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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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And what about you're suspension Burning Spear ? :lol:

Or what was it so many thought, TONY ? Unsubstantiated, of course. :whistling:

What about it, Joel? I'm not dissin' icantquityoubabe-overthehillsandouttolunch-AbsoluteHillaryFanatic-LooseCannonClintonista for being banned again and again and again or for coming back again and again and again; I merely congratulated him for (somehow) (miraculously) (the mods must be on vacation) managing to go 100 posts without being banned.. this time. :blink::P

And fwiw.. I readily acknowledge my from-exile-identity as "MrBurningSpear".

There was a revolution afoot, for kryst's sake; revolutionary action was called for! ^_^

And btw.. if I was that "Tony" dude, I'd cop to it. I'm not though. I know nothing of him other than that a few people around here seem to think I'm him. I'll tell you what though,.. it sure is fun playing it up to the conspiracy theorists! Heck, I'd even go so far as to say..

It's Grrrrrreat!



We are Zep fiends aren't we ? :D

Yeah,..most of us are Zep fiends.

..and some are just plain fiendish. <_<

getting back on topic:

Go Obama!! :cheer:

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What about it, Joel? I'm not dissin' icantquityoubabe-overthehillsandouttolunch-AbsoluteHillaryFanatic-LooseCannonClintonista for being banned again and again and again or for coming back again and again and again; I merely congratulated him for (somehow) (miraculously) (the mods must be on vacation) managing to go 100 posts without being banned.. this time. :blink::P

And fwiw.. I readily acknowledge my from-exile-identity as "MrBurningSpear".

There was a revolution afoot, for kryst's sake; revolutionary action was called for! ^_^

And btw.. if I was that "Tony" dude, I'd cop to it. I'm not though. I know nothing of him other than that a few people around here seem to think I'm him. I'll tell you what though,.. it sure is fun playing it up to the conspiracy theorists! Heck, I'd even go so far as to say..

It's Grrrrrreat!



Yeah,..most of us are Zep fiends.

..and some are just plain fiendish. <_<

getting back on topic:

Go Obama!! :cheer:

Please call me by my full name: IcantquityoubabeLedZeppIVOverthehillsandfarawayAbsolutentonic. thank you!!!!!! :o:o

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Please call me by my full name: IcantquityoubabeLedZeppIVOverthehillsandfarawayAbsolutentonic. thank you!!!!!! :o:o

don't you have to add Rick, or something like that, to the front of that name? I seem to remember I Can't Quit you Babe as being Rick from the original site.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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anyone seen icantquityouoverthehillsandouttolunchAbsoluteHillaryFanatic? :whistling:

Absolute.. don't dispair, bud. :console:

..there's room for you on the O-train, muh-man. :)

Climb aboard! :thumbsup:

You too, Rock.

And you, ScottyZ.

And you, wanna be!

And StringB.. you too!

You got as much a chance of me jumping on that train as me jumping in front of that train dude ;)

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You got as much a chance of me jumping on that train as me jumping in front of that train dude ;)

Ah,.. I see.

so then..

..you must be among the 19% of the population who

who think America is heading the right direction, eh?


..and even though GWB has the lowest approval rating of any modern

American president (65% disapproval rating), you must be among the

31% of the population who approve of the job Dumbya's doing,.. eh?


Make no mistake about it:

a vote for More Of The Same McCain is a

vote for More Of The Same Bush policies.



You sure you wouldn't rather vote for Brother Change?

erm, I mean.. wouldn't you rather vote for change, brother? B)


The Opportunity for change is a knockin', bud

Don't miss it; Open the door and let change in! :thumbsup:




[There's plenty of time for you to change yer mind.

..so I'm still reserving a seat for ya on the O-Train.]


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A vote for Obama is a vote for, well this guy.


Because if it took him 20 years to realized that his pastor is nuts, how many other people have he met along the way that he has yet to realized that they are nuts. Like Bill Ayers


Whom Obama has said he is friendly with and on Sept. 11th 2001, Bill Ayers was quoted in a New York paper saying "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough", and, when asked if he would "do it all again" as saying "I don't want to discount the possibility". he wished he did more bombings.

Yeah they used to put Jews on a train when they shipped them off to the concentration camps. Make me wonder were is Obama going to take this country with friends like his. Maybe, when you donate to obama, they give you a number to keep track of you, sounds like something else the Nazi's did. but ill tell you this, if the Obama SS (Shutzstaffel means protective squadron in German, just like what the secret service does) people come to my door looking for any Republicans, I'm sure as shit I'm not hiding. Lets just hope the Americans bail us out before this shit gets started. Maybe Hillary knows something about obama that we don't know and she is protecting us from his change.

