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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I won't decide on which 3rd part or independent candidate I'm going to vote for until the last minute, depriving you of the ability to bash "my guy" to try to take the spotlight off of "your guys" obvious short comings.

That's too bad UB because a lot of people have expressed interest in a third party and it seems you are losing an opportunity to share knowledge that could prove useful to the rest of us on the board.

Anyway, I'm curious about Del and Dergibals thoughs on

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You peoples faith in the election process is touching...misguided but touching.

Obama was chosen long ago, so get used to the idea. Not that I support him mind you, I hate them all. Can you really blame them though, I mean leaving a decision like this up to the American public is pretty ridiculous now isn't it? We've (yes I'm an American) been dumbed down to the point there are hordes of people right now complaining that Lost or Greys anatomy (or whatever the hell they show on the idiot box..I never watch it)isn't on and the convention is. You pretty much have to take important decisions out of the hands of people like us...go back to your x-boxes and keep racking up credit card bills...know your place

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Sooooooo, this massive storm heading for the Gulf, could hit New Orleans just as Bushie takes the stage at the RNC to pat himself on the back for all the good he's done did these past 8 years. Oh yeah, on the anniversary of Katrina, too.

Oh, that'll be delightful for the GOP.

Wow. So now dems are hoping for another storm to hit poor New Orleans so they can make political gains. Unfrigginbelievable.. <_<

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Wow. So now dems are hoping for another storm to hit poor New Orleans so they can make political gains. Unfrigginbelievable.. <_<

If you thought that's what I meant, you clearly don't know me at all. Nice try, though. Now I'll tell you what I actually meant, so that you can look dumb. In the wake of Katrina, Bush and his administration were blamed quite heavily for the fact that money and manpower that could have been spent helping these people, were being spent in that hell hole in the Middle East. We're supposed to help ours before we go sticking our big ass into every other country's problems. We didn't help ours. Not fast enough, not well enough. THAT'S what I meant. That the anniversary of Katrina, with another storm bearing down, with the RNC meeting to blow each other and self-congratulate, will just highlight how inept this administration was and how derelict they were in their responsibility to their citizens.

Speaking of unfrigginbelievable, maybe if Bushie hadn't dropped so much money and manpower in Iraq, perhaps New Orleans would have more funds and more hands to assist in the aftermath of Katrina. Maybe if FEMA had a more competent leader, the clean-up, rescue efforts and refugee evacuation would have gone better. Maybe if the fucked-up New Orleans city and Louisiana state governments were more focused, prepared and less-corrupt, maybe they would have had a better plan in place and would have been able to evacuate the lower wards, specifically the 9th.

Now THAT'S unfrigginbelievable.

Edited by Electrophile
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What I find interesting, Bill, is that you can't acknowledge, or refute, the points made in support of Obama's abundance of personal characteristics, skills, and life experiences that qualify him to be America's Chief Executive Officer/POTUS,

Most of the things you mention are your opinions. I disagree with them.

What is it that you think "qualifies" a person to be POTUS?

I like to see executive experience: governor, CEO, military command etc, anything where the person is responsible for making the hard decisions. Not one of a hundred or making decisions that only effect themselves, like a campaign. This is an executive position, I believe in OJT in some cases but not here.

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Im not watching the Republican Convention

Oh........... boo hoo. Who cares if you do?????? You are so predictable.

Another for the who cares coffer.

Im not watching any of convention hoopla. I really couldnt care less. To me, it would be like watching a religious rally, ala Billy Graham and his disciples.

Life goes on no matter who is president.

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As I see it, a vote for Bob Barr is, in effect, a vote for Obama.

You value your personal vote a lot more than I do. I expect my vote to be "stolen" by some illegally registered vote. The system in this state is so screwed up there is no telling what the real count is. People vote multiple times, dead people still vote years after they are dead etc. People can vote with out any ID in many places, It's a mess.

The point being I don't mind voting for an "irrelevant" candidate, because my vote won't count anyhow. I feel free to find the person I agree with the most without worrying if he/she can be elected. Sorry if you don't like it.

