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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Ol Kermit, if Obama has such a comfortable lead why does he feel that he has to keep changing his positions to more conservative each day now?? Why is he so afraid of his leftist background? A short answer will suffice, you so not have to go back to your cave for the answer.

You whine and whine about me "avoiding" the (Obama flip-flop) points you raised..

You beg and beg for me to respond to the (Obama flip-flop) points you raised..

And yet when I do.. point by friggin point.. you don't even so much as comment on it. :rolleyes:

You're a waste of time, P-Zero.




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I appreciate you acknowledging where you were wrong, Pb. Kudos to you. :beer:

Chances are that our friend Planet-Zero won't be big enough to do the same.

For the record,.. I didn't personally "claim" anything; I merely posted an article that reported on the Wash Post/ABC poll that showed Obama with a 50%-42% lead over McCain (ie, an 8% lead), and the title of the article announced Obama to have an 8% lead over McCain. The Obama 8% lead "claim".. made by the author of the article, not by me,.. was in fact a true claim.. was a factual claim.. was an accurate claim.. based on the actual Wash Post/ABC poll results.

For the record 2,.. I went out of my way to include the Real Clear Politics numbers which included the results of several polls, including a few that showed Obama with a 3% lead, one poll that showed he and McCain to be tied, and a couple that showed Obama with a 7% and 9% lead respectively. The overall RCP (realclearpolitics) average of all the polls showed Obama with a 4.8% lead. In other words, my posting of poll results was fair and balanced.

For the record 3.. a lead of 4-8% on a national level can be indicative of a huge lead. According to Chuck Todd (a reputable pollster and poll analyzer) at MSNBC, a 3% lead translates to a close general election race (for perspective: GWB won by 3% in 2004); 4% indicates a comfortable win; and 5% and above translates to a big victory. In that regard, the polls showing Obama with an average lead of 4.8% is very good news for Obama.





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Obama changes information on his website:


Obama's website has new content

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama's aides have removed criticism of President Bush's increase of troops to Iraq from the campaign website (www.barackobama.com/issues/iraq), part of an effort to update his written war plan to reflect changing conditions, his campaign spokeswoman said.

After Bush announced his "surge" plan on Jan. 10, 2007, Obama argued it could make the situation worse by taking pressure off Iraqis to find a political solution to the fighting. By the early part of this year, though, Obama was acknowledging that it had improved security and reduced violence, but he has stuck by his opposition to the move.

As first reported Tuesday by the New York Daily News, Obama's campaign removed a reference to the surge as part of "The Problem" section on the part of his website devoted to laying out his plan for Iraq. The change was part of many broader changes that Obama spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said were made to reflect current conditions.

Also new: A description of Obama's plan as "a responsible, phased withdrawal" that will be directed by military commanders and done in consultation with the Iraqis. Previously, the site had a sentence, since removed, that flatly said, "Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq."

Morigi said his plan hasn't changed, but they wanted to expand the description.


Just remember folks he's not being hypocritical or flip flopping but 'open minded', 'moderate', and 'progressive'.. :rolleyes:

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Okay then, so if Obama does it it's called flip-flopping, but what do you call it when McCain does it? Be consistent.

I'm not defending McCain at all, I'm just sick of the free pass that BO seems to get because of the Obama propaganda/spin machine that has infected the media. Just hoping that the press becomes more critical.

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I'm not defending McCain at all, I'm just sick of the free pass that BO seems to get because of the Obama propaganda/spin machine that has infected the media. Just hoping that the press becomes more critical.

Look, I'm voting for the guy and even I don't like how some people tend to view him as a Jesus-figure come to rescue the United States. I don't view any politician in those terms and neither should anyone else.

That said, and I was just listening to this on the news last night, but John McCain made a joke about rape 22 years ago and as a result of all his verbal gaffes he's made lately, news of this joke is starting to come around again. A spokesperson for the McCain campaign said these "jokes" and "mistakes" were part of what made McCain "authentic"

to the American people. Not that he regretted making the joke or that he would never make that joke, but that it makes him "authentic". Outside of MSNBC which has a definite liberal slant, I've not seen one reputable news source on TV discussing this. I'd like to know why.

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Gosh, you mean that MSNBC has a liberal slant...................I never knew.

I don't think they are that liberal, the most liberal cable outlet yes.

