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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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This whole change thing is so phony. The pick of Biden proves it. This whole over blown "Greek God" show planned for tomorrow is so elitest.....................,

Oh really, would you like me to post some pictures of Republicans giving speeches in front of backdrops that look like Greek columns? Because I can do that.

And if Barack Obama is elitist, what do you call a man who graduated 5th from the bottom of his naval class and only got through because his father and grandfather were admirals, someone who dumped his first wife for a hotter, richer version after said first wife suffered injuries in a car crashed and gained weight, someone who used new wifey's money to fund his first campaign, someone who doesn't know how many goddamn houses he owns and spends $270,000 a year paying servants? The boy next door? I think not. People call Barack Obama an elitist because he breaks stereotypes people have of a black man. He knows what arugula is. Big deal, so do I. Am I elitist? He owns one home, just recently paid off his student loans, was raised by a single mom and his grandparents. Is that elitist? Joe Biden isn't a millionaire, commutes from Delaware to Washington to be with his family and was sworn into his Senate seat from his childrens' bedsides after the car crashed that killed his wife and daughter. Is that elitist?

Get off this "elitist" kick because you clearly don't know the meaning of the word.

Edited by Electrophile
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Obama should have picked Farrokhan as his VP...now THAT would be change :D

In reality it doesn't matter who he picked. When he was annointed the media darling and rising star of the democratic party by making a prepared speech at the 04 dnc the fix was already in.

Believe whatever makes you feel good about yourself, but remember ANYTHING you have to believe in is a lie. Keep that in mind when Obama uses his tag line "Change you can believe in". This whole fucking thing is smoke and mirrors, glitz and polish to make you believe they give a fuck what you think. The political process is a sham

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You think the Democrats are copying the Republicans? The thought never crossed your mind that perhaps they're doing that independent of what Republicans have done?

You're not drinking the Kool-Aid, you're snorting the powder. And for the record, my name is not Lizzy. I don't use my real first name on this board.

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I'm surprised and disappointed at you for slagging off a former military officer, to try to make a political point, and acting like military training isn't important. What military were you in?

About McCain's so called "cake job" and how he was viewed as a leader by those who were actually there:

"When John McCain limped home from a Hanoi prison camp in 1973 with a badly injured knee that he could not bend, Navy doctors gave him the bad news: His 15-year career as a jet pilot was over. He would never fly again. But McCain surprised his doctors by making a dramatic comeback. With a ferocious determination to fly again and a tough physical therapy regimen, he got his wings back and not long after was awarded command of the Navy's largest aviation squadron, VA-174, at Cecil Field in Florida."

"A review of Navy records and interviews with more than a dozen of his former colleagues paint a picture of a commander who was lionized by his troops as a war hero and respected by aviators as afair and effective manager. He had rugged good looks and a common touch, and was fiercely loyal to those who worked for him, his former colleagues say."

"But there's no doubt it was a big job. Running the squadron, with its 1,000 personnel and fleet of 75 jets, was like managing a small corporation."

"McCain's confidential military fitness reports, which were released to The Times by his campaign staff, judged him an "exceptional naval officer with an unlimited future" and "unequivocally recommend him for accelerated promotion to captain and major command."

"Loyal to his troops

McCain is recalled as a boss who knew everybody and casually visited with his troops every day. He cut a larger-than-life image on the base, among both men and women.

"All the women thought he was the bomb. He was a good-looking man," recalled Bonita Duncan, an enlistee in the personnel office.

McCain won high marks for loyalty and commitment to his troops."

Audacious Goal

Interviews with a half-dozen former subordinates suggest McCain ran his squadron with a clear goal, a lot of listening and the sheer force of his personality. There were about 750 officers and enlisted men in the squadron — VA-174. Their mission was to train pilots and crews for the A-7 light attack jet. The A-7 was plagued by maintenance problems and parts shortages in that period of postwar downsizing. When McCain took over, nearly one-third of the planes were grounded. And some senior lieutenants said there was no way to change that.