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With all due respect, Hermit.... :)

I'll jump IN FRONT of that train before I'll jump on it. :P

NObama for me!

You and wanna be can tie yourselves to the tracks

if you want to,... but I will still (try to) rescue you. :)

But hey.. with all due respect, Rock..

neither you throwing yourself on the tracks,.. nor your

vote,.. are going to be able to derail the O-Train, bud.

You do know that,.. don't you?

It's nothing personal, friend [:console:], but the fact of the matter is that Oregon is a beautiful* state with a mostly progressive population (concentrated mostly in and around Portland). As beautiful as it is out there in the Bend-Sisters area (I love those high-desert foothills!) and in the other rural parts of the state, there's simply not enough conservatives in them thar hills to overcome the urban progressive majority voting bloc. What does that mean? Well, quite simply, it means that..

Oregon is going to vote for Obama to be the dem nominee, and

Oregon is going to vote for Obama to be the next Pres of the US.

In other words.. Oregon is on the O-Train, muh-man! :thumbsup:

Climb on board.. be left behind.. or get run over..

..its your choice, bro. ;)





[the Deschutes River; Oregon]


[Columbia River gorge; Oregon]

Beautiful! :beer:

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Hey Pipeboy,..

you've made it clear that you're against Obama, but

you haven't made it clear who you support,.. or why.

So tell us, are you supporting More Of The Same McCain?


Are you among the 19% of the population who who think

America is heading the right direction and the 31% of the

population who approve of the job George Dubya's doing?


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Hillary aint no saint either...


Meet Norman Hsu: His story *HERE*


Meet Sandy Berger: Foreign policy advisor to Sen. Clinton's campaign

some of his incedents:



I dont care if Barack Obama knew Rev. Wright for 20 years, Rev. Wright is not a part of Barack Obama's campaign, like Sandy and Norman and for Hillary...

besides, if ANY of you believe in this country, you beleive in separation of church and state, so Rev. Wright should never have been an issue to begin with... right? since Barack Obama's religious beliefs should not mix with political beliefs

and, lets not forget the people pardoned under President Clinton from 1992-2000

of the 149 people he pardoned in his terms as president, its likely they knew the Clintons and had done some favors for them...

and its not just Hillary... ALL politicians have some shaddy characters who are assoicated with them... and to highlight Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres is stupid, since every candidate has skeletons in their closets

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Hillary aint no saint either...

Remember zosodude,.. Hillary is done as far as the nomination goes, and Obama is going to need the votes of her supporters if he's going to win the presidency. As an Obama supporter, the more you trash you Hillary, the more you alienate her supporters. So think about it, dude.. there's nothing to be gained by trashing Hillary at this point,.. unless, that is, you intend to support More Of The Same McCain in the general election.

See? B)

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If there's no one to vote for, there's always someone to vote against.


You're not really that myopic,.. are you? :rolleyes:

A vote against Obama is a vote for More Of The Same McCain.

So then..if you're against Obama, you must be among the 19% of the population

who who think America is heading the right direction and you must be among the

31% of the population who approve of the job Dumbya's doing, eh Uncle Billyboy?






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After visiting each individual candidates website, reading their stance on all the issues, and doing a little research online, I think I will probably end up voting for Obama for president. He seems to be the most sincere and serious of the candidates. And I like his ideas on the environmental issues.

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Hey Pipeboy,..

you've made it clear that you're against Obama, but

you haven't made it clear who you support,.. or why.

So tell us, are you supporting More Of The Same McCain?


Are you among the 19% of the population who who think

America is heading the right direction and the 31% of the

population who approve of the job George Dubya's doing?


I never said that I'm going to vote for McCain. I am part of the 31% who thinks all the problems in America are caused by liberals.

Gas prices are up because we haven't built an oil refinery in 30 years and we can't drill in places were there is vast amounts of oil. Since the 25% of the corn in this country goes to make ethanol, (which makes more pollution to make than it saves) everything that uses Corn like Food, and cows makes the food prices go up, plus with the added cost of oil because we can't drill or refine it properly makes it a double whammy.

Clinton fell asleep during his eight years. Hence 9/11. Yes the economy was strong, but when the Internet gets going in your term, it's petty hard to slow it down, and when the Internet bubble popped, so did the economy.