But they really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want obama to win and they really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really ,really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hate Bush

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Gosh, you mean that MSNBC has a liberal slant...................I never knew.

:lol: Your lameness.. the two of you.. is almost as lame as McCain's. ..almost. :D

You can't rebut the facts I present.. so you merely laugh off the source as though that somehow negates the facts. LOL! I don't expect you to always (or perhaps even ever) respect my sources, of course,.. much like I wouldn't respect FOX Noise or Rush Limbaugh as your sources,.. but the source having an obvious slant doesn't necessarily mean the facts are bogus. I can recognize' facts' as opposed to 'opinion and bias' when I see it on Fox and hear it from Rush, but apparently you two dolts lack any semblance of a discerning thought process. While you're rather adept at discriminating against minorities, apparently you lack any ability to discriminate facts from biases. :rolleyes:

Regardless of what you think about MSNBC.. and regardless of the candidates involved.. it is a FACT that a 3% margin of victory in a general election is indicative of a very close race. George Bush beat John Kerry by 3%.. in a very close race. See? A victory by a margin of 4% is a comfortable victory; a 5% margin of victory is indicative of a very-comfortable victory; a 6% margin of victory is pretty much a hands-down victory; and an 8% margin of victory is a total blowout. That is not opinion; that is not bias; it doesn't matter who the candidates are.. those are general election FACTS.

Its also a FACT that.. according to realclearpolitics.com.. averaging of the 8 largest national polls.. Obama leads McCain.. *as of TODAY* .. by 4.1% (ie, a general election comfortable margin of victory).

Here's the realclearpolitics data broken down poll-by-poll:

RCP Average..............45.9-41.8; Obama +4.1 (Obama comfortable victory)

Gallup Tracking...........45-44; Obama +1.0 (virtual tie)

Rasmussen Tracking....47-46; Obama +1.0 (virtual tie)

ABC News/Wash Post...49-46; Obama +3.0 (Obama closely contested victory)

IBD/TIPP....................40-37; Obama +3.0 (Obama closely contested victory)

Newsweek..................44-41; Obama +3.0 (Obama closely contested victory)

CBS News/NY Times....45-39; Obama +6.0 (Obama hands-down victory)

Reuters/Zogby............47-40; Obama +7.0 (Obama run away victory)

Quinnipiac..................50-41; Obamaa +9.0 (Obama total wipeout of McCain)

I'm sure it's as apparent to you nutjobs as it is to me that Obama leads in 8 out

of 8 major national polls (SWEEEEP!); and McCain leads in ZERO out of 8 major national polls.

[and lets not forget that when Pb cited realclearpolitics.com as a poll source, P-diddle said "Pb derigable's poll's have come from more reliable sources then yours". Notwithstanding the fact my source was also realclearpolitics.com [Doh! :hysterical:].. at least we've established that P-diddle considers realclearpolitics.com.. you know, the source that shows McCain ahead in ZERO of EIGHT major national polls.. a reliable poll source. B) ]

Gawd,.. this is so ferking easy! :D

Is there nobody to present a more challenging debate than these two clowns? :P

Are you ready to start campoiagning for Hillary again, P-diddle? :lol:

[No matter.. you were wrong then and you are wrong now. ;) ]


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O'l kermits post's are just way too:


I guess he feels that if he makes them long enough he may impress someone. LOL

Says the guy with the attention span of a gnat. :P



anyway.. I think I'll take this opportunity to dispel another

of your favorite intellectually vapid talking points, P-dribble. ;)

Despite my enthusiastic support for Obama, I have NEVER claimed him to be a perfect candidate or perfect human being; I have NEVER claimed that i believe him to a miracle worker or a political messiah. I have said many times (through the primaries anyway) that I am aware that he has his flaws and shortcomings (which I have cited in the past; you can go back in the thread and find them for yourself.. if you're interested). I have consistently maintained my position that despite his flaws and shortcomings, imho Obama is a FAR BETTER candidate than John McCain. I think John McCain represents nothing but 'More Of The Same' disastrously failed Bush policies, and I know that Obama would implement policies that are more in line with my personal values and principles; and I think he'd be far better for America and the world at large because of the policies that he would advocate and implement. I think Barack Obama is a real leader and John McCain.. although he served admirably as a prisoner in Vietnam.. is a mere follower.. a total poser.. someone who has already risen far beyond the level that his incompetence would suggest he should have risen (*cough*family name and family connections*cough*).

