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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Wanna be, I just do not think that Obama is qualified to be the President of the United States. You pick one thing that I stated a few posts back as far as him being "Muslim". I did not say that I hold it against him if he ever was Muslim. I was asked a question and I gave my answer. I stated other reasons that I do not support Obama.

Please answer for me:

It really seems to me you had a problem with it

Who would be a better Commander in Chief?

Why did Obama spend so much time with Wright?
I had a pstor for 15 years who ended up getting caught with child porn all right? I'm nothing like that. Why does Obama have to be?

Oh, and this priest of mine...yeah, he baptised every kid in my family, not to mention he attended multiple parties we threw for birthdays and whatnot so we were sort of close with him. Friends don't make you who you are...

Who do you think would work better with both Republicans and Democrats?
Ron Paul

Why can't Obama say when he believes life starts?

I could go on and on but it would start to look like a hermit response.
An intelligent and thoughtful piece of writing?

God forbid

edited for slight mistake

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Suck a dick you Detroit bastard. You are a punk that thinks he knows everything. You are a dumb ass just like Clitoris, uh, I mean Cletus. Another shit for brains Canuck.

Oh geez, what should I do! How to defend myself from an Internet predator! :rolleyes:

Oh and by the way, your grammar's terrible ;)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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somebody tell Kermit that srplane is not Rick . Im Rick. Idiots. Why is Hermit allowed back you dumb ass mods and not Rick and Joel? Because you are a bunch of wimp dick assholes. Fucking no reasoning with you. We Meant no harm but you have created this by your constant banning of freedom of speech. Fuck you Sam. You suck You suck dick.

Private website bud, he can say who stays and who goes so long as it isn't based on gender, racial, or religious reason ;)

But a smart guy like you should know that.


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Electrophile, you do not want to touch that one anymore then Obama does. Why? It's just an opinion, and mine is at conception like McCain. I am counting down now on when you will launch into me.

Count this.

I don't really care if he doesn't say when he believes life begins. I really don't. There's your answer. Accept it.

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It makes perfect sense. You asked who was fooling who? You have been fooled right along with Hermit. Of course he was banned but is allowed back as trouble free transmission, but that makes a mockery of bannishment.

Favoritism deluxe.

Its ok :kiss:

We all need to move past an Internet forum sometime :(

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I think that he has been both Muslim and Christian.

First of all, Barack Obama has never been a Muslim. The fact that the public school that

he briefly attended as a child taught a class on the Koran does not mean he was a Muslim.

Secondly, Barack Obama has been a Christian for well over 20 years during which time he has regularly attended church, has had his children baptized, and was married in a Christian church. What basis do you have for doubting his claim that he's a practicing, devout Christian? :rolleyes:

Is he Anti American, no but I would feel a lot better with McCain running our armed forces. I think that Obama would let our military fall back into the shambles that it was when Carter was in office.

It's fine that you disagree with Obama's policy positions; its fine that you prefer McCain over Obama; and it's fine that you're concerned about the direction you think Obama would take our military. That's your prerogative as a voter. I have many concerns about McCain, and that's my prerogative as a voter.

I'm glad to see you say do NOT think Obama is anti-America. I take that to mean that you recognize that he has America's best interest at heart, even though you might personally disagree with his policy proposals. Are you big enough to go so far as to impugn the McCain campaign for questioning/denigrating Obama's patriotism?

Are he and his wife racist? I do not have a crystal ball to say if they are, but there is an old saying that goes, " If you really want to know about someone, look at who their friends are". Rev. Wright is bad news, and Obama had this guy marry him, baptise his children, and treats him like family.

You wanna play guilty by association, do ya?

Ok then,.. do your research on McCain's friends:

George W Bush

Dick Cheney

Keating Five

Jack Abramoff

Phil Gramm

Helen Gramm (Enron)

Faisal Abdullah

Harry Sargeant III

Randy Scheunemann

Charlie Black

Rick Davis

Jerry Falwell

Ralph Reed

is he a party-line liberal?

YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so you think he votes the liberal party line; which means he SUPPORTS a liberal agenda; which means he stands for progressive policies; which means his principles and values are those that he shares with other democrats. Fair enough. But then how can you logically claim, at the very same time (as you've been doing), that he "stands for nothing"?


Does he stand for anything at all? Yes, just for about everything that I am against.

Good. I'm glad we cleared that up.

You recognize that Obama DOES stand for something.

We won't be seeing you claiming he doesn't stand for anything anymore, right?

And, it really makes me sick now that McCain is looking like "The comeback Kid" (A little Clinton refference for you libs out there) how Obama is trying to act like a conservative.

