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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Seems like you blame Hillary for her husband's fooling around? That makes no sense to me. So you would rather have this racist Obama in there? WTF? Hillary kicked his ass in PR and she can claim the popular vote and the states that are "battleground states". So she should play this out til the bloody end.

Oh Icantquitbabe..Puerto Rico meant zilch in the big picture. Even if Obama had won, it wouldn't have mattered. The popular vote? Obviously you've had your head in the sand for a weeks now bud.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Well, it's not about HER.

MR. OBAMA will be the prez, she will be off redecorating and being the good wife.

And of course whatever causes she is passionate about.

I don't immediately think of Bill getting blow jobs in the oval office when I think of Hillary.

I can overlook things when it comes to the bigger picture.

Uh, there is nothing about this woman that makes me think she will be redecorating and baking cookies. She seems like a Hillary Clinton with a racial agenda.

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Uh, there is nothing about this woman that makes me think she will be redecorating and baking cookies.

I don't see Obama picking her for the VP slot, eventhough every Hillaryite out there is screaming for it because they can't bare to see all their precious donations thrown away for nothing. Anyway, she will not be sitting back baking cookies until 2012. Expect her to be playing her cards ripe for the picking. If Obama fails in his term, she will proclaim "That never would have happened under my watch." Or if McCain wins, she will proclaim, "If I had won the nomination, I would have been President." (Though, many I've talked to and several sources have indicated that people would be more inclined to vote for McCain or just sit it out than vote for her.)

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Perhaps, however, racial issues DO need to be addressed.

The more tolerant we become of each other, we unite, not divide.

It's been an "us and them" thing for far too long.

Well, yes they need to be addressed, but in what way? The progress over the last 50 years looks like we are going in the right direction. I don't think now is the time to make it such an issue again.

If you remind people of the problem, then it is going stay a problem. Racism is one of those things that just needs to slowly phase out, and that it what is happening.

Nothing is going to unite America. That's a false idea. People from a culture are naturally going to gravitate towards their own culture. It's what they feel comfortable with, and it is a preference.

But back to the topic: Obama's wife.

She obviously has a racial agenda. Let's move forwards instead of backwards.

If they want to highlight the racial stuff during his first term, then he will only have a first term.

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I don't see Obama picking her for the VP slot, eventhough every Hillaryite out there is screaming for it because they can't bare to see all their precious donations thrown away for nothing. Anyway, she will not be sitting back baking cookies until 2012. Expect her to be playing her cards ripe for the picking. If Obama fails in his term, she will proclaim "That never would have happened under my watch." Or if McCain wins, she will proclaim, "If I had won the nomination, I would have been President." (Though, many I've talked to and several sources have indicated that people would be more inclined to vote for McCain or just sit it out than vote for her.)

Hey, we were talking about Obama's wife.

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"they" B)

No need to highlight, the public does a fine job of that itself.

We are multi racial, all of us. It may not show in our skin tones but we are all mixed one way or the other. To me, it's just evolution of our country. We are supposed to be UNITED. Cultures pass their beliefs down to their children. I guess I'm saying what needs to be addressed is tolerance and acceptance of humans as humans.

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Well, we've had 8 years of "No Experience Necessary", and I don't think anyone could do worse.

Well most people think an unexperienced Bush fucked up this country without a worth while thought going through his head. Now you got a guy who has a plan to fuck up this country. A retard could get into a car accident, but it makes you wonder how a educated man can still get into the same accident. He may get alot of things done, but it won't be the things that people care about like gas prices, taxes, and housing. Because forcing a non existing alternative energy source on to America (good by all those GM jobs)does not help, raising taxes never helps the economy, and bailing out the retards who watched too many TLC shows and tried to flip four house when they could barley pay their own, will not help either. Remember Hitler had a plan. but it would be hard to argue against a man with 5 years of governorship versus a man with 3 1/2 years of senator. Who ever wins, will be the first president who wasn't a governor or a vice president since JFK and he won a second term as senator. So trying to find a non military,non governor,non VP with less than 4 years of national politics, will be hard to find.

So if Bush was inexperience as a national leader, I'm not ever sure if obama can run his own church.

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Seems like you blame Hillary for her husband's fooling around? That makes no sense to me. So you would rather have this racist Obama in there? WTF? Hillary kicked his ass in PR and she can claim the popular vote and the states that are "battleground states". So she should play this out til the bloody end.

that is insulting for her to say, considering she bitched about "every vote counting" in the Michigan/Florida debate...

and yet, when she makes the statement about having the lead in the popular vote... she includes every single vote... except the caucuses, which she feels does not represent the will people

caucuses count as a vote too hill, it just happens to be Barack does better in them...

besides, hill wont be the VP... it would be impossible for either of them, to be the other's VP, after the way they spent 17 months murdering each other in these primaries...

your Dem's VP...? Kathleen Sebelius: the Governor of Kansas

her appeal as a Dem governor in a traditionaly "red state" can balance out the Dems ticket

they need that balance... not two northeastern (NY and Illinois) dems on the ticket

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why not! see you there! B)

but, in context with the enite country, Chicago is closer to the northeast in ways geographically and politically... Illinois votes blue traditionaly, unlike the rest of the red midwest

hence, the balance thing I seem to believe

but hey... up here in "the other NY" things are different!

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your Dem's VP...? Kathleen Sebelius: the Governor of Kansas

her appeal as a Dem governor in a traditionaly "red state" can balance out the Dems ticket

they need that balance... not two northeastern (NY and Illinois) dems on the ticket

I missed that day in G.O.P. school in which they discuss anti Kathleen Sebelius. So I'm not inform on her, but if Mr. Obama does pick her, i don't think the G.O.P. have a vice president to combat her, except Bobby jindal ( Obama with balls) but Kathy,Bobby, and Barraky both suffer from the dreaded inexperience virus. Still if it's her on the ticket, i would put my money on Obama, unless she is more of a left winger than Obama. ( i doubt)

If Colon Powell was a few years younger, this race would of been over, but i think all the participates will be wishing a four year swing. McCain wishes he was four years younger and Obama wishes he had more than 4 years of experience.

I like Timmy the gov. from minnesota as McCain VP, but the guy from FLA will be the smartest guy on economics since reagan.

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about that inexperienced virus: it will be a main theme of the Obama campaign that the past administration had years and years of experience with Rummy, Cheney, Rove (bush doesnt count, since he was a puppet for the aforementioned) and others in that administration... and look at the mess(Iraq, the economy and so on...) they got us into... along with the deception, corruption, and scandle that was present

im not saying inexperience is a good thing, but that argument about experience not always being a good thing, should mean something

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I missed that day in G.O.P. school in which they discuss anti Kathleen Sebelius. So I'm not inform on her, but if Mr. Obama does pick her, i don't think the G.O.P. have a vice president to combat her, except Bobby jindal ( Obama with balls) but Kathy,Bobby, and Barraky both suffer from the dreaded inexperience virus. Still if it's her on the ticket, i would put my money on Obama, unless she is more of a left winger than Obama. ( i doubt)

If Colon Powell was a few years younger, this race would of been over, but i think all the participates will be wishing a four year swing. McCain wishes he was four years younger and Obama wishes he had more than 4 years of experience.

There surely aren't alot of solid options for VPs on either side of the fence.

but the guy from FLA will be the smartest guy on economics since reagan.


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