50 million Americans need health care, 12 million are illegal immigrants, which helping them cost more money than the Iraq war. It's those liberal who need those votes so they invented sanctuary cities, which goes against federal law, so when an gang banger (whom the Dem's don't want longer sentences for) is illegal citizen, gets lets out of jail, he goes back to his gang banging ways in the U.S.A., not back to Mexico.

Liberals claim freedom of speech from everything to flag burning to NAMBLA.

They don't want more gun laws, they want only one gun law, no guns.

Liberals like the idea of a 14yearold girl crossing state lines to get a third term abortion (or worst) and not have to tell their parents.

They want more taxes, but not from everybody, just the ones who actually pay 90% of the taxes

More of the Same McCain means no more terrorist attacks and 4 years of added growth on top of the last 6 years.

Liberals think Audacity should be alowed to talk about little girls, so in his place I present this.


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After visiting each individual candidates website, reading their stance on all the issues, and doing a little research online, I think I will probably end up voting for Obama for president. He seems to be the most sincere and serious of the candidates. And I like his ideas on the environmental issues.

Now there's the most sensible thing I've heard anyone say! You researched all the candidates, learned about their stances on issues that matter to you, and made your decision.

I like it!

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Remember zosodude,.. Hillary is done as far as the nomination goes, and Obama is going to need the votes of her supporters if he's going to win the presidency. As an Obama supporter, the more you trash you Hillary, the more you alienate her supporters. So think about it, dude.. there's nothing to be gained by trashing Hillary at this point,.. unless, that is, you intend to support More Of The Same McCain in the general election.

See? B)

I understand that... he will need Hillary's people to support him

that post was a response to PB's post with the pictures of Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres, and my feeling on how their association is not uncommon in our government and should not be taken seriously by anyone when they vote

it just happened to be Hillary was the first example I could come up with, as I invested alot of time into researching her and finding some weak points to inform people of ;)


as for McCain, i like the guy, I think hes different from the rest of the GOP... still, he will never be Barack Obama and I know you dont like him as our next president... but, he was the best of the GOP this year and before Barack peaked my interest and when Hillary repulsed me, I would have considered voting for him

but fear not, there is no turning back now...

Obama or Bust for me B)

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Well I remember standing outside of the church with my nun teacher, I was 10 years old and praying for him to survive. Of course he didnt, sadly. I still thought it was San Fran, but since we are on the topic, CNN a couople of weeks ago said Siron Siron could not have fired the fatal shots as he wasnt ever in back of RFK. This means the real killer was never caught. They insinuated that they knew who he was but it sounds likd he is no longer alive. do you have an opinion on this?

JFK and his brother RFK were both publicly "executed" for crimes or possible crimes to be committed against _____________________.

Now if you could just acrruately fill in the blank . . . . .

Then you'd know who is really running things, behind the scenes.... really..

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I never said that I'm going to vote for McCain.

Yeah, like I said,.. you've made it clear that you're

against Obama, but you haven't said you support.

..and you still haven't. :rolleyes:

Oh wait! After all that anti-liberal diatribe, you did offer this

one line of quasi-support for More Of The Same McCain..

More of the Same McCain means no more terrorist attacks and 4 years of added growth on top of the last 6 years.

So.. as ungrounded in reality as as your reasons may be.. your

choice to be the next POTUS is, apparently, John "MOTS" McCain. :huh:

It seems you're one of those hard working middle class guys who.. for some reason or other.. votes against your own economic best interests. You think the republican party.. the party that, at every opportunity, implements policies that benefit the wealthy and hurt the middle class.. is the party that has your best interest at heart, do you? slapface.gif

Apparently you ARE among the 19% of the population who thinks America is heading in the right direction and among the 31% of the population who approve of the job Dubya Bush has been doing.:rolleyes:

[19% and 31%.. it seems you're quite a bit outside the mainstream there, muh-man.

In fact, it seems you're practically on the radical, extremist lunatic fringe! :shifty::o^_^ ]

Well.. even though you're uncomfortable (understandably) coming right out and

saying you're gonna vote for McCain,.. at least we now know where you stand. ;)


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After visiting each individual candidates website, reading their stance on all the issues, and doing a little research online, I think I will probably end up voting for Obama for president. He seems to be the most sincere and serious of the candidates. And I like his ideas on the environmental issues.

Another well-informed, thoughtful, intelligent voter

boards (or is considering boarding) the O-Train! :thumbsup:

More Of The Same failed Bush policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same failed Iraq war policy is not acceptable!

More Of The Same tax cuts for the wealthy is unacceptable!

