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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I see nobamas good buddy Rezko was found guilty in his corruption trial.

well thats good new for Obama, it means that he didn't rat him out, he still can spill his guts, the D.A. Patrick Fitzgerald( of the scooter libby cia leak case fame) was brought in to Chicago just to handle govt. corruption cases. the Daley war machine is dieing. a funny thing about it when the mayor ran for reelection. he usually have 500,000 signatures to be able to run when you only need 2,000, last time he only brought in something like 10,000. alot of the old guard is either dying, dying in office (blago the gov.) being voted out (Dorthy Tillman) or is helping obama run for president. too bad the G.O.P. wont give the ILL G.O.P. any money to put good candidates out there. I think thats why Obama has gotten a free pass so far for the G.O.P., because the Ill G.O.P. is unwilling to do the ground work or give up info. We may get help when the Gov. and obama senate seat is up in a few years. If you put up a quality candidate up against either spot, they should be able to get one or maybe both, but if they put up oberwies again, the nuts will be running the house again.

Still, Obama was involved, the owner of my mother restaurant was involved and people whom have the same last name as my grandmother was involved and to clarify, when my grandmothers brother died ( whom i never met), Mayor Daley showed up along with 12 car load of flowers from other people. so everybody in Chicago is connected in some way, but it is a matter of what obama did was legal or not, and it seems slimmy but legal. but the D.A. will go after anybody. repubs or Dem's. i won;t be surprise if our gov. now is in the slammer in the next five years along with our last Governor.

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Since you ignored that last tidbit, Let me remind you.....

The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the larger Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The five senators, Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), Donald W. Riegle (D-MI), were accused of improperly aiding Charles H. Keating, Jr., chairman of the failed Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, which was the target of an investigation by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.

McCain received $112,000 by 1987 from Keating and Keating's relatives and employees to McCain's Senate campaign, more than any of the other Senators.

In October 1989 The Arizona Republic reported that in addition to campaign contributions, McCain's wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators.

Lincoln Savings and Loan's collapse is said to have cost taxpayers $3.4 billion [4].

source: wiki(yeah not always reliable but please try to tell me these aren't the facts)

Edited by allthekingshorses
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^^hey anybody heard of Keating 5? Yeah, let's talk corrupt shall we... we all know where McCain's been as well.

that is absolute true, but your missing the point, if obama is not god, he can't win. He been running on this dream of him being a different type of politician. if he is not, America will vote for whomever is closer to the middle, which is McCain.

Im not sure who said it, but Obama has a great visoin for america, but what is his agenda. point to somebody who doesn't want war and bipartism politics, but the diffence is Obama will have a huge lead in the house and senate, so why would the most liberal caniddate, whom has no record of reaching across the asile, would do anything except past he liberal agenda. Hell if i only needed 15 senate repubs and and a handfull of house repubs to pass any bill, why would i do anything except follow party lines.

Yes America want Dem's, but i do believe most will rather have a repub in office with Dem led congress than having the Dem's, or repubs control everything. thats why in 2004 when bush won with the house and senate was such a great accomplishment. for a sitting president.

This may be Obama race to lose, but i think there is nothing obama can do to guarantee victory, but if McCain plan is bad, he will lose, no matter what obama does, if it is good, i think he can win even if obama is near the top of his game (both things really can't happen at the same time). what im saying, we know whom McCain is, so he can only go up, obama is not going to look any better, so he can only go down.

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Since you ignored that last tidbit, Let me remind you.....

I didn't ignore this, I brought it up months ago on this very thread. :D

from your source:


After months of testimony revealed that all five senators acted improperly to differing degrees, the senators maintained they were following the status quo of campaign funding practices. In August 1991, the committee concluded that Cranston's, DeConcini's, and Riegle's conduct constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB's enforcement efforts and that they had interfered at the behest of Charles Keating. The Ethics Committee concluded that Glenn's and McCain's involvement in the scheme was minimal.[5] The committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for "questionable conduct."

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are you telling me being involved in a scandal that cost tax payers over 3 billion dollars is minimal??? Ha!

I'm not telling you anything, I'm quoting your source.

"Bennett, who was the special investigator during the Keating Five scandal that The Times revisited in the article, said that he fully investigated McCain back then and suggested to the Senate Ethics Committee to not pursue charges against McCain because of "no evidence against him.""

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I think history will repeat itself and some idiot will try to kill Obama (look at Kennedy, Kennedy's brother, Bobby, MLK, Malcolm X and a few others like Lincoln's assassination and the attempt on Reagan). If Hillary, is the VP, then she'll be come Prez. If that happens, look out. There's still time for Bush declare Martial Law and stay in power (before the election in November), so be forewarned.

R B)

Don't worry muh man ain't happenin :rolleyes:

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Well I hope nobody shoots Mr. Obama, because i still get pissed when some people thinks shooting bush is a good idea. There is no way bush is going to extend his presidency, unless the red army parks their tanks on the beaches of Cali. even if 9/11 2 happens, he won't be serving no longer than Jan 20th. I'm pretty sure he wont be as sad as Clinton was when he left.

But if the red, purple, yellow, whatever color army attacks America soil, not terrorist, an actual nation, I would think Bush would be forgiven to extend his presidency a month, so the transition does not cost American lives. If it's McCain, maybe he won't do it since McCain won't be trying to push everybody out the door so quickly, I would assume Ms. Rice would stay in as Sec. of State when McCain takes over and i would think it would be good for Obama to let her stay.

So I'm guess what I'm saying, if some country attacks America, the response should be the same whomever is president, so taking risks because of transition is not the best thing for America. If terrorist attacks, thats the presidents elect call. So if WWIII breaks out on Jan. 15th. Obama and his supporters should not mind waiting a month, but he should be inform and be part of the decision on any attacks outside of the U.S.

