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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Me, for one. I haven't touched a drug, the only prescription meds I've used were prescribed to me and I didn't drink before I turned 21. I didn't want to become a cliche, which is what so many people I went to school with became. That and I'm not easily swayed by peer pressure.

God, you're such a square. Sheesh


Course, so am I, never touched any drugs before and didn't drink until I turned 21. But I've made up for lost time ;)

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Good ol' Dubya did cocaine in his day. In fact, he has quite the history of sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll in his past. Didn't stop him from getting elected!

And really, how many people in this country can honestly say that they have not at least tried some sort of illegal substance? Whether it be drinking underage, or taking prescriptions that don't belong to them, or actually trying pot, cocaine, LSD, etc.

regardin LSD, cocaine, heroin, etc. I'd say damn-near most people haven't gone near the shit (or tried it at least). Pot and underage drinking...well I think most people have done that. But the hard shit...nah

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Yes, soldiers are their to protect us not sit on their ass.

You think we can sustain perpetual war, do you? :rolleyes:

You think it'd be desirable that we sustain perpetual war, do you? slapface.gif

[Most people would prefer that our troops not have to go into battle.]

Yes, are you kidding? God made Soldiers so i could worry about something other than terrorist attacks.

Your concern for the safety and well-being of US troops is.. touching. <_<

Everytime I think you cant possibly say anything

more stupid than what you've already said.. you do.

US troops are "made by God" to die and

get maimed so you don't have to worry? :blink:

You, sir, are a dolt.

Yes, because the 4,088,000 people you just pointed out, only 3,000 are Americans. The reason we have an military is to protect the citizens of the United States.

In protecting US citizens, you give no consideration whatsoever to the impact (in deaths, maimings, broken families, displacements, etc) on the citizens of other nations, eh?

If you're being serious, you represent the very worst of America.. nay.. the very worst of humanity. If you're joking, you're an embarrassment to yourself.. and to America. <_<

It was wise because it was politically correct.

You are delusional, Pipeboy,.. or ignorant.

..or both.

It was not politically correct in October 2002 to oppose the invasion of Iraq. There was fairly broad support for the invasion.. support that was garnered through fear mongering and that was rooted in zealous "patriotic" fervor. Those who opposed the invasion were smeared, by the Bush admin, as being unpatriotic. Barack Obama's position was a position of political courage. He went against the political grain. He spoke the truth. He was right.

Obama's position was right not because it was

'politically correct', but because.. it was.. right.


btw.. are you ever gonna learn how to use quote tags? :rolleyes:

Its so simple that even you and your one brain cell should be able to handle it. :cheer:

Erm.. then again.. it is you we're talking about, huh? :whistling:

Hermit simple question

The terrorist in Iraq are holding 2 American reporter, 5 U.S. soldiers, and 2 Iraqi citizen in captive. They will allow you to choose 1 of the groups to be let go and the other two groups will die. They want nothing in return, What do you do? Do you save the 2 American reporters or the 5 American soldiers or the two Iraqi life?

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Hermit simple question

The terrorist in Iraq are holding 2 American reporter, 5 U.S. soldiers, and 2 Iraqi citizen in captive. They will allow you to choose 1 of the groups to be let go and the other two groups will die. They want nothing in return, What do you do? Do you save the 2 American reporters or the 5 American soldiers or the two Iraqi life?


That's not a "simple" question,.. it's a ridiculously unrealistic and "simplistic" question. Your question, absurd as it is, in no way diminishes the abject inhumanity of your insinuation that 4,088,000 Iraqi lives are completely meaningless, or that American lives are more precious and valuable than the lives of non-Americans. Your silly hypothetical vignette reflects your simplistic and unrealistic view of the world and your place in it. Your 'American lives are more valuable than any other lives' point of view reflects your narrow-minded, America-centric, scared-shitless, desperation-masked-in-arrogance view of the world.. and is a reflection of your shallowness as a human being.

It seems you're not very different from those terrorists whom you condemn, Pb.

They.. like you.. also have a blatant and callous disregard for the lives of others.

Your values and principles are entirely fear-based, muh-man.

