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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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If he does get the nom, it would be a wise choice to put Hillary on the ticket as VP. This would be a sure winner. If he doesnt, he will alienate one half of the party that will not vote for him. The exit polls show that 65 percent of those who support Hillary, WILL NOT vote for Obama. He has too many issues with white working class voters. He will need these to defeat a Republican, who could win this election if he changes his tune on Iraq just a little. The red states will remain red states unless he takes her on board. Thats assuming he wins, which he hasnt yet. The Florida argument is a valid one and both Obama and Hillary want them to be seated. Though I think Obama is only saying it. Why in the world would he want them seated when he lost big time. I am betting that the Democratic ticket will be the two of them together in the end, and this would pretty much be a sure bet against McCain. But then again, Gore was a good bet and had it stolen from him.


Reality check time: Barack does not "need" Hillary as VP to win the general election.

Desperate though repubs are to see her on the dem ticket,.. she's not going to be.

And even though Hillary won't be on the ticket, Hillary supporters WILL come

around to supporting Obama. Hillary and Bill will tell them to, and they will. ;)

Besides.. Hillary supporters are die-hard democrats. What are they gonna do.. vote for

a republican candidate?.. or not vote at all and watch another republican get elected?

Puh-lease. :rolleyes:

Stop pretending you know how democrats think and how they'll vote. You don't.

You might be better served by trying to figure out how your own party is

going to deal with its many McCain-related divisions and weaknesses, bud.

The republican party is the party in a desperate situation rght now,.. not the dems. B)


oh,.. and btw.. you're (still) wrong about ADA. There is NO exclusionary criteria based on race. Whatever the reason was that you didn't have a case under ADA, it was NOT because you're White. Please do prove me wrong by citing the part of the ADA law that refers to race as an exclusionary criteria. I'll save you the time of looking for it: it aint there. It does not exist. Or please cite exactly what your lawyer told you.. verbatim. I'm sure she put it in writing, right? :whistling:

I'm sorry you lost your job due to an OTJ injury. That really does suck. But I assure you, it

wasn't because you're White that you didn't have a case against your employer under ADA.


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Reality check time: Barack does not "need" Hillary as VP to win the general election.

Desperate though repubs are to see her on the dem ticket,.. she's not going to be.

And even though Hillary won't be on the ticket, Hillary supporters WILL come

around to supporting Obama. Hillary and Bill will tell them to, and they will. ;)

Besides.. Hillary supporters are die-hard democrats. What are they gonna do.. vote for

a republican candidate?.. or not vote at all and watch another republican get elected?

Puh-lease. :rolleyes:

Stop pretending you know how democrats think and how they'll vote. You don't.

You might be better served by trying to figure out how your own party is

going to deal with its many McCain-related divisions and weaknesses, bud.

The republican party is the party in a desperate situation rght now,.. not the dems. B)


oh,.. and btw.. you're (still) wrong about ADA. There is NO exclusionary criteria based on race. Whatever the reason was that you didn't have a case under ADA, it was NOT because you're White. Please do prove me wrong by citing the part of the ADA law that refers to race as an exclusionary criteria. I'll save you the time of looking for it: it aint there. It does not exist. Or please cite exactly what your lawyer told you.. verbatim. I'm sure she put it in writing, right? :whistling:

I'm sorry you lost your job due to an OTJ injury. That really does suck. But I assure you, it

wasn't because you're White that you didn't have a case against your employer under ADA.


Rights of workers are differant from state to state. She would have fried them if I were black. You dont know for a fact what Obama's camp will do if and when he gets the nom officially. The head of the party and the supers can back them into a corner to pick Hillary to strengthen the chances of him winning. The exit polls are what you are basing your Obama over McCain absolution on, and those same exit polls say that 65 percent plus of Clinton supporters will NOT vote for Obama if Hillary doesnt get the nom. So you cant have it both ways. And you dont know what is going to happen as this is a very unusual set of circumstances. I have watched many political analysts that are saying just this. So what makes everything you say absolute fact? Back to lawsuits in this country, not everthing is black and white. There are many frivolous suits that are won and shouldnt be won. And many that have merit that are not won.

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This may or may not be true, but are you willing to dispute the fact that it was Bill Clinton, a democrat, who brought up the Obama race issue to begin with?


[ would anyone care to dispute that there is a racist element of the republican party? :whistling: ]

What do you mean "this may or may not be true", CRB?

Is it true,.. or isnt it? Do you (of all people) dispute it,.. or not? :shifty:

Clinton said: "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson

ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here [in SC]".

What do you make of that comment, CRB? :whistling:

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Rights of workers are differant from state to state. She would have fried them if I were black.

Back to lawsuits in this country, not everthing is black and white. There are many frivolous

suits that are won and shouldnt be won. And many that have merit that are not won.

ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act) is not a state law.. it's a federal law.

You said your lawyer told you had no case under ADA.. because you're White.

But under ADA there is NO exclusionary criteria based on race. There simply isn't.

That's the fact, Jack. ;)

Just for kicks..

tell me.. what would the basis of the suit have been.. had you been

Black.. that would have enabled your lawyer to "fry" the company?


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ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act) is not a state law.. it's a federal law.

You said your lawyer told you had no case under ADA.. because you're White.

But under ADA there is NO exclusionary criteria based on race. There simply isn't.

That's the fact, Jack. ;)

Just for kicks..

tell me.. what would the basis of the suit have been.. had you been

Black.. that would have enabled your lawyer to "fry" the company?


