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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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This entire Dem convention is one big farce. The party is split beyond any fixing. Face it. The party is ruined. Who can stand to watch this? It is actiing and grandstanding and no more. A joke. McCain and his party are no better. This country is at a pinnacle. It is time to dump the parties. To hell with both of these nobody candidates. I will vote for neither. Our country will be no differant no matter who wins. Same problems. Differant face's and time. We need Page and Plant to run! That is the answer. If we could only get them together again!

There may be a split but I have a very difficult time believing that anyone who supported Hilary and what she stood for could EVER pull that lever for McCain. The ones that do? They were supporting her for all the wrong reasons then....

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^I agree about the democratic party being split, but what else could you expect after the last 8yrs and so many folks that care about things and ofcourse have self interest. Now, is not a good time to get confused though. I think a third party system would be much better myself.

I thought -michelle obama was really good the other night. i liked the first person orientation and family experience....as opposed to george bushs, - i met someone in so and so and they said this and this is what we need to do.

I think with voting, its general feeling and thoughts...and its sad to see people swayed by the media. i'm really glad to not see an american family dynasty involved in this election though.

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There may be a split but I have a very difficult time believing that anyone who supported Hilary and what she stood for could EVER pull that lever for McCain.

A very significant percentage disagree with you:

Sixty-six percent of Clinton supporters, registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee, are now backing Obama. That’s down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.


edited to ask: Have you ever been a hillary supporter or have you always been in the tank for nobama?

Edited by Uncle Bill
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A very significant percentage disagree with you:

Sixty-six percent of Clinton supporters, registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee, are now backing Obama. That’s down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.


Supporting my theory that the majority of Americans are actually dumb shits.

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A very significant percentage disagree with you:

Sixty-six percent of Clinton supporters, registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee, are now backing Obama. That’s down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.


edited to ask: Have you ever been a hillary supporter or have you always been in the tank for nobama?

Yes, I was a Hilary supporter in the beginning...

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So your definition of dumb shit is someone who disagrees with you.

No, I don't think that's what she was going for, if I may answer. There's two kinds of people here; people voting for McCain, and people who hate Barack Obama. They are not necessarily one in the same. I know quite a few people who like Obama, but are not voting for him because they're not Democrats. However I know many more people who are not voting at all, but just hate Barack Obama to the point where if someone shot him where he stood tomorrow night, they'd cheer.

THOSE are the dumb shits. It's not specifically Republicans, or people who are not voting for him. It's people who have no candidate they're voting for, are completely uninformed, and just hate the man.

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So your definition of dumb shit is someone who disagrees with you. check ^_^

I didn't say that.

A dumb shit is a person who supported a party nominee presumably for their stance on social, economic and political reasons and then votes for someone who has the exact opposite view on those issues. Double Check.

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No, I don't think that's what she was going for, if I may answer. There's two kinds of people here; people voting for McCain, and people who hate Barack Obama. They are not necessarily one in the same. I know quite a few people who like Obama, but are not voting for him because they're not Democrats. However I know many more people who are not voting at all, but just hate Barack Obama to the point where if someone shot him where he stood tomorrow night, they'd cheer.

THOSE are the dumb shits. It's not specifically Republicans, or people who are not voting for him. It's people who have no candidate they're voting for, are completely uninformed, and just hate the man.

Thank you Elizabeth :)

And hate him soooo much they'd vote for McCain and against everything they believe in. That's just a dumb shit.

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Did he manage to stay on the script? No news at all? This has to be the most boring convention ever.


What can you day about Obama.

Community organizer.

Jr. senator from Illinios

Has wife and kids.

Did not suppport the Iraq war.

Good speaker.

Unless Ayers speaks with Wright right next to him. What else can we learn?

G.O.P. will be somewhat boring too.

Arnold may not come and Pres. Bush will fly in and fly out just like Zep did.

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I said: "A very significant percentage disagree with you:"

you replied: "Supporting my theory that the majority of Americans are actually dumb shits."

Seems clear to me you did. I don't know where all that other crap came from.

My, my we're forgetful or is that selective memory? This is what I was responding to and I thought I clarified that.

Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.

Understand now?

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I didn't say that. If you wanted to find something in the quoted stats you should have said that's what you were doing. You appeared to be answering my comment.

You thought I was calling YOU a dumb shit?! Ahahaha! Never :) I wasn't refering to you, I was refering to all the idiots who would vote against their ideals just to not vote for Obama.

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I don't have any personal feelings toward nobama one way or the other, I just don't think he has any qualifications at all to be president. I wouldn't cheer if he was assassinated. I think someone will try if he gets the Presidency. There have been a lot of attempts in history like 15+ if memory serves.

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Probably even more so, at least there was a small chance the clinton's might make some news. Guess not. :(

Bubba did good.

Joe Biden did attack. Thats not change.

Joe Biden did not suck.

but he was not great either.

Joe Biden is like going to 31 flavors and picking vanilla.

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