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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Was he wearing on, or under, his robes?

You "do believe it's racist", and.. you bought one anyway? :blink:

And you proudly assert your right to.. burn crosses? :huh:

If anyone had any doubts, your monkey/cross burning

post has probably pretty well eliminated those doubts.


His "H.N.I.C. of John the Tabby Cat" under his avatar clued me in a long time ago to his racial insensitivity. You know what HNIC means, right?

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Welcome to 1955, Hermit. Since I need to feel superior and have no actual qualities that make me so, I can always count on the whiteness of my skin. Therefore, I need to be highly invested in racism, or I will lose my superiority (which I never had to begin with). Where the hell have you been?

Don't buy into the republican (racism-based) spin, Suz.

They want you think it's 1955 (again), because that'd make McCain

only 71 years old this year rather than the 124 years old that he is. :P



[McCain supporters,.. save your "that's age discrimination!" breath. In sarcastically saying "I admire and respect Senator Obama. For a young man with very little experience, he’s done very well" during a town hall meeting, John McCain has made age.. his own.. fair game in this campaign. *source* ;) ]

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His "H.N.I.C. of John the Tabby Cat" under his avatar clued me in a long time ago to his racial insensitivity. You know what HNIC means, right?

Head Noob In Charge

but "Lean on Me" is one of my most favorite movies.

I also have said on this forum that i would admit im somewhat racist, (I always had upmost respect for people when i meet them) but i do find all types of racial humor funny. When i was in school, i always teamed up these two black guys and for 8 hours a day, we would be throwing around all types of names and jokes. All of the people i surrond myself, are good people. Yes, i have heard all the nword jokes a million times, but they also don't go on tv and say that a certain race has been raped by U.S.A. or that U.S.A. is the greatest sin against god. But if i were to clarify my racism, it would be the sterotypical raciism. My step father was a ilegal border jumping mexicain. I considered him my 2nd father, but it doesent stop me from not liking the rest of ilegeal who comit crimes. I may not like the blacks on welfare, but i do not like whitetrash either. I guess i hold american citzens to a higher standard.

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My step father was a ilegal border jumping mexicain. I considered him my 2nd father, but it doesent stop me from not liking the rest of ilegeal who comit crimes. I may not like the blacks on welfare, but i do not like whitetrash either. I guess i hold american citzens to a higher standard.

You don't like "ilegal border jumping mexicains".. [did you mean MexiCains?].. except those that happen to be in your family. I take it the moral relativity (pun) of your bigotry escapes you entirely. :rolleyes:

Has it ever occurred to you that being an equal opportunity hater of both "blacks on welfare" and "white trash" is really nothing to be proud of, Pipeboy? And how do you explain (rationalize, justify) your race-based (bigoted) hatred for Barack Obama.. who is neither a black on welfare nor white trash nor an illegal border jumping MexiCain? :whistling:

Btw, I can't help but chuckle [laugh, actually] at your claim that you "hold american citizens to a higher standard" in light of the fact that when it comes to your spelling and grammar your standards are.. well.. rather low. Oh, the irony! :lol:

a McCain campaign ad directed at.. MexiCains?



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Why on earth would anyone admit to being racist, even "somewhat"? That's not something I would tell people if that were me. Thankfully I was raised better than that so it'll never be me.

Tell me, Electrophile... do you think the following joke is funny on any level?

A zebra was confused. He wasn't sure if he was white with black stripes or black with white stripes. So he went to his friend the Lion and said "hey Lion, do you know if I'm white with black stripes or black with white stripes?" The Lion said "I don't know. But God would know. Why don't you go ask him?" So the Zebra did just that. Later he went back to the Lion. "So, I asked God," said the Zebra. "And what did He say?" asked the Lion. "He said, 'you are what you are,'" responded the Zebra. "Then you are white with black stripes," said the Lion. "How do you know?" asked the Zebra. "Because if you were black with white stripes, God would have said 'you is what you is.'"