"That, of course, wasn't good enough for McCain," said former flight instructor Carl Smith. "So what McCain did was reassign those people. You could say fired them. But we say reassigned. So it was a case of bringing together new people and new ideas to change the course of the squadron."

"in 1976 he became commanding officer of a training squadron stationed in Florida. He turned around an undistinguished unit and won the squadron its first Meritorious Unit Commendation."

The Meritorious Unit Commendation is a mid-level unit award of the United States military which is awarded to any military command which displays exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service, heroic deeds, or valorous actions.


I'll be waiting for you to post nobamas accomplishments as a leader, and his contemporary's thoughts about them. As near as I can tell the only time he ever "led" anything was project Vote, a democratic party get out the vote campaign connected to, the always in the news for submitting false voter registration cards, ACORN. If there's more I can't find it.

"McCain came into conflict with higher-ranking personnel, he did not always obey the rules, and that contributed to a low class rank (894 of 899) which he did not aim to improve. He did well in academic subjects that interested him, such as literature and history, but studied only enough to pass subjects he disliked, such as math."

Sounds like he was even a bit of maverick back in those days, interesting. Sounds kind of like me in fact. Maybe I was too quick to dismiss him. I guess your husband must have been a goody two shoes, ass kisser eh? Man, I hated that type when I was in.

I don't like McCain and don't plan voting for him, but that doesn't mean I won't the set record straight when I see someone making BS statements to try to make political points.


i never slagged off his military service...just told you to look into it if you were making a decision based on it...

the reality is that while commanding a training squadron is a big job, no doubt about it... it is not the same as commanding a combat squadron ...maybe i can explain it this way...when tom says.."i screened for command" and then joe asks "what squadron?"... tom says, "123 training squadron"...the response invariably is... "oh."...(the combat squadrons are reserved for the top guys)

i do find it funny that twice in the article they refer to his "rugged good looks" in discussing his accomplishments though...way to go!

now i'm really surprised to see a quote saying that he did poorly because "he did not always obey the rules" and "did not aim to improve" ...see the thing i've learned from the spouse is that the academy was all about "honor"...it's about doing your best and being the best officer you can be... they have a selection night to choose their career paths based on class rank... since the flight slots are highly desirable and go to the guys at the top of the class, it is to their advantage to study hard to heighten their chance of getting one...which begs the question, "how did john get a flight slot in the first place?" ... maybe it was his rugged good looks???... :)

as far as "slagging" the spouse, was that really necessary??? one thing i can say for the spouse is that he realized that his academy education was paid for with tax dollars and he did not take that lightly...he studied hard, gave it 100% and yes he is a stickler for following the rules...and while i do my best to try and corrupt him, i'll be the first to say that even with his "rugged good looks" he is definitely not presidential material!!!

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It was so sad to see a potential First Lady "Trying" to convince Americans that she loves America. Now that was a change, no one at a political convention has ever had to do that before.

ahhh, the sadness again...

what was really sad was that someone would question it in the first place...

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nooo...i just don't like the idea that success is determined by who you happened to be born to...why is cindy mccain considered successful just because she was born into money??...

I don't remember anyone particularly glamorizing Cindy McCain as being successful, only rich.

Sounds like you support the inheritance tax - robbing descendants of the deceased of a very substantial portion of the money, land, whatever left to them, even though all that was taxed to begin with?

Is that what you'd want for your kids after you had worked hard your entire life to provide for them and paid all the proper taxes on?

i think that what most liberals are looking for is equal opportunity for ALL americans to be successful...we just want to share the american dream with everyone...it's paying it forward.

We already have that, B.O. is a living example of it.

why wouldn't conservatives want all americans to have the same opportunity to be successful???...i don't get it...you hear the phrase..."pick yourself up by your bootstraps"...which really makes a big assumption...you have to have a pair of boots in the first place.

