But the supers will now start falling in behind Obama.

The campaign goes behind closed doors now. *cough*its over*cough* ;)

haha! ..look behind Obama during his victory speech..

buh-bye A&Fitch boys.. hello middle aged white women. :wave:


:D As Obama supporters, my husband and I are so happy with these results. :D

Right now, Clinton may be holding the lead in Indiana but by a much smaller margin than she (and Bill) had hoped for.

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anyone seen icantquityouoverthehillsandouttolunchAbsoluteHillaryFanatic? :whistling:

Absolute.. don't dispair, bud. :console:

..there's room for you on the O-train, muh-man. :)

Climb aboard! :thumbsup:

You too, Rock.

And you, ScottyZ.

And you, wanna be!

And StringB.. you too!

ALL ABOARRRD!! :cheer:




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anyone seen icantquityouoverthehillsandouttolunchAbsoluteHillaryFanatic? :whistling:

Absolute.. don't dispair, bud. :console:

..there's room for you on the O-train, muh-man. :)

Climb aboard! :thumbsup:

You too, Rock.

And you, ScottyZ.

And you, wanna be!

And StringB.. you too!

Here I be dude! Switching back and forth from Hillary's speech to the Great Escape. She has Indiana in the bag. 14 percent of the vote left to come in but over 40, 000 vote lead. Nothing has changed. It aint over til the fat lady sings.

ALL ABOARRRD!! :cheer:




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Having lost N. Carolina massively and despite Billy hanging around there and tonnes of money being poured in....and having it seems narrowly escaped defeat in Indi.....Clinton is still trying to persuade the Democrats to change the bylaws of the party to allow Florida's and Michigan's delegates to sit at the convention....even though Obama didn't campaign there and his name not appearing on the Michigan ballot..No one seems to think she'll succeed. And if she does get the nomination thanks to the supers, Obama's supporters aren't likely to then come out and vote for Hillary anyway.

Face it, she's lost.

Ed to add:

Besides...she may not've won Indi afterall:


We'll see !

Edited by Max Wall
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Having lost N. Carolina massively and despite Billy hanging around there and tonnes of money being poured in....and having it seems narrowly escaped defeat in Indi.....Clinton is still trying to persuade the Democrats to change the bylaws of the party to allow Florida's and Michigan's delegates to sit at the convention....even though Obama didn't campaign there and his name not appearing on the Michigan ballot..No one seems to think she'll succeed. And if she does get the nomination thanks to the supers, Obama's supporters aren't likely to then come out and vote for Hillary anyway.

Face it, she's lost.

Ed to add:

Besides...she may not've won Indi afterall:


We'll see !

CNN is reporting she has won Indiana. Why the hell should she give up now? this thing is closer than all of you are willing to admit. He CANNOT get the magic number of delegates either. Dont you get this? It will be up to the Supers. If they think she has a better chance of beating MCain than they could still chose her. There are more states left. Their voice should be heard. You are all jumping up and down like little high school cheerleaders for a guy that you should be quite leary about considering his 20 yr ties to this damn Rev Wright. Wake up and smell the coffee. There is much suspicion about the final voting area in Indiana where Obama did very well, near Chicago. They withheld their votes til they counted absentee ballots supposedly. Something smells foul there and that county shouldnt have gotten away with it.

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So the Dem's are trying to rush a tax bill through Congress, without a tax relief. (sucking up to Obama eh) Now there are pros and cons to the tax relief, but i say just get rid of the Diesel tax. The diesel tax is .24cents and the gas is .18cents.

Why the diesel only. First it will lower all shipping costs and keep millions of truckers working. Farmers cost will go down and more workers at construction sites. Second, more people will buy diesel cars, which are more efficient than gas. The problem with diesel cars is they have ungodly emission restrictions that kills most diesel cars before they start. Maybe you make a turn to the European cleaner diesel also. The jeep liberty had a diesel version 3 years, it was as fast and could carry more, but had 10mpg avg. the problem was diesel emission standards are based on vehicle weight, even tho it was probably cleaner than the gas one.

Do that and all prices of any product (mostly food) will go down. Im not sure if it will help gas much, but a half cut in gas and a half cut in diesel tax will almost have the same effect.

I do not own a diesel truck nor do i know any truck drivers, but when i drive home everyday from work, i see 100 semi stopped at toll booths paying a toll, but they sit their with the engines running, and they waste so much fuel trying to get back up to speed.

Start a Universal toll payment system for semis across the U.S.A. Most states have an automatic toll system for cars and trucks, but they don't work state to state. less stopping and going, less fuel consummation.

Do that and build two more refineries and you'll be paying $1.50 a gal. for gas in every city in america.

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CNN is reporting she has won Indiana. Why the hell should she give up now? this thing is closer than all of you are willing to admit. He CANNOT get the magic number of delegates either. Dont you get this? It will be up to the Supers. If they think she has a better chance of beating MCain than they could still chose her. There are more states left. Their voice should be heard. You are all jumping up and down like little high school cheerleaders for a guy that you should be quite leary about considering his 20 yr ties to this damn Rev Wright. Wake up and smell the coffee. There is much suspicion about the final voting area in Indiana where Obama did very well, near Chicago. They withheld their votes til they counted absentee ballots supposedly. Something smells foul there and that county shouldnt have gotten away with it.


wake up and.. :coffee: ..smell the coffee.

it's over.

for real.

Hillary cancelled all her tv and media appearances for today. If she thought she was still in the race, she'd be all over tv today proclaiming her chances to win the nomination. But instead she chose to lay low for the day. Thats not the sign of a candidate hot in pursuit of a nomination, bud. Sure, she'll play out a couple-few more primaries,.. but not because she thinks she can win the nomination.

She's (all but) done, friend.

fwiw.. I think she gave a (mostly) very gracious speech last night. It made me very

proud of her. She signaled a change in tone; she's done trying to tear Barack down.

Good goin' Hillary! :beer:

Barack Obama is the presumptive democratic nominee! :banana:

Punch your ticket and board the O-train, muh-man. :thumbsup:

[Hillary's gonna tell you to support Obama anyway,

so you might as well start getting used to the idea. B) ]

:cheer:Bring on the main event!!:cheer:



McCain old.gif


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wake up and.. :coffee: ..smell the coffee.

it's over.

for real.

Hillary cancelled all her tv and media appearances for today. If she thought she was still in the race, she'd be all over tv today proclaiming her chances to win the nomination. But instead she chose to lay low for the day. Thats not the sign of a candidate hot in pursuit of a nomination, bud. Sure, she'll play out a couple-few more primaries,.. but not because she thinks she can win the nomination.

She's (all but) done, friend.

fwiw.. I think she gave a (mostly) very gracious speech last night. It made me very

proud of her. She signaled a change in tone; she's done trying to tear Barack down.

Good goin' Hillary! :beer:

Barack Obama is the presumptive democratic nominee! :banana:

Punch your ticket and board the O-train, muh-man. :thumbsup:

[Hillary's gonna tell you to support Obama anyway,

so you might as well start getting used to the idea. B) ]

:cheer:Bring on the main event!!:cheer:



McCain old.gif


Ill vote for Yo Mamma before I vote for Obama.

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Yeah, Nostradamus wasn't too far off! Though, Hillary is no angel. :lol: Jesus, it must be tough living in America.

It's a real bitch right now, believe me. <_<

And there's no way in hell I'll vote for Obama bin Lyin'. Looks like independent is the only way to vote this year.

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