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Maybe if the fucked-up New Orleans city and Louisiana state governments were more focused, prepared and less-corrupt, maybe they would have had a better plan in place and would have been able to evacuate the lower wards, specifically the 9th.

Now THAT'S unfrigginbelievable.

No argument on that point. Ray Nagin, the mayor of N.O., not issuing a mandatory evacuation until less than 24 hours before the storm hit and letting hundreds of buses that could have been used to evacuate people to sit idle in parking lots . What a dufus.

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No argument on that point. Ray Nagin, the mayor of N.O., not issuing a mandatory evacuation until less than 24 hours before the storm hit and letting hundreds of buses that could have been used to evacuate people to sit idle in parking lots . What a dufus.

What pisses me off is how they claim that didn't issue that order because it looked like it wasn't going to hit NOLA dead on. Well dumbshits, you're supposed to plan for worst-case scenario, not grab your ankles and hope for the best. I'd rather everyone leave town and have not needed to than have everyone waiting around to die.

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If you disagree, how's about you identify the specific points you disagree on?

Let's see if your perspectives and perceptions can withstand a little scrutiny, eh?

I've told you how I feel, I don't intend to keep going over the same things over and over or let you make this about me. I'm not running for office. I'll make whatever observations I want, you can take it or leave it, makes no difference to me.

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No argument on that point. Ray Nagin, the mayor of N.O., not issuing a mandatory evacuation until less than 24 hours before the storm hit and letting hundreds of buses that could have been used to evacuate people to sit idle in parking lots . What a dufus.

Just a comment on the bus thing, you see there was no one to "Drive" those buses because all the qualified people "Left". The majority of the people that stayed were

elderly people that refused to leave. Many due to the fact they didn't want to leave

their pets behind if you can believe that! :o The oil companies have played a major factor in the deterioration of the wetlands from all the pipeline canals dredged over the years.That coupled with the Mississippi delta being leveed to keep the river from overflowing it's banks and laying sediment.

But yeah all those other factors about government added to the chaos.

Fortunately I don't live in Orleans parish proper but in a neighboring parish.

So I had no say in electing Chocholate city willy.

As a side note our Gov at the time was a Dem and Bush wanted to Federalize the state which would have striped the Gov of power over the state, so while this pissn' match was going on people were freakin drowning So F$#K all of them :angry:

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he has evidenced good judgment, foresight, and wisdom

Sure, he evidenced good judgment when he became involved with Tony Rezko AFTER he was revealed to be under investigation for bribes, kickbacks and "efforts to illegally obtain millions of dollars."

click for the full story from ABC News.

He associated with Jeremiah Wright for over twenty years before finally publicly denouncing him to alleviate building pressure from all sides that was proving detrimental to his campaign.

For twenty years he gave his tacit approval to Wright and all his messages of hate, devisiveness and outright anti-Americanism by regularly attending Wright's services, as well as personal interaction as his chosen religious counsel.

Great judgment in referring to a potential unwanted pregnancy of his daughter as being "punished with a baby."

Make what you will of his opposition to "born-alive" infants who survive abortion. :wacko:

Seriously though.. (speaking now to the real spirit of your question)..

Beyond being Constitutionally qualified, I think Barack Obama possesses an abundance of personal qualities that make him very well qualified and prepared to hold the office of POTUS. He is extraordinarily intelligent (as evidenced by his graduating magnum cum laude from Harvard Law School and his having been the President of the Harvard Law Review); he is thoughtful and inquisitive; he is open-minded; he has displayed an even temperament; he has evidenced good judgment, foresight, and wisdom; he is compassionate and holds dear humanitarian values and principles; he is clearly an excellent manager of resources and personnel; he's inspirational; he's a uniter, not a divider;

he's visionary; he has a grasp of international issues and of America's place/role in the world; he recognizes the magnitude of the threat of Global Warming and the threat of militant Islamic extremism, and he has the fortitude to confront both those threats; he sees America as the religious and ethnic melting-pot that it is rather than being stuck in an outdated Caucasian-Christian-centric perception of America; he clearly values diplomacy and understands of power of America being a central part of the international community rather than being apart from the international community; he believes in a strong military that she be deployed thoughtfully and responsibly; he believes in regulated free-market capitalism, and economic policies that strengthen America's middle class rather than policies that cater to the wealthiest of the wealthy in America; he believes in democratic values and principles, and recognizes that America's example as a free and open democracy is the best way to promote democracy throughout the world and that democracy cannot be imposed on other nations by force.