And you can be honest. It's not like anybody here knows where you live. ;)

I ask simply because I know tons of white people who claim they aren't racist on any level. So I tell them that joke. Usually the indicator of the truth behind their statement is whether or not they find the joke funny. And about 95% of those who claim they aren't racist find the joke funny...

I used to say I wasn't racist, either. So a black friend told me that joke and I laughed. He told me it proves I am a little racist. We're still friends, by the way.

Personally, I think every single person in every race is just a little bit racist against other races. Why? Because we belong to our own race.

Okay... back to the regularly scheduled topic.

Edited by Nathan
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Head Noob In Charge

but "Lean on Me" is one of my most favorite movies.

I also have said on this forum that i would admit im somewhat racist, (I always had upmost respect for people when i meet them) but i do find all types of racial humor funny. When i was in school, i always teamed up these two black guys and for 8 hours a day, we would be throwing around all types of names and jokes. All of the people i surrond myself, are good people. Yes, i have heard all the nword jokes a million times, but they also don't go on tv and say that a certain race has been raped by U.S.A. or that U.S.A. is the greatest sin against god. But if i were to clarify my racism, it would be the sterotypical raciism. My step father was a ilegal border jumping mexicain. I considered him my 2nd father, but it doesent stop me from not liking the rest of ilegeal who comit crimes. I may not like the blacks on welfare, but i do not like whitetrash either. I guess i hold american citzens to a higher standard.

Laughing at racist jokes doesn't make you racist...
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Tell me, Electrophile... do you think the following joke is funny on any level?

Nope. And I showed that joke to 5 other people, people who find a lot more things funny than I do, and they didn't think it was funny either. The common replies were "stupid", "lame" and "George Carlin wouldn't tell that joke".

So if Carlin wouldn't tell it, it's not funny.

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I have to disagree with you Nathan. It's not racist to laugh at those jokes. Stereotypes can be funny. I laugh at jokes pointed towards myself, being a white male, all the time. I'm not racist against white people am I? Not even a little bit. Stereotypes are simply funny sometimes

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Why on earth would anyone admit to being racist, even "somewhat"? That's not something I would tell people if that were me. Thankfully I was raised better than that so it'll never be me.

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem...

I mean, if you're proud of it, then I agree that's pretty messed up, but it's always better to address a problem than to ignore it in my opinion.

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I have to disagree with you Nathan. It's not racist to laugh at those jokes. Stereotypes can be funny. I laugh at jokes pointed towards myself, being a white male, all the time. I'm not racist against white people am I? Not even a little bit. Stereotypes are simply funny sometimes

i agree with you...im polish and i've heard the best polish jokes around the thanksgiving table!!!

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Why on earth would anyone admit to being racist, even "somewhat"? That's not something I would tell people if that were me. Thankfully I was raised better than that so it'll never be me.

So you were raised not to be truthful to yourself. To be able to look in a mirror and be able to say Im not perfect, but it's the best i can be. Isn't that the real problem with america, is that everbody seems entitled, by pretending to be some else

Laughing at racist jokes doesn't make you racist...

Well no, it doesn't make me a racist, and the fact im freinds with alot of black guys, I golf with one, my girlfreind dated one, (Most guys who thinks she dirty becasue of it), makes unracist, but i know who i am. I don't pretend to be perfect. I live on the same block with two black guys, one owns a resturant, who has kids, and i go golfing with. I don't think he is no diffent from me. Well the other one, speeds up and down the street, blasting his subs at 3am at night, his yard looks like shit. He sits on the porch drining 40oz and smokin weed, in front of all his kids. So when I wake up at 3am becasue i hear his subs going, Im calling him every name in the book. Me and the other black guy have talked to him before and he still pulls his shit. Im just waiting for him to speed down the street with kids outside and will throw a wrench through his window, like i did before with other assholes.