*John McCain: "I graduated fifth from the

bottom of my class" (at the Naval Academy)*

It's true. McCain graduated 894th out of 899 midshipmen at the US Naval Academy.

FYI.. that means he graduated in the bottom .55% of his class. A real brainiac this guy, eh? :rolleyes:

Barack Obama, however, graduated from Columbia University (where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations, btw) and Harvard Law School (where he was selected as an editor of the law review based on his grades and a writing competition; and in his second year he was elected president of the law review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors. Obama was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard. [source: wikip]

After 8 years of GWB, haven't we had enough of a doofus serving in the WH? :rolleyes:

Isn't it high time we elect a POTUS with creme de la creme intelligence? B)

Anyway.. my point being: I never said I think Obama is a messiah.

Superhero.. yes,.. but messiah, no. :P:D




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John McCain.. although he served admirably as a prisoner in Vietnam.. is a mere follower.. a total poser.. someone who has already risen far beyond the level that his incompetence would suggest he should have risen (*cough*family name and family connections*cough*).

"he served admirably as a prisoner in Vietnam"

Wow. Strong backhanded compliment.

That's pretty harsh.

If he didn't use family name and family connections when he was a POW, why would you suggest that of him ever?


And on the opposite side we have B.O. - the "it's all about ME" candidate - taking his world tour to the middle east where he can posture and photo-op with his cadre of ALL 3 network anchors in tow (WOW, no bias there) reporting on his every thoughtful facial expression.

Funny how he needs adult supervision in order to legitimize his ego fact-finding trip.

What "facts" is he looking to "find"?

Everything going on there is counter to his stated positions.

He blasted the surge, but now it's widely recognized as succeeding.

Is he going to change his mind about anything?

Of course not.

So the entire excursion is a big publicity stunt.

And now he's jockeying for his shot at The Brandenburg Gate.





He sure earned his way there, huh.

If EVER there was a poser, it's B.O.

He's a manufactured candidate in every sense of the term.

And 90% of the broadcast media have their heads so far up his ass they can't see how blatant their fawning has become.

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If you want McCain to get more news generated about himself, wait until he makes another vile rape joke and then we'll see them come around. I thought it was odd how McCain's camp didn't say he never made that joke, or that he would never make that joke.....but that telling that joke and all his other verbal miscues make him more "authentic" to the American people....that it makes him more genuine and electable.

Whatever, Fox News doesn't think there's a media bias against Obama, I heard them say not just a few hours ago that the reason the media is covering him more is because there's been more news about him to talk about. Aside from McCain not knowing that Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore and a few other verbal miscues, he hasn't done much recently to get plastered all over the place. If you were all Obama supporters and the situation was reversed, you'd be singing the same tune.

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If you want McCain to get more news generated about himself, wait until he makes another vile rape joke and then we'll see them come around. I thought it was odd how McCain's camp didn't say he never made that joke, or that he would never make that joke.....but that telling that joke and all his other verbal miscues make him more "authentic" to the American people....that it makes him more genuine and electable.

I don't find something McCain said 20 years ago any more relevant than B.O. giving tacit endorsement of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years.

And all the "authentic/electable" bullshit is typical campaign spin.

All parties twist facts to suit them.

So why the outrage?

Whatever, Fox News doesn't think there's a media bias against Obama, I heard them say not just a few hours ago that the reason the media is covering him more is because there's been more news about him to talk about.

Wait - that can't be.

I thought FOX is totally biased and slanted???

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I don't find something McCain said 20 years ago any more relevant than B.O. giving tacit endorsement of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years.

And all the "authentic/electable" bullshit is typical campaign spin.

All parties twist facts to suit them.

So why the outrage?

Exactly, which is why it's repugnant. They're basically defending him making a rape joke. As a woman and someone who has worked with rape victims, it's deplorable.

And I'm not saying it's relevant, I mentioned it because aside from that being brought up again along with all the other little offside comments he's made, there hasn't been much to report from the McCain camp. There has however, been plenty to report from the Obama camp. And journalists go where the news is. And this is coming from Fox News, which is practically in the rectum of the Moral Majority.

