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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I plan to watch the Republican Convention, I'm wondering how many of my republican friends here are actually watching the Democratic Convention or if they are just regergitating right leaning press reports.

Im watching it. usally the last 3 hours of it.

Bill Clinton was the best speaker so far. Biden just showed up.

I won't be watching the G.O.P. convention becuase ill should be in Dayton (kettering) Ohio next week for work. They don't have comcast out there (cable cards are comcast only) my backup tivo will work but ill just be skipping over every speech.

but I will watch.

Arnold (if he shows up)



The President of the United States

John and either Mitt, Mike,Timmy, Kay, or even Condi on the third night.

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You say you don't have anything against Obama personally and that you simply don't think he's prepared to be president, Bill, but the way you frame your comments seems to suggest that you do have something personally against him.

nah, I just frame it that way to get a rise out of those who can't see he brings nothing to the table except he's a good talker when reading prepared comments. He is clearly unqualified.

You say Obamessiah, clearly implying that Obama considers himself a savior, a-la Jesus Christ. The unfairness of your personal criticism/attack on Barack Obama is twofold: you imply a religious context and you infer that Obama is a megalomaniac and/or has a grossly inflated sense of self importance.

You have your opinion, I have mine. That "light shing down "crap sounds religious to me. Where do suggest he thought the light was shing down from? A UFO maybe?

The interviewer asks if he ever has any doubt's, he say "never". In other words he never thinks he's wrong about anything. Sounds like a megalomaniac to me. I don't know how you can listen to his drivel without puking.

What has he done to qualify him to be president? (answer this without naming anyone else)

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Yeah, I just want to hear the message both parties are sending out to their supporters. As all know, I'm really a Libertarian so I'm between a rock and a hard place no matter who the candidates are....

Oh I can just tell you that right here.

Dems.-No more of the same.

G.O.P. He is not the one to lead this country, infact he should be slicing meat in a deli somewhere if it wasn't for him to pick chicago of all places. ( notice i didn't bring up that he is black).

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Sooooooo, this massive storm heading for the Gulf, could hit New Orleans just as Bushie takes the stage at the RNC to pat himself on the back for all the good he's done did these past 8 years. Oh yeah, on the anniversary of Katrina, too.

Yes, Bush is guiding the storm to the 9th Ward as we speak.

Today is the last day of the 'Whine Fest'


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The Barrackoplis stage designer.

Former Britney Spears Stage designer Bobby Allen.

Report: Britney Spears’ Set Designer Built Obama’s Invesco Stage

by FOXNews.com

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The same set team that designed Britney Spear’s last tour has constructed the enormous, Greek-columned stage where Barack Obama will officially accept the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday, The New York Post reports.

The set, which was reportedly designed to resemble the White House and Lincoln Memorial, was built inside the 75,000-seat stadium — Invesco Field at Mile High in Denver — under the direction of Bobby Allen, Spears’ former staging manager.

“We would have expected to read something like this in The Onion. Fortunately for us, it’s true. Unfortunately for Obama, it’s true,” a McCain adviser told the paper.

The elaborate set design has prompted ridicule from the McCain campaign and other Republicans, who mocked its ornate lay-out. The McCain campaign was quick to release a memo calling it the “Temple of Obama” and the Republican National Committee dubbed it “Barackopolis.”

“It’s only appropriate that Barack Obama would descend down from the heavens and spend a little time with us mere mortals when accepting the Democratic nomination,” RNC spokesman Danny Diaz told the Post.

But Spears’ stage manager defended his design, telling the paper it in no way represents the Acropolis.

“We’ve done Britney’s sets and a whole bunch of rock shows, but this was far more elaborate and complicated and we had to do it in far less time,” Allen said. “The biggest challenge has been making sure we don’t damage the playing field underneath.”

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Please post a definition of what libertarian means to you :blink:

Why? So you can ridicule me? I think my posts have pretty much spoken for themselves and you distort all words you disagree with anyway so it would be a waste of my limited typing skills....

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What will Obama say first?

Win Only, Singles Only, Applies to the exact phrase mentioned first during his acceptance speech Bets void if none of these phrases are said.