You've allowed fear to rob you of your humanity.

How sad.. for you.. and for all of Humanity.


My hope for you is that one day you will recognize that the

value of a human life is not determined by one's nationality.

..and that you might realize that we're all brothers and sisters.

We all have hopes, we all suffer, and we all desire freedom form suffering.



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That's not a "simple" question,.. it's a ridiculously unrealistic and "simplistic" question. Your question, absurd as it is, in no way diminishes the abject inhumanity of your insinuation that 4,088,000 Iraqi lives are completely meaningless, or that American lives are more precious and valuable than the lives of non-Americans. Your silly hypothetical vignette reflects your simplistic and unrealistic view of the world and your place in it. Your 'American lives are more valuable than any other lives' point of view reflects your narrow-minded, America-centric, scared-shitless, desperation-masked-in-arrogance view of the world.. and is a reflection of your shallowness as a human being.

It seems you're not very different from those terrorists whom you condemn, Pb.

They.. like you.. also have a blatant and callous disregard for the lives of others.

Your values and principles are entirely fear-based, muh-man.

You've allowed fear to rob you of your humanity.

How sad.. for you.. and for all of Humanity.


My hope for you is that one day you will recognize that the

value of a human life is not determined by one's nationality.

..and that you might realize that we're all brothers and sisters.

We all have hopes, we all suffer, and we all desire freedom form suffering.



Wrong answer, you do not negotiate with terrorist no matter what. It is a shame that Americans citizens die and Soldiers must die, and Iraqi must die. But they do not die in vain if Americans can go about their lives without fear. You tell them to release them or their will be hell to pay.

The only thing we have in common in this country is we all salute one flag who gives everything we can dream of and protection without boundaries.

If you do not believe an American life is greater than any other life, then you sir will live in fear for the rest of your life.

I do not live in fear, because I know what I'll do if face an enemy. There is nothing i won't do to protect the people i love.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Wrong answer, you do not negotiate with terrorist no matter what. It is a shame that Americans citizens die and Soldiers must die, and Iraqi must die. But they do not die in vain if Americans can go about their lives without fear.

The only thing we have in common in this country is we all salute one flag who gives everything we can dream of and protection without boundaries.

If you do not believe an American life is greater than any other life, then you sir will live in fear for the rest of your life.

I do not live in fear, because I know what I'll do if face an enemy. Their is nothing i won't do to protect the people i love.

This post hardly makes sense, and is in direct conflict with the patriotism I was raised with. Are you actually saying our lives are worth more than the lives of people from other parts of the world? And does saluting a piece of cloth determine one's love for one's country? There is nothing any of us, anywhere in the world wouldn't do to protect the people we love, so I'm not sure what makes you special in that regard.

Also, it's "there," not "their."

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This post hardly makes sense, and is in direct conflict with the patriotism I was raised with. Are you actually saying our lives are worth more than the lives of people from other parts of the world? And does saluting a piece of cloth determine one's love for one's country? There is nothing any of us, anywhere in the world wouldn't do to protect the people we love, so I'm not sure what makes you special in that regard.

Also, it's "there," not "their."

Is your family life worth more to you than somebody's else's family. Mine is, and to the other persons family, their is worth more to them.

and Yes saluting a piece of cloth does determine ones love for this country because it's the symbol of this country.

No, it does not make me special, but it does prove my love for my family and country. If you're not ready to defend this country, than a one way ticket should be in your future.

what i take from your guys logic is that we shouldn't even been hunting for Al Queda, We should just forget about 9/11 because some fuck head somewhere in this world felt wrong by us and according to your logic, he is in the right.

This does prove Rev. Wright is more than a fucking idiot pastor, he is Obamas pastor because you guys believe in the same shit as Rev. Wright does and you listen to every bullshit excuse Obama gives.

Hey Obama it would'nt fucking hurt to wear a fucking flag pin on your lapel. yes i know your fucking buillshit excuse, but that is still no reason to not wear one.

You don't have to sing the natl anthem at baseball games, but their is no reason no to. Who fucking gets hurt if you sing at a baseball game. It's a fucking flag pin and a fucking song, their is no reason not to embrace your country. it's just like singing happy birthday, it really doesn't matter if you do it or not, but everybody feels better if you do, so why the fuck not.