ALL conservatives want EXACTLY that, everyone to be self-sufficient. Whereas democrats prefer to let those who "have" continue to have, and those who "have not" don't worry, we'll make sure you have everything you need. We'll make those greedy people who have worked their ass off and become wealthy give up even more of what they make to make sure you can continue to be taken care of.

It's the democrats who have fostered the "plantation mentality" among poor black voters - "as long as you keep voting for us we'll make sure you have everything you need."

The conservative/Republican philosophy is different, we want everyone to work hard like those who got to where they are now, and they too can enjoy the "American Dream." Best part is, they'll appreciate what they have, then, because they worked hard and earned it for themself, as opposed to the entitlement mentality that dems/libs foster. Ever wonder why many public housing units are so horribly trashed when tenants move out? Because they couldn't give a shit about it - it wasn't theirs, and they didn't have to exert any effort to have it. Ever read how many of the Katrina trailers, motel rooms and whatnot were completely demolished when the tenants left out? Instead of appreciating that the government did something to help them through a transitional period in the wake of disaster, they were pissed-off that they didn't get something nicer to stay in. And those temporary solutions were a hell of a lot nicer than most of the shitty housing the evacuees were living in before. And why was THAT so shitty? Because they didn't appreciate that, either. They didn't appreciate it because they've never had to put out any effort to receive it. It's proven that you simply lose all appreciation for those things you don't have to work for, that are simply given to you.

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Is that what you'd want for your kids after you had worked hard your entire life to provide for them and paid all the proper taxes on?

my hope is that my children have the opportunity to get an education to pursue the career of their choice...i hope i live long enough to see them attain their goals...

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ahhh, the sadness again...

what was really sad was that someone would question it in the first place...

I agree, bashing people's patriotism is a tired tactic at this point. And that is all it is... a political tactic(brought to you by the divisive politics of the Bush Administration), that sadly a very large group of people have bought into.

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Sure was fun watching Sean Hannity get his ass handed to him last night by Michael Dukakis of all people. Damn...He's right ! Better cut to commercial !! That was priceless.

Clinton still scares the hell out of 'em. Do you think George Bush will receive that kind of greeting at the Republican convention ? I sure would rather have Bill Clinton speak the day before my acceptance speech as opposed to Geoge Bush. The whole idea has to scare the hell out of the McCain camp.

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Sure was fun watching Sean Hannity get his ass handed to him last night by Michael Dukakis of all people. Damn...He's right ! Better cut to commercial !! That was priceless.

Clinton still scares the hell out of 'em. Do you think George Bush will receive that kind of greeting at the Republican convention ? I sure would rather have Bill Clinton speak the day before my acceptance speech as opposed to Geoge Bush. The whole idea has to scare the hell out of the McCain camp.

I'll be listening to Hannity's show this afternoon and can't wait for his spin.

I don't know why I'm so attracted to his show, but I can't stand the guy. Rush is a pussycat compared to Hannity.

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I'll be listening to Hannity's show this afternoon and can't wait for his spin.

I don't know why I'm so attracted to his show, but I can't stand the guy. Rush is a pussycat compared to Hannity.

Maybe because he represents "the total spin" of Fox News and The Repugnant party ? The funniest part is Alan Colmes. He may have been the last pimply kid picked for the neighborhood baseball game, but he still manages to show up their side quite often. His smile was about 10 feet wide after Clinton's speech last night. You go Geek Boy !!

I can't wait until GWB's convention speech....."I gave you Gitmo, Abu Ghirab, Katrina, Bad Shot Cheney, I sucked away your income, I took you to war over false pretenses, I turned a surplus into a huge debt. I made home ownership a reality for more Americans than ever before....just don't try to sell. I cut the taxes on the rich and lowered the income of the poor. But remember...We're still at war ! A vote for McCain and we'll assure Iraqi security for 100 years ! Glory be to God and the War on terror.....GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

**cues patriotic music**


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Maybe because he represents "the total spin" of Fox News and The Repugnant party ? The funniest part is Alan Colmes. He may have been the last pimply kid picked for the neighborhood baseball game, but he still manages to show up their side quite often. His smile was about 10 feet wide after Clinton's speech last night. You go Geek Boy !!

