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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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the presumptive dem party nominee and next President

of the United States just gave a great victory speech. :thumbsup:

Obama's speech was as fresh, uplifting and inspiring

as John McSame's was dry, stale, and utterly boring.

Congratulations to Barack Obama! :beer:

On with the general election!


Thank God my party got it right. Now let's hope they get it right in 5 months.

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There surely aren't alot of solid options for VPs on either side of the fence.


No, the guy from FLA, Charlie Crist, is really good with the economics. I think they're are better VP candidates than POTUS candidate. I'm voting who ever the McCain throws up there as VP, not McCain himself. Because McCain should have a (D) after his name. I don't think if McCain wins, he'll be running again in 2012, i think after 4 years, he will be done, so a Good conservative VP is a must. and this does play into Hillary hands of derailing the Obama train, so she can get a shot in 2012. Still normally you usually get these dimwits as VP but i think Dick Chenny changed that, so a VP is much more important now that the days of Quayle and Gore.

but to shorten up my point, i believe we will have a new president in 2012, even if obama wins, because if America is better in 4 years, he will still be far left and we will be getting back to those moral questions like abortions and gay marriages in which i think the G.O.P. has the upper hand, but Clinton did proved a Dem can stay in with things going good, but Bob Dole was not the answer at that moment, but at the same time, things were going down the crapper in 2000 and Bush beat Gore. but that election was about moral issues and the candidates personality, so was 2004.

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Well the Dem convention is first, so most likely Obama will be picking his VP first, so McCain can counteract any sort of pick. Unless McCain has a great VP to start (Timmy) he would just wait so his VP pick can knock some points over the obama lead that he will get now and add when he makes his pick. If Kathy is his pick, i think you can get away with Bobby and still attack on the inexperience issue. Bobby Jindal is the superstar, as i said, Obama with balls. In fact bobby has attack Bush as much as obama, but bobby had offered true instances of disagreement and ways of fixing it.

The best VP obama can pick is a former military man who have been a Governor of a repub state for at least a full term.

The best VP McCain can pick is a younger Colol Powell or an older Bobby Jindal. or a true, young, well spoken Conservative from a Dem state.

but both don't exist as is the case with a perfect POTUS nom.

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First I'd like to say.... Yea!!!!!!!! :cheer: OBAMA 08!! :cheer:

Now on to the "Why'd he" tape.....(not whitey) I am looking forward to seeing if this tape is released today. And I am wondering if she said "Why'd he"...... and refering to Bush's failings. That has been reported too.

It will be short lived once people learn it's not what she's saying. But if she is with Louis F. then I'm sure the fear mongers are just banking on that being enough of an arguement once the whitey lie is exposed that she is really saying "why'd he".

Just google it... it's all out there. Both sides.

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It's hard to believe the dems look like they could blow what should be an easy win. I think they needed to put up someone with at least some experience running something. :shakes head:

Hillary would be a poor choice for veep, two negatives don't add up to a positive, they add up to a bigger negative.

Nobama needs a better campaign strategy than "McCain will be bush 3". It's a loser. That mostly appeals to people who will already be voting dem anyhow, it helps McCain with people who voted for Bush and don't think McCain is conservative enough. I've heard this from some people already.

BO's new and inexperienced, he will learn I suppose.


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Now on to the "Why'd he" tape.....(not whitey) I am looking forward to seeing if this tape is released today. And I am wondering if she said "Why'd he"...... and refering to Bush's failings. That has been reported too.

It will be short lived once people learn it's not what she's saying. But if she is with Louis F. then I'm sure the fear mongers are just banking on that being enough of an arguement once the whitey lie is exposed that she is really saying "why'd he".

Just google it... it's all out there. Both sides.

what are you talking about?


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I think history will repeat itself and some idiot will try to kill Obama (look at Kennedy, Kennedy's brother, Bobby, MLK, Malcolm X and a few others like Lincoln's assassination and the attempt on Reagan). If Hillary, is the VP, then she'll be come Prez. If that happens, look out. There's still time for Bush declare Martial Law and stay in power (before the election in November), so be forewarned.

R B)

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I think history will repeat itself and some idiot will try to kill Obama (look at Kennedy, Kennedy's brother, Bobby, MLK, Malcolm X and a few others like Lincoln's assassination and the attempt on Reagan).

I hope you are wrong but fear you are correct about this. I'm sure the secret service is keeping this in mind, but they can only do so much.

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what are you talking about?


Bong Man and PB and I think Drunk had mentioned a page or two back about Michelle Obama's "why'd he" comments that are going to be released... just read back a few, you'll see it. Some are trying to argue that she's saying whitey.