Obama better wrap himself in an American flag for the next few months and get back to Washington, and do some fucking work. Even if he fails at passing a bill, atleast people know that he done something other than speak out against a war, and had a pastor, a wife, and a Friend whom does not feel proud of their country, if he doesn't he will lose by a landslide and he'll be looking for a job in 2010 when his seat comes up for election.

People want change, but they want to see somebody who belives in the same things as they do, to get it done.

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The Next President of the United States will be:

A Man


Well If obama wins, and he dies before the electoral college meets, the electoral college are free to choose anybody they want, including Hillrod. Since I doubt Hilrod would be BHO VP, If McCain dies after the electoral college meets and is awarded President elect, and he has a women VP, she will become president, or even IF Obama and McCain have a male VP and both of the P/VP elect dies after the elctoral college meet. Nacy Peloisi becomes president. Unless the dems lose control of the house or she is fired from her job.

So yes you are most likely will be right, but a few bad chicken sandwichs can change all of that.

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As much as the nobama cult want the reverend wrong disaster to go away it doesn't seem to be happening.

Wright Controversy Deepens Voter Divide

Religious, Racial Split in N.C., Indiana

Religious voters in Indiana and North Carolina held to familiar patterns in Democratic primary balloting Tuesday, with the controversy over Sen. Barack Obama's relationship with his former pastor deepening the divide.

In network exit polling, about the same number of voters in each state said they considered the situation with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. "very important" to their vote as those who said it was "not at all important." And most who gave the issue a heavy weight voted for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), while those who said it was not a factor went for Obama, the Illinois senator, by wide margins.

In both states, frequent churchgoers were more apt to say they were influenced by Wright than were less actively religious voters. In North Carolina, among those who said they attend religious services weekly, nearly six in 10 called Wright important to their vote, almost double the figure among those who never attend services. Even among Obama's own supporters in the Tarheel state, 45 percent who attend services weekly called the controversy important to their vote; among those, a third who rated it "very important." source


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My personal analysis of Barack Obama is that he is a typical, ambitious politician who will do what he thinks is necessary to advance his career. However, compared to McCain and Hillary, I think that could potentially be an improvement. To understand why a self-serving, machine politcs hack would be an improvement for America, it helps to understand how corporate globalists hijack our politics.

1. When Joe Biden called Obama "clean," I don't think he was talking about hygene. I think he was refering to the fact that Obama has no major skeletons in his closet that could destroy him at the drop of a hat. Now, I don't know this for sure, but usually there's smoke if there's fire, and I for one haven't heard any rumors about gay porn stars or dead bodies of rivals piling up.

One of the favorite methods globalists use to control politicians is to sponsor politicians who are already severely compromised. Bill Clinton, for example, as a blatant sex maniac tied to CIA cocaine smuggling, was a perfect candidate for the globalists. Bush Jr., as the pliant son of a CIA kingpin is another perfect candidate. Obama has no such known ties and there are no rumors of anything so nefarious, as far as I've heard. It's true that he's used drugs, but he admits to that in his autobiography, so it can't be leveraged against him. There might be shady money deals, if anything, but probably nothing that could instantly end his Presidency. Obama probably hasn't had enough power or a long enough career to do anything really bad. Obama's apparent 'cleanliness' makes him harder to blackmail.


2. Another one of the globalists favorite tricks is to support candidates who are totally dependent on them for campaign funds. Hillary Clinton and John McCain, for example, would have hardly any funds at all if it weren't for large corporate and individual donors. Obama certainly knows how to work that crowd, BUT Obama also has a grassroots support and fundraising network. Although he's raised much more money than CLinton, Obama's average contribution is half the size of those raised by Hillary, because Obama gets more check from regular Americans who support him.

Globalists hate it when politicians can raise funds independently of them, and they'll often oppose politicans on this basis alone. A politician with an independent support base is a politican who can ditch the support of globalist corporations and donors, and still live to fight another day. It's no indication that they will, but it makes it possible.