I could go on and on about the intangible qualities attributes if personal character Barack Obama possess that I believe qualify him to be POTUS. But my doing so will not impact the opinions of those who have already decided, for their own reasons, that he is not qualified. It is every Americans right and prerogative to vote the for the candidate they feel is MOST qualified. While people may hold the position that John McCain is more qualified than Barack Obama, I think it's rather unfair (if not a bit absurd) to assert that Barack Obama is not qualified at all to swerve as POTUS.

"What has he "done"?", you ask.

He rose out of a single-parent broken family of origin and went to Harvard law School where he graduated magnum cum laude (ie, 'with highest honors');

he was elected the first-ever African American president of the Harvard law Review; he was elected to serve in the Illinois state senate; he was elected to serve in US senate;

and he has secured the nomination to be the democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, the first-ever African American to be nominated by either major political party in America.

He has passed bipartisan legislation in Illinois to help decrease the likelihood of unjust death row executions based of "coerced" or fabricated confessions; and as a US senator he co-authored the most sweeping bi-partisan ethics reform legislation in the history of Congress. He's gotten where he is toady.. about to accept (in a few hours) an historic nomination to be the Democratic candidate for POTUS.. by virtue of his extraordinary intelligence and his rigorous work ethic.

Afaic,.. he's done plenty. ;)

That big ol' pink paragraph is all opinion -

YOU believe he has the fortitude.

YOU believe his policies will strengthen the middle class.

Etc., ad nauseum.

He has DEMONSTRATED a lack of understanding of many of the points you make -

economy, terrorism, national security, energy, etc.

They are creating an element of emotion to try and sweep up first-time voters who have no clue about the world with a lot of posturing, image-creation and yes, religious overtones.

And with the media in total lockstep with his campaign they are trying to push him into office.

Hell, Good Morning, America is a 2-hour Obama campaign promo 5 days a week.

Hey Robin Roberts, how are they "re-writing history?"

Maybe MAKING history, but you can't re-write it.

Not that the media doesn't try, by proliferating misconceptions and ignoring facts.

But it's all about impressions and emotions, no room for any of those pesky facts.

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Speaking of unfrigginbelievable, maybe if Bushie hadn't dropped so much money and manpower in Iraq, perhaps New Orleans would have more funds and more hands to assist in the aftermath of Katrina.

All the funds they've ever had for years and years and years have been swindled away in bribes, kickbacks and whatnot while they made minimal and shoddy reinforcement of the levees.

More money wouldn't have prevented what happened, it just would have made all the corrupt Lousiana politicians even richer.

The blame falls on Nagin and Blanco first and foremost.

They HAVE to make the call, Bush couldn't make it for them, and although he did contact them first, they still vacillated and procrastinated until it was WAY too late to avoid a major disaster.

Bush not doing a good job cleaning up behind Nagin and Blanco's fuckuppery is pretty unfair when it could have been so much easier to manage had they DONE THEIR FUCKIN' JOBS.

In other words, they delayed, and probably made the disaster 10 times the magnitude, in terms of effort required, than if they'd done things right to begin with.


If I say I'll lend you some money if you get behind on your bills to get you caught up, but instead of asking me for $300 when you see you're not gonna be able to pay them, you wait until you're about to be evicted, have your car repo'd, etc, and THEN call me asking for $3,000, are you going to then criticize me because I don't have enough to pay the amounts you let accrue, instead of the small amount it would have taken had you called me in time?

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BTW, anyone notice the big slobbery smack B.O. planted on Biden's wife - on teh lips, baybeee!

:lolo: Hey, I brought you along for the ride, the least you can do is let me bust tongues with the little lady! :lolo:

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