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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Boom. Done. Non-issue.

Yeah, just like Wright. Right.

Hows that within the margin of error lead for the one coming for ya.

I can't wait for the clinton convention, I heard Obama is speaking on the last day across the street.

and Biden is really a great choice for McCain.

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This is what makes Flotsam and Jetsam keep coming back.

I don't think that's a fair or accurate comparison at all....sorry Elizabeth.... <_<

I wish people would keep these types of opinions to themselves as they can be quite damaging to the innocent, as Joel and Rick both kindly pointed out for us the other night B)

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I don't think that's a fair or accurate comparison at all....sorry Elizabeth.... <_<

I wish people would keep these types of opinions to themselves as they can be quite damaging to the innocent, as Joel and Rick both kindly pointed out for us the other night B)

I think you missed the point I was making.

And nothing either of them have ever done has been "kind". Seriously.

Edited by Electrophile
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Hi Earth Mi Mi. Your "Out of touch with reality" friends hermit, and Trouble free Transmission ran out of places to tell me were to get the Anti Obama books. Since you know them so well, I thought that maybe you could tell me where I could buy more. Your two friends went Bye, Bye because they are in such a state of panic over how Americans are finally hearing about Obamas past, and lack of experience. They ran off to hide with Obamas half Brother in his shanty box because McCain has now caught their "Superhero" in the polls and is passing him in some. Better to live off a dollar a month split three ways then to face the fact that your hero is loosing his wings. Oh well, hang in there Earth Mi Mi. :ph34r: Hermit seems to have almost as many half brothers around here as Obama does all over the world. :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

Well, I think all 3 of them would make for just the right balance on this particular board :)

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I think you missed the point I was making.

And nothing either of them have ever done has been "kind". Seriously.

Ahhh, I certainly did miss it Elizabeth, I now realize that flotsam and jetsam was not directed towards MiMi, my apologies!

Also, I was being facectious when I refered to their communications as kind :)

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HuffPo is reporting an AP report indicating that the Secret Service has been diispatched to Joe Biden's home. With Obama set to make his announcement tomorrow morning.. it's looking like it's gonna be an Obama-Biden ticket for the dems. I can dig it.

Joe Biden is a pit bull, exactly what the Obama campaign needs right now; he has a life story every bit as "emotionally compelling" as John McCain's; he's intellectually formidable; he helps Obama with PA voters, blue collar voters, and military members and their families; and he's got the foreign policy bona-fides to solidify the ticket on that front. America will be in good hands under an Obama-Biden administration. :)


Rock and roll, gentlemen! :thumbsup:


I have been trying so hard not to get my hopes up, because i love Joe Biden and felt he should be the next President. I know as VP Joe will make such a difference in turning this country around. The only politician i truly trust and man i hope i'm not crushed, Joe Biden for Vice President!!! We will know soon now...

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I have been trying so hard not to get my hopes up, because i love Joe Biden and felt he should be the next President. I know as VP Joe will make such a difference in turning this country around. The only politician i truly trust and man i hope i'm not crushed, Joe Biden for Vice President!!! We will know soon now...

Yup! It's just official! Obama and Biden!! :D

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Yup! It's just official! Obama and Biden!! :D

All i've seen of tv since i got home from work (just an hour ago) is cartoons. Aren't most 4 year olds still up at this hour? Okay so enough about my parenting skills,

AWESOME, HOORAY, I AM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY!!! I hope the country will vote common sense this time around! Oh Joe Biden, finally he gets the respect he deserves! Anyone who knows me, knows how happy this makes me. I mentioned to my best friend tonight about Joe as a possibility and she said she was hoping too. She said because of me, years ago she started to admire him. I didn't even realize this (and we are very close). I sure wish i could call my dad right now to tell him the good news!

Oh it's late and i'm tired and rambling...sorry if i gave anyone a headache.

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I just got my text message from the Obama people. I think they were waiting until 12am PDT before sending them out, although it sucks the surprise factor got ruined by the press. Ah well. Still pretty cool, though.

This news gives our country hope i didn't think we would see. I am psyched! I can't wait for Election Day!

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McCain needs to pick wisely now, although no one he picks will make any sense. Fundies won't vote for Romney. Independents/Dems not voting for Obama won't vote for Huckabee. Guiliani? Biden would rip him to shreds in the VP debates, he's done it once already. Sarah Palin? Politics is still a boy's club, no matter how disappointing that is. That could go over like Mondale/Ferraro. Pawlenty? Mr. Bridge Collapse? Yeah right.

Slim pickins' over there.

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McCain needs to pick wisely now, although no one he picks will make any sense. Fundies won't vote for Romney. Independents/Dems not voting for Obama won't vote for Huckabee. Guiliani? Biden would rip him to shreds in the VP debates, he's done it once already. Sarah Palin? Politics is still a boy's club, no matter how disappointing that is. That could go over like Mondale/Ferraro. Pawlenty? Mr. Bridge Collapse? Yeah right.