I don't think there's a media bias toward any one candidate. Each candidate goes through spurts where they are all the TV talking heads can squawk about and then it goes back again. Ebb and flow. McCain didn't even invite the press on his overseas trip and then a spokesperson for his campaign complained about them all going with Obama right now. How's that for funny? You don't invite the press with you, so they don't cover it as much. Obama invites the press so they can cover it, but you complain. Please.

Wait - that can't be.

I thought FOX is totally biased and slanted???

Don't be fooled, it is. That doesn't mean once in a blue moon they don't manage to sound halfway neutral.

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I don't worship any human being. Never have, never will. Quit mis-characterizing people.

And I don't care what his pastor says, thinks or feels. My priest says gays will burn in hell and so will any woman who uses birth control. Try finding a Catholic priest who doesn't hold those views. Should I become an Episcopalian or something? As long as if Obama is elected President he doesn't enact legislation or makes speeches echoing anything that fruitcake said, Rev. Wright can say that chickens landed on the moon for all I care. It's Barack Obama myself and his supporters are voting for, not his pastor. His pastor's opinions have nothing to do with him, so long as Obama doesn't share them and he doesn't. If he did, why would he run for President? Someone who hates America wouldn't be trying to better it. Someone who hates America wouldn't be serving it. And how can he hate white people when he's bi-racial? That makes no sense.

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Please point out where I said that you do.

Well if you insist..............................

But TypeO, you have to understand that the Obama worshipers around here

wor·ship thinsp.png // speaker.gif Audio Help /ˈwɜrthinsp.pngʃɪp/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wur-ship] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or (especially Britishthinsp.png) -shipped, -ship·ping. –noun 1.reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred. 2.formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage: They attended worship this morning. 3.adoring reverence or regard: excessive worship of business success. 4.the object of adoring reverence or regard. 5.(initial capital letterthinsp.png) British. a title of honor used in addressing or mentioning certain magistrates and others of high rank or station (usually prec. by Your, His, or Her). –verb (used with object) 6.to render religious reverence and homage to. 7.to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing). –verb (used without object) 8.to render religious reverence and homage, as to a deity. 9.to attend services of divine worship. 10.to feel an adoring reverence or regard.

Gee, to whom else were you speaking, if not myself and other Obama supporters here? Were you confused as to what side of the political dial I am on? I was having a discourse with TypeO and then you interjected about "Obama worshipers" right after I posted. So unless you were referring to someone else (and if you were you should have alluded to as much), it would follow that I would think you were lumping me in that group.

You're welcome.

Amazing, I have never heard a Priest say these things.

Never stepped foot into a Catholic church, I see. My priest is old-school, as in pre-Vatican II. He's yet to evolve. Ooh...evolve. Fundamentalists hate that word.

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No, I was reffering to my good friend kermit and a few others around here that make "personal" attacks on McCain.

Criticizing his politics is not a "personal attack". Calling him a douchebag would be a personal attack and no one has done that nor will do that.

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So making jokes about his age and memory along with creating pictures of him on a walker are not personal attacks? I think that many would agree that these are about as personal as it gets.


Dry your eyes.

Is John McCain your great, great, great grandfather or something?

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So making jokes about his age and memory along with creating pictures of him on a walker are not personal attacks? I think that many would agree that these are about as personal as it gets.

Who said Hermit made that photo? You do know what Google Image search is right?

Anyway, McCain's age is as much an issue as Obama's age is. McCain people think Obama is too young and inexperienced for the job, but they don't want anyone drawing attention to McCain's age. That's hypocritical. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. McCain doesn't know the difference between Shi'as and Sunnis, he doesn't know that Czechoslovakia is no longer a country, he keeps "misremembering" aspects of his time in a POW camp.....why are these things not allowed to be dissected? If every waking moment of Obama's life so far can be thrust under the microscope, the same can be said for McCain. Be consistent.

I'm sorry, but a 71 year old man with memory issues is as unappetizing to me as a 46 year old man with not much experience is to you and other McCain supporters. Age becomes an issue in this campaign every time someone says Obama is too young for the job.

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No, just a American Veteran that served his Country proudly and spent years in a prisoner of war camp. But, I do not expect you, hick man to understand that.

Why not? Just because we disagree with him as a politician doesn't mean we discredit or discount his service to his country. I don't think anyone here who is not voting for him has said anything disparaging about his years of service. I think you're fishing a little here, no?

Disagreeing with his politics, AGAIN, is not a personal attack nor an attack on his war service. You have to stop thinking it is.

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