Time for Change 5 - 1

There are better days ahead 25 - 1

A new direction 40 - 1

I’d like to thank my wife 12 - 1

Make Washington work 25 - 1

Rise up in November 50 - 1

As I stand here today 12 - 1

Hard to believe 25 - 1

Believe in what this country can be 50 - 1

God Bless America 12 - 1

We cannot lose hope 25 - 1

Unity is the great need of the hour 50 - 1

Fundamental belief 12 - 1

We'll have to make hard choices 25 - 1

Serve as a model for the world 50 - 1

Defining moment 12 - 1

Make college more affordable 25 - 1

The vehicle, of your hopes, and your dreams 50 - 1

Let me be clear 14 - 1

We can be one people 25 - 1

In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope 50 - 1

War on terror 14 - 1

Faith in simple Dreams 33 - 1

Possibilities of this Nation 50 - 1

Common purpose 14 - 1

Jobs to the jobless 33 - 1

Abiding Faith 50 - 1

Politics of hope 14 - 1

In the words of JF Kennedy 33 - 1

Greatness of our nation 50 - 1

I have a dream 16 - 1

All of them with a story to tell 33 - 1

Disagree without being disagreeable 66 - 1

Crossroads of history 16 - 1

For far too long 33 - 1

Let us be the generation that begins that work 66 - 1

Pursuit of happiness 16 - 1

Washington has a long way to go 33 - 1

Brighter day will come 66 - 1

Building a better America 16 - 1

Where North, South, East and West come together 33 - 1

Failed foreign policy 66 - 1

I’m fired up 16 - 1

Reshapes our economy 33 - 1

Legacy of our forbearers 66 - 1

My civil liberties 18 - 1

Let us transform this nation 33 - 1

Where I learned the meaning of my Christian faith 66 - 1

Same old politics 18 - 1

Divided, we are bound to fail 33 - 1

Doors of opportunity 66 - 1

It won't be easy 18 - 1

Beacon of freedom 33 - 1

We have more work to do 80 - 1

Core Values 18 - 1

All men are created equal 33 - 1

Diversity if my heritage 80 - 1

Hungry for change 18 - 1

There is power in words. 40 - 1

Overcome the adversity 80 - 1

Don’t get me wrong 20 - 1

There is power in conviction. 40 - 1

Promise of future generations 80 - 1

Honor for me 20 - 1

Willing to listen to each other 40 - 1

An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind 100 - 1

Decent shot at life 20 - 1

The great Ted Kennedy 40 - 1

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names 100 - 1

Safe from harm 20 - 1

We can work together to keep our country safe 40 - 1

Let’s get ready to rumble 250 - 1

They said this day would never come 20 - 1

Deepest Gratitude 40 - 1

Life is like a box of chocolates 250 - 1

Change is coming to America 20 - 1

We all made this journey for a reason 40 - 1

Always bet on black! 500 - 1

Challenges that face us 25 - 1

Homes to the homeless 40 - 1

How many Sips of Water will Obama take

Singles Only. For this market we define a sip as when he lifts the glass from it's stance and drinks.

None 5 - 2

1 - 3 Sips 3 - 1

4 - 6 Sips 7 - 4

7 - 9 Sips 4 - 1

10 Or More Sips 11 - 4

Number of times Obama mention Change

Singles Only. Only the exact wording 'Change' counts. Applies to Barack Obama acceptance speech on Thursday 28th Aug 2008.

None 20 - 1

1 - 5 Times 8 - 1

6-10 Times 4 - 1

11 - 15 Times 3 - 1

16 - 20 Times 2 - 1

Over 20 Times 7 - 4

Who will the TV cameras cut to most

Singles Only. Applies to the celebrity listed below that is shown the most during Obama's speech on Thursday 28th Aug on CNN live coverage. Bets void if none of the below are shown. Dead Heat may apply. Applies to close up shots only.

Oprah 5 - 4

Jennifer Aniston 12 - 1

Cameron Diaz 20 - 1

George Clooney 4 - 1

Scarlett Johansson 14 - 1

Jessica Alba 25 - 1

Robert DeNiro 6 - 1

Ben Affleck 16 - 1

P Diddy 25 - 1

Will.I.Am 8 - 1

Eva Longoria 18 - 1

Paris Hilton 50 - 1

Samuel L Jackson 10 - 1

Chris Rock 20 - 1

Rev Jeremiah Wright 500 - 1

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Why? So you can ridicule me? I think my posts have pretty much spoken for themselves and you distort all words you disagree with anyway so it would be a waste of my limited typing skills....