3. Obama's 'base' is mostly anti-war white democrats and African Americans. If he hopes to be an effective President, he will have to work to avoid alienating this base. An Obama Presidency would come under FAR more pressure from its political base than either a McCain or a Hillary Presidency if Obama prolongs the Iraq was or threatens to launch new ones. Also, African Americans, believe it or not, are far more likely than the average American to believe that the government can oppress and commit conspiracies against its own citizens, and I think it's at least possible that this fact could be leveraged by the 9-11 Truth movement. Certainly, Obama will come under intense pressure from his base to end the sham drug prohabition which is used to justify our prison industrial complex, which is another fact that the Patriot movement can work with.

In conclusion, the combination of an anti-war, anti-drug-war political base, a fundraising and activist network independent of corporate globalists, and far fewer closet skeletons than the average President, could give Obama a real opportunity to make some positive changes in America, or more likely, to yield to public demands and pressure to make those changes.

Whether he will do so, of course, is another matter.

My gut tells me when I watch Obama that the man still has a soul. He's no doubt having poison whispered in his ear by Zbig and friends, and he's no doubt looking out for #1 above all else, but I think he's still at the point where he can choose the light or the dark side.

I think it would be a mistake to write him off as hopeless.

The Patriot movement should reach out to Obama, and make it clear to him that we will support him, on the blogs, in the streets, and in his coffers, IF he takes tangible steps to restore the Constitution, avoid WWIII, close down the FEMA camps and enforce the laws on the books equally for all citizens.

Even under a best-case scenario, I don't think Obama will be a quarter as good as a candidate like Ron Paul.

However, I also think that all we really need from the next President is some very basic foreign policy sanity and a lack of executive-branch hit squads or political prisons, and the 9-11 Truth dam will totally break, with people who currently fear for their lives coming out of the woodwork to testify.

Obama's no savior. But we don't really need a savior; we can do the work of restoring the Republic ourselves, mostly by continuing to spread the word about what's really been going on in America for all these years. We just need a few more years outside of the FEMA camps to do it. An Obama Presidency will likely give us the breathing room we need to continue organizing and truth-telling without excessive governmental repression, and that's really all we'll need to push this movement over the top.

What I think about that:

Obama could claim to shit golden nuggets and gullible people would believe him. When do politicians ever tell the truth? The Obama you see on TV is the Obama that is the creation of his handlers. Everything he says is scripted and authorized ahead of time. These people have the best PR people managing them. It's all fake. It amazes me that there are people who see presidents (and presidential candidates) as anything more than the puppets they are. You have not truly woken up if you see Obama as "lesser of the evils." He's part of the same hydra head, folks.

And while Obama may have less dirt on him than the other two candidates, I would not say he's clean. Candidates don't get nominated, much less elected, unless they have some dirt on them. This is required for blackmailing purposes. If the person steps out of line for whatever reason, they need dirt on them which they can bring out at any time in order to ruin them politicially.

Obama is also getting tons of money from the big banks and transnationals. The fact that he has a "grassroots" following means nothing. He is still in the pockets of the Anglo-American elite that controls him.

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What I think about that:

Obama could claim to shit golden nuggets and gullible people would believe him. When do politicians ever tell the truth? The Obama you see on TV is the Obama that is the creation of his handlers. Everything he says is scripted and authorized ahead of time. These people have the best PR people managing them. It's all fake. It amazes me that there are people who see presidents (and presidential candidates) as anything more than the puppets they are. You have not truly woken up if you see Obama as "lesser of the evils." He's part of the same hydra head, folks.

And while Obama may have less dirt on him than the other two candidates, I would not say he's clean. Candidates don't get nominated, much less elected, unless they have some dirt on them. This is required for blackmailing purposes. If the person steps out of line for whatever reason, they need dirt on them which they can bring out at any time in order to ruin them politicially.

Obama is also getting tons of money from the big banks and transnationals. The fact that he has a "grassroots" following means nothing. He is still in the pockets of the Anglo-American elite that controls him.

Great post! Especially the first part.