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You don't like "ilegal border jumping mexicains".. [did you mean MexiCains?].. except those that happen to be in your family. I take it the moral relativity (pun) of your bigotry escapes you entirely. :rolleyes:

I would have a problem if they just came here to exploit america. but they all got jobs, and they all have gained citizenship. The only one who hasn't, is my step father, who has a permant resident visa, (he still owns land in mexico and they will look down on him if he was american)

Has it ever occurred to you that being an equal opportunity hater of both "blacks on welfare" and "white trash" is really nothing to be proud of, Pipeboy? And how do you explain (rationalize, justify) your race-based (bigoted) hatred for Barack Obama.. who is neither a black on welfare nor white trash nor an illegal border jumping MexiCain? :whistling:

Show me the quote when i said i don't like obama becaue he is black

Btw, I can't help but chuckle [laugh, actually] at your claim that you "hold american citizens to a higher standard" in light of the fact that when it comes to your spelling and grammar your standards are.. well.. rather low. Oh, the irony! :lol:

Hermit, my offer stil stands.

still, what is the differnce from me not liking the assholes of the earth, and you hating all republicians, me, and john mcCain f(or being old). I guess sexism and Age discrimnation is allowed as long there are people playing the race card and race baiting, as you do so well. I guess the countless jokes about McCain blad spot or Hilrod PMS is alright, as long as somebody cracks a watermelon joke.

Sure, we don't have a problem with the "Iron my shirts" tshirts, because we question the people who think this country is the greatest sin against god.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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You know, I can't say that I either like or trust either candidate. Is there a lesser of the two evils?

Can we just vote "none of the above"? <_<

I wish that not voting for either could count as something other than simply not speaking.

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You know, I can't say that I either like or trust either candidate. Is there a lesser of the two evils?

Can we just vote "none of the above"? <_<

I wish that not voting for either could count as something other than simply not speaking.

I've been saying this the last 10 elections :angry:

Can't we do any better?

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This might be McCain VP pick

Gov. of Alaska Sarah Palin

Really? :blink: I know that face! It would be kind of cool to know my state's Governor is Vice President...but I'll always be on the O-Train. B)

I think she's a little under-qualified experience-wise. She's only been Governor a year and a half. Though I have no idea what the norm is when it comes to VP experience. She has done a good job here so far, I want her to stay right where she is. :P

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Poll: Obama Sweeps McCain In Swing States For First Time

June 18, 2008

With strong support from women, blacks and younger voters, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the apparent Democratic presidential contender, leads Arizona Sen. John McCain, expected to be the Republican candidate, among likely voters in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to simultaneous Quinnipiac University Swing State polls released today.

This is the first time Sen. Obama has led in all three states. No one has been elected President since 1960 without taking two of these three largest swing states in the Electoral College. Results from the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University polls show:


Obama 47%

McCain 43%


Obama 48%

McCain 42%


Obama 52%

McCain 40 %

In the three states, Obama leads McCain 10 to 23 percentage points among women, while men are too close to call. The Democrat trails among white voters in Florida and Ohio, but gets more than 90 percent of black voters in each state. Obama also has double-digit leads among young voters in each state.

*source: quinnipiac.edu*


Sweeeeeep! :thumbsup:



The O-Train is picking up speed. B)



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I thought the other one was better Uncle. The one were groups of people say they are voting repub for absurd reasons. Here's my take.

I'm voting Democrat because,

A Mother can choose to abort her baby, even if it's half way out.

A man and a 12 year old boy should be able to have sex together.

No one should have to work if they don't want to.

Burning the flag should be a daily ritual.

We should make rules that helps 15% of a population, but hurt the other 85%.

The government knows how to spend my money, better than i can.

We should pay 5$ a gal of gas, so elk won't bang their heads off of the pipelines.

We should not be able to drill 50 miles offshore, even though you have to be in a 8mile high building to see it from shore.

Guns are bad

We should arrest white people only now, because there are too many minorities in prison.

The troops only kill innocent babies

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