No, actually I was going to blast you for being out of your mind, but realized "libertarian" can mean many different things to people. To me it has always been an antonym to the democratic party, you must have a different definition, that's why I asked. There are many on the net just copy and paste one, no need to waste your typing skills :)

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No, actually I was going to blast you for being out of your mind, but realized "libertarian" can mean many different things to people. To me it has always been an antonym to the democratic party, you must have a different definition, that's why I asked. There are many on the net just copy and paste one, no need to waste your typing skills :)

Well, it's kinda tricky for me because I want to protect our environment but am not against off shore drilling. I think we need to have parallel efforts to find an alternative energy source though.

I think we need to be a lot more selective in who we allow into this country, we can't open our doors to the worlds population.

I am for less government control over our personal lives and beliefs, choices such as abortion shoud be your own and should not be under government control.

I believe that with a minimum wage of what is current that many people can't afford health care and that the insurance companies are manipulating costs and making health insurance too expensive while restricting Doctors from doing the best job they can.

I believe that if you are in the upper percentile of money earners you can more easily afford to contribute more tax money.

I think we need to drastically cut spending. And that there is no one regulating the governmental spending so our tax dollars are often wasted.

I believe that we have an obligation to our fellow Americans to help them through hard times

I believe we should keep our nose out of other countries business and worry more about our own.

I believe that we spend a lot of money on foreign aid to countries that don't appreciate it. I also believe that we could still contribute to the wellbeing of the world if the contibutions were monitored better and not put into politicians on the giving and recieving ends pockets.

I believe if we don't educate everyone equally in their own area of excellence that we are propigating a lower class of individuals and that money spent on education will pay off in the long run.

I believe that industries that take their manufacturing, IT, support, etc. work outside our country should be penalized by paying more taxes therefore encouraging industry to remain in the US.

Those are just a few things I believe....

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Afaic,.. he's done plenty.

I see you have tried to hide his complete lack of any executive experience in a bunch of unrelated crap. You do know he is running to head the executive branch don't you? Where has he ever been in charge of anything? Running a senate office or tottering campaign doesn't qualify him to run the country imo.

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I see you have tried to hide his complete lack of any executive experience in a bunch of unrelated crap. You do know he is running to head the executive branch don't you? Where has he ever been in charge of anything? Running a senate office or tottering campaign doesn't qualify him to run the country imo.

You know who else had very little executive experience before he became President? Abraham Lincoln. Now, I am not in any way comparing the two people nor saying that Obama's Presidency (should he win) will end up as legendary as Lincoln's. However what it does say is that experience can be at times, overrated. There is no real way to train for the office of President, as there's no job in the country like it. We've had Presidents with shit-tons of "experience" that have fucked this place to hell and back, and we've had Presidents with hardly any that have done just fine.

It's not some unquantifiable amount of "experience" that makes you a good, even great president. It's what you do with what you're handed when you're sworn in, what you do with your Cabinet, what you do with the budget and what you do with the people. No amount of job training, questionnaires, interviews and person-to-person group activities is going to give someone an edge in the White House. It all goes out the window when you walk through the door.

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I see you have tried to hide his complete lack of any executive experience in a bunch of unrelated crap. You do know he is running to head the executive branch don't you? Where has he ever been in charge of anything? Running a senate office or tottering campaign doesn't qualify him to run the country imo.

Oh yeah, George Bush proved that's an 'critical requirement'.... :rolleyes:

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It's interesting that you can't address this issue with out bringing up somebody else (lincoln, bush, clinton etc). This happens every time. lol Everyone mentioned had plenty of problems due to their inexperience,.Why not learn and pick someone better suited rather than say "we've has inexperienced presidents before and the world didn't end, so it's ok this time too". Just address his lack of executive experience, and why they didn't pick someone better qualified to run the country.

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It's interesting that you can't address this issue with out bringing up somebody else (lincoln, bush, clinton etc). This happens every time. lol Everyone mentioned had plenty of problems due to their inexperience,.Why not learn and pick someone better suited rather than say "we've has inexperienced presidents before and the world didn't end, so it's ok this time too". Just address his lack of executive experience, and why they didn't pick someone better qualified to run the country.

Because I feel that voting for McCain is extending George Bush's legacy, and we need to reverse all the damage he's done.

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You may not be convinced; but I am. ;)


Bill,.. It's quite clear you're not voting for Obama, and you said several pages back that you don't support McCain. Who are you voting for in this election? We know who you're against (Obama and McCain), but who are you for? :whistling:

I won't decide on which 3rd part or independent candidate I'm going to vote for until the last minute, depriving you of the ability to bash "my guy" to try to take the spotlight off of "your guys" obvious short comings.

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