" In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. " R. Reagan

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What I think about that:

Obama could claim to shit golden nuggets and gullible people would believe him. When do politicians ever tell the truth? The Obama you see on TV is the Obama that is the creation of his handlers. Everything he says is scripted and authorized ahead of time. These people have the best PR people managing them. It's all fake. It amazes me that there are people who see presidents (and presidential candidates) as anything more than the puppets they are. You have not truly woken up if you see Obama as "lesser of the evils." He's part of the same hydra head, folks.

And while Obama may have less dirt on him than the other two candidates, I would not say he's clean. Candidates don't get nominated, much less elected, unless they have some dirt on them. This is required for blackmailing purposes. If the person steps out of line for whatever reason, they need dirt on them which they can bring out at any time in order to ruin them politicially.

Obama is also getting tons of money from the big banks and transnationals. The fact that he has a "grassroots" following means nothing. He is still in the pockets of the Anglo-American elite that controls him.

great post, but i believe Obama is his own creation. When he fucks up, it's usually his handlers. when obama speaks from his own heart you get a great speech that means shit and has no substance to it, it's when his people write his speeches, you get more out of him, but it also fucks up his image because he is so left wing on alot of issues. He made the decision to sit in that church, but I'm sure Oprah told him to go there so he can be elected. He made the decision to be friends with Bill ayers, but somebody told him to do it to get elected.

To me Obama is a really good reporter. If you tell him what to do, he does it well, the problem is he's only been in the senate for 4 years and he does not have good people around him. The only reason he made it this far is because he is a smart, good looking black man. If he was a white guy making the same speeches, people think he is hitting the bong again.

AS much money Obama made during the Dem's race, i would think he would eventually run out of people to give him money. their is a limit to what you can give, yes there is a way around it, but only ultra rich people can do that and McCain has probably more rich people to give him money. The Dem's. race cost him a shit load of money. What I'm saying, McCain will match him in money from now to the election. but then again there are 527's

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No sign of any quit in the Clinton camp. I saw Howard Wolfson, top strategist to the Clinton campaign, on TV and they are full steam ahead, no quarter asked, none given. The buzz lately has been "it's ok if she keeps running as long as she bashes McCain not obama" , they seem to be saying "screw that!".



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Is your family life worth more to you than somebody's else's family. Mine is, and to the other persons family, their is worth more to them.

and Yes saluting a piece of cloth does determine ones love for this country because it's the symbol of this country.

No, it does not make me special, but it does prove my love for my family and country. If you're not ready to defend this country, than a one way ticket should be in your future.

what i take from your guys logic is that we shouldn't even been hunting for Al Queda, We should just forget about 9/11 because some fuck head somewhere in this world felt wrong by us and according to your logic, he is in the right.

This does prove Rev. Wright is more than a fucking idiot pastor, he is Obamas pastor because you guys believe in the same shit as Rev. Wright does and you listen to every bullshit excuse Obama gives.

Hey Obama it would'nt fucking hurt to wear a fucking flag pin on your lapel. yes i know your fucking buillshit excuse, but that is still no reason to not wear one.

You don't have to sing the natl anthem at baseball games, but their is no reason no to. Who fucking gets hurt if you sing at a baseball game. It's a fucking flag pin and a fucking song, their is no reason not to embrace your country. it's just like singing happy birthday, it really doesn't matter if you do it or not, but everybody feels better if you do, so why the fuck not.

Obama better wrap himself in an American flag for the next few months and get back to Washington, and do some fucking work. Even if he fails at passing a bill, atleast people know that he done something other than speak out against a war, and had a pastor, a wife, and a Friend whom does not feel proud of their country, if he doesn't he will lose by a landslide and he'll be looking for a job in 2010 when his seat comes up for election.

People want change, but they want to see somebody who belives in the same things as they do, to get it done.

What makes you think anyone who supports Barack Obama believes the things that Rev. Wright said in his sermons? Has anyone here publicly spouted the things he said and proclaimed them to be their truths? I don't recall reading that anywhere. Perhaps you can show me where someone here said the things that he did.