I probably should have quoted them to make it easier to follow.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Bong Man and PB and I think Drunk had mentioned a page or two back about Michelle Obama's "why'd he" comments that are going to be released... just read back a few, you'll see it. Some are trying to argue that she's saying whitey.

oh, ok thanks, I missed that. Is the tape out somewhere to be heard, or is it all opinions at this point? What's she supposed to have said? What context? I'll look later when I have time.

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oh, ok thanks, I missed that. Is the tape out somewhere to be heard, or is it all opinions at this point? What's she supposed to have said? What context? I'll look later when I have time.

I couldn't find the tape, just speculation as to what is in it.

Michelle says....

Why'd he cut folks off medicaid?

Why'd he let New Orleans drown?

Why'd he do nothing about Jena?

Why'd he put us in Iraq for no reason?

How Larry Johnson wants you to hear it:

Whitie cut folks off medicaid?

Whitie let New Orleans drown?

Whitie do nothing about Jena?

Whitie put us in Iraq for no reason?

Larry Johnson is a Hillary supporter.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Nobama needs a better campaign strategy than "McCain will be bush 3". It's a loser. That mostly appeals to people who will already be voting Dem anyhow, it helps McCain with people who voted for Bush and don't think McCain is conservative enough. I've heard this from some people already.

BO's new and inexperienced, he will learn I suppose.


Personally i think this is a great strategy reasons why.

1.If the economic situation improves. he can't fault bush policy for 6 years of growth

2. Since most people agree the Iraq war is a winning cause now, he can't point that we lost because of Bush policy, yes he can point that we were supposedly losing because of Bush policy, but the McCain led surge fix that.

3. He will say Bush policy has caused high gas prices, but the truth of how Bush tried to push forward drilling and refinery building, which will end all of this, and the fact Obama and envirowackos pushed for ethanol, which causes high food prices.

4.Obama will say that Bush policy has caused the housing crisis, but i like to see Obama convince the 90% of Americans who pay their bills, to pay for those who didn't read their loan agreement and overextended themselves on their home purchase.

5. raising taxes will not fix any problem that he has stated.

I do like how the Dem's will push that McCain is not conservative enough, so vote for the most liberal congressman out there. I think you can make a better case that Obama is more like Jesse Jackson than McCain is to Bush

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Obama's best VP choice would be Sen. Joe Biden, my original pick for the Democratic Nominee.

McCain has a few choices, but I think he's gonna hold back on making any decisions until he sees what Obama does first.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I hope you are wrong but fear you are correct about this. I'm sure the secret service is keeping this in mind, but they can only do so much.

Me too, but history usually repeats itself...

R B)

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Did you all notice/see the HUGE beefy security surrounded Obama after his speech?

He must have had at least five huge heffers watching over him. That is a good sign.

No one was guarding McCain, as far as I could see anyway. His laughable piddly audience trucked in from the nearest nursing home. :lol:

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I couldn't find the tape, just speculation as to what is in it.

Michelle says....

Why'd he cut folks off medicaid?

Why'd he let New Orleans drown?

Why'd he do nothing about Jena?

Why'd he put us in Iraq for no reason?

How Larry Johnson wants you to hear it:

Whitie cut folks off medicaid?

Whitie let New Orleans drown?

Whitie do nothing about Jena?

Whitie put us in Iraq for no reason?

Larry Johnson is a Hillary supporter.

How did they get "whitey" from "why'd he"? Jesus, some people are dumb.

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Did you all notice/see the HUGE beefy security surrounded Obama after his speech?

He must have had at least five huge heffers watching over him. That is a good sign.

No one was guarding McCain, as far as I could see anyway. His laughable piddly audience trucked in from the nearest nursing home. :lol:

Im sorry this is what a typical obama sopporter thinks that the worlds revovels around mr. obama. w

John McCain has refused secret service protection until recently, McCain had paid for his own bodyguards for the longest time. He didn't believe the taxpayers should be paying for his detail, when he had his own. The head of dept. of homeland security has forced McCain to accept the detail now and had provided obama with more protection because of his race, but obama had requested more protection and earlier than normal, and the belief around the media was because it made him look more presidential, because quoting Jay-Z and his racist pastor, did not make him look presidential.

Anyways, John McCain was an ex POW, I'm sure he can take care of himself, while I'm sure Michelle can take Barrack in an arm wrestling competition.

Still, barrack is willing the American taxpayers pay for his own protection, but he refuse to make hard decisions when protectiong this country.

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How did they get "whitey" from "why'd he"? Jesus, some people are dumb.

you do realize that was speculation from poster of what she said, not the actual comments that are being commented on. So calling people dumb based on speculation is not very smart either. anyways "Why'd he" and "Whitey" does sound close enough, since I'm sure living in Chicago for the last 20 years, she probably picked up some bad Chicago grammar like over by der

why'd he

why tey

the t and d are close enough sound, like C and K

you say tad and dad they same way but.

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