Oh, the irony! :lol:

Your take on reality is rather twisted, bud. Have you not noticed that John McCain is the one "trying to act like a conservative"? You know, to win over the majority of conservatives who think he's not conservative enough? You do recognize that he's gone from opposing Bush tax cuts to supporting the Bush tax cuts; he's gone from supporting Roe v Wade to opposing Roe v Wade; he's gone from opposing the Confederate flag to supporting the Confederate flag; he went from opposing torture to supporting torture; he went from calling Falwell and Robertson "agents of intolerance" to denying they are "agents of intolerance"; and he went from sponsoring campaign finance reform legislation to abandoning campaign finance reform,.. don't you? Those policy position changes do not constitute a mere "shift" to the right for McCain; they are indicative of a total abandonment of his moderate principles for the sake of appealing to conservatives.

Either McCain is simply "pretending to be a conservative" or he has entirely abandoned

the principles that earned him his "maverick" reputation. Which is it? You choose, friend.

On the other hand,.. how is Obama trying to "act conservative"? Really. How? By saying while he still doesn't think offshore drilling is the best course to take but he's willing to support it as a part of a much broader energy policy if that's what oit takes to get policy-makers moving forward? Puh-lease. His energy policy has always been broad-based and progressive. Compromising with conservatives over limited expanded offshore drilling is not "pretending to be conservative". And it's not abandoning his principles either.

Similarly Obama chose to support a "compromise" FISA bill, a bill that to the dismay of many democrats included immunity for telecom companies. Obama was a "maverick". he was willing to reach across the aisle; he was willing to go against the grain of his party in order to get the bill passed (Obama is well aware, btw, that the bill only grants civil immunity to telecoms; it does not grant them immunity from criminal prosecution. *wink*). Here again, Obama did not abandon his principles; he merely found a way to compromise while still ensuring that telecoms can be held criminally liable. Brilliant!

Is Obama "moving to the middle" in his general election rhetoric? Sure. It's what most presidential candidates have to do to win over centrist voters. Usually people do not have an issue with a candidate moving toward the middle; it's certainly less "radical" than moving to further left or further right. Ironically, in this election, to win over conservatives John McCain has been forced to move far to the right from his usual positions. he's moved so far right of his usual position that his movement is indicative of his either "pretending" to be conservative or his outright abandoning many of his previously held principles. He's either a fake or a panderer. Which is it, my friend? You choose.

I will give McCain this much credit though: through and through he is, and always has been, pro-war. That is one core "principle" of his that he has not sold out on, and that's the one policy position on which his candidacy authentically resonates with most republicans. The rest of his candidacy (tax cuts, pro-life, torture, "maverick") is a sham. McCain is no maverick, my friends. :rolleyes:

Don't take my word for it; take it from one of your fellow conservatives:

‘Straight Talk’ Express takes scenic route to truth

John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth. Like McCain, pollsters assured us that Dole was the most "electable" Republican. Unlike McCain, Dole didn't lie all the time while claiming to engage in Straight Talk.

Of course, I might lie constantly too, if I were seeking the Republican presidential nomination after enthusiastically promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, Social Security credit for illegal aliens, criminal trials for terrorists, stem-cell research on human embryos, crackpot global warming legislation and free speech-crushing campaign-finance laws.

I might lie too, if I had opposed the Bush tax cuts, a marriage amendment to the Constitution, waterboarding terrorists and drilling in Alaska. And I might lie if I had called the ads of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth "dishonest and dishonorable."

McCain angrily denounces the suggestion that his "comprehensive immigration reform" constituted "amnesty" — on the ludicrous grounds that it included a small fine. Even the guy who graduated fifth from the bottom of his class at the U.S. Naval Academy didn't fall for this a few years ago.

In 2003, McCain told The Tucson Citizen that "amnesty has to be an important part" of any immigration reform. He also rolled out the old chestnut about America's need for illegals, who do "jobs that American workers simply won't do."

McCain's amnesty bill would have immediately granted millions of newly legalized immigrants Social Security benefits. He even supported allowing work performed as an illegal to count toward Social Security benefits as recently as a vote in 2006 — now adamantly denied by Mr. Straight Talk.

McCain keeps boasting that he was "the only one" of the Republican presidential candidates who supported the surge in Iraq. What is he talking about? All Republicans supported the surge — including Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani. The only ones who didn't support it were McCain pals like Sen. Chuck Hagel. Indeed, the surge is the first part of the war on terrorism that caused McCain to break from Hagel in order to support the president.

True, McCain voted for the war. So did Hillary Clinton. Like her, he then immediately started attacking every other aspect of the war on terrorism. (The only difference was, he threw in frequent references to his experience as a POW, which currently outnumber John Kerry's references to being a Vietnam vet.)

Thus, McCain joined with the Democrats in demanding O.J. trials for terrorists at Guantanamo, including his demand that the terrorists have full access to the intelligence files being used to prosecute them.