I love my country and I don't need to wrap myself in red, white and blue bullshit to show it. It doesn't make me feel better when I hear 50,000 drunk baseball fans screaming "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium. I don't sing anthems, I don't cry when I see yellow ribbons and fireworks, I don't wear flag pins or have flag stickers pasted all over my car. Patriotism doesn't need to be something you throw in people's faces. And just because Obama doesn't wear a flag pin on his lapel, doesn't mean he is a terrorist or that he hates America or he hates Americans or that he's this, that or the other. It's a fucking piece of costume jewelry that to my knowledge, hasn't become required dress code for US Senators. I honestly don't even recall Hillary Clinton wearing one, and if she doesn't wear one.....where's the acrimony for her fashion faux-pas?

Edited by Electrophile
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I think its pretty funny how people who oppose Obama.. and political cynics.. want to have it both ways. On the one hand they claim Obama has no experience and yet on the other hand they portray him as a connected political insider.. with "handlers" who have "scripted" his every word and every move. :rolleyes:

Obama comes from a humble background; he has no family political connections and few, if any, inside political connections. His rise on the political scene was foreseen by no one, including himself. He didn't have lifelong political aspirations, let alone presidential aspirations or ambitions. He chose to forego opportunities to make big bucks as a high paid lawyer and instead chose to work as a low-paid community organizer until he realized that he could impact more lives by entering politics. That was a decision he and his wife made a whopping 11 years ago when he first ran for public office and was elected in 1997 to serve in Illinois state senate. In 2000 he ran for a seat in the US House of Representatives.. and lost. In March 2004, While still serving as Illinois state senator, he won the Illinois state primary to become the Illinois democratic nominee for US Senator; in July 2004 he gave his now-famous keynote speech at the DNC convention; and in November of that same year he was elected to serve as US Senator from Illinois. In 2007 he announced his candidacy for the democratic nomination for POTUS and today he has all but won that nomination.

His political rise has been meteoric. Hillary Clinton was the heir-apparent to win the dem nomination; she's been on the political scene for over 30 years, has the most-recognized name in democratic party politics,.. and has the political machinery to go with it. Conversely, Barack Obama's grass roots political organization has sprung up almost organically,.. growing by leaps and bounds since his victory in the Iowa caucuses in January.

Barack Obama has not been in Washington politics long enough to have anyone (lobbyists) in his pockets that he's beholden to. No one expected Obama to be standing on the doorstep of the presidency right now. No lobbyists or political insiders have made Obama who he is or have put him in the position he's in. And yet here he is, on the verge of becoming the first African American of either major political party to be nominated for the presidency.. and here he is, about to make a serious run at becoming the first African American president in American history. So, I wonder,.. who is it exactly who's "handling" Obama and "scripting" his every word and move, eh? :whistling:

Barack Obama is uniquely positioned to bring change to Washington politics. He has enormous public support for his candidacy (support that is bound to grow throughout the general election campaign); there is enormous public sentiment demanding change in lobbyist-infested Washington politics; and.. Americans, by and large, and sick and tired of Bush-republican politics which epitomize lobbyist-influenced cronyism-afflicted politics.. politics that John McCain represents More Of The Same of.

I understand the cynicism that many Americans feel. A cynicism that leads them to believe that change is not possible. To that I say.. if that's what you believe, then you're choosing to make yourself a part of the barrier to change rather than adding your voice to the chorus demanding change.. in this our government.. a government that the founders of this nation specifically designated as a government "of the people, by the people, for the people".

You cynics who claim change is not possible are, in effect, claiming that our government is in fact no longer a government "of the people, by the people, for the people".. which means you're claiming that "the American experiment in democracy is a failure". If that is your point of view, and you're willing to lay down and accept the notion that "the American experiment in democracy is a failure", I cant help but wonder.. what's so "patriotic" about that?

We The People.. can either fall prey to cynicism.. we can whimper and give up.. or we can raise our collective voice and support Barack Obama in his endeavor to bring change to our government. I'm not naive about politics; I have a healthy dose of cynicism myself, but I refuse to let cynicism lead me to believe that the American experiment in democracy is a failure; and I refuse to let cynicism rob me of my hope that despite the current political nadir that we're experiencing, change IS possible.. and we may yet be successful at creating a more perfect union. Yes we can! Imho,.. Barack Obama is the right man.. at the right time.. to lead us in this historic endeavor.