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So I'm guess what I'm saying, if some country attacks America, the response should be the same whomever is president,

Except this time around, we should go after and only go after those responsible for said attack(s). Not some personal agenda of a select few.

And I don't want Bush murdered either. No American President should be removed from office that way. The proper thing would be to impeach him, and try him, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove and Tenet for war crimes and deception against the People of the United States of America.

I feel our Founding Fathers would expect nothing less from the People.

(And Colin Powell should get a pardon. His credibility has been the biggest casuality of the Iraq War.)

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I'm not telling you anything, I'm quoting your source.

"Bennett, who was the special investigator during the Keating Five scandal that The Times revisited in the article, said that he fully investigated McCain back then and suggested to the Senate Ethics Committee to not pursue charges against McCain because of "no evidence against him.""

As you are posting... yes you are telling me.

I understand how it ends, but just because politicians get out of situations doesn't mean there wasn't anything there. I mean really. Just to be fair...

"Gray testified that several U.S. senators had approached him and requested that he ease off on the Lincoln investigation. It came out that these senators had been beneficiaries of $300,000 (collective total) in campaign contributions from Keating. McCain received $112,000 by 1987 from Keating and Keating's relatives and employees to McCain's Senate campaign, more than any of the other Senators. [1] In September 1987 National Thrift News was the first media outlet to break the story.[2] In October 1989 The Arizona Republic reported that in addition to campaign contributions, McCain's wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. The paper also reported that the McCains, sometimes accompanied by their daughter and baby-sitter, had made at least nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard the American Continental Corporation (parent of Lincoln) jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating's opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain also did not pay Keating for some of the trips until years after they were taken, after he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln. [3] Lincoln Savings and Loan's collapse is said to have cost taxpayers $3.4 billion [4]. ....

The committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for "questionable conduct." "

I think they worked their way around what happened. Politicians have a way of doing that. McCain co-wrote McCain/Feingold to pay back his Karmic debt. :P

source: wiki

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Hillary is dropping out. Just heard/saw it on CNN.



After pressure from Democrats urging her to leave the race, she will endorse Obama on Saturday at a rally that is designed to re-unite the party.

Interesting article about Obama (gives some insights into his nature as well as his position on several important issues):


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After pressure from Democrats urging her to leave the race, she will endorse Obama on Saturday at a rally that is designed to re-unite the party.

Interesting article about Obama (gives some insights into his nature as well as his position on several important issues):


Very good article.

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Biliary is not dropping out, she is suspending her campaign. That means her delegates are still going to be her delegates. Does this mean she still can win, no. but if Mr. Obama woke up one day and realized he feels he does not want to be president, Nominating Hilrod would be easier than Edwards because she would have the most delegates under her control. I think Edwards dropped out and his won delegates are free to chose obama.

What does this mean. nothing really. she is still able to collect money she could still have a convention fight, but Obama will probably go into hiding until then, so she wouldn't have any ammo.

I'm upset she is not completely quiting. because if she did, she would be free to run as an independent and that would be such a fuck you to obama, that he'll probably sue her for being a bitch and win. Can you just imagine the look on obama face when somebody tells him hillrod is running as a independent. probably the same look on any conservative face if McCain picks Joe Lieberman for VP.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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RCP Average 05/21 - 06/03 --

BHO 46.7 JM 44.5 Obama +2.2

CBS News 05/30 - 06/03 930 RV

BHO 48 JM 42 Obama +6.0

Gallup Tracking 05/29 - 06/03 4412 RV

BHO 45 JM 46 McCain +1.0

Rasmussen Tracking 05/31 - 06/03 1600 LV

BHO47 JM 45 Obama +2.0

USA Today/Gallup 05/30 - 06/01 803 RV

BHO 47 JM 44 Obama +3.0

Pew Research 05/21 - 05/25 1242 RV

BHO 47 JM 44 Obama +3.0

Newsweek 05/21 - 05/22 1205 RV

BHO46 JM 46 Tie


So this is the realclearpolitics site in which they take the avg of most of the major polls and list them. They have BHO with a 2.2 percentage lead over JM. Every commentator has said Obama will get a bump when Hillary leaves and when he picks his VP. McCain will get the same bump when he picks his.

so really the question is, how far can Obama can get ahead. McCain wants town hall meetings which will lessen the obama bump due to the fact obama will be in the news and McCain is a better town hall debater than obama, but will probably tie in a regular debate. McCain maybe slightly better, but Obama is not nearly as good as a debater as a speaker, and the media will jump on that.

I believe George dukakis had a 17% lead over George. H.W. Bush and lost and i would at least assume 5% of the people will say they vote obama, but won't because of racism. What does this all mean. nothing because the election will be decided by 10 swing states. which includes FLA,MI,OH,PA. all of which obama lost to Hillary.

I don't belive this election will be close, but im not sure who will win and we may not know until that night where i do belive we will know early.

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This is going to be the best Election the US has had in decades!

I mean talk about two brilliant candidates...Obama and McCain...which ever guy you vote in you can't lose...

Such a relief to see an election like this after 8 years of blundering embarrassments and poor administration.

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This is going to be the best Election the US has had in decades!

I mean talk about two brilliant candidates...Obama and McCain...which ever guy you vote in you can't lose...

Such a relief to see an election like this after 8 years of blundering embarrassments and poor administration.

you ain't seen nothin yet because the next prez will be the worst in the history of our nation

whom ever it is.

Not God Bless America!

God Help America!

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