These days, McCain gives swashbuckling speeches about the terrorists who "will follow us home." But he still opposes dripping water down their noses. He was a POW, you know. Also a member of the Keating 5 scandal, which you probably don't know, and won't — until he becomes the Republican nominee.

Though McCain was far from the only Republican to support the surge, he does have the distinction of being the only Republican who voted against the Bush tax cuts. (Also the little lamented Sen. Lincoln Chafee, who later left the Republican Party.) Now McCain claims he opposed the tax cuts because they didn't include enough spending cuts. But that wasn't what he said at the time.

To the contrary, in 2001, McCain said he was voting against Bush's tax cuts based on the idiotic talking point of the Democrats. "I cannot in good conscience," McCain said, "support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief."

The Rest of Rabid Ann's Rant

Surely you don't disagree with Rabid Ann Coulter, do you "srplane"?

[You can agree with Ann,.. or you can totally discredit her.

Which is it, my friend?

You choose.]



After his latest foolish "non answer" about when life begins, he will probably now become Pro Life for a few weeks. Next we will see him at a shooting range telling everyone that he is a gun collector. I'm sorry hermit, I think the guy is a phony.

His "non-answer" reflects the uncertainty many people are willing to acknowledge with regard to the "when life begins" question. The fact of the matter is that while people do have strong opinions and feelings on the issue, no one knows for sure when life truly begins. If life begins at conception, do you think that mean the destruction of an undifferentiated single cell in a woman's womb.. or in a petri dish in a fertilization clinic.. amounts to murder? Do you think everyone should be required to consider such a belief to be the one definitive answer to that question? Or is there room for uncertainty? Apparently Obama recognizes that there's room for uncertainty.

As much as you righties like your sound-bite version of reality, the world is quite often not reducible to sound-bites, my friend. Obama gave thoughtful answers in that forum, whereas McCain resorted to over-simplified, silly sound-bite responses. For example, without any hesitation whatsoever and without any qualifications whatsoever (ie, without any thoughtfulness whatsoever) McCain said "[evil should be] destroyed". Great sound-bite. Republicans loved it. But uhh.. McCain's been in the US Senate for some 30 years. Shall we compile a list of all the evils that have transpired in the world during that time that he couldn't have cared less about? :whistling:

But the absurdity of his reply doesn't stop you righties from gobbling up with great enthusiasm his made-to-order super-simplified righty-rallying sound-bites, does it?

"I'm gonna follow bin Laden to the gates of hell if that's what it takes!"

Yyyyeah,.. ok, Mac.

Send us a postcard, will ya?


Come on, "srplane",.. wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. :coffee:

Now, please answer my question:

Are there any more of those books in your area still left that I can buy? I have taken out a loan to buy a few hundred more. Me and my republican croanies are blanketing the Country buying these things. What a great idea you have given me! LOL

I don't know how many copies of Corsi's abomination of a book are still left.

And I don't care. Afaic, how ever many are left,.. you can have em all, bud.

Fwiw though,.. I suggest you spend your money on a dictionary instead. :P

NY Times Best Seller list:

August 24, 2008

1. THE OBAMA NATION, by Jerome R. Corsi. (Threshold, $28.) The Democratic candidate as an extreme leftist, from a co-author of “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.” (†)

A dagger (†) indicates that some bookstores report receiving bulk orders.


Edited by Trouble-Free Transmission
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After his latest foolish "non answer" about when life begins, he will probably now become Pro Life for a few weeks.

as you appear to have all the answers...

what would you do if you ran inside a fertility clinic that was on fire and saw a small child standing next to a freezer with 300 frozen embryos in it and you only had time to grab one or the other...which would you save???

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Lets get one thing straight Kermit and all. SRPlane is not Rick. I am Rick. I have been reading and laughing at how you falsely accuse this poor guy of being me, who was a Hillary supporter. I am now going to cross party lines for the first time ever to vote against Obama. I am Rick, Icantquityoubabe, Overthehillsandfaraway, Absolutentonic, and etc

Yeah,.. that's become apparent. It didn't seem so at first, but now I see that srplane is 1. not a bitterly bitter pro-Hillary anti-Obama nutjob, he's a bona-fide republican anti-Obama nutjob; and.. 2. he is capable of engaging in a semblance of thoughtful debate at times. That's proof positive x2 that he's not you, Rick-Icantquityoubabe-Overthehillsandfaraway-Absolutentonic-"Hillary still has a mathematical good chance of winning the primary"-Wand Boy. :P


abracadabra!.. dammit! tantrum.gif


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Suck a dick you Detroit bastard. You are a punk that thinks he knows everything. You are a dumb ass just like Clitoris, uh, I mean Cletus. Another shit for brains Canuck.

Oh no, I'm so hurt. :o

Our resident idiot who has been banned a gazillion times for obscene, trollish behavior says I have shit for brains.

Sniff :lol:

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