More Of The Same failing education policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same failing health care policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same civil liberties trampling policies is unacceptable!

More Of The Same pro-Big Oil/Big-Pharma policies is unacceptable!

More Of The Same torture advocating policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same saber-rattling 'diplomacy' is not acceptable!

More Of The Same abstinence only policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same 'faith-based' policies is not acceptable!

More Of The Same anti-union policies is not acceptable!

A More conservative Supreme Court is not acceptable!

More Of The Same (McCain) is not acceptable! <_<

It's time for a change; and not just 'change merely for the sake of change'

but positive change.. for the betterment of our country.. and the world! :cheer:


Come on aboard, Bonnie! The future looks brighter from here! B)



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It's time for a change; and not just 'change merely for the sake of change'

but positive change.. for the betterment of our country.. and the world!

Hermit, before I begin, I want to state that I am historically a political conservative. I live in Orange County, land of excess and spoiled children. I drive big gas guzzling expensive cars, but as soon as some of them can be converted to hybrids I would probably look to trade them in. I am also a member of the NRA, and have been unemployed for 11 weeks due to the fact that I worked in an industry whose success went hand in hand with the housing market (and I really haven't started looking for emplyment yet, much to my wife's chagrin). That stated, I agree with a lot of what you posted. I disagree with some of it, and I think you may have missed out on some other areas that are important.

1. I agree Iraq was a mistake. We took our eye off the real problem, Afghanistan, where our actual enemy still exists.

2. I disagree when it comes to matters of tax cuts for the wealthy. I think issues concerning corporate taxes are a bigger concern and should be addressed first.

3. I agree we have a failing education system, which is why my kids go to private school. However, that leads me to another issue that is a primary concern on the education system in California - Immigration. We need to secure our borders, both from enemies and the flow of people coming in (from all places). Our government resources should not be spent on people that aren't citizens, or in process to become citizens.

4. Health Care - Yes, what there is is a mess. But, have you gone outside and taken a look at the people around you? This country is FAT - literally. We are our own worst enemy. We need something to curb the growing trend of obesity in our population. We need to make the food that is better for you cheaper. Sure Mac and Cheese and Top Ramen are cheap, but that shit will kill you if that's all you can afford.

5. Civil liberty trampling policies are unacceptable - please provide data to support your claim.

6. Big oil - Even though my choice in vehicles may contradict this, I fully support a reduction on oil/coal based energy. Since oil is a resource that our country relies on, there should be more government oversight into these companies. Their profits are ridiculous and ends up screwing up everything else because everything relies on fuel, whether to produce it or distribute it. I do not support any alternative fuel that relies on corn or other "food based" products.

7. Torture advocating policies: This one I totally disagree with you. As a country, we are faced with fighting a different type of enemy than what existed when the Geneva Convention of 1949 took place. We don't fight governments, we fight terrorist organizations. Different enemy, different rules. Besides, what do you think they do to our people? We should divert some of our spending on ships, planes, etc. to establishing better and more human intelligence regarding the activities of these organizations. Let's face it, it is unlikely another "country" will go to war with us. We have a different enemy, we need to spend our defense money differently.

8. Abstinence only policies - Yeah, I agree with you. I went to Catholic school, and I wasn't very good with those rules (neither were the girls). However, I do not think school teachers are qualified to teach kids about sex. The responsibility lies with the parent.

9. Unions - I am not pro union. I think those days are over. My wife worked for one for a couple of years (grocery), and frankly outside of having greater selections in health care options, we really did not feel there was any sort of benefit to having a union in that industry. Others may disagree.

10. What I think you failed to address is what I think is the biggest problem facing all of us - China and other low cost countries we source from. Practically everything we buy comes from Asia. So not only do our workers face unemployment because we shift production overseas, but it takes a lot of resources (steel, aluminum) for Asia to build factories, and to ship all that crap over here. Plus they are worse when it comes to concerns for the environment. So that problem is compounded, too. This trend cannot continue. First, they do not have the infrastructure to deal with it, they are beginning to implement new labor laws that will trigger rising costs, and their economy cannot continue at these rates forever. Once it implodes, we are truly screwed.

So, that being said where does that leave me for President? I will be the first to tell you that I am surprised McCain won the nomination. He wasn't my choice. First, I think he is too old. Second, when I see and hear him, he seems a little odd. Maybe it has to do with his time with "Charlie."

So now I am up in the air. The Democrats have yet to determine who will be on the ticket, but there is no way in hell would I ever vote for Clinton if she won. Should Obama win the nomination, I would give him serious consideration.

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