Slim pickins' over there.

McCain might have a chance if he picks Hillary, lol...

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I am really surprised this thread has survived for 190 pages without being deleted. I agree McCain needs to make a good choice. Not to sound morose, but I am sure some people will look at his VP candidate as the guy who will be President in the next 4 years considering the difficulty of the position combined with McCain's age.

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AWESOME, HOORAY, I AM SO FRIGGIN HAPPY!!! I hope the country will vote common sense this time around! Oh Joe Biden, finally he gets the respect he deserves! Anyone who knows me, knows how happy this makes me. I mentioned to my best friend tonight about Joe as a possibility and she said she was hoping too. She said because of me, years ago she started to admire him. I didn't even realize this (and we are very close). I sure wish i could call my dad right now to tell him the good news!

Oh it's late and i'm tired and rambling...sorry if i gave anyone a headache.


So now it's pretty certain that the Obama campaign is completly out of Obama's hands. Of course he had to pick a guy like Biden, especially since the Obama campaign is pretty much in the tank right now. But I don't see how Biden makes an empty suit like Obama any better.

We'll see if this saves his campaign, but I doubt it.



:hysterical: Biden is the kiss of death for this campaign. Almost as hated by regular Red State folks as Ted Kennedy.


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Does anyone care that I met Al Franken today? I didn't think so. Okay, bye.

hey, that's awesome suz...we have been supporting his campaign and we are not even minnesooootans...hope to be someday though, so just planning for the future!!!

GO AL!!! :cheer:

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Biden story is as emotional compelling as McCain. Did I miss something; it's looks like Biden can lift both of his arms above his head unlike John McCain. So I don't how it can be anywhere as compelling John McCain.

What should have been said was Joe Biden is white and has a cock just like John McCain. Because that’s really the two biggest factor about him.

1. Biden is white, Obama is not. If you don't think racism is going to be a factor, you must want Al franken to be your senator.

2. Biden has a cock. Hillary doesn't and people like that about her. Obama is losing the over 40 women crowd and is only winning women overall by 2%, which almost all dems win by at least 10%. Women are still piss the one with the cock won and they are heading over to the McCain side of things.

The Biden pick is not a blunder. He is the best pick besides Hilrod and Dick Durbin, those are the two people he needed or atleast a long standing governor.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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The nobama camp shoots themselves in the foot once again.

How is Biden a break with the same old washington politics? He has been a part of what nobama claims he wants to change for 35 years. When you put that together with all the quotes the gop has to use, really dumb move. bravo!

I know the lefty's will try to pass it off as campaign rhetoric, but it won't play well here in the swing states.

a few examples, I'm sure there are plenty more:

"The more people learn about them (Obama and Hillary) and how they handle the pressure, the more their support will evaporate.”

“Sen. Obama said he would do everything possible to end the war in Iraq and emphasized the need for a political solution yet he failed to show up to vote for Sen. Biden’s critical amendment to provide a political solution in Iraq."

“If Iowans believe campaign funds and celebrity will fix the debacle in Iraq, put the economy on track, and provide health care and education for America’s children, they should support another candidate,” said Biden for President Campaign Manager Luis Navarro. “But I’m confident that Iowans know what I know: our problems will require experience and leadership from Day One. Empty slogans will be no match for proven action on caucus night.”

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

These types of quotes will not make the far left wing koolaid drinkers happy:

“We must be clear with the American people that we are committing to Iraq for the long haul; not just the day after, but the decade after.”

on Hussein’s WMDs: “Well, the point is, it turned out they didn’t, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued — they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued.”

discussing Saddam Hussein: “He’s a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security… “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”

“The threat [saddam Hussein] presented was that, if Saddam was left unfettered, which I said during that period, for the next five years with sanctions lifted and billions of dollars into his coffers, then I believed he had the ability to acquire a tactical nuclear weapon — not by building it, by purchasing it. I also believed he was a threat in that he was — every single solitary U.N. resolution which he agreed to abide by, which was the equivalent of a peace agreement at the United Nations, after he got out of — after we kicked him out of Kuwait, he was violating. Now, the rules of the road either mean something or they don’t. The international community says “We’re going to enforce the sanctions we placed” or not. And what was the international community doing? The international community was weakening. They were pulling away.”

“We can call it quits and withdraw from Iraq. I think that would be a gigantic mistake. Or we can set a deadline for pulling out, which I fear will only encourage our enemies to wait us out — equally a mistake.”

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It will be interesting to see how they flip flop all this out:


Looks like a great pick to me, can you say blunder? again. :yay::thanku::cheer:

This is wonderful! Obama has stated that his criteria for a VP is someone who is ABLE to be POTUS if needed AND he doen't want a puppet! He wants someone who will challenge his thinking! DUH! Nothing good ever gets done without fair representation of all sides of an issue. I'm sure Biden will fill that position perfectly.

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