I can't wait until GWB's convention speech....."I gave you Gitmo, Abu Ghirab, Katrina, Bad Shot Cheney, I sucked away your income, I took you to war over false pretenses, I turned a surplus into a huge debt. I made home ownership a reality for more Americans than ever before....just don't try to sell. I cut the taxes on the rich and lowered the income of the poor. But remember...We're still at war ! A vote for McCain and we'll assure Iraqi security for 100 years ! Glory be to God and the War on terror.....GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

**cues patriotic music**



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I can't wait until GWB's convention speech....."I gave you Gitmo, Abu Ghirab, Katrina, Bad Shot Cheney, I sucked away your income, I took you to war over false pretenses, I turned a surplus into a huge debt. I made home ownership a reality for more Americans than ever before....just don't try to sell. I cut the taxes on the rich and lowered the income of the poor. But remember...We're still at war ! A vote for McCain and we'll assure Iraqi security for 100 years ! Glory be to God and the War on terror.....GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

**cues patriotic music**

brilliantly funny!!!

...i really got a chuckle yesterday when one of the major networks went to the republican war room in denver to show the work they are doing there and you overhear the guy in the background say..."ok, take her quote and re-work it"...

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You say you don't have anything against Obama personally and that you simply don't think he's prepared to be president, Bill, but the way you frame your comments seems to suggest that you do have something personally against him.

You say Obamessiah, clearly implying that Obama considers himself a savior, a-la Jesus Christ. The unfairness of your personal criticism/attack on Barack Obama is twofold: you imply a religious context and you infer that Obama is a megalomaniac and/or has a grossly inflated sense of self importance. Barack Obama does not consider himself to be a savior and he is not a megalomaniac, he merely considers himself ready to lead America and the American people into a new era of change in American politics. He considers himself to be the right person for the right job at the right time. In other words, he's like every other candidate who has ever run for the highest political office in our nation. What makes Obama different than many of his predecessors in recent history is his vision and his ability to inspire people through the power of words and the conveyance of ideas and hope.

Great orators, and great leaders, use lofty visionary rhetoric when giving speeches (and/or when conveying their ideas in writing). That's how they convey their vision and their hope, and it's how they inspire people. John F Kennedy. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bill Clinton. Theodore Roosevelt. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Jefferson. Ronald Reagan. George Patton. Harry Truman. Winston Churchill. Anna Elanor Roosevelt. Hillary Clinton. Cicero. Socrates. The list of gifted, inspiring orators goes on and on.

Barack Obama is a gifted, inspiring orator. The man knows how to give a rousing speech. We saw it at the 2004 DNC in his "

speech; we saw it in his his "
speech; we've seen it in speeches he's given throughout the democratic primaries; we saw it in his his speech
and we're going to see it again tonight. ;)

By all means challenge Obama on his ideas if you can. But implying that he has a megalomaniacal messiah complex on account of his ability to give a rousing, inspiring, visionary speech is a cheap shot. It seems to me it's an attack launched out of political desperation and/or possibly out of personal jealousy and envy.

I, for one, am looking forward to his speech tonight at Mile High Stadium!




[i wonder if democrat John Elway will be there. :D ]


I plan to watch the Republican Convention, I'm wondering how many of my republican friends here are actually watching the Democratic Convention or if they are just regergitating right leaning press reports.

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I'm not watching the Republican Convention. Why? I'm not Republican, nothing they say I agree with and watching the same people who have ruined this country the last 8 years pat themselves on the back for the phantom good job they've done would just make me sick.

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Sooooooo, this massive storm heading for the Gulf, could hit New Orleans just as Bushie takes the stage at the RNC to pat himself on the back for all the good he's done did these past 8 years. Oh yeah, on the anniversary of Katrina, too.

Oh, that'll be delightful for the GOP.

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