Bleat on cynics and naysayers. :rolleyes:

..and I will cheer on. B)

Go Obama!! :cheer:

The next President and First Lady of the United States




Edited by Hermit
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Is your family life worth more to you than somebody's else's family. Mine is, and to the other persons family, their is worth more to them.

and Yes saluting a piece of cloth does determine ones love for this country because it's the symbol of this country.

No, it does not make me special, but it does prove my love for my family and country. If you're not ready to defend this country, than a one way ticket should be in your future.

what i take from your guys logic is that we shouldn't even been hunting for Al Queda, We should just forget about 9/11 because some fuck head somewhere in this world felt wrong by us and according to your logic, he is in the right.

This does prove Rev. Wright is more than a fucking idiot pastor, he is Obamas pastor because you guys believe in the same shit as Rev. Wright does and you listen to every bullshit excuse Obama gives.

Hey Obama it would'nt fucking hurt to wear a fucking flag pin on your lapel. yes i know your fucking buillshit excuse, but that is still no reason to not wear one.

You don't have to sing the natl anthem at baseball games, but their is no reason no to. Who fucking gets hurt if you sing at a baseball game. It's a fucking flag pin and a fucking song, their is no reason not to embrace your country. it's just like singing happy birthday, it really doesn't matter if you do it or not, but everybody feels better if you do, so why the fuck not.

Obama better wrap himself in an American flag for the next few months and get back to Washington, and do some fucking work. Even if he fails at passing a bill, atleast people know that he done something other than speak out against a war, and had a pastor, a wife, and a Friend whom does not feel proud of their country, if he doesn't he will lose by a landslide and he'll be looking for a job in 2010 when his seat comes up for election.

People want change, but they want to see somebody who belives in the same things as they do, to get it done.

You are a good source of laughs. All these years I thought I was a patriotic American, but I guess I need to slap flags on everything to prove it. And because I support Obama I must support Wright. Teehee, keep 'em comin', you're hilarious. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the best one (that's been heard hear before): apparently I enjoyed 9/11 because I'm not filled with hatred. You're like a 6 year old with your infantile logic.

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You are a good source of laughs. All these years I thought I was a patriotic American, but I guess I need to slap flags on everything to prove it. And because I support Obama I must support Wright. Teehee, keep 'em comin', you're hilarious. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the best one (that's been heard hear before): apparently I enjoyed 9/11 because I'm not filled with hatred. You're like a 6 year old with your infantile logic.

I here all week. Just don't go near my sisters, i wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression of how a lady should act.

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Oooooh, you implied Suz wasn't a lady. That was like, so devastating. My God, I bet she's practically despondent right now. The fact that people she doesn't know may or may not think she's "lady-like" will absolutely ruin her Mother's Day.

BTW, don't respond to anyone here who is a young man.....wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression of how a gentleman should act. You know, since gentlemen regularly insinuate a woman they don't know isn't a lady.....when they have no reason whatsoever to come up with said conclusion.

Edited by Electrophile
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Oooooh, you implied Suz wasn't a lady. That was like, so devastating. My God, I bet she's practically despondent right now. The fact that people she doesn't know may or may not think she's "lady-like" will absolutely ruin her Mother's Day.

BTW, don't respond to anyone here who is a young man.....wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression of how a gentleman should act. You know, since gentlemen regularly insinuate a woman they don't know isn't a lady.....when they have no reason whatsoever to come up with said conclusion.

Im just calling it how I see It. She the one who started name calling.

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I'm raising a teenager who surpassed you in 6th grade social studies class, and who's critical thinking skills surpassed yours when she was roughly 5. It's not even about meaningful political debates in these threads; it's a bunch of flag waving narcissism disguised as patriotism. And those who call you on it are treated as though we are unpatriotic, terrorist supporting, America hating demons. It is people like YOU that contribute to the growing hatred of Americans in the world. The irony is that the things you say are eerily similar to the propaganda of our enemies. I'd tell you to grow up, but I think you're more invested in childlke hysteria.

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