Youd have to go ask the German/Jew lawyer that would pick your bones apart (in the words of Archie Bunker). Happened a long time ago and I no longer am in touch with her. Have had divorce and workers comp and bankrupcy lawyers after that. One leads to another. Just know I got fucked. But at least I got Comp. At least you did admit threre is reverse discrimination. So we nailed you down on that one. Score one for the majority. The ADA had been out for a short time when the shit went down with me. I dont care to read it. Im sure its longer than your posts. It will only add to the migraine Im getting.

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Youd have to go ask the German/Jew lawyer that would pick your bones apart (in the words of Archie Bunker). Happened a long time ago and I no longer am in touch with her. Have had divorce and workers comp and bankrupcy lawyers after that. One leads to another. Just know I got fucked. But at least I got Comp. At least you did admit threre is reverse discrimination. So we nailed you down on that one. Score one for the majority. The ADA had been out for a short time when the shit went down with me. I dont care to read it. Im sure its longer than your posts. It will only add to the migraine Im getting.

That you Rick?

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Youd have to go ask the German/Jew lawyer that would pick your bones apart (in the words of Archie Bunker). Happened a long time ago and I no longer am in touch with her. Have had divorce and workers comp and bankrupcy lawyers after that. One leads to another. Just know I got fucked. But at least I got Comp. At least you did admit threre is reverse discrimination. So we nailed you down on that one. Score one for the majority. The ADA had been out for a short time when the shit went down with me. I dont care to read it. Im sure its longer than your posts. It will only add to the migraine Im getting.

Gee, I bet this is a former member masquerading under another name. What are the odds of that happening here!

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Hermit, you KNOW I LOVE ya! I'm a democrat and I support Obama, and you know how I feel about race issues. I wasn't necessarily claiming that my kid is suffering from reverse discimination, I just wanna know what the hell's going on there. So it's my responsibility to go to the school and talk to people and find out. I won't bitch about it any more in here (unless I get in a certain mood- then all bets are off).

Remember that show where the white family had themselves made up to look black and had to live like that? All I have to do to know the answer to the question: Is racism a serious issue? is ask myself if I'd let my kid be made up to look black and turn her loose here in the burbs (in a supposedly progressive state). The answer is hell no! I'd be afraid to! So that is the closest I can get to knowing what it's like to experience embedded cultural racism. That would SUCK! And the anger of experiencing that day after day, generation after generation would be so hard to deal with.

Anyway, I brought up the thing at her school to see what people thought, not to compare racism vs. reverse racism. But we know it exists, and as white people we don't know what the hell to do. If we say something, even liberals like me can be accused of being racist. It's soooooo uncomfortable, and I like talking about uncomfortable stuff. Of course, this forum has some serious rednecks in it, who are jumping at the chance to go crazy on this shit. But Rock Action's not one of them, I don't think Dzldoc is either, and some others I can't tell. Some I can DEFINATELY tell, and they only prove the point we're trying to make.

Edited by Suz
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Let's see.....Desperado is the name of an Eagles song/album.....and Rick was a HUGE Eagles fan....used to talk about them a lot here. Loved Hotel California, thought it was one of the best albums of the 70s.

Yeah, there's no correlation between these two people. Christ.

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Let's see.....Desperado is the name of an Eagles song/album.....and Rick was a HUGE Eagles fan....used to talk about them a lot here. Loved Hotel California, thought it was one of the best albums of the 70s.

Yeah, there's no correlation between these two people. Christ.

Well honey, I dont know who this Rick is but Im sure there are many Eagles fans. And Desperado isnt on the Hotel California album. And one more thing: though shall not use the Lords name in vain!!

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Well honey, I dont know who this Rick is but Im sure there are many Eagles fans. And Desperado isnt on the Hotel California album. And one more thing: though shall not use the Lords name in vain!!

Didn't you read where I said Desperado was the name of an Eagles song/album? Wouldn't that imply that Desperado WASN'T on Hotel California? Because if it was......it wouldn't be on the album Desperado.

Reading is fundamental.

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Didn't you read where I said Desperado was the name of an Eagles song/album? Wouldn't that imply that Desperado WASN'T on Hotel California? Because if it was......it wouldn't be on the album Desperado.

Reading is fundamental.

Sorry but Im cooking some fried potatoes and onions as I type. My eyes are watering.

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Suz,.. to be clear.. I never suggested,.. or even meant to so much as infer.. that our friends Rock Action or Dzl are wrong side of the racism fence; afaic they're both good, decent people. If any other impression came across from my posts, I deeply regret that and I do apologize to them both.

I was merely challenging their "reverse discrimination" claims which were made in response to my pointing out the fact that racism is alive an well in the republican party. While "reverse discrimination" (a complete misnomer,..but I'll overlook that right now) does exist, it pales in comparison to the violent, ugly, oppressive racism, discrimination, and segregation that's been experienced by Blacks throughout the history of America.. though certainly to a lesser degree today than in the past. The existence of so-called "reverse discrimination" should not serve as a distraction from the point that racism is alive and well in the "America is not ready for a Black POTUS" republican party.



c'mon people.. lets' give Desperate-ado a chance.

..afterall, so far [:whistling:] he's been on his best behavior. ;)

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should rename thread... 'which candidate is cooked?'

The leading pick on this site if for legs and thighs, but the breast meat is still trying to hang on.

I'd say the contender needs more caffeine so she can perk up!

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The leading pick on this site if for legs and thighs, but the breast meat is still trying to hang on.

I'd say the contender needs more caffeine so she can perk up!

well the other, larger rump roast will definitely take longer to b(raise)...

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